Global Warming Hoax What a Jokes!

Since warming is fact based on the rise in temperatures over a long period of time, the questions become:

Why would rising temperatures be considered part of a hoax? How would create the hoax and why? Is keeping a cleaner world worth the effort?

Who benefits right now, if warming is not natural but man made? And given the short life span each of us possess, who really cares what the future brings? Should we care?

Why is it the corporate side of the ideological spectrum are the deniers? If any cost is added to making a profit who suffers?

Weird how science today is questioned not on its merits, but from ideology? Time will tell, but we will all be dead so who cares?

"It is not enough to ask, ‘Will my act harm other people?’ Even if the answer is No, my act may still be wrong, because of its effects on other people. I should ask, ‘Will my act be one of a set of acts that will together harm other people?’ The answer may be Yes. And the harm to others may be great." Derek Parfit

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