Fox retracts......Hannity told STFU


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Even Fox has to occasionally apply journalistic standards

Fox retracts, Hannity silenced on conspiracy about slain DNC staffer

Fox News announced Tuesday it had retracted a story published last week that reignited conspiracy theories around the unsolved killing of Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich, whose family demanded an apology from the conservative news network.

Later Tuesday, the conspiracy's most prominent proponent, Fox News' Sean Hannity, announced on his show that he would stop discussing the case "for now." It was a major back-down for the well-known host who had used his Twitter account earlier to vow he would never be silenced by "Liberal Fascism."

"On May 16, a story was posted on the Fox News website on the investigation into the 2016 murder of DNC Staffer Seth Rich. The article was not initially subjected to the high degree of editorial scrutiny we require for all our reporting. Upon appropriate review, the article was found not to meet those standards and has since been removed," Fox News said in a statement posted online.

The statement did not include an apology to Rich's family or any admission of regret.
Even Fox has to occasionally apply journalistic standards

Fox retracts, Hannity silenced on conspiracy about slain DNC staffer

Fox News announced Tuesday it had retracted a story published last week that reignited conspiracy theories around the unsolved killing of Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich, whose family demanded an apology from the conservative news network.

Later Tuesday, the conspiracy's most prominent proponent, Fox News' Sean Hannity, announced on his show that he would stop discussing the case "for now." It was a major back-down for the well-known host who had used his Twitter account earlier to vow he would never be silenced by "Liberal Fascism."


Just not the same within Roger Ales. Hannity is likely not going to be renewed I think.
The Democrats / Hillary are glad for the silence, not out of respect for Rich and his family, but to have the attention and criticism for their deed silenced.
The Democrats / Hillary are glad for the silence, not out of respect for Rich and his family, but to have the attention and criticism for their deed silenced.

But she will still pay/ her democrat friends hating her is bad enough. Instead of struggling for power she is reduced to struggling to matter since all her huge doners cut off the money.
The Democrats / Hillary are glad for the silence, not out of respect for Rich and his family, but to have the attention and criticism for their deed silenced.

Even the conservative propaganda arm (FoxNews) is distancing itself from this conspiracy theory
Long before the retraction, the Fox News story fell apart almost the moment it was published.

Within a day, one of its main sources — a private investigator working with Rich's family, but paid for by a conservative Dallas millionaire — recanted his story. The family has since sent him a cease and desist letter.

Subsequent reporting by NBC News and other outlets also found that the local police investigating Rich's death never even gave his laptop to the FBI, so there was no way Fox's purported source could have seen it.

A former law enforcement official with first-hand knowledge of Rich's laptop told NBC News definitively: "It never contained any e-mails related to WikiLeaks, and the FBI never had it."

Rich was shot and killed at age 27 while walking home late one night last July in what police suspect was a robbery gone wrong. The case is still unsolved.
Hannity is and always has been just an opportunist who goes wherever he thinks his audience wants him to, with no regard for core conservative principles or any other principles for that matter.

Anyone have a good memory back to when Hannity went all in for the RINO Arnold Schwarznegger? How about Hannity's love affair with Cliven Bundy?
Even Fox has to occasionally apply journalistic standards

Fox retracts, Hannity silenced on conspiracy about slain DNC staffer

Fox News announced Tuesday it had retracted a story published last week that reignited conspiracy theories around the unsolved killing of Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich, whose family demanded an apology from the conservative news network.

Later Tuesday, the conspiracy's most prominent proponent, Fox News' Sean Hannity, announced on his show that he would stop discussing the case "for now." It was a major back-down for the well-known host who had used his Twitter account earlier to vow he would never be silenced by "Liberal Fascism."

yea, i think last time they retracted a story it was judge nap and something about where we were getting our intel from. the liberal hated that premise, he was sat on the bench for a bit, but in the end, what happened again?

he was proven right.

no idea on this story - but today the news is whatever gets the most attention, or how to stop getting so much attention.

the truth is getting lost in our emo tirades.
Hannity is and always has been just an opportunist who goes wherever he thinks his audience wants him to, with no regard for core conservative principles or any other principles for that matter.

Anyone have a good memory back to when Hannity went all in for the RINO Arnold Schwarznegger? How about Hannity's love affair with Cliven Bundy?

Oh hell yes! He even campaigned for Crispy Cream and he would always blow Lindsey and John McCain on his show. He even helped pilenlies on Ted Cruz. Hannity is nothing more then a counter weight to Rachael Maddow. His time as well as hers has passed. But yeah, Hannity made his career as a water boy for the Republican Party.
The Democrats / Hillary are glad for the silence, not out of respect for Rich and his family, but to have the attention and criticism for their deed silenced.

Even the conservative propaganda arm (FoxNews) is distancing itself from this conspiracy theory
I appreciate how much remorse the Democratic party, the DNC, and Hillary have demonstrated for the death of one of their own 'valued employees'. The out-pouring of emotion and support on their behalf has been eye-watering.

Sarcasm, of course - the truth being the only sign of emotion after Rich's death coming from the DNC / Hillary / the Democratic party was / has been a SIGH OF RELIEF.
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The Democrats / Hillary are glad for the silence, not out of respect for Rich and his family, but to have the attention and criticism for their deed silenced.

Even the conservative propaganda arm (FoxNews) is distancing itself from this conspiracy theory
I appreciate how much remorse the Democratic party, the DNC, and Hillary have demonstrated for the death of one of their own 'valued employee'. The out-pouring of emotion and support on their behalf has been eye-watering.

Sarcasm, of course - the truth being the only sign of emotion after Rich's death coming from the DNC / Hillary / the Democratic party was / has been a SIGH OF RELIEF.

Democrats were rightly saddened by Rich's murder and were respectful to his family and his legacy

REPUBLICANS, led by Hannity and Gingrich chose to exploit the murder for political purposes and destroy his legacy
While trumpettes want to drag this family thru the mud.
No, I want justice for him and his family.

Interesting how snowflakes aren't even the least bit curious about why Rich's death was listed as a robbery when nothing was taken or who told the DC Police to 'stand down / drop this'.
I think the reason this conspiracy even bloomed because 99% of everyone meeting a Clinton croaks mysteriously
The Democrats / Hillary are glad for the silence, not out of respect for Rich and his family, but to have the attention and criticism for their deed silenced.

Even the conservative propaganda arm (FoxNews) is distancing itself from this conspiracy theory
I appreciate how much remorse the Democratic party, the DNC, and Hillary have demonstrated for the death of one of their own 'valued employee'. The out-pouring of emotion and support on their behalf has been eye-watering.

Sarcasm, of course - the truth being the only sign of emotion after Rich's death coming from the DNC / Hillary / the Democratic party was / has been a SIGH OF RELIEF.

Democrats were rightly saddened by Rich's murder and were respectful to his family and his legacy

REPUBLICANS, led by Hannity and Gingrich chose to exploit the murder for political purposes and destroy his legacy
What are you basing your statement on, RW, that Democrats were 'saddened'? The 1st words out of their mouths was, 'We had nothing to do with it. Rich was not the leaker - the Russians hacked the election'.

Others questioned why it was being falsely called a 'robbery' and why the DC Police stated they were told to drop this case.

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