Free school meals for all kids in Wales to start in September

You are viewing this brilliant policy through an American prism.I dont recognis the schools you are talking about. I suspect that they dont exist.

You are also so extreme right wing that you think hitler was a liberal.
Aside from yourself every other carping voice on here is wrong and raises false arguments. And there is a reason for that.

It breaks the conservative principle that poor people have brought it on themselves and should be punished for being poor.
And these same hypocrites will stand up in church every sunday and praise a God who they despise in secret because he believes in kindness and sharing.

I give thanks that I dont live in a greedy,selfish conservative country. Never will.
I disagree, I t hink every drunk, drug addict, convict....etc should get everything for free, it only makes sense that we reward self destructive behavior....thats what makes sense but also dont forget the hard working, honest, people that keep the nation going...they must be punished severely
What's the difference between "teaching" and "indoctrination" then?

You say they're different, but you're too lazy to bother saying why.
I assumed that you knew, but were pulling my leg.

We "teach" people things facts that are true:

"Pi times the radius equals the circumference." "In standard English we end a sentence with a period with certain exceptions." "The U.S. Constitution calls for three branches of government." "When sexually mature males and females have sexual intercourse, the female can get pregnant."

We "indoctrinate" people with ideas that are opinion, sometimes completely counter to fact:

"A Math test that requires one right answer for each problem is racist." "Requiring standard English is racist." "The United States Constitution guaranteed freedom and equality for all Americans on the day it was ratified." "The most effective way to stop teen pregnancy is to advocate abstinence."
I assumed that you knew, but were pulling my leg.

We "teach" people things facts that are true:

"Pi times the radius equals the circumference." "In standard English we end a sentence with a period with certain exceptions." "The U.S. Constitution calls for three branches of government." "When sexually mature males and females have sexual intercourse, the female can get pregnant."

We "indoctrinate" people with ideas that are opinion, sometimes completely counter to fact:

"A Math test that requires one right answer for each problem is racist." "Requiring standard English is racist." "The United States Constitution guaranteed freedom and equality for all Americans on the day it was ratified." "The most effective way to stop teen pregnancy is to advocate abstinence."

I've learned that people often don't understand the meanings of words.

We "teach" things that are "true" huh? Who gets to decide what is "true" and what isn't "true"?

History isn't "true", History is what has been written. So we can't teach History, we can only "indoctrinate" History.

Science is dodgy ground. A lot of Science is accepted theory, not provable.

The reality is in schools we need to teach more than things that are provable. Kids need skills for working, and many of these skills are obtained outside of just "the truth".

Also kids need to learn values of a society and skills for a society. We expect adults to understand things. Like how to bring up a child. There is no teaching of this, and yet it is one of the biggest problems in the US. There's no learning about how to choose a decent partner. The divorce rate suggests this is one of the most important areas of education that isn't taught.

Yes, we can say "but parents need to teach this", but parents are too busy. That's a reality that education needs to address. The US is pumping out kids who are massively underprepared for life in the USA. This is causing massive societal problems, it's causing friction among the people, it's causing crime, it's causing all kinds of problems.
I've learned that people often don't understand the meanings of words.

We "teach" things that are "true" huh? Who gets to decide what is "true" and what isn't "true"?

History isn't "true", History is what has been written. So we can't teach History, we can only "indoctrinate" History.
Yes, that is true for history. What we can do is avoid telling outright lies as part of the indoctrination.
Science is dodgy ground. A lot of Science is accepted theory, not provable.
Yes, and we should teach theory as theory, because it is in fact a theory. Then we teach all the evidence for the theory being discussed, and why with all that evidence, it is still not a fact. All that is the truth.

The reality is in schools we need to teach more than things that are provable. Kids need skills for working, and many of these skills are obtained outside of just "the truth".

Also kids need to learn values of a society and skills for a society. We expect adults to understand things. Like how to bring up a child. There is no teaching of this, and yet it is one of the biggest problems in the US. There's no learning about how to choose a decent partner. The divorce rate suggests this is one of the most important areas of education that isn't taught.
Yes, but we can teach all that with facts. Fact: children in fatherless homes are much less likely to be successful than children who have a mom and a dad in the house. Fact: Many people are exceptions to that generality, so if you are in a single parent home, you can succeed even if others have a head start on you.

Fact: The four steps to avoiding poverty are 1) Don't get pregnant or cause a pregnancy until you are married. 2) Marry someone willing to work to avoid poverty. 3) Work any job you can find. 4) Graduate high school.

Yes, we can say "but parents need to teach this", but parents are too busy. That's a reality that education needs to address. The US is pumping out kids who are massively underprepared for life in the USA. This is causing massive societal problems, it's causing friction among the people, it's causing crime, it's causing all kinds of problems.
Yes, and let's be real. Spending time "teaching," them about their transwoman teacher's sex life doesn't help any of that. "Teaching" them that if they are black, they are oppressed, and if they are white, they are the oppressors, sets them up for failure.
Yes, that is true for history. What we can do is avoid telling outright lies as part of the indoctrination.

Yes, and we should teach theory as theory, because it is in fact a theory. Then we teach all the evidence for the theory being discussed, and why with all that evidence, it is still not a fact. All that is the truth.

Yes, but we can teach all that with facts. Fact: children in fatherless homes are much less likely to be successful than children who have a mom and a dad in the house. Fact: Many people are exceptions to that generality, so if you are in a single parent home, you can succeed even if others have a head start on you.

Fact: The four steps to avoiding poverty are 1) Don't get pregnant or cause a pregnancy until you are married. 2) Marry someone willing to work to avoid poverty. 3) Work any job you can find. 4) Graduate high school.

Yes, and let's be real. Spending time "teaching," them about their transwoman teacher's sex life doesn't help any of that. "Teaching" them that if they are black, they are oppressed, and if they are white, they are the oppressors, sets them up for failure.

I'm sure in US History classes "outright lies" are told ALL THE TIME.

Who discovered America? I had a friend from Texas (she hated Texas) and she told her nephew that the Native Americans discovered America. Apparently this was the "wrong answer". The answer is "Christopher Columbus discovered America", I mean, WHAT A CROCK OF SHIT.

There were people there when he arrived.

I'm sure theory is taught as theory. Problem is most kids are struggling to understand it, without having to go through a whole "is it theory or not", we teach bit by bit, not "here's everything, deal with it".

We could teach all the evidence of evolution, it'd take years. So we teach little bits. "This is evolution, here are a few facts, next topic"

Yes, some kids who have a hard upbringing will succeed. "many" is a relative term that's not helpful here. Most kids being brought up in inner city ghettos will remain there, they'll continue the cycle of poverty. Politicians will do nothing to change this because they like it. They get rich screwing people out of money for doing a nothing job, and their kids go to "good schools" and they can point to the ghettos and tell their kids "you don't want to be like that, be like me".

Your facts of how to avoid poverty. 1) Don't get pregnant. However we KNOW as a FACT that teach abstinence is more likely to lead to teenage pregnancies. Why tell kids "here are the facts" if the politicians are getting the facts and ignoring them? What kind of a role model is that?
2) Marry someone amazing. Yeah, wouldn't it be great if kids had the SKILLS TO make those decisions? But they don't get taught these skills, but you think they should just possess skills that need to be TAUGHT AND LEARNED.

3) Work any fucking shit job. Again, this is about society. Society teaches kids to be hard working, to be conscientious. Also the way jobs are allowed to function, the way welfare functions, all of this leads to people growing up with a mentality. In inner city ghettos this mentality is missing, schools are not doing anything because the politicians couldn't give a fuck.

4) Graduate high school. Yeah, we have a one size fits all education system, pass this pointless test, learn this pointless shit, then when you've shown you can do tests, go try and get a job that has NOTHING to do with said pointless crap.

Do you see the problem here? (The answer is fucking politicians, the electoral system, no democracy, people on the take (politicians) and an unwillingness to see reality, while saying we should only teach reality in schools) Irony.

We should be teaching tolerance. A trans teacher's sex life isn't important, the reason why it's become an issue is because what kids NEED, tolerance, a decent sex education, learning about people being different, isn't being taught, so some people (some, not most) are flapping around trying to figure things out because the politicians are ignoring the whole issue. Again, same problems causing the problems you're complaining about.
I disagree, I t hink every drunk, drug addict, convict....etc should get everything for free, it only makes sense that we reward self destructive behavior....thats what makes sense but also dont forget the hard working, honest, people that keep the nation going...they must be punished severely
Why is ensuring that all kids sre fed and alert a problem ?
As a taxpayerI am pleased that my taxes are providing education for kids and even more pleased that the investment is being protected by this measure.
Its all about the society you want to live in..
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Why is dnsuring that all kids sre fed and alert a problem ?
As a taxpayerI am pleased that my taxes are providing education for kids and even more pleased that the investment is being protected by this measure.
Its all about the society you want to live in..
We can still reflect upon the society that built what we have and how successful it was in so many ways.
We can still reflect upon the society that built what we have and how successful it was in so many ways.
I think that our society,in broad terms, is better than it ever has been. But it is still not there yet. Too much inequality,injustice and hate.
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