Getting to know you.


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
Pick as many as you wish to answer...but at least choose one.

What are some things that you wished people knew about you?

What are yours thoughts on Karma, and do you believe in it?

Can you define true love in a minute or less?

What will people say at your funeral?

Standing at the gates of Heaven and God asks you "Why do you think I should I let you in?", what do you say?

If you could say anything to the entire world in 60 seconds, what would you say?

How would you describe yourself in 5 words?

If you could ask one person one question and they had to answer truthfully, who would you ask and what would you ask?

A line from a poem I heard somewhere

Love is a game for fools
but they say foolishness is bliss

What are some things that you wished people knew about you? You can push me, but go too far, and that is the end.

What are yours thoughts on Karma, and do you believe in it? Yep, I do believe people reap what they sow.

Can you define true love in a minute or less? Someone I can't live without.

What will people say at your funeral? She be gone.

Standing at the gates of Heaven and God asks you "Why do you think I should I let you in?", what do you say? I believe in you, and your Son.

If you could say anything to the entire world in 60 seconds, what would you say? Chill out, and stop the hating. We are all in this together as humans.

How would you describe yourself in 5 words? Shy Kind Thoughtful Feisty Happy

If you could ask one person one question and they had to answer truthfully, who would you ask and what would you ask? A good friend no one knows. What is it I am to expect on Tuesday??
What are some things that you wished people knew about you?
- What great sons I have. They are genuinely good people, I don't deserve any credit.

What are yours thoughts on Karma, and do you believe in it?
- No. But I do think there is a price to pay for any sin you commit.

Can you define true love in a minute or less?
- Someone who’s needs you put above your own, who you will sacrifice for and who makes you want to be a better person.

What will people say at your funeral? The ususal. She's in a better place etc. etc. Maybe something about me being unique ?

Standing at the gates of Heaven and God asks you "Why do you think I should I let you in?", what do you say? Jesus died for my sins.

If you could say anything to the entire world in 60 seconds, what would you say? Keep an open mind. And that means even to Christianity. Try to keep focus off yourself, and you will be a happier and more productive human being.

How would you describe yourself in 5 words? Unpredictable, atypical, complex, contrary and distant.

If you could ask one person one question and they had to answer truthfully, who would you ask and what would you ask? Nothing comes immediately to mind. Will have to think about that.
I don't believe in kharma. I believe in coincidence
If god asked me that I would reply "why didn't you try harder"?
you xhould answerr these questilns! they are FREAY questuo.d!
Meanwhile, to answer my own questions (which were found on the net)...

What are some things that you wished people knew about you? Nothing, cuz I don't care.

What are yours thoughts on Karma, and do you believe in it? Karma is a bitch. Yes, I believe in it.

Can you define true love in a minute or less? Not really.

What will people say at your funeral? She finally got to go.

Standing at the gates of Heaven and God asks you "Why do you think I should I let you in?", what do you say? Cuz you love me.

If you could say anything to the entire world in 60 seconds, what would you say? Be glad I am not God. I would have destroyed all humanity and left it to the animals, flora and fauna.

How would you describe yourself in 5 words? Honorable, honest, trustworthy, tempermental, kind.

If you could ask one person one question and they had to answer truthfully, who would you ask and what would you ask? This one I have to think about.
What is yer problem, Bonzi?

Looks like Bonzi made it to the worm.

No just can't type on my phone -- it's sad really

I can't either.

I don't even have fat fingers, they are pretty small actually, I just don't have "the touch" I guess!

I guess I'm too old school, but I don't want a phone that is smarter than me. Make calls------Answer calls . I don't need any more than that.
I don't text. I don't type on phones. I rarely call anyone or they call me and even then I don't wanna talk. Phone...for ER only. Car breaks down, need any milk while I'm here, etc. Other than that, it gets turned on maybe 1 time per month (cell). Landline gets more action but that is appts, SIL once in awhile, ordering pizza for hubby. It gets unplugged at 8pm, gets replugged at noon.

Yeah..I thought they were good question too but I guess most folks just wanna bitch and fight about politics.
True love defined: You JUST know. Its innate. Its logical treason.

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