Girl suspended for saying ‘bless you’ at school

Even though I consider saying "Bless you" after someone sneezes to be silliness, I find making a big deal out of it to the point of suspending a child from school to be the definition of asinine.

There is zero evidence she was "suspended". For that matter there is zero evidence the incident had anything to do with saying "bless you". This is a bullshit "story".
She wasn't suspended. She was removed from the class for the rest of the period. It is called in school suspension. She was being punished, yes, because she intentionally disrupted class. Probably was also belligerent about it. She was not suspended from school at all: it's in the article. This is indeed a BS story. Kids pull that 'bless you' thing in mass just to disrupt the class. This kid may have had an additional agenda regarding religion.

It's all very manipulative and a lot of BS--the girl, the press, the Christian outrage.

This girl knows her audience, doesn't she? Billy Graham....move over.
Did you see the picture of the white board that listed words/phrases not acceptable in that classroom?

While you're in here accusing everyone of jumping to conclusions and believing everything they read, you're doing the exact same thing with your source being an atheist blog? And you consider yourself an intellectual? Or should I say, attempt to pass yourself off as one? Please, spare us the bullshit.

Uh --- where did I ever say that, speaking of bullshit? Fabricate much? :link:

Yes I saw the whiteboard and much more. I saw enough of the OP to tell me the title and its purported story reeks of bullshit, and I found out why. Part of what I posted was a reported conversation with the school prinicpal --- I found that site through a search on the terms, specifically the proper names and I got that quote, which makes no conclusions about what went down, in fact the writer specifically noted he's in no position to know that.

And it's not an "atheist blog"; it's an atheist's blog. This particular article was not about atheism or about religion. No doubt the blogger looked into the story out of his interest in such matters (who else would be doing it? A plumber?) but he never made it about atheism or about religion. As he noted neither he nor we were there to hear the phrase, intonation, loudness, etc, so context is something we can imagine.

Unless we have more background, like this from the pastor's husband

Rev. Winegardner suggests that the unnamed Dyer County High School teacher’s response to Kendra’s comment may have been due to feeling as if her authority was being openly challenged, rather than being wholly based on a religious issue.

According to Winegardner, this incident took place in a typing class wherein the teacher speaks commands and tries to get the students to get used to the keyboard.

“This may be more of a case of a teacher who required absolute silence and also had difficulty with words and phrases being used as well,” he said. “I know the media is trying hard to make this all about religion, but part of it is about how different teachers teach.” (here)​

As I said, all indications tell us this is about challenging authority -- not religion.

Now how is a Nosebook post, which has already been indicated above to be agenda-driven by the student herself, some kind of more credible source than a quote from the principal, the girl's pastor and her own agenda given in her press conference? Tell me, why would a genuine martyr be holding a press conference?

And do tell me what's 'credible' about taking sites that say "girl says she was suspended for saying 'bless you'" and morphing that into "girl WAS suspended for saying 'bless you'"?

I'll enjoy those links when you can find 'em. Like you did last time.

Denialists... :eusa_hand:

You found out why??? Seriously? From a writer on an atheist blog that has no clue what happened? Wasn't there? Had nothing to do with the story? Who is biased? Like I said, f'in nuts.

As always, reading comprehension is crucial. What I "found out" was the answer to what precedes that in the post-- why the story line smelled like bullshit -- because (obviously) there's another side, and that site gave me the first indication what that other side was. Which was then aiffirmed by others. Including the student herself.

And again I've seen absolute zero in the way of indications to its contrary. But the floor is still open to something with a little more substance than "you people are 'f'n nuts". :blahblah:

What was affirmed by the student herself?

The other side of the story. Specifically here:

"I want God to be able to be talked about in school. I want them to realize that God is in control and they're not."

Doesn't get much Freudianly plainer than that.
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We are living in a country where hypersensitivity is more increasingly the norm than the exception.

As you said earlier -- ya think?? :beer:

And there's always somebody ready to make a buck or push an agenda with those handy social buttons.
What I'm learning from this is that, at least to some posters, school girls never lie....especially on Facebook like sites.
Of course! When all else fails, accuse the person of telling a lie! Won't work here, Bodecea. His reputation has already been established. Somewhat like those who have the habit of making false accusations against Christians. You know, after awhile they lose their credibility.
Because school girls never lie.....right?
What I'm learning from this is that, at least to some posters, school girls never lie....especially on Facebook like sites.
Of course! When all else fails, accuse the person of telling a lie! Won't work here, Bodecea. His reputation has already been established. Somewhat like those who have the habit of making false accusations against Christians. You know, after awhile they lose their credibility.
Because school girls never lie.....right?

Have you ever been found that you have accused someone of lying when they were innocent? Let's start there, Bodecea.
Even though I consider saying "Bless you" after someone sneezes to be silliness, I find making a big deal out of it to the point of suspending a child from school to be the definition of asinine.

There is zero evidence she was "suspended". For that matter there is zero evidence the incident had anything to do with saying "bless you". This is a bullshit "story".
to be fair, there is've just chosen not to believe it....
But based on other evidence...what the school has said...her statements do not seem reliable. And based on many cases of claimed religious intolerance by teachers, this one seems more likely to fall into the category of untrue.

I believe the most likely scenario is that the girl shouted or yelled or otherwise made some obnoxious point in her "Bless you" and it was the attitude and disrespect that got her sent to the office.

The in school suspension was normal procedure for being sent to the principal and not a direct consequence of her words.
you too have made a choice regarding which evidence you believe....

Hearsay is not "evidence". If you actually did spend time in court as you claim, you'd know that. Hell, journalists know that --- real journalists that is, not this malarkey --- which is why they always get another source to confirm if it's a straightforward event, and if there's another view, to get that for balance. This "story" has neither.
???....I do spend time in court....I am an is why I know first hand testimony is not hearsay......
So, is what the girl is saying: Is this TESTIMONY? Is this what you are saying is testimony even though this girl is NOT in court and has not sworn to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me God?

No, I was thinking of the students..........

I guess I just don't get the point of your question? Do you believe the girl is lying? If so, why?
I don't know if the girl is lying or not Newby....especially about the part where she says the eteachers said that kind of talk belonged in church.....why would a teacher say that? she did not say GOD BLESS YOU, she said only "bless you" and why would the teacher have a white board with alist of all the things she did not want her class to say or do, ALL THINGS on the list secular things, not RELIGIOUS things....that she listed to keep her class in order? I am speculating, but it appears that the kids in her class used "sneezes and bless yous" to disrupt the class and this is why she had that term listed on the board with all the DON'TS that she wanted to not see in her that the class would not be disrupted by children's antics....

I have seen many cases over the years that would qualify as atheist trying to silence God out of the public square....but by no means do I see this, as the way it was presented by just this girl, one of least not yet....there are NOT enough facts posted,, and there simply is no proof of it being otherwise....

Where did that 'appear' (bolded), that was all speculation as to why she would ban it from her class. No one has ever said that disruption from people sneezing ever happened at all. Why would 'stupid' be banned? How would that be used as a 'disruption' to the class? All the words on the list sound like words she dislikes, not things that cause any disruption.

The girl had no reason to lie, yet because this goes against the liberal political agenda, you all jump on her and call her a liar. Pretty sad if you ask me.
I don't think it is sad Newby, I think it is sensible to want to know the full story before JUMPING to conclusions....

I surmised this is why the teacher had this statement of Bless you, on her board of don'ts, She did not have on there she wanted to hear no mention of the word GOD did she? NO.....

I think it is sad that people on this board have PRESUMED the teacher is at fault here WITHOUT hearing the teacher's side of the story or why she had "bless you" as part of her DON'TS on the white board....would she really spell it out and put it on her white board, that she is against god and wants no mention of God as you all are presuming, when that is against the law?

You have to admit putting bless you off limits is a bit petty regardless.

I figure if you talk to kids like they're equals they don't tend to challenge your authority.
This I see as a likely reason (because we used to pull this) is supposed to be quiet for test or whatever....someone sneezes (real or not)....EVERYONE starts saying "bless you"...etc. not all at once but as a cascading effect. Sounds like this teacher is wise to that trick.
Too bad capital punishment isn't authorized....
I know...I'd like to have that teacher killed for trying to control her classroom.

No, I was thinking of the students....not the teacher.
What I'm learning from this is that, at least to some posters, school girls never lie....especially on Facebook like sites.
Of course! When all else fails, accuse the person of telling a lie! Won't work here, Bodecea. His reputation has already been established. Somewhat like those who have the habit of making false accusations against Christians. You know, after awhile they lose their credibility.
Because school girls never lie.....right?

Have you ever been found that you have accused someone of lying when they were innocent? Let's start there, Bodecea.
Because school girls never lie, right?
Even though I consider saying "Bless you" after someone sneezes to be silliness, I find making a big deal out of it to the point of suspending a child from school to be the definition of asinine.

There is zero evidence she was "suspended". For that matter there is zero evidence the incident had anything to do with saying "bless you". This is a bullshit "story".
to be fair, there is've just chosen not to believe it....
But based on other evidence...what the school has said...her statements do not seem reliable. And based on many cases of claimed religious intolerance by teachers, this one seems more likely to fall into the category of untrue.

I believe the most likely scenario is that the girl shouted or yelled or otherwise made some obnoxious point in her "Bless you" and it was the attitude and disrespect that got her sent to the office.

The in school suspension was normal procedure for being sent to the principal and not a direct consequence of her words.
you too have made a choice regarding which evidence you believe....

Hearsay is not "evidence". If you actually did spend time in court as you claim, you'd know that. Hell, journalists know that --- real journalists that is, not this malarkey --- which is why they always get another source to confirm if it's a straightforward event, and if there's another view, to get that for balance. This "story" has neither.
???....I do spend time in court....I am an is why I know first hand testimony is not hearsay......
So, is what the girl is saying: Is this TESTIMONY? Is this what you are saying is testimony even though this girl is NOT in court and has not sworn to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me God?

No, I was thinking of the students..........

I guess I just don't get the point of your question? Do you believe the girl is lying? If so, why?
I don't know if the girl is lying or not Newby....especially about the part where she says the eteachers said that kind of talk belonged in church.....why would a teacher say that? she did not say GOD BLESS YOU, she said only "bless you" and why would the teacher have a white board with alist of all the things she did not want her class to say or do, ALL THINGS on the list secular things, not RELIGIOUS things....that she listed to keep her class in order? I am speculating, but it appears that the kids in her class used "sneezes and bless yous" to disrupt the class and this is why she had that term listed on the board with all the DON'TS that she wanted to not see in her that the class would not be disrupted by children's antics....

I have seen many cases over the years that would qualify as atheist trying to silence God out of the public square....but by no means do I see this, as the way it was presented by just this girl, one of least not yet....there are NOT enough facts posted,, and there simply is no proof of it being otherwise....

Where did that 'appear' (bolded), that was all speculation as to why she would ban it from her class. No one has ever said that disruption from people sneezing ever happened at all. Why would 'stupid' be banned? How would that be used as a 'disruption' to the class? All the words on the list sound like words she dislikes, not things that cause any disruption.

The girl had no reason to lie, yet because this goes against the liberal political agenda, you all jump on her and call her a liar. Pretty sad if you ask me.
I don't think it is sad Newby, I think it is sensible to want to know the full story before JUMPING to conclusions....

I surmised this is why the teacher had this statement of Bless you, on her board of don'ts, She did not have on there she wanted to hear no mention of the word GOD did she? NO.....

I think it is sad that people on this board have PRESUMED the teacher is at fault here WITHOUT hearing the teacher's side of the story or why she had "bless you" as part of her DON'TS on the white board....would she really spell it out and put it on her white board, that she is against god and wants no mention of God as you all are presuming, when that is against the law?

You have to admit putting bless you off limits is a bit petty regardless.

I figure if you talk to kids like they're equals they don't tend to challenge your authority.
This I see as a likely reason (because we used to pull this) is supposed to be quiet for test or whatever....someone sneezes (real or not)....EVERYONE starts saying "bless you"...etc. not all at once but as a cascading effect. Sounds like this teacher is wise to that trick.
Too bad capital punishment isn't authorized....
I know...I'd like to have that teacher killed for trying to control her classroom.

No, I was thinking of the students....not the teacher.
Of course you were. :rolleyes:
Even though I consider saying "Bless you" after someone sneezes to be silliness, I find making a big deal out of it to the point of suspending a child from school to be the definition of asinine.

There is zero evidence she was "suspended". For that matter there is zero evidence the incident had anything to do with saying "bless you". This is a bullshit "story".
to be fair, there is've just chosen not to believe it....
But based on other evidence...what the school has said...her statements do not seem reliable. And based on many cases of claimed religious intolerance by teachers, this one seems more likely to fall into the category of untrue.

I believe the most likely scenario is that the girl shouted or yelled or otherwise made some obnoxious point in her "Bless you" and it was the attitude and disrespect that got her sent to the office.

The in school suspension was normal procedure for being sent to the principal and not a direct consequence of her words.
you too have made a choice regarding which evidence you believe....

Hearsay is not "evidence". If you actually did spend time in court as you claim, you'd know that. Hell, journalists know that --- real journalists that is, not this malarkey --- which is why they always get another source to confirm if it's a straightforward event, and if there's another view, to get that for balance. This "story" has neither.
???....I do spend time in court....I am an is why I know first hand testimony is not hearsay......
So, is what the girl is saying: Is this TESTIMONY? Is this what you are saying is testimony even though this girl is NOT in court and has not sworn to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me God?

No, I was thinking of the students..........

I guess I just don't get the point of your question? Do you believe the girl is lying? If so, why?
I don't know if the girl is lying or not Newby....especially about the part where she says the eteachers said that kind of talk belonged in church.....why would a teacher say that? she did not say GOD BLESS YOU, she said only "bless you" and why would the teacher have a white board with alist of all the things she did not want her class to say or do, ALL THINGS on the list secular things, not RELIGIOUS things....that she listed to keep her class in order? I am speculating, but it appears that the kids in her class used "sneezes and bless yous" to disrupt the class and this is why she had that term listed on the board with all the DON'TS that she wanted to not see in her that the class would not be disrupted by children's antics....

I have seen many cases over the years that would qualify as atheist trying to silence God out of the public square....but by no means do I see this, as the way it was presented by just this girl, one of least not yet....there are NOT enough facts posted,, and there simply is no proof of it being otherwise....

Where did that 'appear' (bolded), that was all speculation as to why she would ban it from her class. No one has ever said that disruption from people sneezing ever happened at all. Why would 'stupid' be banned? How would that be used as a 'disruption' to the class? All the words on the list sound like words she dislikes, not things that cause any disruption.

The girl had no reason to lie, yet because this goes against the liberal political agenda, you all jump on her and call her a liar. Pretty sad if you ask me.
I don't think it is sad Newby, I think it is sensible to want to know the full story before JUMPING to conclusions....

I surmised this is why the teacher had this statement of Bless you, on her board of don'ts, She did not have on there she wanted to hear no mention of the word GOD did she? NO.....

I think it is sad that people on this board have PRESUMED the teacher is at fault here WITHOUT hearing the teacher's side of the story or why she had "bless you" as part of her DON'TS on the white board....would she really spell it out and put it on her white board, that she is against god and wants no mention of God as you all are presuming, when that is against the law?

You have to admit putting bless you off limits is a bit petty regardless.

I figure if you talk to kids like they're equals they don't tend to challenge your authority.
This I see as a likely reason (because we used to pull this) is supposed to be quiet for test or whatever....someone sneezes (real or not)....EVERYONE starts saying "bless you"...etc. not all at once but as a cascading effect. Sounds like this teacher is wise to that trick.
Too bad capital punishment isn't authorized....
I know...I'd like to have that teacher killed for trying to control her classroom.

No, I was thinking of the students....not the teacher.
Of course you were. :rolleyes:

It was supposed to be a joke, but you ruined it......

Even though I consider saying "Bless you" after someone sneezes to be silliness, I find making a big deal out of it to the point of suspending a child from school to be the definition of asinine.

There is zero evidence she was "suspended". For that matter there is zero evidence the incident had anything to do with saying "bless you". This is a bullshit "story".
to be fair, there is've just chosen not to believe it....
But based on other evidence...what the school has said...her statements do not seem reliable. And based on many cases of claimed religious intolerance by teachers, this one seems more likely to fall into the category of untrue.

I believe the most likely scenario is that the girl shouted or yelled or otherwise made some obnoxious point in her "Bless you" and it was the attitude and disrespect that got her sent to the office.

The in school suspension was normal procedure for being sent to the principal and not a direct consequence of her words.
you too have made a choice regarding which evidence you believe....

Hearsay is not "evidence". If you actually did spend time in court as you claim, you'd know that. Hell, journalists know that --- real journalists that is, not this malarkey --- which is why they always get another source to confirm if it's a straightforward event, and if there's another view, to get that for balance. This "story" has neither.
???....I do spend time in court....I am an is why I know first hand testimony is not hearsay......
So, is what the girl is saying: Is this TESTIMONY? Is this what you are saying is testimony even though this girl is NOT in court and has not sworn to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me God?
never said it was....I said it was evidence.....if that evidence was submitted in court it would be testimony....
And btw since WGN is in Chicago (which is not in Tennessee), here's the page from WMC in Memphis where they got the story, complete with that station's "report". Notice once again that they describe the whole thing as "social media" story, that it's carefully worded to report not what happened but what the girl says happened, and that their sources consist entirely of the girl and her pastor -- and not a word from the school. Entirely from one side.

Wake UP folks. You're being played like a cheap banjo. TV "news" is not put there to disseminate the news. It's put there to sell soap.

Did you see the picture of the white board that listed words/phrases not acceptable in that classroom?

While you're in here accusing everyone of jumping to conclusions and believing everything they read, you're doing the exact same thing with your source being an atheist blog? And you consider yourself an intellectual? Or should I say, attempt to pass yourself off as one? Please, spare us the bullshit.

Uh --- where did I ever say that, speaking of bullshit? Fabricate much? :link:

Yes I saw the whiteboard and much more. I saw enough of the OP to tell me the title and its purported story reeks of bullshit, and I found out why. Part of what I posted was a reported conversation with the school prinicpal --- I found that site through a search on the terms, specifically the proper names and I got that quote, which makes no conclusions about what went down, in fact the writer specifically noted he's in no position to know that.

And it's not an "atheist blog"; it's an atheist's blog. This particular article was not about atheism or about religion. No doubt the blogger looked into the story out of his interest in such matters (who else would be doing it? A plumber?) but he never made it about atheism or about religion. As he noted neither he nor we were there to hear the phrase, intonation, loudness, etc, so context is something we can imagine.

Unless we have more background, like this from the pastor's husband

Rev. Winegardner suggests that the unnamed Dyer County High School teacher’s response to Kendra’s comment may have been due to feeling as if her authority was being openly challenged, rather than being wholly based on a religious issue.

According to Winegardner, this incident took place in a typing class wherein the teacher speaks commands and tries to get the students to get used to the keyboard.

“This may be more of a case of a teacher who required absolute silence and also had difficulty with words and phrases being used as well,” he said. “I know the media is trying hard to make this all about religion, but part of it is about how different teachers teach.” (here)​

As I said, all indications tell us this is about challenging authority -- not religion.

Now how is a Nosebook post, which has already been indicated above to be agenda-driven by the student herself, some kind of more credible source than a quote from the principal, the girl's pastor and her own agenda given in her press conference? Tell me, why would a genuine martyr be holding a press conference?

And do tell me what's 'credible' about taking sites that say "girl says she was suspended for saying 'bless you'" and morphing that into "girl WAS suspended for saying 'bless you'"?

I'll enjoy those links when you can find 'em. Like you did last time.

Denialists... :eusa_hand:

You found out why??? Seriously? From a writer on an atheist blog that has no clue what happened? Wasn't there? Had nothing to do with the story? Who is biased? Like I said, f'in nuts.

So---- you have nothing. Again, like last time. And btw where is any contradiction to what I, the blogger quoting the principal, the Reverend Winegardner, or Kendra herself said in her press conference?

Where, indeed.

His entire story is a contradiction! Half of his 'story' is a completely fake theory on what he thought actually happened which completely contradicted the girl's own words.

What don't you get about your source being totally corrupt? Dude, you need serious help!

Your links to evidence of this "corruption" are no doubt coming with those links to my claim to be an "intellectual".

Yeah that's the ticket.

By all means, make the case for us that being an atheist makes one dishonest. Why not just give us the whole ranking list. Are Presbyterians more credible than Episcopalians perhaps? Inquiring minds wanna know. This site would like to know too. You could shut them down.

I didn't say it made him dishonest, I said it made him biased, and his 'theory', which completely contradicts what the girl said happened, has absolutely no bearing whatsoever on the validity of her claims. He's a nobody, his opinion is as meaningless as yours, and for you to try to hold it up as some kind of 'evidence' in this thread is beyond ridiculous.

I haven't been claiming "evidence" -- that's that Postmodernprof guy. That's why we're taking him to task for pretending a Facebook post is "evidence" and even "testimony".
so many errors in such a short statement....
BTW, these quotes are pissing me off.

You are correct sir. I suggested earlier that posters should be lopping off the older irrelevant stuff but it doesn't seem to be happening and as I found when I did it, it's also a lotta work. Now I'm thinking maybe we should have a nest limitation after all. Maybe half a dozen layers. That one above (the joke) has eighteen. The one immediately above this one doesn't even have a post in it.
What I'm learning from this is that, at least to some posters, school girls never lie....especially on Facebook like sites.
Of course! When all else fails, accuse the person of telling a lie! Won't work here, Bodecea. His reputation has already been established. Somewhat like those who have the habit of making false accusations against Christians. You know, after awhile they lose their credibility.
Because school girls never lie.....right?
Pogo was just here looking for you....he said no one has called her a liar.....
BTW, these quotes are pissing me off.

You are correct sir. I suggested earlier that posters should be lopping off the older irrelevant stuff but it doesn't seem to be happening and as I found when I did it, it's also a lotta work. Now I'm thinking maybe we should have a nest limitation after all. Maybe half a dozen layers. That one above (the joke) has eighteen. The one immediately above this one doesn't even have a post in it.

I think two layers would do it.
What I'm learning from this is that, at least to some posters, school girls never lie....especially on Facebook like sites.
Of course! When all else fails, accuse the person of telling a lie! Won't work here, Bodecea. His reputation has already been established. Somewhat like those who have the habit of making false accusations against Christians. You know, after awhile they lose their credibility.
Because school girls never lie.....right?
Pogo was just here looking for you....he said no one has called her a liar.....

That's not what she says right there, is it?
BTW, these quotes are pissing me off.

You are correct sir. I suggested earlier that posters should be lopping off the older irrelevant stuff but it doesn't seem to be happening and as I found when I did it, it's also a lotta work. Now I'm thinking maybe we should have a nest limitation after all. Maybe half a dozen layers. That one above (the joke) has eighteen. The one immediately above this one doesn't even have a post in it.

I think two layers would do it.

I'm thinking more like six. Do we remember what it used to be? I know it was more than two and I know there were times whatever that limit was wasn't enough. But it doesn't really get top-heavy until a bit more.

I'll take this point to the Bug thread. But for now we posters really should be diligent about lopping off unneeded context.
What I'm learning from this is that, at least to some posters, school girls never lie....especially on Facebook like sites.
Of course! When all else fails, accuse the person of telling a lie! Won't work here, Bodecea. His reputation has already been established. Somewhat like those who have the habit of making false accusations against Christians. You know, after awhile they lose their credibility.
Because school girls never lie.....right?
Pogo was just here looking for you....he said no one has called her a liar.....

That's not what she says right there, is it?
????....yes.....did you think she said the girl was an excellent cook?.......
What I'm learning from this is that, at least to some posters, school girls never lie....especially on Facebook like sites.
Of course! When all else fails, accuse the person of telling a lie! Won't work here, Bodecea. His reputation has already been established. Somewhat like those who have the habit of making false accusations against Christians. You know, after awhile they lose their credibility.
Because school girls never lie.....right?
Pogo was just here looking for you....he said no one has called her a liar.....

That's not what she says right there, is it?
????....yes.....did you think she said the girl was an excellent cook?.......

You're going to tell us you actually don't see the distinction between (1) calling someone a liar, and (2) suggesting that the other party believes that person is incapable of lying? Really?

And you work in court? What do you do, run the PA system? :lol:

How 'bout the distinction between saying "girl says she was suspended" and "girl was suspended"?

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