From the Ballot Box, to the Ammo Box.

Look, you are the one that created the thread and have yet to produce an ounce of election fraud to support your lunacy!

The fact is why the Republicans list is because of Generation Z and Women rejection of Trump selection and the increase in “ None of the Above “ vote and Libertarians that siphoned off votes because Trump picks were toxic.

Think about it when I say I wouldn’t vote Republican if Trump endorses the Candidate, and I didn’t vote Republican or Democrat this last election.

Now you will proclaim my vote was wasted but so was every Democrat vote also when a GOP member won and Texas is heavily Republican.

The Republicans were not cheated but what happened was is the Republicans once again allowed Trump to be the Trojan Horse he is and the sooner you learn Trump is your enemy the quicker the GOP can regain power!
Blow it out your ass you fuckin drone. There have been hundreds of threads with video evidence, data and testimony regarding election fraud since 2020 and you bed wetters ignore or dismiss it. You cling to deliberate ignorance and it's not my problem. When you finally accept reality and LISTEN to the "silent majority" it will be to late.

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Billo is Weapons Grade Stupid. While I do disagree with you and believe election fraud is a serious issue, NO ONE WITH ANY DEGREE OF SANITY wants a violent event, but I would assert the left appears to be trying to agitate for one of any side is.

My concern is that the government fails, and can not respond to violent conflicts. Just like it failed to keep cities from being destroyed after George Kirby died of an overdose in police custody.
To your concern, (which I understand) the difference is in national vs local. Local cities (all cities, save Washington, DC) are nationally allowed to fail, if that is what they choose to do, by their own actions and governance. By our constitution, the Federal Government does not call the shots for cities and local governments. The local governments at local and state level do. That is the reason for the different response and visceral national reaction on J6 and attack on the capital, vs local cities that (while not approving the riots in their cities, outright) had the management authority to make the poor decisions of how they would govern and (and in those cases, in my opinion fail) to react to violent crises. This is where I get uncomfortably close to a partisan attack against many of our Democrat run cities and probably states. They chose their weak response, and really nothing the Federal Government could easily, legally do about it, and by in large, it was a problem of local Democrat control permissiveness, as failure to act or react to the rioting was a type of tacit approval. If you and I don't live there, we are only distant stakeholders (even in a moral sense), not shareholders of the responsibility to govern there. DC is different, basically belonging to all of us, as the seat of our government. We will always defend against attack on our government there, and quicker now (possibly more violently), after the last attack than before, as we (this generation) now know it actually could happen in reality, not just conceptually. As citizens of this nation, we got a dog in that race, and if attacked, that dog will bite. If the people running those other cities want to live and govern that way, it is their failure, their irresponsibility. It just so happens, the separation of powers (in our constitution) that protects the cities from being taken over by the Federal Government, also enables them to be the shitty failures many of them are, especially in times of crises and unrest.

There. I'm done, now with partisan finger pointing. I'll try to regain my independent status somewhere else on the board.
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Blow it out your ass you fuckin drone. There have been hundreds of threads with video evidence, data and testimony regarding election fraud since 2020 and you bed wetters ignore or dismiss it. You cling to deliberate ignorance and it's not my problem. When you finally accept reality and LISTEN to the "silent majority" it will be to late.

And what did the courts say when you took your evidence to court?

It went something like this...


They put your argument in the trash with all the other garbage.
Why do you think you've been cheated? You offered nothing that would benefit the nation! Why would anyone vote for that?
I don’t – but that’s the nonsense Republicans believe, the lie that as a consequence of ‘cheating’ and ‘fraud’ they’ve been denied the presidency and control of Congress.

Now Republicans must resort to acts of violence and domestic terrorism.
I don’t – but that’s the nonsense Republicans believe, the lie that as a consequence of ‘cheating’ and ‘fraud’ they’ve been denied the presidency and control of Congress.

Now Republicans must resort to acts of violence and domestic terrorism.

You hope.


Conservatives truly are such childish, melodramatic sore losers – one of endless reasons why they’re not fit to govern.
Shit the fuck up loser!

You troll with that same nonsense year after year and you whined for four fucking years when Trump was President and eight years when Bush was President!

Also you damn idiot Conservatives are not the damn issue just like Liberals are not the damn issue either and the issue is Trump base and ignorant Progressive assholes like you that believe anyone that disagree with your mental midget way has to be unfit to govern!

So shut the fuck up and realize you are one truly ignorant asshole that just blames the wrong group of people for your miserable life!
I don’t – but that’s the nonsense Republicans believe, the lie that as a consequence of ‘cheating’ and ‘fraud’ they’ve been denied the presidency and control of Congress.

Now Republicans must resort to acts of violence and domestic terrorism.
And yet you love domestic terrorism when it suits your needs.

Not once did you complain about riots and looting when your side did it but boy do you bitch and when when Trump base does it!

Also retard Trump isn’t conservative and you have more in common with Trump than a true Conservative does!
A gazillion times BETTER!
No you guys were not!

You guys protested his election and bitched and moan even until today about the stupid son of a bitch, so stop lying!

The only difference was you guys didn’t do a insurrection to stop the process but besides that you guys whined daily, and protested him on January 20th 2017 where people were arrested!

Also let remember Pelosi made it clear she never accepted Trump as the rightfully elected President and did everything she could to make sure everyone knew she was upset about him winning the Electoral College, so why must you lie?

Even until now you guys have yet to arrest the Son of a Bitch and just keep on whining about him, so let be clear you ain’t any better than the loser’s on the right!
Why LIE? Or have you just been brain washed in to believing the right wing lies, through repetitiveness?
You calling me a damn liar?

What a piece of shit you are!

So no riots during Trump time or looting by BLM or ANTIFA and no one once said anything nasty about Trump?

Got it and what fucking reality world are you from?

You are nothing but a leftist parasite that would have voted for Trump if he were still a Democrat!

You guys even protested his inauguration in 2017 and people were arrested or will you fucking lie and say it never happened and it is rightwing lies by CNN?

So stop fucking lying and admit you are just like any other Trumpster you fucking loser!
I don’t – but that’s the nonsense Republicans believe, the lie that as a consequence of ‘cheating’ and ‘fraud’ they’ve been denied the presidency and control of Congress.

Now Republicans must resort to acts of violence and domestic terrorism.
I like to think that road is not a "must" for Republicans. I've always thought what made this country great and separate from all the rest, was the fact that we could discuss and settle our differences peacefully.
To your concern, (which I understand) the difference is in national vs local. Local cities (all cities, save Washington, DC) are nationally allowed to fail, if that is what they choose to do, by their own actions and governance. By our constitution, the Federal Government does not call the shots for cities and local governments. The local governments at local and state level do. That is the reason for the different response and visceral national reaction on J6 and attack on the capital, vs local cities that (while not approving the riots in their cities, outright) had the management authority to make the poor decisions of how they would govern and (and in those cases, in my opinion fail) to react to violent crises. This is where I get uncomfortably close to a partisan attack against many of our Democrat run cities and probably states. They chose their weak response, and really nothing the Federal Government could easily, legally do about it, and by in large, it was a problem of local Democrat control permissiveness, as failure to act or react to the rioting was a type of tacit approval. If you and I don't live there, we are only distant stakeholders (even in a moral sense), not shareholders of the responsibility to govern there. DC is different, basically belonging to all of us, as the seat of our government. We will always defend against attack on our government there, and quicker now (possibly more violently), after the last attack than before, as we (this generation) now know it actually could happen in reality, not just conceptually. As citizens of this nation, we got a dog in that race, and if attacked, that dog will bite. If the people running those other cities want to live and govern that way, it is their failure, their irresponsibility. It just so happens, the separation of powers (in our constitution) that protects the cities from being taken over by the Federal Government, also enables them to be the shitty failures many of them are, especially in times of crises and unrest.

There. I'm done, now with partisan finger pointing. I'll try to regain my independent status somewhere else on the board.
You make a good case and I can't say any of it is wrong, except that the "visceral reaction" to J6 and the leftist violence waged over the course of 18 months was grossly one sided. The attempts to burn down a Church, plus the destruction of monuments and wanton vandalism that took place on and off in DC by leftist lunatics along with the attempts to destroy federal property in other cities and the assaults on federal agents made J6 look like a Code Pink sit in at Pelosi's office. Besides that, efforts were made to prosecute and punish offenders that pelted agents and buildings with rocks, ice bottles, molotov's and fireworks only to have then VP candidate Harris' minions bail suspects out.

I hope you can acknowledge the resentment "right wingers" carry because of this.

You may not envision or believe in the plausibility of the federal government failing to react, or even failing to exist as the USSR did at some point should chaos ensue across the country but I can. In New Orleans during Katrina some buddies I have in the Nat'l Guard were deployed for that, and in just that ONE CITY the resources that finally made it in to regain control after a week of absolute lawlessness were tremendous. If there was an event of political upheaval in more than 10 major cities simultaneously I think the bottom drops out. In N.O. alone half the city cops took their Crown Vic's and issued gear home to protect their families, neighbors and homes. Spread that out across the nation in multiple regions and you'll have a serious shit storm I don't believe we would recover from.

Of course YOU AND I would defend the nation from people who sought to destroy it, but only to a degree. When it's agents within the government causing serious harm to the public and hordes of people react violently, count me out. I would not have defended the Monarchs in Moscow in 1917, nor the Bolsheviks in 1991. As I see the future of the US at the moment, we have all the makings of a total collapse right now. We have all the definitions of FAILED STATE in place in so many parts of the country that the 550 cord and 100MPH tape holding it together might not be enough. I'm not going to oppose my own fellow citizens for a lost cause.

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