Gay marriage shows our failing democracy


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
California shot down gay marriage.
then they had to regroup.
step #1 the media. all these stupid programs and news stories saying "it's all about two people who love each other"
they left out the pervert life style, they forgot to mention the parallel with child molestation (not PC to talk about)
in the olden days, homosexuals used to trash marriage, now, all of the sudden, they're all pro-marriage.
media propaganda, and they take they're little polls to see how many people they fooled, once they hit 30% to 40%, time to push ahead.
step #2 get signatures to place it on the ballot (after just being shot down) , probably mostly fake signatures.
they told us "people in Europe accepted gay marriage years ago, they don't understand your thinking"
step #3 get gay marriage passed through the California election, most likely a rigged election..
wow! all of the sudden, after 240 years, gay marriage gets passed in 37 states.
gay marriage gets passed in England (remember how we were behind Europe?)
the other states are holding out, now the goons on the Supreme Court are deciding whether they want to force states to accept gay marriage from other states, or whether they want to declare it a civil right, and force every state to recognize.
this is not democracy from the ground up, this is dictatorship from the top down.
Democracy from the ground up would never pass gay marriage in every state, at the same time.
homosexuals don't care about getting married, the goal is to force the USA, and other countries, to accept homosexuality as a nation.
the government got involved with marriage through licenses and tax breaks.
the only solution is to remove government from marriage completely.
when marriage goes back to a religion institution, then we'll see how much gays want to get married
California shot down gay marriage.
then they had to regroup.
step #1 the media. all these stupid programs and news stories saying "it's all about two people who love each other"
they left out the pervert life style, they forgot to mention the parallel with child molestation (not PC to talk about)
in the olden days, homosexuals used to trash marriage, now, all of the sudden, they're all pro-marriage.
media propaganda, and they take they're little polls to see how many people they fooled, once they hit 30% to 40%, time to push ahead.
step #2 get signatures to place it on the ballot (after just being shot down) , probably mostly fake signatures.
they told us "people in Europe accepted gay marriage years ago, they don't understand your thinking"
step #3 get gay marriage passed through the California election, most likely a rigged election..
wow! all of the sudden, after 240 years, gay marriage gets passed in 37 states.
gay marriage gets passed in England (remember how we were behind Europe?)
the other states are holding out, now the goons on the Supreme Court are deciding whether they want to force states to accept gay marriage from other states, or whether they want to declare it a civil right, and force every state to recognize.
this is not democracy from the ground up, this is dictatorship from the top down.
Democracy from the ground up would never pass gay marriage in every state, at the same time.
homosexuals don't care about getting married, the goal is to force the USA, and other countries, to accept homosexuality as a nation.
the government got involved with marriage through licenses and tax breaks.
the only solution is to remove government from marriage completely.
when marriage goes back to a religion institution, then we'll see how much gays want to get married

Dear Wolfstrike I agree this is heading for REAL church - state separation.
Separating personal beliefs from govt, including secular beliefs that are not being screened out the same as religious beliefs.

But instead of having a NEGATIVE view, I see this as a challenge for people to SET UP and RUN their own democratic networks and organizations.

The same way the Catholics have organized their own schools and hospitals,
why not separate the prochoice and prolife tracks and teach EVERYONE to run their own programs. Be your OWN government. let the experienced managers and execs
MENTOR these younger generations instead of this trend of depending on govt.

Teach ALL people to manage their own administrations and govt. Why not use this as an opportunity to develop and grow in the RIGHT direction?

Christians are talking about seceding and not following govt. So we are heading for separation. This isn't necessarily a bad thing.

When our children grow up, we WANT them to leave our households and learn to manage their own. Why not with govt? Why not with social programs, schools,
and hospitals? Why not set up tracks to teach EVERYONE to run their own ships?

Won't that kind of education and training have more to do with equal empowerment,
ending class oppression, and create equal access for all people to become liberated?
California shot down gay marriage.
then they had to regroup.
step #1 the media. all these stupid programs and news stories saying "it's all about two people who love each other"
they left out the pervert life style, they forgot to mention the parallel with child molestation (not PC to talk about)
in the olden days, homosexuals used to trash marriage, now, all of the sudden, they're all pro-marriage.
media propaganda, and they take they're little polls to see how many people they fooled, once they hit 30% to 40%, time to push ahead.
step #2 get signatures to place it on the ballot (after just being shot down) , probably mostly fake signatures.
they told us "people in Europe accepted gay marriage years ago, they don't understand your thinking"
step #3 get gay marriage passed through the California election, most likely a rigged election..
wow! all of the sudden, after 240 years, gay marriage gets passed in 37 states.
gay marriage gets passed in England (remember how we were behind Europe?)
the other states are holding out, now the goons on the Supreme Court are deciding whether they want to force states to accept gay marriage from other states, or whether they want to declare it a civil right, and force every state to recognize.
this is not democracy from the ground up, this is dictatorship from the top down.
Democracy from the ground up would never pass gay marriage in every state, at the same time.
homosexuals don't care about getting married, the goal is to force the USA, and other countries, to accept homosexuality as a nation.
the government got involved with marriage through licenses and tax breaks.
the only solution is to remove government from marriage completely.
when marriage goes back to a religion institution, then we'll see how much gays want to get married

You forgot step #4. Sit back and laugh at right wingers when they finally realize they have lost the battle, and the country is ready to afford everybody the same rights even if they are gay. They will whine, and start threads about how it is horrible, and they can't believe it is happening, but they will just have to get over it.
California shot down gay marriage.
then they had to regroup.
step #1 the media. all these stupid programs and news stories saying "it's all about two people who love each other"
they left out the pervert life style, they forgot to mention the parallel with child molestation (not PC to talk about)
in the olden days, homosexuals used to trash marriage, now, all of the sudden, they're all pro-marriage.
media propaganda, and they take they're little polls to see how many people they fooled, once they hit 30% to 40%, time to push ahead.
step #2 get signatures to place it on the ballot (after just being shot down) , probably mostly fake signatures.
they told us "people in Europe accepted gay marriage years ago, they don't understand your thinking"
step #3 get gay marriage passed through the California election, most likely a rigged election..
wow! all of the sudden, after 240 years, gay marriage gets passed in 37 states.
gay marriage gets passed in England (remember how we were behind Europe?)
the other states are holding out, now the goons on the Supreme Court are deciding whether they want to force states to accept gay marriage from other states, or whether they want to declare it a civil right, and force every state to recognize.
this is not democracy from the ground up, this is dictatorship from the top down.
Democracy from the ground up would never pass gay marriage in every state, at the same time.
homosexuals don't care about getting married, the goal is to force the USA, and other countries, to accept homosexuality as a nation.
the government got involved with marriage through licenses and tax breaks.
the only solution is to remove government from marriage completely.
when marriage goes back to a religion institution, then we'll see how much gays want to get married

You forgot step #4. Sit back and laugh at right wingers when they finally realize they have lost the battle, and the country is ready to afford everybody the same rights even if they are gay. They will whine, and start threads about how it is horrible, and they can't believe it is happening, but they will just have to get over it.

Says the far left drone running the far left religious narrative without question or hesitation..
California shot down gay marriage.
then they had to regroup.
step #1 the media. all these stupid programs and news stories saying "it's all about two people who love each other"
they left out the pervert life style, they forgot to mention the parallel with child molestation (not PC to talk about)
in the olden days, homosexuals used to trash marriage, now, all of the sudden, they're all pro-marriage.
media propaganda, and they take they're little polls to see how many people they fooled, once they hit 30% to 40%, time to push ahead.
step #2 get signatures to place it on the ballot (after just being shot down) , probably mostly fake signatures.
they told us "people in Europe accepted gay marriage years ago, they don't understand your thinking"
step #3 get gay marriage passed through the California election, most likely a rigged election..
wow! all of the sudden, after 240 years, gay marriage gets passed in 37 states.
gay marriage gets passed in England (remember how we were behind Europe?)
the other states are holding out, now the goons on the Supreme Court are deciding whether they want to force states to accept gay marriage from other states, or whether they want to declare it a civil right, and force every state to recognize.
this is not democracy from the ground up, this is dictatorship from the top down.
Democracy from the ground up would never pass gay marriage in every state, at the same time.
homosexuals don't care about getting married, the goal is to force the USA, and other countries, to accept homosexuality as a nation.
the government got involved with marriage through licenses and tax breaks.
the only solution is to remove government from marriage completely.
when marriage goes back to a religion institution, then we'll see how much gays want to get married

You forgot step #4. Sit back and laugh at right wingers when they finally realize they have lost the battle, and the country is ready to afford everybody the same rights even if they are gay. They will whine, and start threads about how it is horrible, and they can't believe it is happening, but they will just have to get over it.

Says the far left drone running the far left religious narrative without question or hesitation..

Answer the question or go away.
California shot down gay marriage.
then they had to regroup.
step #1 the media. all these stupid programs and news stories saying "it's all about two people who love each other"
they left out the pervert life style, they forgot to mention the parallel with child molestation (not PC to talk about)
in the olden days, homosexuals used to trash marriage, now, all of the sudden, they're all pro-marriage.
media propaganda, and they take they're little polls to see how many people they fooled, once they hit 30% to 40%, time to push ahead.
step #2 get signatures to place it on the ballot (after just being shot down) , probably mostly fake signatures.
they told us "people in Europe accepted gay marriage years ago, they don't understand your thinking"
step #3 get gay marriage passed through the California election, most likely a rigged election..
wow! all of the sudden, after 240 years, gay marriage gets passed in 37 states.
gay marriage gets passed in England (remember how we were behind Europe?)
the other states are holding out, now the goons on the Supreme Court are deciding whether they want to force states to accept gay marriage from other states, or whether they want to declare it a civil right, and force every state to recognize.
this is not democracy from the ground up, this is dictatorship from the top down.
Democracy from the ground up would never pass gay marriage in every state, at the same time.
homosexuals don't care about getting married, the goal is to force the USA, and other countries, to accept homosexuality as a nation.
the government got involved with marriage through licenses and tax breaks.
the only solution is to remove government from marriage completely.
when marriage goes back to a religion institution, then we'll see how much gays want to get married

Dear Wolfstrike I agree this is heading for REAL church - state separation.
Separating personal beliefs from govt, including secular beliefs that are not being screened out the same as religious beliefs.

But instead of having a NEGATIVE view, I see this as a challenge for people to SET UP and RUN their own democratic networks and organizations.

The same way the Catholics have organized their own schools and hospitals,
why not separate the prochoice and prolife tracks and teach EVERYONE to run their own programs. Be your OWN government. let the experienced managers and execs
MENTOR these younger generations instead of this trend of depending on govt.

Teach ALL people to manage their own administrations and govt. Why not use this as an opportunity to develop and grow in the RIGHT direction?

Christians are talking about seceding and not following govt. So we are heading for separation. This isn't necessarily a bad thing.

When our children grow up, we WANT them to leave our households and learn to manage their own. Why not with govt? Why not with social programs, schools,
and hospitals? Why not set up tracks to teach EVERYONE to run their own ships?

Won't that kind of education and training have more to do with equal empowerment,
ending class oppression, and create equal access for all people to become liberated?

As long as Christians claim 501c status, this can't be done. Otherwise, you are on point.


"It's impossible to have religious freedom in any nation where churches are licensed to the government. In this book Mr. Kershaw exposes the root cause problems of rampant and unhindered immorality, government tyranny and corruption, and the inability of the State-licensed churchs to offer any real hope for combating these devastating societal problems."--Cover.
California shot down gay marriage.
then they had to regroup.
step #1 the media. all these stupid programs and news stories saying "it's all about two people who love each other"
they left out the pervert life style, they forgot to mention the parallel with child molestation (not PC to talk about)
in the olden days, homosexuals used to trash marriage, now, all of the sudden, they're all pro-marriage.
media propaganda, and they take they're little polls to see how many people they fooled, once they hit 30% to 40%, time to push ahead.
step #2 get signatures to place it on the ballot (after just being shot down) , probably mostly fake signatures.
they told us "people in Europe accepted gay marriage years ago, they don't understand your thinking"
step #3 get gay marriage passed through the California election, most likely a rigged election..
wow! all of the sudden, after 240 years, gay marriage gets passed in 37 states.
gay marriage gets passed in England (remember how we were behind Europe?)
the other states are holding out, now the goons on the Supreme Court are deciding whether they want to force states to accept gay marriage from other states, or whether they want to declare it a civil right, and force every state to recognize.
this is not democracy from the ground up, this is dictatorship from the top down.
Democracy from the ground up would never pass gay marriage in every state, at the same time.
homosexuals don't care about getting married, the goal is to force the USA, and other countries, to accept homosexuality as a nation.
the government got involved with marriage through licenses and tax breaks.
the only solution is to remove government from marriage completely.
when marriage goes back to a religion institution, then we'll see how much gays want to get married

You forgot step #4. Sit back and laugh at right wingers when they finally realize they have lost the battle, and the country is ready to afford everybody the same rights even if they are gay. They will whine, and start threads about how it is horrible, and they can't believe it is happening, but they will just have to get over it.

Says the far left drone running the far left religious narrative without question or hesitation..

Face it, the pic ax has been firmly buried into the skull of christinsanity in this Country, what we here is it's last agonizing breath, nothing more to see here, America is moving forward
California shot down gay marriage.
then they had to regroup.
step #1 the media. all these stupid programs and news stories saying "it's all about two people who love each other"
they left out the pervert life style, they forgot to mention the parallel with child molestation (not PC to talk about)
in the olden days, homosexuals used to trash marriage, now, all of the sudden, they're all pro-marriage.
media propaganda, and they take they're little polls to see how many people they fooled, once they hit 30% to 40%, time to push ahead.
step #2 get signatures to place it on the ballot (after just being shot down) , probably mostly fake signatures.
they told us "people in Europe accepted gay marriage years ago, they don't understand your thinking"
step #3 get gay marriage passed through the California election, most likely a rigged election..
wow! all of the sudden, after 240 years, gay marriage gets passed in 37 states.
gay marriage gets passed in England (remember how we were behind Europe?)
the other states are holding out, now the goons on the Supreme Court are deciding whether they want to force states to accept gay marriage from other states, or whether they want to declare it a civil right, and force every state to recognize.
this is not democracy from the ground up, this is dictatorship from the top down.
Democracy from the ground up would never pass gay marriage in every state, at the same time.
homosexuals don't care about getting married, the goal is to force the USA, and other countries, to accept homosexuality as a nation.
the government got involved with marriage through licenses and tax breaks.
the only solution is to remove government from marriage completely.
when marriage goes back to a religion institution, then we'll see how much gays want to get married

You forgot step #4. Sit back and laugh at right wingers when they finally realize they have lost the battle, and the country is ready to afford everybody the same rights even if they are gay. They will whine, and start threads about how it is horrible, and they can't believe it is happening, but they will just have to get over it.

Says the far left drone running the far left religious narrative without question or hesitation..

Face it, the pic ax has been firmly buried into the skull of christinsanity in this Country, what we here is it's last agonizing breath, nothing more to see here, America is moving forward

The irony impaired far left drones and their comments!
California shot down gay marriage.
then they had to regroup.
step #1 the media. all these stupid programs and news stories saying "it's all about two people who love each other"
they left out the pervert life style, they forgot to mention the parallel with child molestation (not PC to talk about)
in the olden days, homosexuals used to trash marriage, now, all of the sudden, they're all pro-marriage.
media propaganda, and they take they're little polls to see how many people they fooled, once they hit 30% to 40%, time to push ahead.
step #2 get signatures to place it on the ballot (after just being shot down) , probably mostly fake signatures.
they told us "people in Europe accepted gay marriage years ago, they don't understand your thinking"
step #3 get gay marriage passed through the California election, most likely a rigged election..
wow! all of the sudden, after 240 years, gay marriage gets passed in 37 states.
gay marriage gets passed in England (remember how we were behind Europe?)
the other states are holding out, now the goons on the Supreme Court are deciding whether they want to force states to accept gay marriage from other states, or whether they want to declare it a civil right, and force every state to recognize.
this is not democracy from the ground up, this is dictatorship from the top down.
Democracy from the ground up would never pass gay marriage in every state, at the same time.
homosexuals don't care about getting married, the goal is to force the USA, and other countries, to accept homosexuality as a nation.
the government got involved with marriage through licenses and tax breaks.
the only solution is to remove government from marriage completely.
when marriage goes back to a religion institution, then we'll see how much gays want to get married
This is how countries die.
The arguments against interracial marriage (used by judges years ago)

1) First, judges claimed that marriage belonged under the control of the states rather than the federal government.

2) Second, they began to define and label all interracial relationships (even longstanding, deeply committed ones) as illicit sex rather than marriage.

3) Third, they insisted that interracial marriage was contrary to God's will, and

4) Fourth, they declared, over and over again, that interracial marriage was somehow "unnatural."

- See more at: History News Network Why the Ugly Rhetoric Against Gay Marriage Is Familiar to this Historian of Miscegenation

Sound familiar?
"It's impossible to have religious freedom in any nation where churches are licensed to the government. In this book Mr. Kershaw exposes the root cause problems of rampant and unhindered immorality, government tyranny and corruption, and the inability of the State-licensed churchs to offer any real hope for combating these devastating societal problems."--Cover.

Licensing churches? What a great idea.

You see, this is how i'd like to license churches.

You come to our office at the top of the Sears Tower. Two our big burley attendants throw you out the nearest window. If God Catches you on the Way down, you get your license, as your church is really speaking for the Almighty. It you become Street Pizza, you were obviously a false prophet.

Of course, there is no God and he isn't going to catch anyone, but don't tell that to the religious folks.
Consider what percentage of the population 'gay marriage' (despite how silly the insistence on this is) affects. Then, consider what would happen if this vocal group no longer had this to shout about.
California shot down gay marriage.
then they had to regroup.
step #1 the media. all these stupid programs and news stories saying "it's all about two people who love each other"
they left out the pervert life style, they forgot to mention the parallel with child molestation (not PC to talk about)
in the olden days, homosexuals used to trash marriage, now, all of the sudden, they're all pro-marriage.
media propaganda, and they take they're little polls to see how many people they fooled, once they hit 30% to 40%, time to push ahead.
step #2 get signatures to place it on the ballot (after just being shot down) , probably mostly fake signatures.
they told us "people in Europe accepted gay marriage years ago, they don't understand your thinking"
step #3 get gay marriage passed through the California election, most likely a rigged election..
wow! all of the sudden, after 240 years, gay marriage gets passed in 37 states.
gay marriage gets passed in England (remember how we were behind Europe?)
the other states are holding out, now the goons on the Supreme Court are deciding whether they want to force states to accept gay marriage from other states, or whether they want to declare it a civil right, and force every state to recognize.
this is not democracy from the ground up, this is dictatorship from the top down.
Democracy from the ground up would never pass gay marriage in every state, at the same time.
homosexuals don't care about getting married, the goal is to force the USA, and other countries, to accept homosexuality as a nation.
the government got involved with marriage through licenses and tax breaks.
the only solution is to remove government from marriage completely.
when marriage goes back to a religion institution, then we'll see how much gays want to get married

Actually, the last 3 states to vote on gay marriage passed it. With support for gay marriage nationally outpacing opposition by about 12 to 19 points.
"It's impossible to have religious freedom in any nation where churches are licensed to the government. In this book Mr. Kershaw exposes the root cause problems of rampant and unhindered immorality, government tyranny and corruption, and the inability of the State-licensed churchs to offer any real hope for combating these devastating societal problems."--Cover.

Licensing churches? What a great idea.

You see, this is how i'd like to license churches.

You come to our office at the top of the Sears Tower. Two our big burley attendants throw you out the nearest window. If God Catches you on the Way down, you get your license, as your church is really speaking for the Almighty. It you become Street Pizza, you were obviously a false prophet.

Of course, there is no God and he isn't going to catch anyone, but don't tell that to the religious folks.
Muslims already do that to gays. I can't say I blame them.
The founders of this country were well aware of the tyranny of Democracy. That's why we are a Constitutional Republic, so that the majority cannot persecute minorities.
California shot down gay marriage.
then they had to regroup.
step #1 the media. all these stupid programs and news stories saying "it's all about two people who love each other"
they left out the pervert life style, they forgot to mention the parallel with child molestation (not PC to talk about)
in the olden days, homosexuals used to trash marriage, now, all of the sudden, they're all pro-marriage.
media propaganda, and they take they're little polls to see how many people they fooled, once they hit 30% to 40%, time to push ahead.
step #2 get signatures to place it on the ballot (after just being shot down) , probably mostly fake signatures.
they told us "people in Europe accepted gay marriage years ago, they don't understand your thinking"
step #3 get gay marriage passed through the California election, most likely a rigged election..
wow! all of the sudden, after 240 years, gay marriage gets passed in 37 states.
gay marriage gets passed in England (remember how we were behind Europe?)
the other states are holding out, now the goons on the Supreme Court are deciding whether they want to force states to accept gay marriage from other states, or whether they want to declare it a civil right, and force every state to recognize.
this is not democracy from the ground up, this is dictatorship from the top down.
Democracy from the ground up would never pass gay marriage in every state, at the same time.
homosexuals don't care about getting married, the goal is to force the USA, and other countries, to accept homosexuality as a nation.
the government got involved with marriage through licenses and tax breaks.
the only solution is to remove government from marriage completely.
when marriage goes back to a religion institution, then we'll see how much gays want to get married

LOL....waaaaah.....waaaaaah.....'gays can get married so lets get rid of marriage'........

What a whiney victim.
California shot down gay marriage.
then they had to regroup.
step #1 the media. all these stupid programs and news stories saying "it's all about two people who love each other"
they left out the pervert life style, they forgot to mention the parallel with child molestation (not PC to talk about)
in the olden days, homosexuals used to trash marriage, now, all of the sudden, they're all pro-marriage.
media propaganda, and they take they're little polls to see how many people they fooled, once they hit 30% to 40%, time to push ahead.
step #2 get signatures to place it on the ballot (after just being shot down) , probably mostly fake signatures.
they told us "people in Europe accepted gay marriage years ago, they don't understand your thinking"
step #3 get gay marriage passed through the California election, most likely a rigged election..
wow! all of the sudden, after 240 years, gay marriage gets passed in 37 states.
gay marriage gets passed in England (remember how we were behind Europe?)
the other states are holding out, now the goons on the Supreme Court are deciding whether they want to force states to accept gay marriage from other states, or whether they want to declare it a civil right, and force every state to recognize.
this is not democracy from the ground up, this is dictatorship from the top down.
Democracy from the ground up would never pass gay marriage in every state, at the same time.
homosexuals don't care about getting married, the goal is to force the USA, and other countries, to accept homosexuality as a nation.
the government got involved with marriage through licenses and tax breaks.
the only solution is to remove government from marriage completely.
when marriage goes back to a religion institution, then we'll see how much gays want to get married
This is how countries die.

Yet you folks can never manage to actually point to any countries that have 'died' this way.
"It's impossible to have religious freedom in any nation where churches are licensed to the government. In this book Mr. Kershaw exposes the root cause problems of rampant and unhindered immorality, government tyranny and corruption, and the inability of the State-licensed churchs to offer any real hope for combating these devastating societal problems."--Cover.

Licensing churches? What a great idea.

You see, this is how i'd like to license churches.

You come to our office at the top of the Sears Tower. Two our big burley attendants throw you out the nearest window. If God Catches you on the Way down, you get your license, as your church is really speaking for the Almighty. It you become Street Pizza, you were obviously a false prophet.

Of course, there is no God and he isn't going to catch anyone, but don't tell that to the religious folks.
Muslims already do that to gays. I can't say I blame them.

Not surprised that you agree with Muslims- but only if they are killing Americans that are gay.
California shot down gay marriage.
then they had to regroup.
step #1 the media. all these stupid programs and news stories saying "it's all about two people who love each other"
they left out the pervert life style, they forgot to mention the parallel with child molestation (not PC to talk about)
in the olden days, homosexuals used to trash marriage, now, all of the sudden, they're all pro-marriage.
media propaganda, and they take they're little polls to see how many people they fooled, once they hit 30% to 40%, time to push ahead.
step #2 get signatures to place it on the ballot (after just being shot down) , probably mostly fake signatures.
they told us "people in Europe accepted gay marriage years ago, they don't understand your thinking"
step #3 get gay marriage passed through the California election, most likely a rigged election..
wow! all of the sudden, after 240 years, gay marriage gets passed in 37 states.
gay marriage gets passed in England (remember how we were behind Europe?)
the other states are holding out, now the goons on the Supreme Court are deciding whether they want to force states to accept gay marriage from other states, or whether they want to declare it a civil right, and force every state to recognize.
this is not democracy from the ground up, this is dictatorship from the top down.
Democracy from the ground up would never pass gay marriage in every state, at the same time.
homosexuals don't care about getting married, the goal is to force the USA, and other countries, to accept homosexuality as a nation.
the government got involved with marriage through licenses and tax breaks.
the only solution is to remove government from marriage completely.
when marriage goes back to a religion institution, then we'll see how much gays want to get married

You forgot step #4. Sit back and laugh at right wingers when they finally realize they have lost the battle, and the country is ready to afford everybody the same rights even if they are gay. They will whine, and start threads about how it is horrible, and they can't believe it is happening, but they will just have to get over it.

Says the far left drone running the far left religious narrative without question or hesitation..

Face it, the pic ax has been firmly buried into the skull of christinsanity in this Country, what we here is it's last agonizing breath, nothing more to see here, America is moving forward

I don't see it that way. While the so called conservative Christians who hijacked Christianity for political reasons have certainly had their hand slapped pretty hard, Christianity, as a true religion continues to be what it always has been. We'll still try to live an honest, compassionate, caring life like always, knowing that having the "strength of God" is not the same as being a bully.

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