Former GM Plant Employee: Paul Ryan 'Should Be Ashamed Of Himself'


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
A former employee of the General Motors plant in Janesville, Wisconsin said Paul Ryan "should be ashamed of himself" for his misleading claim about the plant's shutdown.

During his speech at the Republican National Convention on Wednesday, Ryan blamed President Obama for the plant's closing.

"Right there at that plant, candidate Obama said, 'I believe that if our government is there to support you … this plant will be here for another hundred years.' That’s what he said in 2008," Ryan had said. "Well, as it turned out, that plant didn't last another year."

Brad Dutcher, the former GM employee, told MSNBC's Ed Schultz on Friday that he was at the Janesville plant during Obama's visit and that Ryan had told an "outright lie" by implying that Obama had been responsible for the plant's closure.

Dutcher said that Obama "had nothing to do with the decision to close our factory." He added that "there was never a promise keep our plant open. That is completely false."

Dutcher's comments come on the heels of widespread criticism from Democrats and the media. A progressive Fox News columnist called the speech "apparent attempt to set the world record for the greatest number of blatant lies and misrepresentations slipped into a single political speech." The Washington Post called it "breathtakingly dishonest." Stephanie Cutter, Obama's deputy campaign manager, told the LA Times that "Paul Ryan lied."

As Schultz pointed out, the plant shut down in December 2008, when George W. Bush was still in office. The plant's shutdown had been announced months earlier.

More (w/supporting links): Brad Dutcher, Former Janesville GM Plant Employee, Says Paul Ryan 'Should Be Ashamed Of Himself' For Misleading Claim (VIDEO)

Paul Ryan’s speech in 3 words: Dazzling, Deceiving, Distracting - Fox News

Paul Ryan's breathtakingly dishonest speech - PostPartisan - The Washington Post

Democrats: Paul Ryan 'lied' in convention speech -
Stephanie Cutter said someone lied ?

Now, that's rich.


We'll put one on Brad Dutcher too.

Just because he said it, Lakhota has to lick his balls and additional two minutes tonight.
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Funny, but according to the quote provided in the OP, Ryan didn't say the closing was President Obama's fault nor did he imply such. What he said was that Obama said if the government would support the plant the plant would remain open another 100 years. Evidently, the government is not supporting corporate interests at the moment. Is that really all that surprising with all the liberal hatred of corporate America these days?

The Obama campaign has decided that this week’s Bright Shiny ObjectTM will be the folks laid off while Mitt Romney was running Bain Capital.

Because President Obama has never laid anyone off… oh, wait:

President Obama’s auto task force pressed General Motors and Chrysler to close scores of dealerships without adequately considering the jobs that would be lost or having a firm idea of the cost savings that would be achieved, an audit of the process has concluded.

The report by Neil M. Barofsky, the special inspector general for the Troubled Asset Relief Program of the Treasury Department, said both car makers needed to shut down some underperforming dealerships. But it questioned whether the cuts should have been made so quickly, particularly during a recession. The report, released on Sunday, estimated that tens of thousands of jobs were lost as a result.

“It is not at all clear that the greatly accelerated pace of the dealership closings during one of the most severe economic downturns in our nation’s history was either necessary for the sake of the companies’ economic survival or prudent for the sake of the nation’s economic recovery,” the report said.

About a year ago, G.M. informed more than 2,000 dealers that some or all of their franchise agreements would not be renewed in October 2010. Chrysler eliminated 789 dealers, or about a quarter of its network, with less than a month’s notice.

Both carmakers voluntarily rescinded some terminations — 666 at G.M. and 50 at Chrysler — which, the report said, “suggests, at the very least, that the number and speed of the terminations was not necessarily critical to the manufacturers’ viability.”
President Obama, the Auto Dealer Layoff King - By Jim Geraghty - The Campaign Spot - National Review Online

Another Obama Precious Moment. ;)
Stephanie Cutter said someone lied ?

Now, that's rich.


We'll put one on Brad Dutcher too.

Just because he said it, Lakhota has to lick his balls and additional two minutes tonight.

He'd have to find them first.
The idiot author of the OP finds a liberal Democrat union guy to say shit about Romney/Ryan and cites it as some kind of "evidence" for his preconceived notions.

Stop the presses! This is news-worthy!

obama made the decision not to reopen the plant, after he promised to do just that.
ANother anti worker thread. Boy why does the GOP believe in lower pay for workers? WHat is the deal?

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