Does FOX Have A Rino Problem?

Was Fox Unfair?

  • Yes

    Votes: 10 71.4%
  • No

    Votes: 4 28.6%

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Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
After watching the debate AND reading comments two things were quite clear.
The debate was skewed and MILLIONS of Americans saw that. Kelly's twitter account was trashed afterwords and I myself sent comments and thread links HERE to Fox.

But it was another member HERE that may have summed it up best.
"The left has had horrific things to say about Megyn and her network. A whole helluva lot worse than 'she might have been menstruating' ...heck, I'm with Donald... Something must have been wrong with her. This was a chance to look at the candidates running for President of the United States and hear their points of views on issues pertaining to our country... not some reality show gossip and banter about Rosie O'Donnell. Her question was intentionally written to make a vicious attack on Trump. It was just the sort of question some pea-brain liberal might ask... Not Megyn Kelly.

Fox News lost a TON of credibility with me last night. It was a shameful attempt at something you can't call a 'debate' by any definition of the word. It was... let's ambush Trump, throw difficult questions at Carson, make Huckabee sound like a liberal, get Cruz to talk about Jesus, Rand to talk about NSA, Walker to talk about unions, Rubio to sob over immigrants... then make Jeb, Christie and Kasich look as 'presidential' as possible!"

The above comment was made by Boss. Your thoughts on this, just who was and how was Fox unfair?


Just my two cents here, because I rarely watch debates or speeches, but the 20 minutes or so that I saw did seem like an ongoing stream of gotcha questions.

Crazy me, in a debate I'd like to see what a candidate would do on a specific issue and have the other candidates show why their strategy would be better.

Just trying to out-nasty each other doesn't seem either dignified or constructive.

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Just my two cents here, because I rarely watch debates or speeches, but the 20 minutes or so that I saw did seem like an ongoing stream of gotcha questions.

Crazy me, in a debate I'd like to see what a candidate would do on a specific issue and have the other candidates show why their strategy would be better.

Just trying to out-nasty each other doesn't seem either dignified or constructive.

And "gotcha" questions are NOT policy or even thoughts. The general attacks made by Fox changed it from debate to a cheap knock off of 60 minutes. All and all I think Fox failed to provide to the viewer what was promised.
Ok...........I want SPECIFICS..............on ANY QUESTION........................

You have exactly 1 minute to give me the SPECIFICS..................
Okay..........I'll give you another 30 seconds...........

You couldn't answer the SPECIFICS in a minute and a half........................THE SHAME................

Okay............maybe we could give you another 30 seconds..........GEESH.............

What's the matter with you...........Not able to give the details and specifics of the question in 2 minutes...........

That proves it................He can't do it..........Therefore, he is wrong...........

After watching the debate AND reading comments two things were quite clear.
The debate was skewed and MILLIONS of Americans saw that. Kelly's twitter account was trashed afterwords and I myself sent comments and thread links HERE to Fox.

But it was another member HERE that may have summed it up best.
"The left has had horrific things to say about Megyn and her network. A whole helluva lot worse than 'she might have been menstruating' ...heck, I'm with Donald... Something must have been wrong with her. This was a chance to look at the candidates running for President of the United States and hear their points of views on issues pertaining to our country... not some reality show gossip and banter about Rosie O'Donnell. Her question was intentionally written to make a vicious attack on Trump. It was just the sort of question some pea-brain liberal might ask... Not Megyn Kelly.

Fox News lost a TON of credibility with me last night. It was a shameful attempt at something you can't call a 'debate' by any definition of the word. It was... let's ambush Trump, throw difficult questions at Carson, make Huckabee sound like a liberal, get Cruz to talk about Jesus, Rand to talk about NSA, Walker to talk about unions, Rubio to sob over immigrants... then make Jeb, Christie and Kasich look as 'presidential' as possible!"

The above comment was made by Boss. Your thoughts on this, just who was and how was Fox unfair?

Since no lib would ever appear in such a format, we will never get to see how Fox would treat them.

Fox lost me years ago, with little faggots like Shep and Carl Cameron.
Just my two cents here, because I rarely watch debates or speeches, but the 20 minutes or so that I saw did seem like an ongoing stream of gotcha questions.

Crazy me, in a debate I'd like to see what a candidate would do on a specific issue and have the other candidates show why their strategy would be better.

Just trying to out-nasty each other doesn't seem either dignified or constructive.

And "gotcha" questions are NOT policy or even thoughts. The general attacks made by Fox changed it from debate to a cheap knock off of 60 minutes. All and all I think Fox failed to provide to the viewer what was promised.
Chris Wallace is a huger turd than his dad.

That fuckin' perpetual smirk makes him unwatchable.
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Just my two cents here, because I rarely watch debates or speeches, but the 20 minutes or so that I saw did seem like an ongoing stream of gotcha questions.

Crazy me, in a debate I'd like to see what a candidate would do on a specific issue and have the other candidates show why their strategy would be better.

Just trying to out-nasty each other doesn't seem either dignified or constructive.

And "gotcha" questions are NOT policy or even thoughts. The general attacks made by Fox changed it from debate to a cheap knock off of 60 minutes. All and all I think Fox failed to provide to the viewer what was promised.
Chris Wallace is a huger turd than his dad.

That fuckin' perpetual smirk makes him unwatchable.
I still like Fox over CNN but may have been over rating Fox to much as well.
My guess is that FOX hurt itself.

They had literally millions of new viewers (who no doubt tuned in to see the Trump trainwreck) in the palm of their hand and could have really impressed them by seizing the opportunity with a dignified, intellectually stimulating debate.

Instead they were yucking it up like they were a college TV station and throwing out gotcha questions.

No thanks.

The only adult moderator seemed to be Chris Wallace. I could be wrong because I didn't watch whole "debate". I thought the first two questions, one by Brett Baier and the second by Megan Kelly, were divisive and had no place in a debate. I realize that Jeb has most of the big donor money so he's supposed to be the leader so Fox had to attack Trump, who is in the lead. At least they could have tried to make it less obvious what they were doing.
My guess is that FOX hurt itself.

They had literally millions of new viewers (who no doubt tuned in to see the Trump trainwreck) in the palm of their hand and could have really impressed them by seizing the opportunity with a dignified, intellectually stimulating debate.

Instead they were yucking it up like they were a college TV station and throwing out gotcha questions.

No thanks.

By what I read 24 million viewers VERY good draw. What a time to act like kids.
DF, buddy, you represent the WrHINOs, the puling little minds of the extreme right. Cruz's actions in the fall of 2013 broke your influence, and you folks have been withering away as mainstream GOPism has stomped you. Trump is using you and will discard you when the time comes. Anyone can see that.
Actually, I find it amusing the Trump supporters are discovering the people who really run their party don't really agree with them.

I'm shocked. Absolutely shocked!

Okay, reality check. The GOP Establishment knows that Trump will be a disaster. They know that he will so offend women and Hispanics that he will not only give the White HOuse to Hillary, but probably the Senate and House as well. Trump will be a Goldwater level disaster for the GOP.

Sensible people know this.

The problem is after spending 40 years appealling to the worst impulses of their base, they are now confronted with a cheap demagogue who plays them like a fiddle.
Fox News is part of the establishment, so naturally they will do the establishment's bidding like all the other matter what left nutters say about Fox News being a right wing extremist network.

At any rate, the format for the debate was dumb. Giving candidates just a few seconds to discuss important issues, is not a debate.
Fox is part of the mainstream media and like it or not they are fair and balanced. The media used to be in charge of debates and in control of the review of the debates for the ignorant public so no politician in his/her right mind ever attacked an un-elected media type if they valued their own skins. I like Megan Kelly but sometimes she is a little too full of herself and personally it was refreshing to see a presidential candidate like Trump kick her smarmy ass. If that's all the left has, they are in deep shit.
After watching the debate AND reading comments two things were quite clear.
The debate was skewed and MILLIONS of Americans saw that. Kelly's twitter account was trashed afterwords and I myself sent comments and thread links HERE to Fox.

But it was another member HERE that may have summed it up best.
"The left has had horrific things to say about Megyn and her network. A whole helluva lot worse than 'she might have been menstruating' ...heck, I'm with Donald... Something must have been wrong with her. This was a chance to look at the candidates running for President of the United States and hear their points of views on issues pertaining to our country... not some reality show gossip and banter about Rosie O'Donnell. Her question was intentionally written to make a vicious attack on Trump. It was just the sort of question some pea-brain liberal might ask... Not Megyn Kelly.

Fox News lost a TON of credibility with me last night. It was a shameful attempt at something you can't call a 'debate' by any definition of the word. It was... let's ambush Trump, throw difficult questions at Carson, make Huckabee sound like a liberal, get Cruz to talk about Jesus, Rand to talk about NSA, Walker to talk about unions, Rubio to sob over immigrants... then make Jeb, Christie and Kasich look as 'presidential' as possible!"

The above comment was made by Boss. Your thoughts on this, just who was and how was Fox unfair?

POX is always stupid.tor
It was just the sort of question some pea-brain liberal might ask... Not Megyn Kelly.
She doesn't strike me as the most intelligent of women that could have been sitting in her spot. She farts while reporting news (vid of that on youtube), shits, burps, sweats, and thinks Santy Claus is white which means she still believes he comes down a chimney.
With that said, I think she did what she was told to do. No way she could think up such questions without help.

Funny how lefties get all enraged and critical of FNC, just as their leaders in the lib MSM and DNC tell them to. They can't see they are being deceived by the powers that be and thus helping to divide Americans.

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