Football 2016

Yep, for a little bit.
He did play for a little bit, and got hurt :lol:

And for what? Do you honestly think getting a quarter of action in would somehow make or break his regular season performance?

Do you honestly think that you can protect them? Hell, most of these guys get hurt in practice, let's just stop having practice. gg

You deny Paulies' point, which is a valid one.

In your opinion it is valid, what about them not practicing at all, that is where the majority of preseason injuries come from.
I wouldn't be arguing this much of Nelson hadn't already gone down for the season. At that point, why risk the next wr on the chart? I just think it's stupid. And I made my point about the difference between practice and a preseason game.

I know your point and it doesn't change the fact that most preseason injuries are non-contact and they happen in practice. Nelson wasn't touched when he sustained his injury.

I worry about the preseason injuries to. I just think you got to play or you rust. I maybe wrong.
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He did play for a little bit, and got hurt :lol:

And for what? Do you honestly think getting a quarter of action in would somehow make or break his regular season performance?

Do you honestly think that you can protect them? Hell, most of these guys get hurt in practice, let's just stop having practice. gg

You deny Paulies' point, which is a valid one.

In your opinion it is valid, what about them not practicing at all, that is where the majority of preseason injuries come from.
I wouldn't be arguing this much of Nelson hadn't already gone down for the season. At that point, why risk the next wr on the chart? I just think it's stupid. And I made my point about the difference between practice and a preseason game.

I know your point and it doesn't change the fact that most preseason injuries are non-contact and they happen in practice. Nelson wasn't touched when he sustained his injury.

I worry about the preseason injuries to. I just think you got to play or you rust. I maybe wrong.
Is jj watts really that good? I've never seen him play yet to be honest. The Texans? They gonna be good this year? Can't wait to see anomikin Sue play for Miami this year. How many penalties?
Nelson got hurt by no one touching him, that could happen in practice. Cobb was by contact. Pre-Season or not injuries happen.
Ok. The point is they already lost their best wr and because of that they didn't play Rodgers. You know that's why they sat him. They didn't want to take a chance. So why play Cobb then? It's not like the guy was in desperate need of game reps. NFL veterans don't NEED preseason. They get plenty of action throughout training camp.

If you get hurt during the regular season well then so be it. Nothing you can do about it.
You play all the guys you are going to cut and the ones you decide not to cut. But I would put all my starters in for the first set of down. If they score take them out. If they go three and out take them out. One deep to Megatron. Not up the middle but deep. Just to get the feel. Then take em out
He did play for a little bit, and got hurt :lol:

And for what? Do you honestly think getting a quarter of action in would somehow make or break his regular season performance?

Do you honestly think that you can protect them? Hell, most of these guys get hurt in practice, let's just stop having practice. gg

You deny Paulies' point, which is a valid one.

In your opinion it is valid, what about them not practicing at all, that is where the majority of preseason injuries come from.
I wouldn't be arguing this much of Nelson hadn't already gone down for the season. At that point, why risk the next wr on the chart? I just think it's stupid. And I made my point about the difference between practice and a preseason game.

I know your point and it doesn't change the fact that most preseason injuries are non-contact and they happen in practice. Nelson wasn't touched when he sustained his injury.

I worry about the preseason injuries to. I just think you got to play or you rust. I maybe wrong.

Please provide a link that most preseason injuries are non-contact. Many an ACL and hamstring injuries are non-contact, but I'd like to see a link showing that most pre-season injuries overall, are non-contact.
Even if they are, so what. The risk vs reward in playing a starter isn't worth it.

Like I said yesterday, things like Terrell Suggs going after Bradfords legs for instance, is the reason why you don't play starters in preseason. Bradford is an exception THIS YEAR because he actually NEEDS the game speed reps. Randall Cobb does not need reps that bad. And when you factor in that These guys only play maybe a quarter or 2, what's the fucking point? That 15-30 mins of playing time against basic scheme offenses and defenses is just not going to make or break a guy's ability in week 1. If Nelson wasn't hurt it would be one thing, but why you would risk your 2nd wr so he could "shake off some rust" is just dumb and they paid the price.

And this guy here is saying, in hindsight mind you, that he would still play him. Lol.
I read somewhere recently that soccer players suffer less pre-season injuries than football players. Maybe the NFL needs to have players report to training camp a month earlier and limit pre-season games to 3, as the 3rd NFL pre-season game is considered by many to be a 'dress rehearsal' for the season.
Whatever, the NFL needs to find out what soccer is doing to keep their injuries down.
The Raiders let Trent Richardson go. That wasn't the stupidest move. The stupidest move was giving him the $600k guarantee.

One of the worst RB's in NFL history, Richardson is. He gets the ball, hesitates, and then plunges straight into the tacklers. For 2 years in Indy, we got to watch him veering away from any holes. I was amazed that Oakland chose to waste money on such an awful RB.

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