Former Trump super-PAC director: Donald doesn’t even want to be president


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
I don't necessarily believe this woman, but I myself believed from the start that Trump was mostly wanting to garner big headlines and only wanted to be taken seriously as a candidate, but never really believed he could actually become the GOP nominee.

Stephanie Cegielski says the Republican frontrunner had no real interest in becoming president. (Photo: XOJane)

The top strategist for Donald Trump’s short-lived super-PAC says the Republican frontrunner does not want to become president — and that he had launched his “protest” bid for the GOP nomination simply to prove a point: that he could come close.

“Almost a year ago,” Stephanie Cegielski writes in an lengthy letter to Trump supporters published by the website, “I sat in Trump Tower being told that the goal was to get The Donald to poll in double digits and come in second in delegate count. That was it.”

Cegielski, former communications director for the Make America Great Again super-PAC, says the expectations for the real estate mogul’s campaign were incredibly low.

“The Trump camp would have been satisfied to see him polling at 12 percent and taking second place to a candidate who might hold 50 percent,” Cegielski writes. “His candidacy was a protest candidacy. It pains me to say, but he is the presidential equivalent of Sanjaya on ‘American Idol.’ President Trump would be President Sanjaya in terms of legitimacy and authority. I am now taking full responsibility for helping create this monster — and reaching out directly to those voters who, like me, wanted Trump to be the real deal.”

Hope Hicks, a spokeswoman for the Trump campaign, dismissed Cegielski’s assertions:

This person was never employed by the Trump campaign. Evidently she worked for a Super PAC which Mr. Trump disavowed and requested the closure of via the FEC. She knows nothing about Mr. Trump or the campaign and her disingenuous and factually inaccurate statements in no way resemble any shred of truth. This is yet another desperate person looking for their fifteen minutes. Meanwhile, Mr. Trump is running for President because he is the only one who will Make America Great Again.

Cegielski, who began working for the Trump-connected PAC last summer, said she was inspired by Trump’s performance during the first Republican debate in Cleveland, where he sparred with Fox News host Megyn Kelly.

“The exchange with Megyn Kelly was like manna from heaven for a communications director,” she writes. “She appeared like yet another reporter trying to kick out the guest who wasn’t invited to the party. At the time, I felt excited for the change to the debate he could bring. I began realizing the man really resonates with the masses and would bring people to the process who had never participated before. That was inspiring to me.”

But the inspiration was short-lived.

“It wasn’t long before every day I awoke to a buzzing phone and a shaking head because Trump had said something politically incorrect the night before,” Cegielski writes.

Former Trump super-PAC director: Donald doesn’t even want to be president
You know, at one time, during the beginning few months of Trump's campaign, I may have believed this woman.


In the ensuing months, and with all the publicity that was given to him for free, his ego took over, and now he craves the adoration, and will try to become president.

I truly believe that Donald the Chump really wants the WH now. I might have thought otherwise when he started saying all the stupid crap that he did, but since his followers are lapping it up, he's going to continue stay in the limelight as long as he can.
A friend of mine used to work for trump and believes the same thing. He also saw first hand a Pretty close friendship with the Clintons. He still can't wrap his head around thinking that Trump is serious about this run.
Millions to come in second?

Millions to play a game & pass the time. Billionaires gotta find entertainment too.

I said FROM THE BEGINNING that this was nothing but a game for a bored billionaire. I believe 110% that I was dead accurate.
Millions to come in second?

Millions to play a game & pass the time. Billionaires gotta find entertainment too.

I said FROM THE BEGINNING that this was nothing but a game for a bored billionaire. I believe 110% that I was dead accurate.
Every million he spends he makes back with a multiplier... The least profitable outcome is if he wins the WH
Millions to come in second?

Millions to play a game & pass the time. Billionaires gotta find entertainment too.

I said FROM THE BEGINNING that this was nothing but a game for a bored billionaire. I believe 110% that I was dead accurate.
Every million he spends he makes back with a multiplier... The least profitable outcome is if he wins the WH

I agree. Trump wants the world to know the lengths he will go to to win. Donald is selling his brand as usual. He gets confirmation by winning the GOP nomination. He HAS to understand that if he won the WH he would have very little control.

Ask yourself if you believe that Trump would over pay for a company that he would have almost no control of after the deal. Of course he would never enter into such a deal. The only way he can operate is if he is the undisputed boss. Ask Obama if the president is the undisputed boss of America. Not even close.
If you have a look at the Jon Oliver rip in to trump he outlines just how little Trump might actually have had to pay out in his campaign what with donations and clawing back. Could this be the best piece of PR in history, I mean he is on pretty much the world's radar, no type of advertising would get even nearly the exposure he's had from this.
One of my clients said to me yesterday that Trump is the most famous man in the world. I had to agree.

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