Girl suspended for saying ‘bless you’ at school

Even though I consider saying "Bless you" after someone sneezes to be silliness, I find making a big deal out of it to the point of suspending a child from school to be the definition of asinine.

There is zero evidence she was "suspended". For that matter there is zero evidence the incident had anything to do with saying "bless you". This is a bullshit "story".
to be fair, there is've just chosen not to believe it....

So................... Where is it? :link:
the first hand testimony of the girl......that would be considered evidence in any court.....

:lol: And people wonder why Teachers need Tenure......
I'm sorry, I don't understand your point, so I don't know how to respond......I doubt this teacher is at risk of being fired, so whether she has tenure should have no bearing.....
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Even though I consider saying "Bless you" after someone sneezes to be silliness, I find making a big deal out of it to the point of suspending a child from school to be the definition of asinine.

There is zero evidence she was "suspended". For that matter there is zero evidence the incident had anything to do with saying "bless you". This is a bullshit "story".
to be fair, there is've just chosen not to believe it....
But based on other evidence...what the school has said...her statements do not seem reliable. And based on many cases of claimed religious intolerance by teachers, this one seems more likely to fall into the category of untrue.

I believe the most likely scenario is that the girl shouted or yelled or otherwise made some obnoxious point in her "Bless you" and it was the attitude and disrespect that got her sent to the office.

The in school suspension was normal procedure for being sent to the principal and not a direct consequence of her words.
you too have made a choice regarding which evidence you believe....
And you didn't? Ahhhh, but you did PMP.....

Did you see the whiteboard or even mention it, or the other terms she disallowed which out numbered "bless you" 10 to 1 and had nothing to do with God?

And OF COURSE, I said in my post, that this was "my take" on the issue based on the article in the first post given....
Even though I consider saying "Bless you" after someone sneezes to be silliness, I find making a big deal out of it to the point of suspending a child from school to be the definition of asinine.

There is zero evidence she was "suspended". For that matter there is zero evidence the incident had anything to do with saying "bless you". This is a bullshit "story".
to be fair, there is've just chosen not to believe it....

So................... Where is it? :link:
the first hand testimony of the girl......that would be considered evidence in any court.....
Not without cross examination....or a second witness...
of course she can be cross examined.......a second witness is not a requirement.....I am in court every day.....a plaintiff testifies, a defendant testifies.....the testimony is contradictory, a judge must decide which to believe.....
So, are you saying you believe THIS testimony by this girl, without her being cross examined? Are you saying this girl's testimony is EVIDENCE that what she claims actually happened?
Even though I consider saying "Bless you" after someone sneezes to be silliness, I find making a big deal out of it to the point of suspending a child from school to be the definition of asinine.

There is zero evidence she was "suspended". For that matter there is zero evidence the incident had anything to do with saying "bless you". This is a bullshit "story".
to be fair, there is've just chosen not to believe it....
But based on other evidence...what the school has said...her statements do not seem reliable. And based on many cases of claimed religious intolerance by teachers, this one seems more likely to fall into the category of untrue.

I believe the most likely scenario is that the girl shouted or yelled or otherwise made some obnoxious point in her "Bless you" and it was the attitude and disrespect that got her sent to the office.

The in school suspension was normal procedure for being sent to the principal and not a direct consequence of her words.
you too have made a choice regarding which evidence you believe....
And you didn't? Ahhhh, but you did PMP.....
actually I have not yet decided.....I merely commented on the claim "there is zero evidence".......
Even though I consider saying "Bless you" after someone sneezes to be silliness, I find making a big deal out of it to the point of suspending a child from school to be the definition of asinine.

There is zero evidence she was "suspended". For that matter there is zero evidence the incident had anything to do with saying "bless you". This is a bullshit "story".
to be fair, there is've just chosen not to believe it....

So................... Where is it? :link:
the first hand testimony of the girl......that would be considered evidence in any court.....
Not without cross examination....or a second witness...
of course she can be cross examined.......a second witness is not a requirement.....I am in court every day.....a plaintiff testifies, a defendant testifies.....the testimony is contradictory, a judge must decide which to believe.....
So, are you saying you believe THIS testimony by this girl, without her being cross examined? Are you saying this girl's testimony is EVIDENCE that what she claims actually happened?
to the first question I have not yet decided who to the second question, yes, without hesitation I can say her testimony is evidence which must be considered in order to make that decision......

Modern Democrats make Uncle Joe Smile
I personally 100% believe there is a secular PC cultural war against Christian's in America.

Just an astute observation.......... :cool:

Obviously it didn't take much to sway you.

Sunni Man made an excellent observation and you respond with a personal attack for what reason? What astute observation can we gather from what you've attempted to do here? Any idea, Pogo? He's right and you are trying to put him off and derail him. Why?
Oh, common, this "bless you" thing is driving everyone absolutely crazy - why? To say "bless you" after someone sneezes is unconventional social tradition, you need to be Sheldon Cooper not to understand that.
Even though I consider saying "Bless you" after someone sneezes to be silliness, I find making a big deal out of it to the point of suspending a child from school to be the definition of asinine.

There is zero evidence she was "suspended". For that matter there is zero evidence the incident had anything to do with saying "bless you". This is a bullshit "story".
to be fair, there is've just chosen not to believe it....

So................... Where is it? :link:
the first hand testimony of the girl......that would be considered evidence in any court.....
Not without cross examination....or a second witness...

-- which is completely absent here, at least in the news stories posted in the OP and the endless stream of its mirror blogs in the Google echo chamber.
Even though I consider saying "Bless you" after someone sneezes to be silliness, I find making a big deal out of it to the point of suspending a child from school to be the definition of asinine.

There is zero evidence she was "suspended". For that matter there is zero evidence the incident had anything to do with saying "bless you". This is a bullshit "story".
to be fair, there is've just chosen not to believe it....
But based on other evidence...what the school has said...her statements do not seem reliable. And based on many cases of claimed religious intolerance by teachers, this one seems more likely to fall into the category of untrue.

I believe the most likely scenario is that the girl shouted or yelled or otherwise made some obnoxious point in her "Bless you" and it was the attitude and disrespect that got her sent to the office.

The in school suspension was normal procedure for being sent to the principal and not a direct consequence of her words.

It just smells of a martyr complex given what we have of both sides -- the girl said whatever she said, was told not to disrupt class, chose to make it into a "religion/free speech" issue, walked out on her own and then posted "poor me" on Nosebook. And the media always hungry for controversy started drooling, didn't get another side of the story (or didn't want one since it would buzzkill the story) and ran with it based on nothing but a Nosebook post. Then gullible message board posters start drooling and run the same way.

That's why I keep saying this is about the uncurious unwashed who willingly swallow this journalistic snake oil without bothering to cock a critical eye. And that's not a good habit.
I personally 100% believe there is a secular PC cultural war against Christian's in America.

Just an astute observation.......... :cool:

Obviously it didn't take much to sway you.

Sunni Man made an excellent observation and you respond with a personal attack for what reason? What astute observation can we gather from what you've attempted to do here? Any idea, Pogo? He's right and you are trying to put him off and derail him. Why?

Where do you see "personal attack"? :dunno:

I don't see an "excellent observation". His own story, once explored, contradicts his premise. I do attack the ethics of fake-news TV shows and websites that invent a story where none can be shown to exist. So should we all.
Even though I consider saying "Bless you" after someone sneezes to be silliness, I find making a big deal out of it to the point of suspending a child from school to be the definition of asinine.

There is zero evidence she was "suspended". For that matter there is zero evidence the incident had anything to do with saying "bless you". This is a bullshit "story".
to be fair, there is've just chosen not to believe it....
But based on other evidence...what the school has said...her statements do not seem reliable. And based on many cases of claimed religious intolerance by teachers, this one seems more likely to fall into the category of untrue.

I believe the most likely scenario is that the girl shouted or yelled or otherwise made some obnoxious point in her "Bless you" and it was the attitude and disrespect that got her sent to the office.

The in school suspension was normal procedure for being sent to the principal and not a direct consequence of her words.
you too have made a choice regarding which evidence you believe....

Hearsay is not "evidence". If you actually did spend time in court as you claim, you'd know that. Hell, journalists know that --- real journalists that is, not this malarkey --- which is why they always get another source to confirm if it's a straightforward event, and if there's another view, to get that for balance. This "story" has neither.
I personally 100% believe there is a secular PC cultural war against Christian's in America.

Just an astute observation.......... :cool:
Ya think?

No, but the suggestion sure sells papers, donut?

This story is an example of said assault on Christianity. Being polite has been turned into misconduct..... just because the teacher has a problem with religious customs, or Christianity in general.
I personally 100% believe there is a secular PC cultural war against Christian's in America.

Just an astute observation.......... :cool:
Ya think?

No, but the suggestion sure sells papers, donut?

This story is an example of said assault on Christianity. Being polite has been turned into misconduct..... just because the teacher has a problem with religious customs, or Christianity in general.

You just illustrated my point. Mille grazie.
Oh, common, this "bless you" thing is driving everyone absolutely crazy - why? To say "bless you" after someone sneezes is unconventional social tradition, you need to be Sheldon Cooper not to understand that.
Actually the tradition is to say "God Bless you". Because when someone sneezes their heart momentarily stops beating.
What I'm learning from this is that, at least to some posters, school girls never lie....especially on Facebook like sites.
Of course! When all else fails, accuse the person of telling a lie! Won't work here, Bodecea. His reputation has already been established. Somewhat like those who have the habit of making false accusations against Christians. You know, after awhile they lose their credibility.
A young girl in Tennessee says she was suspended after breaking a class rule of saying “bless you” after a classmate sneezed.

When Dyer County High School senior Kendra Turner said bless you, she says her teacher told her that was for church.

Turner feels her teacher was taking issue for her religion. When she stood up for herself, Turner says she was told to go to the administrator’s office. She was later placed in in-school suspension for the rest of that class period.

Her pastor Rev. Becky Winegardner says they had just talked about how to stand up for their faith last week.

“There were several students that were talking about this particular faculty member there that was very demeaning to them in regards to their faith,” Winegardner said.

Students sent WMC a photo of the teacher’s white board that lists “bless you” and other expressions that are banned as part of class rules.

Girl suspended for saying ‘bless you’ at school | WGN-TV
This story is such total horse shit. The reason a teacher would ban saying bless you when someone sneezes is because kids use it as a way to disrupt class. A kid will sneeze, then the whole class, one after another will say bless you, in order to disrupt the class. Then when they are through, another kid will sneeze and the whole thing is repeated. It is done to disrupt class, has nothing to do with the kids being religious or wiith religion. The student was taken out of class because she was disruptive and kept out of the class for the remainder of that period for the same reason. She was never 'suspended,' but simply kept out of a class she was disrupting. This is all about kids disrupting class. End of. All of you who are outraged are enabling kids to disrupt their classes and you are being very stupid into the bargain.

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