FIVE % growth 3rd quarter- Want to act like Americans yet, haters?

Do you guys have zero hedge bookmarked so you can go there ASAP to get your marching orders every time the GDP and jobs numbers are released?

Better to be like you and swallow what is fed to you by the corporate media hook, line and sinker, right?
Better than some dude writing a blog from his bunker.

Thanks for showing the world that you have never been to zero hedge. Speaking from obvious ignorance makes you look dumber than the bunker.
Go watch some Fox News....maybe they can explain to you how Obamacare was going to crash our economy
It sure is holding it back. We should have had 20 million jobs created last 2 years if it wasn't for obamacare and epa restrictions. Wrap your head around that and get back to me.

20 million jobs in two years?!? Do you even know what you're talking about? You clown get out of here!
Yes 20 million in 2 years. Want me to repost it?
Yes, it would be absolutely unprecedented growth in the history of this country.
Yes I know it would. Do you even know what a normal economic boom feels like? You think Reagan's 12 million was high you aint seen nothing yet. Gotta wait till 2016 to see it. This country has 2 major industries that are our biggest ones and they haven't even begun to take off yet. Energy and technology. Due to this administration regulations. I won't deny what Obama has done with energy so far, but it's really nothing. CongreSS men on capital hill are talking big time energy unleashing bill close to a trilion dollars. Why would they do this if Obama has done anything with energy industry. Technology in every industry is way out dated. Imagine what a 1 year tax write off for technology upgrades would do for that industry and jobs in others?

Bottom line is we are primed for an economic boom we've never before seen ever but this president's epa, tax, and environmental laws are preventing it.
According to the BLS, we added just shy of 16 million jobs during Reagan's entire presidency. When was this 12 million in two years that you are claiming?
Do you guys have zero hedge bookmarked so you can go there ASAP to get your marching orders every time the GDP and jobs numbers are released?

Better to be like you and swallow what is fed to you by the corporate media hook, line and sinker, right?
Better than some dude writing a blog from his bunker.

Thanks for showing the world that you have never been to zero hedge. Speaking from obvious ignorance makes you look dumber than the bunker.
I've been there, every article is doom and gloom.
Wow this went right over your head. 20 million is w ay more than a "robust" economy.

Provide a link to your mythical 20 million jobs and we can talk

Anybody with simple commonsense knows this. I'm tired of explaining basic shit to liberals. All fucking done. Fuck it. Freakin gone like a fart in the wind.

Sounds like surrender on your part

Thats why I asked you to back it up
Someone needs to take a steaming pile of shit on your porch and stick your new York time news paper to it.

You need counseling.
I've been in counselling for 15 years. I got my psychologist to have our sessions st KFC while in middle school. He drove of course. Some of the shit I could get people to do you'd say impossible.
Do you guys have zero hedge bookmarked so you can go there ASAP to get your marching orders every time the GDP and jobs numbers are released?

Better to be like you and swallow what is fed to you by the corporate media hook, line and sinker, right?
Better than some dude writing a blog from his bunker.

And just imagine your level of butthurt when you realize that dude in the bunker writing his blog is factually correct and has the information available to prove it.

We're watching Russia collapse but the RWs still worship Pootin.

Thank you Mr President.

Amazing how Conservatives worship "Tough Guy" Putin while they mock the sanctions from Obama as being "weak". Putin really stuck it to Obama didn't he?

Putins economy is on the brink of a major recession while the American economy is among the strongest in the world

Has it ever occurred to you that this should have happened months or years ago? How'd all that extra unnecessary financial years of pain feel? Libs always delay everything.

Repubs caused the unnecessary years of financial pain. Obamacrats are fixing that mess.
We're watching Russia collapse but the RWs still worship Pootin.

Thank you Mr President.

Amazing how Conservatives worship "Tough Guy" Putin while they mock the sanctions from Obama as being "weak". Putin really stuck it to Obama didn't he?

Putins economy is on the brink of a major recession while the American economy is among the strongest in the world

Has it ever occurred to you that this should have happened months or years ago? How'd all that extra unnecessary financial years of pain feel? Libs always delay everything.

Repubs caused the unnecessary years of financial pain. Obamacrats are fixing that mess.


People still believe it's a partisan issue. That's how you know you're on USMB. Where the inmates run the asylum.
It sure is holding it back. We should have had 20 million jobs created last 2 years if it wasn't for obamacare and epa restrictions. Wrap your head around that and get back to me.

20 million jobs in two years?!? Do you even know what you're talking about? You clown get out of here!
Yes 20 million in 2 years. Want me to repost it?
Yes, it would be absolutely unprecedented growth in the history of this country.
Yes I know it would. Do you even know what a normal economic boom feels like? You think Reagan's 12 million was high you aint seen nothing yet. Gotta wait till 2016 to see it. This country has 2 major industries that are our biggest ones and they haven't even begun to take off yet. Energy and technology. Due to this administration regulations. I won't deny what Obama has done with energy so far, but it's really nothing. CongreSS men on capital hill are talking big time energy unleashing bill close to a trilion dollars. Why would they do this if Obama has done anything with energy industry. Technology in every industry is way out dated. Imagine what a 1 year tax write off for technology upgrades would do for that industry and jobs in others?

Bottom line is we are primed for an economic boom we've never before seen ever but this president's epa, tax, and environmental laws are preventing it.
According to the BLS, we added just shy of 16 million jobs during Reagan's entire presidency. When was this 12 million in two years that you are claiming?
Never said reagan did that in 2. Youvdid. I am saying 20 million in 2 this time, though. Big changes need to happen first and Obama won't do them.
Do you guys have zero hedge bookmarked so you can go there ASAP to get your marching orders every time the GDP and jobs numbers are released?

Better to be like you and swallow what is fed to you by the corporate media hook, line and sinker, right?
Better than some dude writing a blog from his bunker.

Thanks for showing the world that you have never been to zero hedge. Speaking from obvious ignorance makes you look dumber than the bunker.
I've been there, every article is doom and gloom.

The key word being "article"...many of which are not written by the "dude writing a blog from his bunker"

Are they biased? Of course, just like every other "news outlet" in the world. Only reading stuff with the bias you agree with isn't the mark of an intelligent person.
Bottom line is we are primed for an economic boom we've never before seen ever

I'm only quoting this so when the wheels come off the wagon I can come back and call you a dumb ass.

If it wasn't for the libs and Obama it we old have happened slready. Pretty fucking sad. Liberals always delay s hit.

It ain't happening and it's got nothing to do with partisan bullshit...both statist parties and their corporate cronies are responsible for this mess. If you want to see, you have to either open your eyes, pull your head out of your ass, or at least install a plexiglass belly button.
We're watching Russia collapse but the RWs still worship Pootin.

Thank you Mr President.

Amazing how Conservatives worship "Tough Guy" Putin while they mock the sanctions from Obama as being "weak". Putin really stuck it to Obama didn't he?

Putins economy is on the brink of a major recession while the American economy is among the strongest in the world

Has it ever occurred to you that this should have happened months or years ago? How'd all that extra unnecessary financial years of pain feel? Libs always delay everything.
It felt like Reaganomics....
20 million jobs in two years?!? Do you even know what you're talking about? You clown get out of here!
Yes 20 million in 2 years. Want me to repost it?
Yes, it would be absolutely unprecedented growth in the history of this country.
Yes I know it would. Do you even know what a normal economic boom feels like? You think Reagan's 12 million was high you aint seen nothing yet. Gotta wait till 2016 to see it. This country has 2 major industries that are our biggest ones and they haven't even begun to take off yet. Energy and technology. Due to this administration regulations. I won't deny what Obama has done with energy so far, but it's really nothing. CongreSS men on capital hill are talking big time energy unleashing bill close to a trilion dollars. Why would they do this if Obama has done anything with energy industry. Technology in every industry is way out dated. Imagine what a 1 year tax write off for technology upgrades would do for that industry and jobs in others?

Bottom line is we are primed for an economic boom we've never before seen ever but this president's epa, tax, and environmental laws are preventing it.
According to the BLS, we added just shy of 16 million jobs during Reagan's entire presidency. When was this 12 million in two years that you are claiming?
Never said reagan did that in 2. Youvdid. I am saying 20 million in 2 this time, though. Big changes need to happen first and Obama won't do them.
Yeah, you're definitely drunk. Go sleep it off. 20 million new jobs in 2 years is fucking laughable and would never happen no matter who is in charge.
Bottom line is we are primed for an economic boom we've never before seen ever

I'm only quoting this so when the wheels come off the wagon I can come back and call you a dumb ass.

If it wasn't for the libs and Obama it we old have happened slready. Pretty fucking sad. Liberals always delay s hit.

It ain't happening and it's got nothing to do with partisan bullshit...both statist parties and their corporate cronies are responsible for this mess. If you want to see, you have to either open your eyes, pull your head out of your ass, or at least install a plexiglass belly button.
You bet it is. I'm going to take a big fat nap right now and sleep so good that I'll probably have a wet dream. Good nite and stop the drugs.
Bottom line is we are primed for an economic boom we've never before seen ever

I'm only quoting this so when the wheels come off the wagon I can come back and call you a dumb ass.

If it wasn't for the libs and Obama it we old have happened slready. Pretty fucking sad. Liberals always delay s hit.

It ain't happening and it's got nothing to do with partisan bullshit...both statist parties and their corporate cronies are responsible for this mess. If you want to see, you have to either open your eyes, pull your head out of your ass, or at least install a plexiglass belly button.
You bet it is. I'm going to take a big fat nap right now and sleep so good that I'll probably have a wet dream. Good nite and stop the drugs.

We had a record year last year and again this year...yet I can still see there is no overall recovery, that the "markets" and the numbers are rigged more than ever and that our current course is unsustainable. Enjoy your nap in Uranus.
I'm tired of explaining basic shit to liberals. All fucking done. Fuck it. Freakin gone like a fart in the wind.

Promises promises, that's all you damn right wingers have is promises. LMAO. "Freakin gone like a fart in the wind". That's kinda poetic.

Stay around for shits and grins. You provide a lot of them. :eusa_dance:
I'm tired of explaining basic shit to liberals. All fucking done. Fuck it. Freakin gone like a fart in the wind.

Promises promises, that's all you damn right wingers have is promises. LMAO. "Freakin gone like a fart in the wind". That's kinda poetic.

Stay around for shits and grins. You provide a lot of them. :eusa_dance:

I'm here every night. Stay Up AND ENJOY The show. Fucking phone....
These good economic numbers were from times with over $3 Gasoline, Lower deficit spending, Ended QE, Lower Government Employment.

The low gas price, incoming hot money flows fleeing from other collapsing economies, rising market & heating up economy will boost these numbers even further this quarter.

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