Family of slain Democratic staffer Seth Rich sues Fox News


Gold Member
Feb 9, 2017
This is going to make the tin foil hat crowd's heads explode.

The family of slain Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich filed a lawsuit on Tuesday against Fox News, one of the network's reporters, and a wealthy Texas businessman over their roles in the publication of a baseless conspiracy theory about Rich's 2016 death.
The lawsuit, filed in US District Court for the Southern District of New York, seeks compensation for "mental anguish and emotional distress, emotional pain and suffering, and any other physical and mental injuries."

"No parent should ever have to live through what we have been forced to endure," Joel and Mary Rich said in statement Tuesday night. "The pain and anguish that comes from seeing your murdered son's life and legacy treated as a mere political football is beyond comprehension."

The lawsuit said that Malia Zimmerman, the Fox News reporter named in the lawsuit, worked with Ed Butowsky, the wealthy businessman, to develop a "sham" story about Rich's death that Fox News published online in May 2017 and referenced on-air multiple times.
Family of slain Democratic staffer Seth Rich sues Fox News
I don't get it. Seth Rich gave Wikileaks the DNC and Crooked Hillary emails. Everyone knows that. It is not a conspiracy theory.
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I don't get it. Seth Rich gave Wikileaks the DNC and Crooked Hillary emails. Everyone knows that. It is not a conspiracy theory.

Of course you don't get it.

Since Fox News published its baseless story, the Rich family has been open about the pain it has inflicted upon them. Aaron Rich, the brother of Seth Rich, sent a letter to Hannity days after Fox News published its story, telling him that continuing to cover the story would "cause us additional pain, suffering and sorrow." Joel Rich later told NPR that the publication of Fox News' story was "almost as bad for us as when we first learned of Seth's death."

To that end, Leonard A. Gail, the attorney representing the Rich family, said in a statement that "Joel and Mary Rich have brought this case" to hold the defendants "accountable for their reprehensible actions."
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I don't get it. Seth Rich gave Wikileaks the DNC and Crooked Hillary emails. Everyone knows that. It is not a conspiracy theory.
Good grief! If conspiracy theories become fodder for lawsuits the Kennedys can count on mega bucks. Hell's bells, the Trumps can have a blast with all the media too!

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Good grief! If conspiracy theories become fodder for lawsuits the Kennedys can count on mega bucks. Hell's bells, the Trumps can have a blast with all the media too!

The conspiracy theories are all yours. Every one of them. From Hillary to Obama.
Good grief! If conspiracy theories become fodder for lawsuits the Kennedys can count on mega bucks. Hell's bells, the Trumps can have a blast with all the media too!


That is so much bullshit. Fox News knew this was garbage and that is why they ordered Hannity to stop. Fox should get hammered. They should have sued Hannity as well.
Good grief! If conspiracy theories become fodder for lawsuits the Kennedys can count on mega bucks. Hell's bells, the Trumps can have a blast with all the media too!

The conspiracy theories are all yours. Every one of them. From Hillary to Obama.

Conspiracy theories are fucking bipartisan asshole.
You're one of the top three conspiracy theorists on this forum.
I can give you a handful of right wing sites that strictly deal with false conspiracy bat shit crazy stories like Infowars.
Go ahead and name a comparable one on the left.
Good grief! If conspiracy theories become fodder for lawsuits the Kennedys can count on mega bucks. Hell's bells, the Trumps can have a blast with all the media too!

The conspiracy theories are all yours. Every one of them. From Hillary to Obama.

Conspiracy theories are fucking bipartisan asshole.
You're one of the top three conspiracy theorists on this forum.
I can give you a handful of right wing sites that strictly deal with false conspiracy bat shit crazy stories like Infowars.
Go ahead and name a comparable one on the left.

Good grief! If conspiracy theories become fodder for lawsuits the Kennedys can count on mega bucks. Hell's bells, the Trumps can have a blast with all the media too!

The conspiracy theories are all yours. Every one of them. From Hillary to Obama.

Conspiracy theories are fucking bipartisan asshole.
You're one of the top three conspiracy theorists on this forum.
I can give you a handful of right wing sites that strictly deal with false conspiracy bat shit crazy stories like Infowars.
Go ahead and name a comparable one on the left.

Dipshit doesn't know the difference between a movie and a web site.
Poor tiny dick... couldn't find any left leaning conspiracy theories sites so he punted to a .... movie.

" They're on both sides."
Thanks for proving yourself wrong.
To that end, Leonard A. Gail, the attorney representing the Rich family, said in a statement that "Joel and Mary Rich have brought this case" to hold the defendants "accountable for their reprehensible actions."

Just watch Fox News at night and the first word that always comes to mind is " reprehensible."
It's like an alternate universe with Hannity being the worst.
Every night he starts his monologue with " Here's another story the MSM isn't covering." Thats because your imaginary stories do not get covered by real news outlets.

Here's another example of the total hypocrisy by this fear monger.
This is going to make the tin foil hat crowd's heads explode.

The family of slain Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich filed a lawsuit on Tuesday against Fox News, one of the network's reporters, and a wealthy Texas businessman over their roles in the publication of a baseless conspiracy theory about Rich's 2016 death.
The lawsuit, filed in US District Court for the Southern District of New York, seeks compensation for "mental anguish and emotional distress, emotional pain and suffering, and any other physical and mental injuries."

"No parent should ever have to live through what we have been forced to endure," Joel and Mary Rich said in statement Tuesday night. "The pain and anguish that comes from seeing your murdered son's life and legacy treated as a mere political football is beyond comprehension."

The lawsuit said that Malia Zimmerman, the Fox News reporter named in the lawsuit, worked with Ed Butowsky, the wealthy businessman, to develop a "sham" story about Rich's death that Fox News published online in May 2017 and referenced on-air multiple times.
Family of slain Democratic staffer Seth Rich sues Fox News

Reasonable if what was stated publicly was TRUE
that's just reporting the news.
If it's infringing on the family's right to their STORY
and they didn't give permission to tell the story much less embellish it for profit,
that's intellectual property or copyright issues.

If it's slander or libel or defamation, that's different.

Do they have to PROVE the statements are true?
or does the complainant side have to PROVE the statements were false?

Just reporting news and causing pain and anguish
may not be enough to show unlawful or wrongful damages.

If they caused pain and suffering because
* they violated the story owners' consent or right to give permission or withhold it,
* they presented misinformation or revealed personal things that WEREN'T public information
that's different, too.

Let's not forget that it's the person who committed the MURDER
who ultimately caused this situation and is to blame for BOTH
causes of anguish to the family -- both the murder itself and the political publicity it generated.

If the media reported accurate statements and facts,
and didn't cross the line into personal information
that is the right of private individuals to give consent or permission to publish,
that is up to the discretion of the reporting company how to handle that.

No matter how much pain and embarrassment it may cause,
reporting a TRUE STORY such as Trump caught with his pants down,
or a teacher is caught with a student in unlawful acts, is still
legal to publish if it is accurate news (and isn't falsely stating
or defaming/libeling someone for something they didn't do).

I would have advised Fox to respect the wishes of the family
and work out a better arrangement than this. Provided Fox did not
publish anything false or wrongful, then in place of punishment for the suffering
caused, I would recommend that Fox help with restitution to the family by
using their media resources and political support to push investigation
into the case, ensuring it is resolved and prosecuted, and all parties
held responsible including for restitution to the surviving family.

Fox cannot help if just reporting the news caused additional pain and anguish,
but it can make up for exploiting this case by helping to solve it
and bring justice to that grieving family for all they have suffered,
in private and in public, using media pressure to go after the real killers responsible!!!
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Good grief! If conspiracy theories become fodder for lawsuits the Kennedys can count on mega bucks. Hell's bells, the Trumps can have a blast with all the media too!

You people don't give a shit how much pain you cause innocent people. Despicable.

Thought control now over conspiracy theories?

Why how fascist of you!!!!! Let's get right to it. Seth was the victim. He was a political operative. He was murdered along with two other D's in one month.

No answers = conspiracy theories. Happens all the time. Sorry for their loss but until you progressive whack jobs manage to legislate thought control people will speculate.

It's not against the law.

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