General Strike in North Israel: Intifada 3.0?


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
Has the Israeli shift toward right-wing racism reached its climax?
"KFAR KANA, ISRAEL // Clashes and demonstrations took place across Israel on Sunday (November 9) as police raised alert levels amid a wave of anger over the deadly shooting of a young Arab-Israeli.

"With shops, schools and business shuttered as Arab towns and villages observed a general strike, police raised the alert to one below the highest level and deployed in areas of friction.

"The protests began early Saturday after police shot dead a 22-year-old in Kfar Kana near the northern city of Nazareth.

"Kheir Hamdan was killed after police said he attacked officers with a knife as they tried to arrest a relative.

"Police say warning shots were fired first before the officers felt their lives were threatened and aimed directly at him.

"Relatives say Hamdan was killed 'in cold blood', with CCTV footage apparently contradicting the official version."

For the last four months Israel has struggled to deal with a wave of unrest sweeping over occupied East Jerusalem.

"Most countries consider the settlements Israel has built in the West Bank, which Palestinians seek for a state along with the Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem, as illegal."

Clashes general strike in north Israel after shooting The National

"In Anata, a village north of Jerusalem, a joint operation of the Israel Defense Forces and the Israel Police was conducted on yesterday to arrest Palestinians likely to be connected to terrorist activity.

"Anata, like the Shoafat refugee camp, where the terrorist who mowed down pedestrians with his car last week lived, is in a sort of no man’s land.

"The village is cut off from Jerusalem by the security barrier, but is located in a region where neither the police nor the IDF operate much.

"As a result, violent criminal activity flourishes, and sometimes it evolves into terror attacks."

How to avert an intifada - National Israel News Haaretz

Jews will not accept a Jewish state with less than a 4/5 majority of Jews.

There are currently equal numbers of Jews and Arabs living between the River and the sea.

For the last 66 years, Jews have resorted to ethnic cleansing to establish and maintain their ethnocracy.

They are preparing the next installment in Jerusalem at this very moment.
Granny says dem Palestinians is always `causin' trouble...

Palestinians Set Fire To Joseph's Tomb
October 16, 2015 - Palestinians set fire to a Jewish shrine in the occupied West Bank and an attacker disguised as a journalist stabbed an Israeli soldier as tensions ran high after more than two weeks of violence.
Palestinians set fire to a Jewish shrine in the occupied West Bank, and an attacker disguised as a journalist stabbed an Israeli soldier on Friday as tensions ran high after more than two weeks of violence. Shortly after the arson attack on the tomb of biblical patriarch Joseph, Palestinian protesters threw stones over the border of the Gaza Strip at Israeli forces who fired back, killing two and wounding scores of others in the crowd, Palestinian medical officials said.

The worst outbreak in bloodshed in months has killed at least 37 Palestinians, including attackers and children in assaults and confrontations, and seven Israelis in stabbings and other attacks on buses and in the streets. The latest round of violence has been partly fueled by Palestinian anger at what they see as increased Jewish encroachment on the Al-Aqsa mosque compound in Jerusalem, holy to both Muslims and Jews. Many Israelis fear it is building into a full Palestinian intifada or uprising while Palestinian leaders have said a Israeli security crackdown amounts to collective punishment that will provoke more violence.

Israel's military said about 100 people converged on Joseph's tomb in the Palestinian city of Nablus and set parts of it ablaze before Palestinian security forces arrived and pushed them back. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas condemned the attack on the shrine, venerated for centuries by Jews, Samaritans, Christians and Muslims, and ordered repairs and an investigation. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said he is ready to meet Abbas to help restore calm.


See also:

Abbas Is Deceiving Us All
October 15, 2015 - Op-ed: What does the man who represents the Palestinian people really want? Does he support peace or terror? The master of winking is producing lies, without letting the facts get in his way.
If this didn’t have to do with real tragedies of Israelis murdered in the recent wave of terror, I would have begun this short article by describing Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmous Abbas as "a tragic figure." This man could have entered the books of history as the final peace maker between Israel and the Palestinians, or alternatively as a man of war trying to drive the Israelis away from their dreamland. But the man who represents the Palestinian people is travelling around the world, visiting influential people, noblemen and kings, running around the most luxurious places in the universe, and we still don’t know what he wants. Who does he support? What does he support? Does he want the current situation to continue? Does he support the terror of knives? Is he against it?

In the meantime, he only knows how to open his mouth and speak, and growl, his mouth producing lies. And he, as an educated person, knows they are lies. And yet he accuses the Israelis of thousands of baseless accusations, without hesitation. He won't let the facts get in his way: In his poisonous speech Wednesday, he accused the Israelis of 'murdering the 13-year-old boy,' although the cell phone videos prove the Palestinian teen's guilt and bad intentions, and although we know very well that he is alive and being treated in an Israeli hospital. Abbas, who was born in Safed, is deceiving us all. One time he supports peace. The other time he supports terror. He is the master of winking, what we call two-faced. In the morning he says one thing, and in the evening he says the opposite.

He could have brought all the terrorists home and prevented them from acting against Israel. But he decided to skip all the clauses or basically to have it both ways. He is both in favor and against and in favor of the against. A weak leader, at the end of his term, too old to bequeath to his young successors a calm and thriving land, even if it is not the fulfillment of his dreams and the dreams of millions of Palestinians in the territories, in Arab countries and in the world. Abbas is the root of evil in the latest affair which has been flaring up here these days, and he is the one we can base all our accusations on. Today we are doing just that joyfully and out of a sense of disappointment, on the verge of despair.

Abbas is deceiving us all
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Granny says dem Palestinians is always `causin' trouble...

Palestinians Set Fire To Joseph's Tomb
October 16, 2015 - Palestinians set fire to a Jewish shrine in the occupied West Bank and an attacker disguised as a journalist stabbed an Israeli soldier as tensions ran high after more than two weeks of violence.
Palestinians set fire to a Jewish shrine in the occupied West Bank, and an attacker disguised as a journalist stabbed an Israeli soldier on Friday as tensions ran high after more than two weeks of violence. Shortly after the arson attack on the tomb of biblical patriarch Joseph, Palestinian protesters threw stones over the border of the Gaza Strip at Israeli forces who fired back, killing two and wounding scores of others in the crowd, Palestinian medical officials said.

The worst outbreak in bloodshed in months has killed at least 37 Palestinians, including attackers and children in assaults and confrontations, and seven Israelis in stabbings and other attacks on buses and in the streets. The latest round of violence has been partly fueled by Palestinian anger at what they see as increased Jewish encroachment on the Al-Aqsa mosque compound in Jerusalem, holy to both Muslims and Jews. Many Israelis fear it is building into a full Palestinian intifada or uprising while Palestinian leaders have said a Israeli security crackdown amounts to collective punishment that will provoke more violence.

Israel's military said about 100 people converged on Joseph's tomb in the Palestinian city of Nablus and set parts of it ablaze before Palestinian security forces arrived and pushed them back. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas condemned the attack on the shrine, venerated for centuries by Jews, Samaritans, Christians and Muslims, and ordered repairs and an investigation. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said he is ready to meet Abbas to help restore calm.


See also:

Abbas Is Deceiving Us All
October 15, 2015 - Op-ed: What does the man who represents the Palestinian people really want? Does he support peace or terror? The master of winking is producing lies, without letting the facts get in his way.
If this didn’t have to do with real tragedies of Israelis murdered in the recent wave of terror, I would have begun this short article by describing Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmous Abbas as "a tragic figure." This man could have entered the books of history as the final peace maker between Israel and the Palestinians, or alternatively as a man of war trying to drive the Israelis away from their dreamland. But the man who represents the Palestinian people is travelling around the world, visiting influential people, noblemen and kings, running around the most luxurious places in the universe, and we still don’t know what he wants. Who does he support? What does he support? Does he want the current situation to continue? Does he support the terror of knives? Is he against it?

In the meantime, he only knows how to open his mouth and speak, and growl, his mouth producing lies. And he, as an educated person, knows they are lies. And yet he accuses the Israelis of thousands of baseless accusations, without hesitation. He won't let the facts get in his way: In his poisonous speech Wednesday, he accused the Israelis of 'murdering the 13-year-old boy,' although the cell phone videos prove the Palestinian teen's guilt and bad intentions, and although we know very well that he is alive and being treated in an Israeli hospital. Abbas, who was born in Safed, is deceiving us all. One time he supports peace. The other time he supports terror. He is the master of winking, what we call two-faced. In the morning he says one thing, and in the evening he says the opposite.

He could have brought all the terrorists home and prevented them from acting against Israel. But he decided to skip all the clauses or basically to have it both ways. He is both in favor and against and in favor of the against. A weak leader, at the end of his term, too old to bequeath to his young successors a calm and thriving land, even if it is not the fulfillment of his dreams and the dreams of millions of Palestinians in the territories, in Arab countries and in the world. Abbas is the root of evil in the latest affair which has been flaring up here these days, and he is the one we can base all our accusations on. Today we are doing just that joyfully and out of a sense of disappointment, on the verge of despair.

Abbas is deceiving us all

Simple answer would be to bomb the al aqsa mosque and the other carbuncle and see how the muslims like that done to them. This shows that the arab muslims have no respect for any other religion but their own and need to be taught a lesson in humility and humanity
georgephillip, et al,

This is just weeks of being a YEAR old.

Has the Israeli shift toward right-wing racism reached its climax?
"KFAR KANA, ISRAEL // Clashes and demonstrations took place across Israel on Sunday (November 9) as police raised alert levels amid a wave of anger over the deadly shooting of a young Arab-Israeli.

"With shops, schools and business shuttered as Arab towns and villages observed a general strike, police raised the alert to one below the highest level and deployed in areas of friction.

"The protests began early Saturday after police shot dead a 22-year-old in Kfar Kana near the northern city of Nazareth.

"Kheir Hamdan was killed after police said he attacked officers with a knife as they tried to arrest a relative.

"Police say warning shots were fired first before the officers felt their lives were threatened and aimed directly at him.

"Relatives say Hamdan was killed 'in cold blood', with CCTV footage apparently contradicting the official version."

For the last four months Israel has struggled to deal with a wave of unrest sweeping over occupied East Jerusalem.

"Most countries consider the settlements Israel has built in the West Bank, which Palestinians seek for a state along with the Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem, as illegal."

Clashes general strike in north Israel after shooting The National

Events like this happen periodically in free nations simply because the nations allow such venting and demonstrations. It happens (unfortunately) even in America.

Most Respectfully,
This unrest is a direct result of the brutal occupation and blockade which is making Palestinian life a daily hell. The Israeli's have no right denying the Palestinian's their inalienable rights.

The only way for the unrest to stop, is for the occupation and blockade to end.

"In Anata, a village north of Jerusalem, a joint operation of the Israel Defense Forces and the Israel Police was conducted on yesterday to arrest Palestinians likely to be connected to terrorist activity.

"Anata, like the Shoafat refugee camp, where the terrorist who mowed down pedestrians with his car last week lived, is in a sort of no man’s land.

"The village is cut off from Jerusalem by the security barrier, but is located in a region where neither the police nor the IDF operate much.

"As a result, violent criminal activity flourishes, and sometimes it evolves into terror attacks."

How to avert an intifada - National Israel News Haaretz

Jews will not accept a Jewish state with less than a 4/5 majority of Jews.

There are currently equal numbers of Jews and Arabs living between the River and the sea.

For the last 66 years, Jews have resorted to ethnic cleansing to establish and maintain their ethnocracy.

They are preparing the next installment in Jerusalem at this very moment.
Free Palestine.... From Islamic terrorist Pal'istanian Muhammedans.

This unrest is a direct result of the brutal occupation and blockade which is making Palestinian life a daily hell. The Israeli's have no right denying the Palestinian's their inalienable rights.

The only way for the unrest to stop, is for the occupation and blockade to end.
Your silly canards and slogans are pointless.

The principles of the Hamas islamo-fascist Charter and Muhammedans vision of a Joooooo free Islamist Middle East have not changed since Islamism was inflicted on humanity.
The answer is not only strike. but boycott. Any Jew should go shop in Jewish-owned stores up north. You'' see that in less than a week they'll come crawling back to us. They already do.
This unrest is a direct result of the brutal occupation and blockade which is making Palestinian life a daily hell. The Israeli's have no right denying the Palestinian's their inalienable rights.

The only way for the unrest to stop, is for the occupation and blockade to end.

The only solution is to transfer them all to Palestine, AKA Jordan.
Your silly canards and slogans are pointless.

The principles of the Hamas islamo-fascist Charter and Muhammedans vision of a Joooooo free Islamist Middle East have not changed since Islamism was inflicted on humanity.
And your racist ramblings have no connection to reality.

Palestinian's are revolting, because you inhuman fuckers treat them like garbage. Every single one of your posts, prove this to be true.
The answer is not only strike. but boycott. Any Jew should go shop in Jewish-owned stores up north. You'' see that in less than a week they'll come crawling back to us. They already do.
You lost 46% of your exports in 2014 because of the BDS movement and it's only going to get worse if you keep this bullshit up.
Your silly canards and slogans are pointless.

The principles of the Hamas islamo-fascist Charter and Muhammedans vision of a Joooooo free Islamist Middle East have not changed since Islamism was inflicted on humanity.
And your racist ramblings have no connection to reality.

Palestinian's are revolting, because you inhuman fuckers treat them like garbage. Every single one of your posts, prove this to be true.

Uh oh. You've employed the racist canard. You're pointless cutting and pasting was a waste of bandwidth so you're reduced to your usual tactic of blustering and chest- heaving melodrama.

Every single one of your slathering tirades proves this to be true.

Shouldn't you now be making your typically hollow challenges to a fist fight?

Uh oh. You've employed the racist canard. You're pointless cutting and pasting was a waste of bandwidth so you're reduced to your usual tactic of blustering and chest- heaving melodrama.

Every single one of your slathering tirades proves this to be true.

Shouldn't you now be making your typically hollow challenges to a fist fight?

Like I said, with every post, you prove how fucked Zionism really is.
Uh oh. You've employed the racist canard. You're pointless cutting and pasting was a waste of bandwidth so you're reduced to your usual tactic of blustering and chest- heaving melodrama.

Every single one of your slathering tirades proves this to be true.

Shouldn't you now be making your typically hollow challenges to a fist fight?

Like I said, with every post, you prove how fucked Zionism really is.
Like I said, with every post, your hollow bluster proves that it's appropriate to point and laugh at the goofy wannabe.
Billo_Really, et al,

There is no real "brutality" organic to the "occupation."

This unrest is a direct result of the brutal occupation and blockade which is making Palestinian life a daily hell. The Israeli's have no right denying the Palestinian's their inalienable rights.

The only way for the unrest to stop, is for the occupation and blockade to end.

The restrictions and violence in the territories is a direct result of Palestinian actions. They bring it on themselves, which cause a perpetuation of the occupation and restriction. All they know is violence. They cannot focus on nation building or peaceful relations.

Most Respectfully,

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