? For liberals: If taxes go up on rich, how will you feel about consequences?


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
The Bush tax cuts. If they expire, massive tax hikes on rich people and rich companies will ensue.

Liberals: If you are at work in January, for a wealthy company or wealthy boss, and you :clap2: the Bush cuts to expire as Obama wants, how will you feel if you get called into the office and told:

"Since Washington let the tax cuts expire, we can't afford the staff your division as is. 40% of you will be laid off. It will be a randomly selected group. You'll know within 2 weeks."

If you lose your job due to Obama allowing the companies and rich people to get their taxes hiked, how will you feel? Or, what if you come to work after watching MSNBC applaud Obama no longer allowing tax breaks for the rich, and find out your best friend at work got laid off, because it turns out the Bush tax cuts allowed enough capital for that company to expand your division 6 years ago and hire both of you, but now they cant afford you both and one has to go?????

Never forget, as much as you lefties hate the rich and hate corporations, they provide the jobs in this country. If you want a good paying, stable job, most likely it's gonna be working for a rich person or company. Thats reality, and I'm thankful for the rich who have employed me and don't want their taxes to go up, because the more money they send to Washington DC, the less money they send to their employees.
No major corporation will lay anyone off because the tax cuts expire. They'll cut people because the CEO ran the company into the toilet and now wants his bonus.

Look @ the 50's; tax rates for the wealthiest Americans was ludicrous and makes today's rates seem low.

And that same class has only gotten richer and the income gap bigger.


Income Gaps Between Very Rich and Everyone Else More Than Tripled In Last Three Decades, New Data Show — Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
The Bush tax cuts. If they expire, massive tax hikes on rich people and rich companies will ensue.

Liberals: If you are at work in January, for a wealthy company or wealthy boss, and you :clap2: the Bush cuts to expire as Obama wants, how will you feel if you get called into the office and told:

"Since Washington let the tax cuts expire, we can't afford the staff your division as is. 40% of you will be laid off. It will be a randomly selected group. You'll know within 2 weeks."

If you lose your job due to Obama allowing the companies and rich people to get their taxes hiked, how will you feel? Or, what if you come to work after watching MSNBC applaud Obama no longer allowing tax breaks for the rich, and find out your best friend at work got laid off, because it turns out the Bush tax cuts allowed enough capital for that company to expand your division 6 years ago and hire both of you, but now they cant afford you both and one has to go?????

Never forget, as much as you lefties hate the rich and hate corporations, they provide the jobs in this country. If you want a good paying, stable job, most likely it's gonna be working for a rich person or company. Thats reality, and I'm thankful for the rich who have employed me and don't want their taxes to go up, because the more money they send to Washington DC, the less money they send to their employees.

I spoke with a guy yesterday who told his staff that he will only be paying 15% of their HC starting Sept. 1. He was paying 100%. I asked him how he thought the HC bill was going to affect him and he said "I don't know. My accountant does not know. No one knows. The bill is 2000 pages". But with the economy in the toilet, it was that or lay off more people.

With or without the tax cuts, this is going to be the new reality. Change we can believe in?
The Bush tax cuts. If they expire, massive tax hikes on rich people and rich companies will ensue.

Liberals: If you are at work in January, for a wealthy company or wealthy boss, and you :clap2: the Bush cuts to expire as Obama wants, how will you feel if you get called into the office and told:

"Since Washington let the tax cuts expire, we can't afford the staff your division as is. 40% of you will be laid off. It will be a randomly selected group. You'll know within 2 weeks."If you lose your job due to Obama allowing the companies and rich people to get their taxes hiked, how will you feel? Or, what if you come to work after watching MSNBC applaud Obama no longer allowing tax breaks for the rich, and find out your best friend at work got laid off, because it turns out the Bush tax cuts allowed enough capital for that company to expand your division 6 years ago and hire both of you, but now they cant afford you both and one has to go?????

Never forget, as much as you lefties hate the rich and hate corporations, they provide the jobs in this country. If you want a good paying, stable job, most likely it's gonna be working for a rich person or company. Thats reality, and I'm thankful for the rich who have employed me and don't want their taxes to go up, because the more money they send to Washington DC, the less money they send to their employees.

Why would a company do that?

Employee salaries aren't taxed. Profits are taxed.

And what percent of any company's employees are in the top 2 brackets? My employer would have zero in those brackets.
I've heard it said that trickle down economics doesn't always work. But trickle down misery is almost a given. I don't think extending the tax cuts will necessarily improve the economy. But I'm almost certain raising taxes will make things worse. Small businesses and the wealthy are hoarding cash right now and it's only going to get worse. Too much uncertainty; too little faith.
The Bush tax cuts. If they expire, massive tax hikes on rich people and rich companies will ensue.

Liberals: If you are at work in January, for a wealthy company or wealthy boss, and you :clap2: the Bush cuts to expire as Obama wants, how will you feel if you get called into the office and told:

"Since Washington let the tax cuts expire, we can't afford the staff your division as is. 40% of you will be laid off. It will be a randomly selected group. You'll know within 2 weeks."

If you lose your job due to Obama allowing the companies and rich people to get their taxes hiked, how will you feel? Or, what if you come to work after watching MSNBC applaud Obama no longer allowing tax breaks for the rich, and find out your best friend at work got laid off, because it turns out the Bush tax cuts allowed enough capital for that company to expand your division 6 years ago and hire both of you, but now they cant afford you both and one has to go?????

Never forget, as much as you lefties hate the rich and hate corporations, they provide the jobs in this country. If you want a good paying, stable job, most likely it's gonna be working for a rich person or company. Thats reality, and I'm thankful for the rich who have employed me and don't want their taxes to go up, because the more money they send to Washington DC, the less money they send to their employees.

It's easy to figure out the Libs response to them losing their jobs because the Bush Tax cuts expired.......

They will BLAME Bush!!!!!
Lying? Is this not Obama's economy?

yes, lying. your boy, shrub, was the first leader in recorded history to pass a tax cut during war time. he did so with the words, 'we have a surplus. and the people should have a refund'. he and his buddies then proceeded to rape our treasury and spend hundreds of billions of dolloars of our money, driving us into a hole.

of course, the surplus was left him by a democratic president

that said... your guy's tax breaks to the rich were INTENDED to sundown.

not re-implementing those tax cuts is NOT a tax increase...it's just a refusal to continue your guy's idiocy.

the world is far more complex than you pretend.
Oh I understand that the "world is complex" and unlike the elitists on this board, I do not pretend to be an expert on every subject.

What I do understand is that my taxes are going up next year. Increase. Under Obama. I'm tired of people trying to re-write the dictionary.
"not re-implementing those tax cuts is NOT a tax increase...it's just a refusal to continue your guy's idiocy."
As posted by Jillian....

When you go from paying one amount in taxes then the next day you pay more........Well that's a tax hike,a tax increase,call it what you will.Anyone who disputes whether this tax cut created jobs or not is a fair argument...but do you really think that increasing taxes will create jobs.

C'mon Libs you can't be that stupid...or can you?
The Bush tax cuts. If they expire, massive tax hikes on rich people and rich companies will ensue.

Liberals: If you are at work in January, for a wealthy company or wealthy boss, and you :clap2: the Bush cuts to expire as Obama wants, how will you feel if you get called into the office and told:

"Since Washington let the tax cuts expire, we can't afford the staff your division as is. 40% of you will be laid off. It will be a randomly selected group. You'll know within 2 weeks."
....A script (only) The DICK; Armey could write!!!! :rolleyes:

"Clearly, this is a job-killer in the short-run. The impact on job creation is going to be devastating." — Rep. Dick Armey, (Republican, Texas; Granddaddy O' The Teabaggers)

No major corporation will lay anyone off because the tax cuts expire. They'll cut people because the CEO ran the company into the toilet and now wants his bonus.

Look @ the 50's; tax rates for the wealthiest Americans was ludicrous and makes today's rates seem low.

"The vast majority of taxpayers saw no change in their income taxes as a result of the 1993 law. CBO estimates that most households paid only $38 more per year, as a result of the 4.3 cent per gallon increase in the gas tax."
For liberals: If taxes go up on rich, how will you feel about consequences?

One can never feel sorry enough for those poor put upon billionaires.

After all, they've been so good to us.
The Bush tax cuts. If they expire, massive tax hikes on rich people and rich companies will ensue.

Liberals: If you are at work in January, for a wealthy company or wealthy boss, and you :clap2: the Bush cuts to expire as Obama wants, how will you feel if you get called into the office and told:

"Since Washington let the tax cuts expire, we can't afford the staff your division as is. 40% of you will be laid off. It will be a randomly selected group. You'll know within 2 weeks."

If you lose your job due to Obama allowing the companies and rich people to get their taxes hiked, how will you feel? Or, what if you come to work after watching MSNBC applaud Obama no longer allowing tax breaks for the rich, and find out your best friend at work got laid off, because it turns out the Bush tax cuts allowed enough capital for that company to expand your division 6 years ago and hire both of you, but now they cant afford you both and one has to go?????

Never forget, as much as you lefties hate the rich and hate corporations, they provide the jobs in this country. If you want a good paying, stable job, most likely it's gonna be working for a rich person or company. Thats reality, and I'm thankful for the rich who have employed me and don't want their taxes to go up, because the more money they send to Washington DC, the less money they send to their employees.

I spoke with a guy yesterday who told his staff that he will only be paying 15% of their HC starting Sept. 1. He was paying 100%. I asked him how he thought the HC bill was going to affect him and he said "I don't know. My accountant does not know. No one knows. The bill is 2000 pages". But with the economy in the toilet, it was that or lay off more people.

With or without the tax cuts, this is going to be the new reality. Change we can believe in?

Since March 23, this dude's accountant couldn't get-thru 2000 pages??!!! :eek:

Maybe he should double-check the validity o' his "accountants" GED.


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