Fox Insulting My Intelligence By Tearing Down Trump And Featuring The Rest


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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

I'm not going to allow a news network to pick my candidates for me.....including Fox News. Two days later and they're still screaming about how fucked up Donald Trump is.....and everybody else is much better. Rand Paul made an ass of himself.....and yet Fox almost completely forgot to mention it. All they want to do is tell us how fucked up Donald Trump is. The first question set the tone and was specifically designed to put Trump and only Trump on the spot......turns out he was the only one brave enough to raise his hand.

Republican Presidential Candidates 2016 sorted alphabetically

Trump is good at making enemies in the business world. He's bumped heads with some extremely egotistic people and it appears that Rupert Murdock and Roger Ailes have it in for him. Not only did they try to cut him off at the knees with the first two questions during the debate.....but the same people who moderated that debate ended up doing all of the primetime programming for Fox on Friday.

It appears that everyone doesn't want Trump to be the front-runner. This is the political establishment at work. He's an outsider. He hasn't paid homage to the right people. He hasn't taken any bribes or kissed the right ring-fingers. Trump mentioned that just about every other candidate has taken cash from him. They are beholden to rich tycoons that want to influence Washington. The only one on that stage that I felt couldn't be bought, other than Dr Ben Carson, was Trump.

This debate was a total setup. I expect if of CNN and MSNBC, but I never expected it of Fox. Instead of asking him about the Veterans Administration scandal.....the IRS....or Benghazi.....they ask him why he thinks women are fat....forgetting to mention the context involved. Total hatchet-job. Meanwhile.....they've had just about every other candidate on as a guest since the debate. Trump didn't win the debate, but he didn't do as terribly as they claim he did. Last night they kept it up......pushing rest of the candidates and slinging mud at Trump. It was pathetic.

If Fox News doesn't lay off and become more objective people will start turning them off. Bad enough that we have to deal with this shit from the we have to listen to the same biased shit from Fox.

The reason Hillary doesn't seem to be doing anything is because she's bought this election. She doesn't feel she has to answer questions. It's in the bag. People will vote for her because she's a woman or a Democrat. Make sure that the Republican who faces her will lay down and not hammer her for her screwups. The worst case scenario would be another Bush who won't respond to attacks. We've already seen that movie. The time to lay down and let the Democrats have everything the want has passed.

Trump Megyn Kelly had blood coming out of her wherever -

I'm not going to allow a news network to pick my candidates for me.....including Fox News. Two days later and they're still screaming about how fucked up Donald Trump is.....and everybody else is much better. Rand Paul made an ass of himself.....and yet Fox almost completely forgot to mention it. All they want to do is tell us how fucked up Donald Trump is. The first question set the tone and was specifically designed to put Trump and only Trump on the spot......turns out he was the only one brave enough to raise his hand.

Republican Presidential Candidates 2016 sorted alphabetically

Trump is good at making enemies in the business world. He's bumped heads with some extremely egotistic people and it appears that Rupert Murdock and Roger Ailes have it in for him. Not only did they try to cut him off at the knees with the first two questions during the debate.....but the same people who moderated that debate ended up doing all of the primetime programming for Fox on Friday.

It appears that everyone doesn't want Trump to be the front-runner. This is the political establishment at work. He's an outsider. He hasn't paid homage to the right people. He hasn't taken any bribes or kissed the right ring-fingers. Trump mentioned that just about every other candidate has taken cash from him. They are beholden to rich tycoons that want to influence Washington. The only one on that stage that I felt couldn't be bought, other than Dr Ben Carson, was Trump.

This debate was a total setup. I expect if of CNN and MSNBC, but I never expected it of Fox. Instead of asking him about the Veterans Administration scandal.....the IRS....or Benghazi.....they ask him why he thinks women are fat....forgetting to mention the context involved. Total hatchet-job. Meanwhile.....they've had just about every other candidate on as a guest since the debate. Trump didn't win the debate, but he didn't do as terribly as they claim he did. Last night they kept it up......pushing rest of the candidates and slinging mud at Trump. It was pathetic.

If Fox News doesn't lay off and become more objective people will start turning them off. Bad enough that we have to deal with this shit from the we have to listen to the same biased shit from Fox.

The reason Hillary doesn't seem to be doing anything is because she's bought this election. She doesn't feel she has to answer questions. It's in the bag. People will vote for her because she's a woman or a Democrat. Make sure that the Republican who faces her will lay down and not hammer her for her screwups. The worst case scenario would be another Bush who won't respond to attacks. We've already seen that movie. The time to lay down and let the Democrats have everything the want has passed.

Trump Megyn Kelly had blood coming out of her wherever -

I just don't get the fascination with Trump. I like some of what he says but he's full of hot air. No one was discussing illegals before he sounded off with his ample blow hole? Where was he these last few decades?

If he can't handle FOX just wait until the MSM gets a hold of him. Right now they are rooting for him and praying to their wooden idols.
no one has to insult trump supporters
Meaning what exactly?

o please mudd...coy does not look good on you

trump supporters are the biggest insults to themselves..that can be
Just letting you make your true feelings clear.
I'm not exactly a Trump supporter......I just have a problem with the media railroading him. This is the media picking our political leaders for us and thus telling us who we can and can't vote for.

I'm not down with that.
They are the #1 news station, they have become complacent of what set them apart from the rest.

My only quandary would be the only way to go in the form of broadcast news readily available there is no where to go but down.

So when I finally get enough of Fox News and start to turn them, where do I go??

It started with that whiny little Megan McCain and has gotten progressively worse.

I thought it was just me the other night during the debates, but after seeing the headlines and other threads on this topic, I realize that the problem was apparent to many who watched.
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I just don't get the fascination with Trump. I like some of what he says but he's full of hot air. No one was discussing illegals before he sounded off with his ample blow hole? Where was he these last few decades?

If he can't handle FOX just wait until the MSM gets a hold of him. Right now they are rooting for him and praying to their wooden idols.
He seemed to handle them pretty well during the debate. I'm sure he was thrown off his game for a moment because he was expecting a fair event. The problem is the follow-up more than anything. Essentially, he's not allowed to respond to attacks. But if you look at it closely, some of the people at Fox used to be on other networks, and some of the former Fox people are working at CNN, so a journalist can't change his or her stripes. They're always going to be liberals first and foremost.
He seemed to handle them pretty well during the debate. I'm sure he was thrown off his game for a moment because he was expecting a fair event. The problem is the follow-up more than anything. Essentially, he's not allowed to respond to attacks. But if you look at it closely, some of the people at Fox used to be on other networks, and some of the former Fox people are working at CNN, so a journalist can't change his or her stripes. They're always going to be liberals first and foremost.
I only have streaming TV so was unable to watch and I'm not paying for It isn't just FOX, many on the right, including the head of the RNC is asking him to tone it down. They're probably worried he'll get the nomination, then the MSM will grind him to a fine powder with all the ammo against him.
He seemed to handle them pretty well during the debate. I'm sure he was thrown off his game for a moment because he was expecting a fair event. The problem is the follow-up more than anything. Essentially, he's not allowed to respond to attacks. But if you look at it closely, some of the people at Fox used to be on other networks, and some of the former Fox people are working at CNN, so a journalist can't change his or her stripes. They're always going to be liberals first and foremost.
I only have streaming TV so was unable to watch and I'm not paying for It isn't just FOX, many on the right, including the head of the RNC is asking him to tone it down. They're probably worried he'll get the nomination, then the MSM will grind him to a fine powder with all the ammo against him.
Doesn't matter if every time they attack him he gains support.
I have to admit.....he's not smooth. He also lets everyone know what's going on. Most of those other candidates will sell us out for donations.

His problems seems to be his honesty. After listening to a bunch of bullshitters for the last several's refreshing....and I'm not alone in this.
He seemed to handle them pretty well during the debate. I'm sure he was thrown off his game for a moment because he was expecting a fair event. The problem is the follow-up more than anything. Essentially, he's not allowed to respond to attacks. But if you look at it closely, some of the people at Fox used to be on other networks, and some of the former Fox people are working at CNN, so a journalist can't change his or her stripes. They're always going to be liberals first and foremost.
I only have streaming TV so was unable to watch and I'm not paying for It isn't just FOX, many on the right, including the head of the RNC is asking him to tone it down. They're probably worried he'll get the nomination, then the MSM will grind him to a fine powder with all the ammo against him.

What you reckon they got, they ain't thrown out already??

Clown, if they had the ammo, they would be using it..............
Interesting. I agree with Mud that Fox is trying to a hit on Trump, and I think he is kicking the shit out of the company. Good on him.
They are the #1 news station, they have become complacent of what set them apart from the rest.

My only quandary would be the only way to go in the form of broadcast news readily available there is now where to go but down.

So when I finally get enough of Fox News and start to turn them, where do I go??

It started with that whiny little Megan McCain and has gotten progressively worse.

I thought it was just me the other night during the debates, but after seeing the headlines and other threads on this topic, I realize that the problem was apparent to many who watched.
They are not the #1 news station. They are the #1 cable only news station. Most of their shows get viewers that number in the hundreds of thousands. A couple of their shows reach one million and O' Reilly can sometimes draw about two million. Eight million watch NBC nightly news and another eight watch ABC. CBS gets around six million. The vast majority of citizens get their news from local affiliated broadcast news stations divided among NBC, ABC, CBS and FOX.

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