FOX showed the questions.

He didn't lie. You are an idiot. If you wish to continue being an idiot, keep throwing lies like this out there.

Regarding transparency, his statement was, "Overwhelmingly, the majority was on C-span, (and it was) but I take some fault in that.)

He didn't promise perfect transparency, he promised more transparency. Where was the lie there? None at all.

This also sounds like you just got your ass kicked, and won't admit it.


Basic logic

Regarding transparency, there were no lies. He didn't lie about that. It's just hackjob big black dog throwing around more fodder for the flamers.

This administration has not been as transparent as Obama promised it would be.

I repeat

Politician= Liar
Obama= Politician
Obama= Liar

Basic logic

Regarding transparency, there were no lies. He didn't lie about that. It's just hackjob big black dog throwing around more fodder for the flamers.

This administration has not been as transparent as Obama promised it would be.

I repeat

Politician= Liar
Obama= Politician
Obama= Liar

What is the magical quantity of transparency that you so claim he said it would be?
It's certainly more transparency than any administration ever before.
Come on, that has got to be one of his most annoying little quirks.


You can snap a picture of anybody at just the right moment:



I thought Obama did a pretty good job of making a complete ass of himself on tv yesterday. I watched the whole deal and all he did was toss out more lies and half-truths about his miserable leadership and failure to be as "nonpartisian" as he says he has tried to be. I especially liked his lies about transparency. As usual, he took no responsibility and blamed everybody else for his failures.

He didn't lie. You are an idiot. If you wish to continue being an idiot, keep throwing lies like this out there.

Regarding transparency, his statement was, "Overwhelmingly, the majority was on C-span, (and it was) but I take some fault in that.)

He didn't promise perfect transparency, he promised more transparency. Where was the lie there? None at all.

This also sounds like you just got your ass kicked, and won't admit it.

The healthcare negotiations were on C-Span as he promised at least six times ?...:cuckoo:
I thought Obama did a pretty good job of making a complete ass of himself on tv yesterday. I watched the whole deal and all he did was toss out more lies and half-truths about his miserable leadership and failure to be as "nonpartisian" as he says he has tried to be. I especially liked his lies about transparency. As usual, he took no responsibility and blamed everybody else for his failures.

You musta watched it on Fox.
Fox News was just voted by the people as the most trusted News source in America today. It's true. MSLSD on the other hand??...
Regarding transparency, there were no lies. He didn't lie about that. It's just hackjob big black dog throwing around more fodder for the flamers.

This administration has not been as transparent as Obama promised it would be.

I repeat

Politician= Liar
Obama= Politician
Obama= Liar

What is the magical quantity of transparency that you so claim he said it would be?
It's certainly more transparency than any administration ever before.

than any ever before?

Care to back that up with some proof?
I didn't watch but how many times did Obama thrust his chin in the air?
Too many to count, plus he issued that obnoxious cheshire-cat grin each and every time someone asked a question he did not like. He did his usual bit of talking in circles when a simple one-sentence answer would have sufficed. I may be biased, but I did not see a pattern of real ass-wuppin' some have talked about. All I saw was a lot of verbal dodgeball.
This administration has not been as transparent as Obama promised it would be.

I repeat

Politician= Liar
Obama= Politician
Obama= Liar

What is the magical quantity of transparency that you so claim he said it would be?
It's certainly more transparency than any administration ever before.

than any ever before?

Care to back that up with some proof?

It's hard to research something like that. I personally can't think of an administration that has so much televised, and so much information to given to the public.
Come on, that has got to be one of his most annoying little quirks.


You can snap a picture of anybody at just the right moment:




Obama's chin is in the air on a regular basis. it's not a one time thing

And Rafael Nadal picks his butt between points, "twice" during every point of every game. Does that make him a "Nazi"? Find something "real" and not "imaginary".



Ever notice how, when you can't stand somebody, everything they do, no matter what it is, is "irritating"?
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Again....WHAT did he win? Was it a competition?????

It sure as HELL wasn't a debate!!! He bobbed and weaved his way around things he didn't want to talk about and then he poked them in the chest about the things that pissed him off.... I.E. daring to go against him and his bolshevik plan

He won the intelluctual argument.

The debate showed that the republicans have nothing but political talking points that depend mostly on bullshit and lies.

Anyone who viewed this exchange and thought the republicans looked good is a collossal partisan hack.
The Liberal Press are now the big losers in America today. Less & less people are now trusting the CNN's,NBC's,NY Times,L.A. Times,and various other Liberal Media outlets. I never trusted them so i'm very happy to see more people waking up. So congrats Fox News!
Btw,PPP is a well known Democratic polling organization. So if their numbers are showing this then go ahead and assume the numbers are actually even bigger in support of Fox News. Hmm?
Btw,PPP is a well known Democratic polling organization. So if their numbers are showing this then go ahead and assume the numbers are actually even bigger in support of Fox News. Hmm?

Yea, right, America really trusts Hal Turner's close friend and pal "Sean Hannity".

Gay guy Shepard Smith.

That "Bold Fresh Steaming Piece of Humanity", Bill O'Reilly.

Glenn Beck, Town Crier,

and intellectual heavyweight Sarah Palin.

I watch Fox. More entertaining than SNL. Actually, SNL gets it's best material directly from Fox.
It was a pretty poor showing by the Republicans. They had poor preparation and the President exposed them for what they are. Two bit politicians

How much ass can an ass kisser kiss if an ass kisser could kiss ass???

Why is it so hard to admit? Repubs are playing politics while Obama actually wants to get something done.

The problem is what he wants done is very harmful to this country.

This country's success will depend on Obama failing in successfully pushing his agenda.
Well they do. The numbers don't lie. Even your own Democratic polling organization found this to be true. The Liberal Press is now on the run. Less & less people are buying the CNN,NBC,or NY Times spin on things. More & more people are agreeing that Fox News is the most balanced and trusted News Source in America today. WTG Fox News!!

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