*Football Helmets: Could Cause Neck Injury*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. Does anyone else think that football players necks can be injured due to a facemask penality?
2. You know, when a defensive/offensive, player grabs the shield infront of the helmet and whips the players head around and brings them to the ground.
3. I think there is a better way.
4. These shield's should be able to be pulled off, that way, who ever gets grabbed by the Face Mask, then thier neck isn't broken or strained.
5. I am sure its happened, why isn't thier some concern for the players necks?:eek:

Football helmets are getting a bad rap here. Running into another person at full pelt couldn't possible lead to physical ailments any more than wearing a football helmet could. Gosh, this is so silly.
Sorry bout that,

1. Ozman, you really need to know something about football in order to post on this thread dude.
2. Maybe sit this one out.:clap2:

I played football, may I post in this thread? Thank you.

When I played Riddell Helmets were popular. I never saw anyone get a neck injury but some guys got their noses broken because the helmet, upon impact would rotate down on your nose and either scrape it, cut it or in some extreme cases, break it. Riddell was famous for this 30 years ago but I'm sure they've made improvements since if they're still in business.

The most common injury back then were pinched nerves, hip pointers and dislocated fingers. I was lucky, I never got one injury but my cousin Scott wasn't, he got his knee blown out.

All that being said, football leagues the world over already have a rule against grabbing the face mask, in fact your hand can't even come close or you'll get flagged for it. It's already a non issue.
Sorry bout that,

No problem.

1. Does anyone else think that football players necks can be injured due to a facemask penality?
2. You know, when a defensive/offensive, player grabs the shield infront of the helmet and whips the players head around and brings them to the ground.
3. I think there is a better way.
4. These shield's should be able to be pulled off, that way, who ever gets grabbed by the Face Mask, then thier neck isn't broken or strained.
5. I am sure its happened, why isn't thier some concern for the players necks?:eek:

Rather than having them be pulled off...which might result in them being pushed off or pushed into the players face during direct contact...I think that they should be clear plexiglass screens, sort of like those on motorcycle helmets.

Then again, I can't think of the last time I saw a player with a severe neck injury due to a facemask. These guys necks are usually thicker than both of my thighs put together with their massive muscles.
How about padding the exterior of the helmet?

If the day of the 300 lb running back (4.5 forty) isn't far off, maybe the entire system of pads/braces protecting the players should be redesigned?

Mandatory knee braces?

Shoulder pads, neck brace, and helmets as distinct parts of a single integrated system?

'Never played the game in pads.

Just thinking.
Sorry bout that,

1. Hey I think my idea of a *Break-Away* face mask is viable.
2. What your saying george, is send them out there in a Knights Armor.
3. No, lets not and say we did.:lol:

Sorry bout that,

1. Ozman, you really need to know something about football in order to post on this thread dude.
2. Maybe sit this one out.:clap2:


Thank you for your impeccable input to my post. It really contributed to the flow of this thread. A natural flow, much like the shock of a full-force frontal impact.

Sorry bout that,

1. Does anyone else think that football players necks can be injured due to a facemask penality?
2. You know, when a defensive/offensive, player grabs the shield infront of the helmet and whips the players head around and brings them to the ground.
3. I think there is a better way.
4. These shield's should be able to be pulled off, that way, who ever gets grabbed by the Face Mask, then thier neck isn't broken or strained.
5. I am sure its happened, why isn't thier some concern for the players necks?:eek:


suppose the masks on the front of the helmets were fitted with razor sharp edges to discourage facemasking?
Sorry bout that,

1. Does anyone else think that football players necks can be injured due to a facemask penality?
2. You know, when a defensive/offensive, player grabs the shield infront of the helmet and whips the players head around and brings them to the ground.
3. I think there is a better way.
4. These shield's should be able to be pulled off, that way, who ever gets grabbed by the Face Mask, then thier neck isn't broken or strained.
5. I am sure its happened, why isn't thier some concern for the players necks?:eek:


suppose the masks on the front of the helmets were fitted with razor sharp edges to discourage facemasking?

Kind of like the razors the girls you date implant to prevent date rape?
A breakaway mask would likely come off due to impact rather than someone's hand yanking it. That sounds like an invitation to other injuries to me.

Overall helmet technology is vastly improved in recent years. Some have face masks affixed to pistons or springs where attached to the helmet to help dissipate the energy on impact, and with others the plastic and padding come down farther along the jaw bone on either side to supposedly help prevent concussions. A lot of major colleges and pro teams make an array of helmet designs available for players to select which they want to wear these days.
No matter how a helmet is designed, there will never be one that is guaranteed to protect a player from neck injury. The human head is simply not designed to repeatedly absorb forceful hits, whether it be directly to the head or the many angles that collide the head against the body, the ground or another player's head and/or body.

Interestingly enough, in the long history of football, plastic helmets didn't really get a lot of use until after World War II, and even then it was either without a face mask or with just one bar across the face. The early models were rejected because they broke so easily and players suffered injury from the very item that was supposed to protect them. And it wasn't until the 1960's that the double face mask came into widespread use. After that, the pace for evolution of the helmet picked up significantly. So for the longest time, football players were protected only by a leather hat whose most significant change was a couple of holes drilled in the ears to enable players to hear each other on the field.
Sorry bout that,

1. Does anyone else think that football players necks can be injured due to a facemask penality?
2. You know, when a defensive/offensive, player grabs the shield infront of the helmet and whips the players head around and brings them to the ground.
3. I think there is a better way.
4. These shield's should be able to be pulled off, that way, who ever gets grabbed by the Face Mask, then thier neck isn't broken or strained.
5. I am sure its happened, why isn't thier some concern for the players necks?:eek:


Yes, remove the shield so your face is unprotected.... fucking brilliant.

There's a reason a facemask is a penalty.
Last edited:
Sorry bout that,

1. Then why put helmets on at all?
2. Heck they make a lot of money right!
3. All that padding, lets get rid of it too!
4. Why not allow one man on each team to wave around a sword too!:clap2:
5. I think making helmets safer is a fine idea, thats why I came up with it.:lol:


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