Free Stuff.... For whites

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We have gotten to page 5 and the majority of the posts have nothing to do with the OP. And that includes a couple of posts by the rule enforcers.

This thread is about the 243 years of affirmative action whites have been getting.

And let me address something here. None of you whites that call yourselves experts on being black have ever live one second as a black person. You don't know shit about being black or what blacks need to do. Furthermore you are the LAST people to be telling others how to make it. This thread is going to show you why I can say that.
Obviously, you know something about being white, though, don't you, Dickweed.
We have gotten to page 5 and the majority of the posts have nothing to do with the OP. And that includes a couple of posts by the rule enforcers.

This thread is about the 243 years of affirmative action whites have been getting.

And let me address something here. None of you whites that call yourselves experts on being black have ever live one second as a black person. You don't know shit about being black or what blacks need to do. Furthermore you are the LAST people to be telling others how to make it. This thread is going to show you why I can say that.
Obviously, you know something about being white, though, don't you, Dickweed.

Yep. We can't help but to know. There are 5 times more of you than us. We deal with you every day. We have been educated in your system. We have been in social and professional settings where we are the only person of color in a sea of white people. We conversate. You have never consistently been in a situation where you are the only white in a setting with blacks. Whites like you are too scared to do so and you make excuses why you can't like you will undoubtedly do in your response.
We have gotten to page 5 and the majority of the posts have nothing to do with the OP. And that includes a couple of posts by the rule enforcers.

This thread is about the 243 years of affirmative action whites have been getting.

And let me address something here. None of you whites that call yourselves experts on being black have ever live one second as a black person. You don't know shit about being black or what blacks need to do. Furthermore you are the LAST people to be telling others how to make it. This thread is going to show you why I can say that.
Obviously, you know something about being white, though, don't you, Dickweed.

Yep. We can't help but to know. There are 5 times more of you than us. We deal with you every day. We have been educated in your system. We have been in social and professional settings where we are the only person of color in a sea of white people. We conversate. You have never consistently been in a situation where you are the only white in a setting with blacks. Whites like you are too scared to do so and you make excuses why you can't like you will undoubtedly do in your response.
None of you Negros who call yourselves experts on being white has ever lived one second as a white person.
Some of us need to learn American history.

The adult version.

How Whites Have Benefited From Affirmative Action Throughout American History

Yea, that’s right IM2. We whites get all the free stuff and we take it from all the folks of color. We are the majority and we are gonna just keep taking. Ain’t nothin you can do about it.

So then stop talking about how wrong it is for others to get free shit, parasite.

If you want free stuff you have to be in control. We are in control so no free stuff for you. Now get to the back of the line.

Since that's not how America works your silly opinion will be considered stupid on it's merits.

Well then what do you keep bitching about? First you whine because whitey gets all the free shit, now you say that isn’t how it works. No wonder you’re not in control, you don’t make any sense.

I'm not whining faggot. I'm holding a mirror to your face that shows how whites like you would be nothing had you not rigged the system. The only reason your asses are the majority is that you attempted genocide on the Native Americans and you would not allow people who weren't white to immigrate here for over 100 years. So like I said, you are a dumbass and your opinion is silly.
We have gotten to page 5 and the majority of the posts have nothing to do with the OP. And that includes a couple of posts by the rule enforcers.

This thread is about the 243 years of affirmative action whites have been getting.

And let me address something here. None of you whites that call yourselves experts on being black have ever live one second as a black person. You don't know shit about being black or what blacks need to do. Furthermore you are the LAST people to be telling others how to make it. This thread is going to show you why I can say that.
Obviously, you know something about being white, though, don't you, Dickweed.

Yep. We can't help but to know. There are 5 times more of you than us. We deal with you every day. We have been educated in your system. We have been in social and professional settings where we are the only person of color in a sea of white people. We conversate. You have never consistently been in a situation where you are the only white in a setting with blacks. Whites like you are too scared to do so and you make excuses why you can't like you will undoubtedly do in your response.
None of you Negros who call yourselves experts on being white has ever lived one second as a white person.

Lol! Nice try. But as I will repeat:

We can't help but to know. There are 5 times more of you than us. We deal with you every day. We have been educated in your system. We have been in social and professional settings where we are the only person of color in a sea of white people. We conversate. You have never consistently been in a situation where you are the only white in a setting with blacks. Whites like you are too scared to do so and you make excuses why you can't like you will undoubtedly do in your response.
We have gotten to page 5 and the majority of the posts have nothing to do with the OP. And that includes a couple of posts by the rule enforcers.

This thread is about the 243 years of affirmative action whites have been getting.

And let me address something here. None of you whites that call yourselves experts on being black have ever live one second as a black person. You don't know shit about being black or what blacks need to do. Furthermore you are the LAST people to be telling others how to make it. This thread is going to show you why I can say that.
Obviously, you know something about being white, though, don't you, Dickweed.

Yep. We can't help but to know. There are 5 times more of you than us. We deal with you every day. We have been educated in your system. We have been in social and professional settings where we are the only person of color in a sea of white people. We conversate. You have never consistently been in a situation where you are the only white in a setting with blacks. Whites like you are too scared to do so and you make excuses why you can't like you will undoubtedly do in your response.
None of you Negros who call yourselves experts on being white has ever lived one second as a white person.

Lol! Nice try. But as I will repeat:

We can't help but to know. There are 5 times more of you than us. We deal with you every day. We have been educated in your system. We have been in social and professional settings where we are the only person of color in a sea of white people. We conversate. You have never consistently been in a situation where you are the only white in a setting with blacks. Whites like you are too scared to do so and you make excuses why you can't like you will undoubtedly do in your response.
None of you Negros who call yourselves experts on being white has ever lived one second as a white person.
Some of us need to learn American history.

The adult version.

How Whites Have Benefited From Affirmative Action Throughout American History

Hey, Einstein, Affirmative Action hasn't existed throughout American history.

But it has. And whites have got it for 243 years. Watch the video.

When Affirmative Action was White

We have gotten to page 5 and the majority of the posts have nothing to do with the OP. And that includes a couple of posts by the rule enforcers.

This thread is about the 243 years of affirmative action whites have been getting.

And let me address something here. None of you whites that call yourselves experts on being black have ever live one second as a black person. You don't know shit about being black or what blacks need to do. Furthermore you are the LAST people to be telling others how to make it. This thread is going to show you why I can say that.
Obviously, you know something about being white, though, don't you, Dickweed.

Yep. We can't help but to know. There are 5 times more of you than us. We deal with you every day. We have been educated in your system. We have been in social and professional settings where we are the only person of color in a sea of white people. We conversate. You have never consistently been in a situation where you are the only white in a setting with blacks. Whites like you are too scared to do so and you make excuses why you can't like you will undoubtedly do in your response.
None of you Negros who call yourselves experts on being white has ever lived one second as a white person.

Lol! Nice try. But as I will repeat:

We can't help but to know. There are 5 times more of you than us. We deal with you every day. We have been educated in your system. We have been in social and professional settings where we are the only person of color in a sea of white people. We conversate. You have never consistently been in a situation where you are the only white in a setting with blacks. Whites like you are too scared to do so and you make excuses why you can't like you will undoubtedly do in your response.
None of you Negros who call yourselves experts on being white has ever lived one second as a white person.

You can keep repeating that but it doesn't change anything. We know more about whites than you know about us and the fact that you try suggesting solutions to us while denying the major cause of our problems proves it.
The problem is the false perception of AA by whites. For example you have got the so called government goodies. You went to college, and the majority of students were white. If AA was about racial quotas, the majority of students would be white. But whites seem unable to see themselves as being part of AA because of the lie of whites being passed over because of the policy.
No, I agree that it is a lie. Whites are not being passed over. I was simply demonstrating a policy that Texas adopted to put that lie to bed, removing the jilted white guy's excuses, while getting more blacks and hispanic kids into into the advancement loop (example, the more black kids who get college educated, the better opportunities their children have, and so on.).

By "government goodies" I was referring to the white-only HUD lending, etc that they mentioned in the video, as a distinct issue from college AA.
The same goes for jobs. For all of American history race has been the basis for things. There has not been any such thing as race neutral. Whites were given 100 percent of things while by passing more qualified people of color.
Sorry for breaking up my response. My browser is fucked up, for some reason. :laugh:

It is true that since the founding, nothing has been race neutral, having the same affect as 100% AA for whites. I do not deny that. Anyone who does is completely unreasonable. I get it.

The problem is the false perception of AA by whites. For example you have got the so called government goodies. You went to college, and the majority of students were white. If AA was about racial quotas, the majority of students would be white. But whites seem unable to see themselves as being part of AA because of the lie of whites being passed over because of the policy.
No, I agree that it is a lie. Whites are not being passed over. I was simply demonstrating a policy that Texas adopted to put that lie to bed, removing the jilted white guy's excuses, while getting more blacks and hispanic kids into into the advancement loop (example, the more black kids who get college educated, the better opportunities their children have, and so on.).

By "government goodies" I was referring to the white-only HUD lending, etc that they mentioned in the video, as a distinct issue from college AA.

Your parents may have got it so it affected where you lived and your quality of life.
The same goes for jobs. For all of American history race has been the basis for things. There has not been any such thing as race neutral. Whites were given 100 percent of things while by passing more qualified people of color.
Sorry for breaking up my response. My browser is fucked up, for some reason. :laugh:

It is true that since the founding, nothing has been race neutral, having the same affect as 100% AA for whites. I do not deny that. Anyone who does is completely unreasonable. I get it.


You are a rare white person in this forum who can admit to this. Much respect bootney.
I understand your fear of looking at the videos.
Why should I watch a stupid propaganda video designed by stupid people in order to convince stupid people to be even more stupid thus leaving them so stupid and lacking in personal responsibility that their lives can never be anything but stupid?
We just kept our genetalia under control until after we got our advanced degrees.

I KNEW these things had to be designed by Jews.

I understand your fear of looking at the videos.
Why should I watch a stupid propaganda video designed by stupid people in order to convince stupid people to be even more stupid thus leaving them so stupid and lacking in personal responsibility that their lives can never be anything but stupid?
I understand your fear of the truth.
I understand your fear of looking at the videos.
Why should I watch a stupid propaganda video designed by stupid people in order to convince stupid people to be even more stupid thus leaving them so stupid and lacking in personal responsibility that their lives can never be anything but stupid?
I understand your fear of the truth.

Once again, my condolences go out to you.

It must be a real bitch to go throw life with such a lack of self worth that you have to blame others for it.
I understand your fear of looking at the videos.
Why should I watch a stupid propaganda video designed by stupid people in order to convince stupid people to be even more stupid thus leaving them so stupid and lacking in personal responsibility that their lives can never be anything but stupid?
I understand your fear of the truth.

Once again, my condolences go out to you.

It must be a real bitch to go throw life with such a lack of self worth that you have to blame others for it.

Once again, my condolences go out to you.

It must be a real bitch to know that you would be nothing without massive government assistance.
What whites have done is accept that a system based on white preference was normal and because they never faced the discrimination inherent in that system, they ignored how all white was not the normal natural population pattern of this country.
Again, sorry for the breaks in response. Stupid browser.

Yes. It is easy for one to ignore those deliberate inequities when one does not feel the negative side of such a system. It's just "the way things are" in their minds. I would also point out the historic, and extreme lack of empathy possessed by many white folks who simply strolled through their lives without bothering to consider the hardship and inequity they allowed and from which they benefitted. I don't understand how people can dehumanize others that way without at least taking a moment to walk in their shoes. I cannot imagine being that callous to other human beings, especially toward my own countrymen.

That's probably why I lean libertarian. Government being used to openly subjugate an entire race of people for no other reason but their race infuriates me and has me constantly suspicious of government. It has me hesitant, if not defiantly unwilling to granting government too much power. Governments inevitably become the instrument of that very type of unequal subjugation and division of the ruling class from the "unwashed masses."

Losers in life never get tired of blaming others.

If they spent 1/2 of the energy on being successful that they spend on bitching, blaming and whining they wouldn't be such losers.
What whites have done is accept that a system based on white preference was normal and because they never faced the discrimination inherent in that system, they ignored how all white was not the normal natural population pattern of this country.
Again, sorry for the breaks in response. Stupid browser.

Yes. It is easy for one to ignore those deliberate inequities when one does not feel the negative side of such a system. It's just "the way things are" in their minds. I would also point out the historic, and extreme lack of empathy possessed by many white folks who simply strolled through their lives without bothering to consider the hardship and inequity they allowed and from which they benefitted. I don't understand how people can dehumanize others that way without at least taking a moment to walk in their shoes. I cannot imagine being that callous to other human beings, especially toward my own countrymen.

That's probably why I lean libertarian. Government being used to openly subjugate an entire race of people for no other reason but their race infuriates me and has me constantly suspicious of government. It has me hesitant, if not defiantly unwilling to granting government too much power. Governments inevitably become the instrument of that very type of unequal subjugation and division of the ruling class from the "unwashed masses."


I can understand your position totally. In our system we must removed the money from the process.
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