Freedom from ME oil.

i'd be all for a nexGen nuke power plant here in Maine, thye could even build it on the old Maine Yankee site
Couldn't agree more Dive. I find we hold many of the same ideals and I like that fact because rather than dwelling on our differences we find a great deal of issues we agree upon.

I call dibs on the first one in my back yard you can have the SECOND one.
who says they cant have more than one in both places
its time we actually started to build our electrical supply instead of importing everything
i'm also for clean coal plants
and i dont mean just to shut down the existing ones, but build the new ones before you think about closing the older ones, and then only close those that are too old to cost effectively upgrade
The thing is though Coal can be a part of the solution as well, it would seem to me not a very wise move to simply ignore one of the most abundant resources this nation has and not explore ways to burn coal in an environmentally friendly manner. It's my opinion that like nuclear too much effort has been put into deamonizing coal when if used in a sound manner coal represents a large portion of our energy portfolio.

The world's first "clean coal" power plant went on-line in September 2008 in Spremberg, Germany. The plant is state-owned and has been built by the Swedish firm Vattenfall.[11] The plant is state owned because of the high costs of this technology, since private investors are only willing to invest in other sources such as nuclear, solar and wind.[12] The facility captures CO2 and acid rain producing sulfides, separates them, and compresses the CO2 into a liquid state. Plans are to inject the CO2 into depleted natural gas fields or other geological formations. This technology is considered to not be a final solution for CO2 reduction in the atmosphere, but provides an achievable solution in the near term while more desirable alternative solutions to power generation can be made economically practical.

Clean coal technology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It would seem if the technology exists to build these clean coal plants then you must address the issue of sequestration of the by product which is the liquid CO2. That being said though if you look at US coal reserves though this simply cannot be dismissed and perhaps can be used to offset an overall energy plan that includes nuclear as the primary, augmented with coal, solar, wind, and even natural gas.
CO2 sequestering has its own issues. Unless you CAN put it into a cavern with non porus rock then you may be poluting water tables down stream. It has possibilities but is FAR from perfect. I went to a seminar about Canadians doin it and it is very difficult and expensive but like I said it does show promise.
The thing is though Coal can be a part of the solution as well, it would seem to me not a very wise move to simply ignore one of the most abundant resources this nation has and not explore ways to burn coal in an environmentally friendly manner. It's my opinion that like nuclear too much effort has been put into deamonizing coal when if used in a sound manner coal represents a large portion of our energy portfolio.

The world's first "clean coal" power plant went on-line in September 2008 in Spremberg, Germany. The plant is state-owned and has been built by the Swedish firm Vattenfall.[11] The plant is state owned because of the high costs of this technology, since private investors are only willing to invest in other sources such as nuclear, solar and wind.[12] The facility captures CO2 and acid rain producing sulfides, separates them, and compresses the CO2 into a liquid state. Plans are to inject the CO2 into depleted natural gas fields or other geological formations. This technology is considered to not be a final solution for CO2 reduction in the atmosphere, but provides an achievable solution in the near term while more desirable alternative solutions to power generation can be made economically practical.

Clean coal technology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It would seem if the technology exists to build these clean coal plants then you must address the issue of sequestration of the by product which is the liquid CO2. That being said though if you look at US coal reserves though this simply cannot be dismissed and perhaps can be used to offset an overall energy plan that includes nuclear as the primary, augmented with coal, solar, wind, and even natural gas.

There is still a huge problem with mining it.
There is still a huge problem with mining it.

I still cannot believe you are a moderator Kitten.

Moderate me baby, this post is z smam-like distraction. I am disrailing the vital thought of this thread! Ha hah aha haah HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

I WANT and NEED some moderation from a kitten.
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There is still a huge problem with mining it.

I still cannot believe you are a moderator Kitten.

Moderate me baby, this post is z smam-like distraction. I am disrailing the vital thought of this thread! Ha hah aha haah HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

I WANT and NEED some moderation from a kitten.

You must be a coal miner yourself ... :razz:

So you are a stray cat, not a kitten.

Fuck me, the last time this happened was in a bar in Puerto Rico.
I still cannot believe you are a moderator Kitten.

Moderate me baby, this post is z smam-like distraction. I am disrailing the vital thought of this thread! Ha hah aha haah HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

I WANT and NEED some moderation from a kitten.

You must be a coal miner yourself ... :razz:

So you are a stray cat, not a kitten.

Fuck me, the last time this happened was in a bar in Puerto Rico.

Got fucked by a stray cat? Must of had one HELL of a hangover the next day.
While each technology can be said to have it's problems on one way or another Cold, the point was that we need to stop making them into monsters if we ever hope to get away from handing out our money to people who don't like us very much. I'm aware kitten there are several issue with coal but then again there are issue with every technology and not a single one of them is perfect, however I do think that is we apply these technologies in a smart way and I mean ALL of them that we all win and too much time as of late has been spent on making technologies into monsters rather than trying to solve problems which we all need to get back to doing IMO. Now back to the cocktail hour!! .. *laughs*
The only thing that keeps us from that at the moment Cold is ourselves if we stop and think about it. This applies to both sides of this debate. While I tend not to be one of those that falls automatically at the the feet of this idea of man made global warming and rather see it as a scheme to enrich those companies that are in that business, I do feel things like that tend to take away from what can be a good debate on the climate and the environment. Personally, no technology that can help our nation end it's need on fossil fuel should be seen as a monster rather it should be seen as a step to a bright future and promoted. When we can all stop focusing on the negative and looking at what needs to be solved and acknowledge that everyone might have something to offer in this debate then we can get to the business of solving this problem. Sort of like this, I respect anyones opinion on Global Warming even though I may not agree with it, so now let's get to work , see how easy that was?
I see no reason we can not be the LEADER in new techs as we were the leader in innovation for most of the 18th and 19th centuries.

That's an easy one. The right is against education and science. It's no secret. They believe that Jesus will save us, if only we could get more "mysticism" in public schools.

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