Free school meals for all kids in Wales to start in September

Farmers certainly don't depend on school lunch programs. The entire concept of forced feeding children what administrators think children should have. It is a total waste.
It just good business. We invest lots of money in education. Whats the point if the kids are too hungry to learn ?
Last week I heard that even some kids whose parents are receiving universal credit do not get free school meals....and you will be aware of the Government trying not to give them something in the holidays. With, in particular, the rise in heating there is no question a lot of people are going to be short this year. It also has looked, since Universal Credit and sanctions for the most trivial thing was brought in, that we in the UK are once again on Absolute Poverty rather than Relative. A very disturbing move.
It really doesn't take away the stigma for those who got the free lunch and really needed it. Those that took the mandated lunch and threw it away then bought something else still mocked the poor kids who ate the slop. Remember Moo Obama's healthy lunch program?
I really don't think that happens here and I have a suspicion those on free school meals would be better at beating up those who do not than the other way round if they tried to be so horrible.
Let them eat school lunches!

I agree with the idea of school lunches being without charging the cost to students, in public schools. Hungry children will not learn. They are certainly not "no cost," because nothing is. But given that we force children to attend school, and tax their parents so hard that it is almost impossible for them to afford sending their kids to private school, they are legally a captive audience. Forced into involuntary servitude, by those who see an enforceable societal benefit to them being educated and indoctrinated. Even the most callous master of the old south fed their slaves to keep them working. Public school should do the same.

That does not at all justify what Michelle's program of making school lunches unpalatable has done to them. In the seventies, the lunches were delicious four-star feasts compared to today's dry and tasteless nutrition.

I would change your statement to "The hungry enough eat." I've seen many children through away many lunches when classes stated at 8:05 AM and they did not get lunch until 12:25. Four hours and twenty minutes of fasting and sitting still, and you think they are not hungry?

I often ask them, "aren't you hungry?" The answer: "I'll eat when I get home."

Keep in mind that if a student did not bring a lunch, they are forced to go through the line and forced to get one "entre," one vegetable, one fruit or juice and one milk. Then they are required to sit at the table until they are granted permission to get up and throw the food away.

The latest at my school is "no sharing!" So kids who do like the school lunches, or who are hungry enough to eat anything, are not allowed to eat the unwanted lunches of other students not so hungry. Nope! Into the trash they go, lest a random Department of Ag inspector catch them.

I'm sure that makes sense to somebody.
Possibly that is the problem, you American's are judging this by something that happened in the US. Jamie Oliver went around our schools working with them so that they started giving nutritious and tasty meals to the kids.
I really don't think that happens here and I have a suspicion those on free school meals would be better at beating up those who do not than the other way round if they tried to be so horrible.
No matter. It is absolutely horrible to force every child to eat their slop. I would have complained of maggots in every spoonful. Let those who want to eat school lunch do so. Those who do not want it should be free to refuse.
I asked my son what he would do with a forced school lunch. He would have eaten every bite, then vomited it up all over the floor.
No matter. It is absolutely horrible to force every child to eat their slop. I would have complained of maggots in every spoonful. Let those who want to eat school lunch do so. Those who do not want it should be free to refuse.
Like I said in post 44, I think you are thinking of a horrible experience you had in the US and imaging it is happening here. During the time when there were free school meals for everyone in some classes in Primary Schools I never heard one person complain. The UK now has strict guidelines to make sure the meals are nutritious and not deep fried mars bars. I was reading that Packed lunches which it seems everyone thinks are the most nutritious are in fact the worst with only 1% being up to standard. Kids may like them because they have their favourite crisps and biscuits in them but it is the school meal which will have the child able to understand the class and not be a pain in the ass. Kids also tend to prefer packed lunches as being kids they want to play but if we are interested in what is best for them.........I never heard of anyone feeling forced to eat them but just about every parent was pleased with them.
EvilCat Breath I have found some forced feeding in the UK for you

and at a primary school

Bollox. Kids just want to eat up so they can go and play outside.
"Kids" are not in school because that is where they want to be; they are there because adults know what is good for them. Children have to learn what real socialization is or they will learn what the undesirable kind is. Lack of appreciation is a large part of the wrong kind.
Possibly that is the problem, you American's are judging this by something that happened in the US. Jamie Oliver went around our schools working with them so that they started giving nutritious and tasty meals to the kids.
If that is true, then I applaud their finally discovering feeding children in 2022. Maybe the food is good relatively speaking, i.e. relative other standard Welsh food. I spent six weeks stationed with the RAF at Sculthorpe and the food was less than impressive to say the least.
"Kids" are not in school because that is where they want to be; they are there because adults know what is good for them. Children have to learn what real socialization is or they will learn what the undesirable kind is. Lack of appreciation is a large part of the wrong kind.
You have lost me with this im afraid..I dont understand the point you are making. School is amazing. I am nearly 60 and my best froiends are two lads I met on my first day in school. Life took the 3 of us in different directions but the bond was built 55 years ago.
Then children are free to bring their own lunch or leave campus and buy something. Yes or no? Because if this is true there is no universal school lunch program.
Its universally available. If kids dont want it then nobody is going to force them. The point iis that our brexit economy is so bad that people are struggling to cope now. Even if they are working. No kid should go hungry.
You seem keen for this to not happen.
Its universally available. If kids dont want it then nobody is going to force them. The point iis that our brexit economy is so bad that people are struggling to cope now. Even if they are working. No kid should go hungry.
You seem keen for this to not happen.
I definitely am. As long as this program is entirely voluntary it's not objectionable.

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