Funnelling money back to the rich. Trump's policy.


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2014
Trump hasn't taken office yet, but already his picks are showing what his main policy is. To make the rich richer and the poor poorer.

In charge of education he wants DeVos who is a strong advocate for school vouchers. Vouchers are basically a ways of giving money to rich parents who can already send their kids to private school. So now they get money off their private school, and it won't do anything for most kids in the US.

Tom Price, who Trump will nominate to be in charge of Health, has sent through the last 3 Congresses a bill which would see people get reduced insurance bills, unless of course you have a problem in which case Price doesn't give a fuck about you and you'll have such a large insurance bill that you'll essentially die, unless of course you're rich.

Trump said he was having a revolution, that he was an outsider. So his pick for Treasury is a banker. The very people who caused all the problems that people could have supposed that a change, a revolution, would do away with. And he will essentially be carry out tax cuts for the wealthy.

For Attorney General there is Jeff Sessions. A guy who voted against a bill to prevent cruel, inhumane, or degrading punishment under the control of the US govt. He has a zero rating from the Human Rights Campaign. Well we know Trump has no idea about Human Rights, so to pick someone who doesn't give a damn about them or the Constitution is telling.

Basically the rich will get richer, and the poor are stuffed. The President won't represent anyone who isn't in the top 10%.
Big Ears has been doing that for the last eight years and you have failed to notice it.
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Trump hasn't taken office yet, but already his picks are showing what his main policy is. To make the rich richer and the poor poorer.

In charge of education he wants DeVos who is a strong advocate for school vouchers. Vouchers are basically a ways of giving money to rich parents who can already send their kids to private school. So now they get money off their private school, and it won't do anything for most kids in the US.

Tom Price, who Trump will nominate to be in charge of Health, has sent through the last 3 Congresses a bill which would see people get reduced insurance bills, unless of course you have a problem in which case Price doesn't give a fuck about you and you'll have such a large insurance bill that you'll essentially die, unless of course you're rich.

Trump said he was having a revolution, that he was an outsider. So his pick for Treasury is a banker. The very people who caused all the problems that people could have supposed that a change, a revolution, would do away with. And he will essentially be carry out tax cuts for the wealthy.

For Attorney General there is Jeff Sessions. A guy who voted against a bill to prevent cruel, inhumane, or degrading punishment under the control of the US govt. He has a zero rating from the Human Rights Campaign. Well we know Trump has no idea about Human Rights, so to pick someone who doesn't give a damn about them or the Constitution is telling.

Basically the rich will get richer, and the poor are stuffed. The President won't represent anyone who isn't in the top 10%.

If he bans Muslim immigration, secures the southern border, and creates jobs I don't care about the rich. I think others will forget about them too.
Trump hasn't taken office yet, but already his picks are showing what his main policy is. To make the rich richer and the poor poorer.

In charge of education he wants DeVos who is a strong advocate for school vouchers. Vouchers are basically a ways of giving money to rich parents who can already send their kids to private school. So now they get money off their private school, and it won't do anything for most kids in the US.

Tom Price, who Trump will nominate to be in charge of Health, has sent through the last 3 Congresses a bill which would see people get reduced insurance bills, unless of course you have a problem in which case Price doesn't give a fuck about you and you'll have such a large insurance bill that you'll essentially die, unless of course you're rich.

Trump said he was having a revolution, that he was an outsider. So his pick for Treasury is a banker. The very people who caused all the problems that people could have supposed that a change, a revolution, would do away with. And he will essentially be carry out tax cuts for the wealthy.

For Attorney General there is Jeff Sessions. A guy who voted against a bill to prevent cruel, inhumane, or degrading punishment under the control of the US govt. He has a zero rating from the Human Rights Campaign. Well we know Trump has no idea about Human Rights, so to pick someone who doesn't give a damn about them or the Constitution is telling.

Basically the rich will get richer, and the poor are stuffed. The President won't represent anyone who isn't in the top 10%.
Yup. Pretty much
Trump hasn't taken office yet, but already his picks are showing what his main policy is. To make the rich richer and the poor poorer.

In charge of education he wants DeVos who is a strong advocate for school vouchers. Vouchers are basically a ways of giving money to rich parents who can already send their kids to private school. So now they get money off their private school, and it won't do anything for most kids in the US.

Tom Price, who Trump will nominate to be in charge of Health, has sent through the last 3 Congresses a bill which would see people get reduced insurance bills, unless of course you have a problem in which case Price doesn't give a fuck about you and you'll have such a large insurance bill that you'll essentially die, unless of course you're rich.

Trump said he was having a revolution, that he was an outsider. So his pick for Treasury is a banker. The very people who caused all the problems that people could have supposed that a change, a revolution, would do away with. And he will essentially be carry out tax cuts for the wealthy.

For Attorney General there is Jeff Sessions. A guy who voted against a bill to prevent cruel, inhumane, or degrading punishment under the control of the US govt. He has a zero rating from the Human Rights Campaign. Well we know Trump has no idea about Human Rights, so to pick someone who doesn't give a damn about them or the Constitution is telling.

Basically the rich will get richer, and the poor are stuffed. The President won't represent anyone who isn't in the top 10%.
n charge of education he wants DeVos who is a strong advocate for school vouchers. Vouchers are basically a ways of giving money to rich parents who can already send their kids to private school. So now they get money off their private school, and it won't do anything for most kids in the US.

You don'y know much about vouchers. Vouchers insure the poor have the choice of good schools, something the rich can pay for themselves. Vouchers even the playing field for parents who want better for their disadvantaged children.

Tom Price, who Trump will nominate to be in charge of Health, has sent through the last 3 Congresses a bill which would see people get reduced insurance bills, unless of course you have a problem in which case Price doesn't give a fuck about you and you'll have such a large insurance bill that you'll essentially die, unless of course you're rich.

You don't even know what will be in the new Affordable Care Program. Trump hasn't even taken office yet, but we all know Obamacare has been an abject failure.
Four Years of Obamacare Failures Is Long Enough

Trump said he was having a revolution, that he was an outsider. So his pick for Treasury is a banker. The very people who caused all the problems that people could have supposed that a change, a revolution, would do away with. And he will essentially be carry out tax cuts for the wealthy.

How can a pick be someone without a background in finance???
Trump hasn't taken office yet, but already his picks are showing what his main policy is. To make the rich richer and the poor poorer.

In charge of education he wants DeVos who is a strong advocate for school vouchers. Vouchers are basically a ways of giving money to rich parents who can already send their kids to private school. So now they get money off their private school, and it won't do anything for most kids in the US.

Tom Price, who Trump will nominate to be in charge of Health, has sent through the last 3 Congresses a bill which would see people get reduced insurance bills, unless of course you have a problem in which case Price doesn't give a fuck about you and you'll have such a large insurance bill that you'll essentially die, unless of course you're rich.

Trump said he was having a revolution, that he was an outsider. So his pick for Treasury is a banker. The very people who caused all the problems that people could have supposed that a change, a revolution, would do away with. And he will essentially be carry out tax cuts for the wealthy.

For Attorney General there is Jeff Sessions. A guy who voted against a bill to prevent cruel, inhumane, or degrading punishment under the control of the US govt. He has a zero rating from the Human Rights Campaign. Well we know Trump has no idea about Human Rights, so to pick someone who doesn't give a damn about them or the Constitution is telling.

Basically the rich will get richer, and the poor are stuffed. The President won't represent anyone who isn't in the top 10%.
Tell me, what did Obama do for the poor or middle class? He stuck them with an extra payment for insurance. Payable whether you can afford it or not. He made full time jobs into part-time jobs. Never went above 2% GDP. Also the black population is worse off. So what has he accomplished?
I stopped watching the news this morning I was getting so upset...unbelievable

I stopped liking him after he picked Pence, it was a preview of what he was going to do...
Trump hasn't taken office yet, but already his picks are showing what his main policy is. To make the rich richer and the poor poorer.

In charge of education he wants DeVos who is a strong advocate for school vouchers. Vouchers are basically a ways of giving money to rich parents who can already send their kids to private school. So now they get money off their private school, and it won't do anything for most kids in the US.

Tom Price, who Trump will nominate to be in charge of Health, has sent through the last 3 Congresses a bill which would see people get reduced insurance bills, unless of course you have a problem in which case Price doesn't give a fuck about you and you'll have such a large insurance bill that you'll essentially die, unless of course you're rich.

Trump said he was having a revolution, that he was an outsider. So his pick for Treasury is a banker. The very people who caused all the problems that people could have supposed that a change, a revolution, would do away with. And he will essentially be carry out tax cuts for the wealthy.

For Attorney General there is Jeff Sessions. A guy who voted against a bill to prevent cruel, inhumane, or degrading punishment under the control of the US govt. He has a zero rating from the Human Rights Campaign. Well we know Trump has no idea about Human Rights, so to pick someone who doesn't give a damn about them or the Constitution is telling.

Basically the rich will get richer, and the poor are stuffed. The President won't represent anyone who isn't in the top 10%.
n charge of education he wants DeVos who is a strong advocate for school vouchers. Vouchers are basically a ways of giving money to rich parents who can already send their kids to private school. So now they get money off their private school, and it won't do anything for most kids in the US.

You don'y know much about vouchers. Vouchers insure the poor have the choice of good schools, something the rich can pay for themselves. Vouchers even the playing field for parents who want better for their disadvantaged children.

Tom Price, who Trump will nominate to be in charge of Health, has sent through the last 3 Congresses a bill which would see people get reduced insurance bills, unless of course you have a problem in which case Price doesn't give a fuck about you and you'll have such a large insurance bill that you'll essentially die, unless of course you're rich.

You don't even know what will be in the new Affordable Care Program. Trump hasn't even taken office yet, but we all know Obamacare has been an abject failure.
Four Years of Obamacare Failures Is Long Enough

Trump said he was having a revolution, that he was an outsider. So his pick for Treasury is a banker. The very people who caused all the problems that people could have supposed that a change, a revolution, would do away with. And he will essentially be carry out tax cuts for the wealthy.

How can a pick be someone without a background in finance???

Actually I know a lot about vouchers.

Vouchers don't ensure the poor have good schools. It's simply not the case.

Your logic is inherently flawed. Like the "everyone can make it in America", yes, everyone can make it, a lottery win can make you make it. However not everyone can make it together, only a few of them can make it, while the rest won't. There's only a small space for people to make it and a large space for people not to make it.

I've come across this argument many times. People act as if suddenly all schools will become good because suddenly they're being given vouchers. That if people can choose to go to another school with a voucher then they'll suddenly have better schools that if kids just have the choice to go to a school. Why does the voucher change anything?

In the UK parents have the choice of which school to send their kids. They don't have vouchers, but they have the SAME CHOICE that parents with vouchers have. The ONLY difference is that in the UK rich parents who send their kids to private schools don't get given money they don't need to make the choice to send them to expensive schools.

Vouchers have been in place nationwide in Chile. What's the result?

Rethinking Schools Online

"the experience internationally suggests that voucher plans promise a lot but may actually be worse for children from low-income families, for whom the gains are supposed to be the greatest."

"The Chilean plan began in 1980 under the Pinochet military government as part of an overall "de-governmentalization" free-market package."

"What were the results of this reform? The first was that even when parents' contributions are included, total spending on education fell quite sharply after increasing in the early 1980s when the central government was paying thousands of teachers severance pay as part of privatizing their contracts."

"The second result was that in Chile, as in Europe, those who took advantage of the subsidized private schools were predominantly middle- and higher-income families."

"Chile offers a voucher to all students. "Fees" often are charged at the private schools on top of the voucher, and private schools are allowed to screen students."

"By 1990, of families in the lower 40% of the income distribution, 72% attended municipal public schools."

"The third result was that the increase in pupil achievement predicted by voucher proponents appears to have never occurred. Scores in Spanish and mathematics from two nationally standardized cognitive achievement tests implemented in 1982 and 1988 for fourth graders registered a national decline of 14% and 6%, respectively."

So, the voucher scheme was a failure, except for the rich who got given money to go to school. The poor stayed in lower standard education for the most part because private schools STILL CHARGED money to exclude the poor, they still put in place screening, able to pick and choose whoever they liked and reject those who they didn't like. The poor lost out, standards DROPPED.

No, I don't know what will be in it exactly, but I can take a good guess. Besides, I'm talking about the guy who Trump wants in the post and what he has done.

Obamacare has been a failure? Well, I'd say the US health system is a failure. Too costly, not enough results for the people.

How can someone be picked without a background in finance? Well, what a great argument for always keeping things the same. However there are those who are pro-status quo and those who are against this. This guy seems to have gotten the job because he's friends with Trump, nothing more.
Trump hasn't taken office yet, but already his picks are showing what his main policy is. To make the rich richer and the poor poorer.

In charge of education he wants DeVos who is a strong advocate for school vouchers. Vouchers are basically a ways of giving money to rich parents who can already send their kids to private school. So now they get money off their private school, and it won't do anything for most kids in the US.

Tom Price, who Trump will nominate to be in charge of Health, has sent through the last 3 Congresses a bill which would see people get reduced insurance bills, unless of course you have a problem in which case Price doesn't give a fuck about you and you'll have such a large insurance bill that you'll essentially die, unless of course you're rich.

Trump said he was having a revolution, that he was an outsider. So his pick for Treasury is a banker. The very people who caused all the problems that people could have supposed that a change, a revolution, would do away with. And he will essentially be carry out tax cuts for the wealthy.

For Attorney General there is Jeff Sessions. A guy who voted against a bill to prevent cruel, inhumane, or degrading punishment under the control of the US govt. He has a zero rating from the Human Rights Campaign. Well we know Trump has no idea about Human Rights, so to pick someone who doesn't give a damn about them or the Constitution is telling.

Basically the rich will get richer, and the poor are stuffed. The President won't represent anyone who isn't in the top 10%.
n charge of education he wants DeVos who is a strong advocate for school vouchers. Vouchers are basically a ways of giving money to rich parents who can already send their kids to private school. So now they get money off their private school, and it won't do anything for most kids in the US.

You don'y know much about vouchers. Vouchers insure the poor have the choice of good schools, something the rich can pay for themselves. Vouchers even the playing field for parents who want better for their disadvantaged children.

Tom Price, who Trump will nominate to be in charge of Health, has sent through the last 3 Congresses a bill which would see people get reduced insurance bills, unless of course you have a problem in which case Price doesn't give a fuck about you and you'll have such a large insurance bill that you'll essentially die, unless of course you're rich.

You don't even know what will be in the new Affordable Care Program. Trump hasn't even taken office yet, but we all know Obamacare has been an abject failure.
Four Years of Obamacare Failures Is Long Enough

Trump said he was having a revolution, that he was an outsider. So his pick for Treasury is a banker. The very people who caused all the problems that people could have supposed that a change, a revolution, would do away with. And he will essentially be carry out tax cuts for the wealthy.

How can a pick be someone without a background in finance???

You can see how a person will act by looking at his history...He is a corrupt dog who is wanting to overhaul Medicare/ Medicaid .You can also look up his voting record which backs up the story

Tom Price's radically conservative vision for American health care

Trump hasn't taken office yet, but already his picks are showing what his main policy is. To make the rich richer and the poor poorer.

In charge of education he wants DeVos who is a strong advocate for school vouchers. Vouchers are basically a ways of giving money to rich parents who can already send their kids to private school. So now they get money off their private school, and it won't do anything for most kids in the US.

Tom Price, who Trump will nominate to be in charge of Health, has sent through the last 3 Congresses a bill which would see people get reduced insurance bills, unless of course you have a problem in which case Price doesn't give a fuck about you and you'll have such a large insurance bill that you'll essentially die, unless of course you're rich.

Trump said he was having a revolution, that he was an outsider. So his pick for Treasury is a banker. The very people who caused all the problems that people could have supposed that a change, a revolution, would do away with. And he will essentially be carry out tax cuts for the wealthy.

For Attorney General there is Jeff Sessions. A guy who voted against a bill to prevent cruel, inhumane, or degrading punishment under the control of the US govt. He has a zero rating from the Human Rights Campaign. Well we know Trump has no idea about Human Rights, so to pick someone who doesn't give a damn about them or the Constitution is telling.

Basically the rich will get richer, and the poor are stuffed. The President won't represent anyone who isn't in the top 10%.

If he bans Muslim immigration, secures the southern border, and creates jobs I don't care about the rich. I think others will forget about them too.

And what will banning Muslim immigration do? How many killings in the US have happened because of Muslims and how many because of non-Muslims?
Trump hasn't taken office yet, but already his picks are showing what his main policy is. To make the rich richer and the poor poorer.

In charge of education he wants DeVos who is a strong advocate for school vouchers. Vouchers are basically a ways of giving money to rich parents who can already send their kids to private school. So now they get money off their private school, and it won't do anything for most kids in the US.

Tom Price, who Trump will nominate to be in charge of Health, has sent through the last 3 Congresses a bill which would see people get reduced insurance bills, unless of course you have a problem in which case Price doesn't give a fuck about you and you'll have such a large insurance bill that you'll essentially die, unless of course you're rich.

Trump said he was having a revolution, that he was an outsider. So his pick for Treasury is a banker. The very people who caused all the problems that people could have supposed that a change, a revolution, would do away with. And he will essentially be carry out tax cuts for the wealthy.

For Attorney General there is Jeff Sessions. A guy who voted against a bill to prevent cruel, inhumane, or degrading punishment under the control of the US govt. He has a zero rating from the Human Rights Campaign. Well we know Trump has no idea about Human Rights, so to pick someone who doesn't give a damn about them or the Constitution is telling.

Basically the rich will get richer, and the poor are stuffed. The President won't represent anyone who isn't in the top 10%.
Tell me, what did Obama do for the poor or middle class? He stuck them with an extra payment for insurance. Payable whether you can afford it or not. He made full time jobs into part-time jobs. Never went above 2% GDP. Also the black population is worse off. So what has he accomplished?

Absolutely. DumBama placed this 50 employee limit before an employer is tormented by Commie Care. It makes sense for an employer to hire a foreigner or even illegal since they would't count in that 50 employee line. Then there is automation (when calculated) makes it a better investment than hiring American workers who wold subject an employer to Commie Care mandates or fines.

Yeah, Democrats really care about the middle-class when they create laws that work against them; at least the American middle-class.
Trump hasn't taken office yet, but already his picks are showing what his main policy is. To make the rich richer and the poor poorer.

This is exactly what has happened under Obama so stop pretending like you care

I disagree. Obama wouldn't have been my choice to run the country, he's a politician through and through, however if it were a choice between him, Dubya or Trump, no contest really. Obama was actually interested in the people, the other two weren't.
Trump hasn't taken office yet, but already his picks are showing what his main policy is. To make the rich richer and the poor poorer.

In charge of education he wants DeVos who is a strong advocate for school vouchers. Vouchers are basically a ways of giving money to rich parents who can already send their kids to private school. So now they get money off their private school, and it won't do anything for most kids in the US.

Tom Price, who Trump will nominate to be in charge of Health, has sent through the last 3 Congresses a bill which would see people get reduced insurance bills, unless of course you have a problem in which case Price doesn't give a fuck about you and you'll have such a large insurance bill that you'll essentially die, unless of course you're rich.

Trump said he was having a revolution, that he was an outsider. So his pick for Treasury is a banker. The very people who caused all the problems that people could have supposed that a change, a revolution, would do away with. And he will essentially be carry out tax cuts for the wealthy.

For Attorney General there is Jeff Sessions. A guy who voted against a bill to prevent cruel, inhumane, or degrading punishment under the control of the US govt. He has a zero rating from the Human Rights Campaign. Well we know Trump has no idea about Human Rights, so to pick someone who doesn't give a damn about them or the Constitution is telling.

Basically the rich will get richer, and the poor are stuffed. The President won't represent anyone who isn't in the top 10%.
n charge of education he wants DeVos who is a strong advocate for school vouchers. Vouchers are basically a ways of giving money to rich parents who can already send their kids to private school. So now they get money off their private school, and it won't do anything for most kids in the US.

You don'y know much about vouchers. Vouchers insure the poor have the choice of good schools, something the rich can pay for themselves. Vouchers even the playing field for parents who want better for their disadvantaged children.

Tom Price, who Trump will nominate to be in charge of Health, has sent through the last 3 Congresses a bill which would see people get reduced insurance bills, unless of course you have a problem in which case Price doesn't give a fuck about you and you'll have such a large insurance bill that you'll essentially die, unless of course you're rich.

You don't even know what will be in the new Affordable Care Program. Trump hasn't even taken office yet, but we all know Obamacare has been an abject failure.
Four Years of Obamacare Failures Is Long Enough

Trump said he was having a revolution, that he was an outsider. So his pick for Treasury is a banker. The very people who caused all the problems that people could have supposed that a change, a revolution, would do away with. And he will essentially be carry out tax cuts for the wealthy.

How can a pick be someone without a background in finance???

Actually I know a lot about vouchers.

Vouchers don't ensure the poor have good schools. It's simply not the case.

Your logic is inherently flawed. Like the "everyone can make it in America", yes, everyone can make it, a lottery win can make you make it. However not everyone can make it together, only a few of them can make it, while the rest won't. There's only a small space for people to make it and a large space for people not to make it.

I've come across this argument many times. People act as if suddenly all schools will become good because suddenly they're being given vouchers. That if people can choose to go to another school with a voucher then they'll suddenly have better schools that if kids just have the choice to go to a school. Why does the voucher change anything?

In the UK parents have the choice of which school to send their kids. They don't have vouchers, but they have the SAME CHOICE that parents with vouchers have. The ONLY difference is that in the UK rich parents who send their kids to private schools don't get given money they don't need to make the choice to send them to expensive schools.

Vouchers have been in place nationwide in Chile. What's the result?

Rethinking Schools Online

"the experience internationally suggests that voucher plans promise a lot but may actually be worse for children from low-income families, for whom the gains are supposed to be the greatest."

"The Chilean plan began in 1980 under the Pinochet military government as part of an overall "de-governmentalization" free-market package."

"What were the results of this reform? The first was that even when parents' contributions are included, total spending on education fell quite sharply after increasing in the early 1980s when the central government was paying thousands of teachers severance pay as part of privatizing their contracts."

"The second result was that in Chile, as in Europe, those who took advantage of the subsidized private schools were predominantly middle- and higher-income families."

"Chile offers a voucher to all students. "Fees" often are charged at the private schools on top of the voucher, and private schools are allowed to screen students."

"By 1990, of families in the lower 40% of the income distribution, 72% attended municipal public schools."

"The third result was that the increase in pupil achievement predicted by voucher proponents appears to have never occurred. Scores in Spanish and mathematics from two nationally standardized cognitive achievement tests implemented in 1982 and 1988 for fourth graders registered a national decline of 14% and 6%, respectively."

So, the voucher scheme was a failure, except for the rich who got given money to go to school. The poor stayed in lower standard education for the most part because private schools STILL CHARGED money to exclude the poor, they still put in place screening, able to pick and choose whoever they liked and reject those who they didn't like. The poor lost out, standards DROPPED.

No, I don't know what will be in it exactly, but I can take a good guess. Besides, I'm talking about the guy who Trump wants in the post and what he has done.

Obamacare has been a failure? Well, I'd say the US health system is a failure. Too costly, not enough results for the people.

How can someone be picked without a background in finance? Well, what a great argument for always keeping things the same. However there are those who are pro-status quo and those who are against this. This guy seems to have gotten the job because he's friends with Trump, nothing more.

I'll tell you the brutal truth about vouchers that few want to acknowledge. It allows disadvantaged youth go to better schools without having the personal funds to go. However, the private schools don't have to keep them. If they fail, they go. If they cannot follow the rules of the school, they are out.

So, basically what happens is the students who cannot conform to the standards of the private schools, they have to return to the public schools. Teacher unions hate this because they do not have enough students to keep their school scores up. It works well for the disadvantaged students who can perform to their standards and codes, but not all students can conform to these standards.

So what is the ultimate answer? Vouchers, yes. But we need the best teachers in the public schools where teaching methods and the most talented teachers can reach the others as well. Pay those teachers who can perform in the public schools successfully significantly higher.
Trump hasn't taken office yet, but already his picks are showing what his main policy is. To make the rich richer and the poor poorer.

This is exactly what has happened under Obama so stop pretending like you care

I disagree. Obama wouldn't have been my choice to run the country, he's a politician through and through, however if it were a choice between him, Dubya or Trump, no contest really. Obama was actually interested in the people, the other two weren't.

Then, where was he when companies went to other countries. It just took Trump 4 days to keep Carrier. That was worth 1,000 jobs that were going to be lost. Tell me how he was interested in the blue collar workers!
Trump hasn't taken office yet, but already his picks are showing what his main policy is. To make the rich richer and the poor poorer.

In charge of education he wants DeVos who is a strong advocate for school vouchers. Vouchers are basically a ways of giving money to rich parents who can already send their kids to private school. So now they get money off their private school, and it won't do anything for most kids in the US.

Tom Price, who Trump will nominate to be in charge of Health, has sent through the last 3 Congresses a bill which would see people get reduced insurance bills, unless of course you have a problem in which case Price doesn't give a fuck about you and you'll have such a large insurance bill that you'll essentially die, unless of course you're rich.

Trump said he was having a revolution, that he was an outsider. So his pick for Treasury is a banker. The very people who caused all the problems that people could have supposed that a change, a revolution, would do away with. And he will essentially be carry out tax cuts for the wealthy.

For Attorney General there is Jeff Sessions. A guy who voted against a bill to prevent cruel, inhumane, or degrading punishment under the control of the US govt. He has a zero rating from the Human Rights Campaign. Well we know Trump has no idea about Human Rights, so to pick someone who doesn't give a damn about them or the Constitution is telling.

Basically the rich will get richer, and the poor are stuffed. The President won't represent anyone who isn't in the top 10%.

If he bans Muslim immigration, secures the southern border, and creates jobs I don't care about the rich. I think others will forget about them too.

And what will banning Muslim immigration do? How many killings in the US have happened because of Muslims and how many because of non-Muslims?

Keep Islamists out of this country and hopefully get the ones here to leave.
Trump hasn't taken office yet, but already his picks are showing what his main policy is. To make the rich richer and the poor poorer.

In charge of education he wants DeVos who is a strong advocate for school vouchers. Vouchers are basically a ways of giving money to rich parents who can already send their kids to private school. So now they get money off their private school, and it won't do anything for most kids in the US.

Tom Price, who Trump will nominate to be in charge of Health, has sent through the last 3 Congresses a bill which would see people get reduced insurance bills, unless of course you have a problem in which case Price doesn't give a fuck about you and you'll have such a large insurance bill that you'll essentially die, unless of course you're rich.

Trump said he was having a revolution, that he was an outsider. So his pick for Treasury is a banker. The very people who caused all the problems that people could have supposed that a change, a revolution, would do away with. And he will essentially be carry out tax cuts for the wealthy.

For Attorney General there is Jeff Sessions. A guy who voted against a bill to prevent cruel, inhumane, or degrading punishment under the control of the US govt. He has a zero rating from the Human Rights Campaign. Well we know Trump has no idea about Human Rights, so to pick someone who doesn't give a damn about them or the Constitution is telling.

Basically the rich will get richer, and the poor are stuffed. The President won't represent anyone who isn't in the top 10%.
n charge of education he wants DeVos who is a strong advocate for school vouchers. Vouchers are basically a ways of giving money to rich parents who can already send their kids to private school. So now they get money off their private school, and it won't do anything for most kids in the US.

You don'y know much about vouchers. Vouchers insure the poor have the choice of good schools, something the rich can pay for themselves. Vouchers even the playing field for parents who want better for their disadvantaged children.

Tom Price, who Trump will nominate to be in charge of Health, has sent through the last 3 Congresses a bill which would see people get reduced insurance bills, unless of course you have a problem in which case Price doesn't give a fuck about you and you'll have such a large insurance bill that you'll essentially die, unless of course you're rich.

You don't even know what will be in the new Affordable Care Program. Trump hasn't even taken office yet, but we all know Obamacare has been an abject failure.
Four Years of Obamacare Failures Is Long Enough

Trump said he was having a revolution, that he was an outsider. So his pick for Treasury is a banker. The very people who caused all the problems that people could have supposed that a change, a revolution, would do away with. And he will essentially be carry out tax cuts for the wealthy.

How can a pick be someone without a background in finance???

Actually I know a lot about vouchers.

Vouchers don't ensure the poor have good schools. It's simply not the case.

Your logic is inherently flawed. Like the "everyone can make it in America", yes, everyone can make it, a lottery win can make you make it. However not everyone can make it together, only a few of them can make it, while the rest won't. There's only a small space for people to make it and a large space for people not to make it.

I've come across this argument many times. People act as if suddenly all schools will become good because suddenly they're being given vouchers. That if people can choose to go to another school with a voucher then they'll suddenly have better schools that if kids just have the choice to go to a school. Why does the voucher change anything?

In the UK parents have the choice of which school to send their kids. They don't have vouchers, but they have the SAME CHOICE that parents with vouchers have. The ONLY difference is that in the UK rich parents who send their kids to private schools don't get given money they don't need to make the choice to send them to expensive schools.

Vouchers have been in place nationwide in Chile. What's the result?

Rethinking Schools Online

"the experience internationally suggests that voucher plans promise a lot but may actually be worse for children from low-income families, for whom the gains are supposed to be the greatest."

"The Chilean plan began in 1980 under the Pinochet military government as part of an overall "de-governmentalization" free-market package."

"What were the results of this reform? The first was that even when parents' contributions are included, total spending on education fell quite sharply after increasing in the early 1980s when the central government was paying thousands of teachers severance pay as part of privatizing their contracts."

"The second result was that in Chile, as in Europe, those who took advantage of the subsidized private schools were predominantly middle- and higher-income families."

"Chile offers a voucher to all students. "Fees" often are charged at the private schools on top of the voucher, and private schools are allowed to screen students."

"By 1990, of families in the lower 40% of the income distribution, 72% attended municipal public schools."

"The third result was that the increase in pupil achievement predicted by voucher proponents appears to have never occurred. Scores in Spanish and mathematics from two nationally standardized cognitive achievement tests implemented in 1982 and 1988 for fourth graders registered a national decline of 14% and 6%, respectively."

So, the voucher scheme was a failure, except for the rich who got given money to go to school. The poor stayed in lower standard education for the most part because private schools STILL CHARGED money to exclude the poor, they still put in place screening, able to pick and choose whoever they liked and reject those who they didn't like. The poor lost out, standards DROPPED.

No, I don't know what will be in it exactly, but I can take a good guess. Besides, I'm talking about the guy who Trump wants in the post and what he has done.

Obamacare has been a failure? Well, I'd say the US health system is a failure. Too costly, not enough results for the people.

How can someone be picked without a background in finance? Well, what a great argument for always keeping things the same. However there are those who are pro-status quo and those who are against this. This guy seems to have gotten the job because he's friends with Trump, nothing more.
Joe, the plumber didn't want the job of Treasury Secretary. Are you happy now?

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