Food stamp purchases going ONLINE!!

Govt says it's so people can make healthy choices but it's really so welfare queens can buy their junk food anonymously.
As a Republican and a conservative, I say fuck these poor people. My parents have a ton of money and I'll always have food. Most of them are probably non-whites anyway.

Most of them are "non-whites"? And? Besides showing your true colors, what difference would it make?
Can it be immoral to simply tax the rich into Heaven and solve simple poverty at the same time?

I have a better idea. How about we take the the money from the defense budget?

In 2015 our defense budget was $598 billion and SNAP was $75 billion. Surely $523 billion would suffice, especially considering that the nation with the next highest military budget is China and they spent $145.8 billion.

In fact, at $598 billion, we spend as much as the next 10 nations combined. At $523 billion, we are still outspending the next 8 nations combined.

When you show me the word food stamps in the Constitution and things directed related to raising and supporting a military are going, you'll have an argument. Otherwise, what you're saying is increase spending on thing NOT in the Constitution and stop spending on things that are.

I have no problem with the military spending. It's a delegated power of Congress to do so. As for SNAP, the $75 billion is $75 billion too much for reasons I've already explained.

If you want someone that can't afford it to have food, buy it for them using your money. If you want to support kids that you didn't produce, do it with your money.
it is called, providing for the general welfare; Congress gets to practice, just like they do with micromanaging our tax codes.
Weird observation based on fiction. The masses who vote for the left are the freeloaders. Fat cats in the arms manufacturing industry and those who finance them cannot muster enough votes on their own to swing the pendulum.
those who get paid for it, tend to vote for it.
Again, it is a drop in a bucket what votes they can muster. It is the welfare crowd who elects leftists.
Good point and that includes the welfare corporatist are getting out of fax payer funds. That would be farming operations, bankers, insurance companies, etc.... Small farm operations were driven out by subsidizing larger farms, pharmaceutical companies, unethical chemical, seed companies and so on and so forth. Now we have a shit load of sick people that need to have their medical insurance subsidized and it it stressing those who do still have non government or big corporate jobs. The vicious cycle has created a mess. Agricultural Subsidies
it is about using enough socialism to improve our Standard of Living and "earn" our Statue of Liberty. Our shelves are full. Only lousy social management doesn't benefit the People.

The only thing that goes up by handing some leech another person's money is the number of leeches.
don't believe in capitalism? capitalism Only cares that capital circulates, it does not care about the socialism of social morals or social law.

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