Harrison Butker’s ‘extreme’ political views has made him extremely popular…the number one selling jersey. Are we watching a political movement happen?

1. Fau-Chi started the Covid plague. Trump's policies were fine until Covid hit, they were way better than Biden's moronic policies.

Actually, we were already sinking into a recession when Covid Hit. GDP Growth was -5% for Q-1 of 2020, which was before any Covid fatalities hit the US.

2. We're going back to the optimum legal immigration apparatus.

No, we aren't anywhere near that. An optimum legal immigration status wouldn't have people waiting 7 years for an asylum hearing.

3. Trump enjoyed an active sex life. Its a free country.
You think someone who cheats on his wife with a porn star is anywhere near "healthy"? Hey, where's Melania?

4. I have no hypocrisy?! WTF are you whining about?
Either you support Jesus or you Support Trump. A man cannot serve two masters.
1. Gay people exist. They don't choose to be gay. Therefore, teaching them that there's nothing wrong with them is SCIENCE based.
1a. Local control of schools would be fine, as long as a few loons don't try to impose their beliefs on everyone else.

2. The Mormons would like to have a word with you about a woman's proper place.
1. Reading, writing, and arithmetic and a few STEM subjects are what schools should teach. Subject matter needs to avoid conflicting with students' religious beliefs.

2. Mormons can keep doing what they do. Utah is the best (highest rated) state. (saw that on TV)
No, he didn't say anything wrong. He just gave his misogynist views on how the hand maidens should look at life.
Quote the relevent part of the speech you say is "misogynist" so we can judge for ourselves. Why should I take your word for it?
Incidentally, Bill Maher weighed in on the controversial speech:
From the article:
People are finally pushing back, and Maher's point is a simple one. Butker didn't tell people what they had to do. He shared his views with a Catholic audience. It's the side shouting him down who seems interested in dictating how people live.

I have to concur.
1. The school boards should know what subject matter to teach, as opposed to religious beliefs. As I said before, I believe in separation of Church and State. Teaching "Evolution" is science based. Teaching "Atheism" or "homosexuality" is not science based. That's why states rights and local control of schools with state supervision is need to protect everyone's rights and beliefs.

2. Even if a woman's primary function is as a mother and home-maker, there is nothing in that statement that precludes a woman from having a successful career, i.e. "having it all".

No one is "teaching homosexuality". It's not something that anyone "learns". What they are teaching is "biology".

Nor is anyone teaching atheism either.

What about the rights of children to be given an education and taught skills that they will require to becoming functioning and employable adults in the 21st Century? You talk about "state's rights", and "parents' rights", what about the rights of children and parents not to be subjected to populist attacks meant to undermine public education?

2. Clearly, you've never had a successful career at anything in your entire life. When I was a successful banker, I had a full time housekeeper who picked up my kids after school, kept the house tidy through the week, and who had dinner in the oven when I came home from work. I also had cleaning service which came in Saturday morning to do the heavy housework. When I worked on Bay Street, I had a "house husband" at home doing childcare, and most of the cooking and cleaning.

There is no such thing as "having it all". There are not enough hours in the day. If you look at the women who have reached the very top of the business world, like the female President of GM Canada, have no children. And they have very supportive husbands/partners. They work as a team in the best interests of both partners.
There is no such thing as "having it all". There are not enough hours in the day. If you look at the women who have reached the very top of the business world, like the female President of GM Canada, have no children. And they have very supportive husbands/partners. They work as a team in the best interests of both partners.
This is all very good.. but what does this have to do with Butker's speech? That's what this thread is about but no one is quoting the part of his speech where he tells women NOT to pursue a career instead of a family.
This is all very good.. but what does this have to do with Butker's speech? That's what this thread is about but no one is quoting the part of his speech where he tells women NOT to pursue a career instead of a family.
it’s a left-wing phenomenon to tell people how they think or lie about peoples positions for example calling them misogynistic or racist. Occasionally the right wing does that wrt lying about people being anti-Jewish bc of criticism of the Israeli gov.. but I think that sort of phenomenon of mislabeling folks as “racist or misogynistic” is far more prevalent on the left.

There’s been a few people on the board who have said that directly or insinuated that about Butker
Actually, we were already sinking into a recession when Covid Hit. GDP Growth was -5% for Q-1 of 2020, which was before any Covid fatalities hit the US.

No, we aren't anywhere near that. An optimum legal immigration status wouldn't have people waiting 7 years for an asylum hearing.

You think someone who cheats on his wife with a porn star is anywhere near "healthy"? Hey, where's Melania?

Either you support Jesus or you Support Trump. A man cannot serve two masters.
1. The Trump economy was fine until Fau-Chi's Covid pandemic hit. Trump's tax cuts didn't get the GDP to 5%, and that included borrowing money.


2. Not everyone waited 7-years for a hearing. Biden's open borders let 100,000 Chinese and 50,000 unvetted Russians into the US.

3. Where's Melania? Not freezing her ass off in that courtroom.
Have you taken a look at Karen McDougle? I can see why she was Playmate of the Year.

4. So I have to choose between Jesus and Trump? Wow, that's a toughie...
I may have to wait until the ballots come out in November to choose.
There was nothing hateful about it. Your reaction to it however....
Standing up for those he would is not hate.
Oppressing people because of their gender?
That's hate.

Not surprising you can't see that.
1. Gay people exist. They don't choose to be gay. Therefore, teaching them that there's nothing wrong with them is SCIENCE based.
Do pedophiles “choose” to fuck kids or is the desire to fuck kids just in their DNA?
If it is in their genetic code, would that mean the unconventional, abnormal, bizzare urge cannot be controlled?
1. Reading, writing, and arithmetic and a few STEM subjects are what schools should teach. Subject matter needs to avoid conflicting with students' religious beliefs.

2. Mormons can keep doing what they do. Utah is the best (highest rated) state. (saw that on TV)
Yeah, given how whacked some of our Mormon Posters are, that's nothing to brag about.
It wouldn't matter because it doesn't involve consenting adults.

Gays are consenting adults.
I’m just presenting a simple question because I’m fascinated when you people try to sell faggotry as genetic coding…something people cannot control.
1. The Trump economy was fine until Fau-Chi's Covid pandemic hit. Trump's tax cuts didn't get the GDP to 5%, and that included borrowing money.
It was hardly fine... Company I worked for laid off a bunch of people during late 2019. I was out job hunting at that time and it was pathetic

As opposed to now, where I get calls from recruiters every day.

2. Not everyone waited 7-years for a hearing. Biden's open borders let 100,000 Chinese and 50,000 unvetted Russians into the US.

Sounds like a good reason to properly staff asylum courts to vett people. But Trump gutted them.

3. Where's Melania? Not freezing her ass off in that courtroom.
Have you taken a look at Karen McDougle? I can see why she was Playmate of the Year.

Not my type, I can tell fake boobs and airbrushing when I see it.

So it's okay to cheat on your pregnant wife if she's Hot? Just like Jesus would do.

4. So I have to choose between Jesus and Trump? Wow, that's a toughie...
I may have to wait until the ballots come out in November to choose.
You've made your choice. Jesus doesn't validate your bigotries.
I’m just presenting a simple question because I’m fascinated when you people try to sell faggotry as genetic coding…something people cannot control.
It's not a simple question.

People can't change their nature. In the case of Pedophiles, it means we have to protect society from them.

In the case of gays, it's really none of your fucking business.
It's not a simple question.

People can't change their nature. In the case of Pedophiles, it means we have to protect society from them.

In the case of gays, it's really none of your fucking business.
You obviously don’t know the data….Fags are far more likely to be criminals, more likely to use drugs, more likely to commit suicide, more likely to be taxpayer dependent. They are liabilities, parasites, human cockroaches.
What kind of a fucked in head society would embrace and or encourage faggotry?
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Standing up for those he would is not hate.
Oppressing people because of their gender?
That's hate.

Not surprising you can't see that.
He neither articulated, intimated, nor intimidated the oppression of any one person or group.

Do better.

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