

Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
This is my own announcement, to which I have been invited since it IS a forum for all to use.
If moderation is not to be discussed, I recommend the term FEEDBACK be removed from this forum and leave it as ANNOUNCEMENTS only. Mods are "persons", are they not?

That is all.


  1. 1.
    information about reactions to a product, a person's performance of a task, etc. which is used as a basis for improvement.
    "throughout this process we have obtained valuable feedback"

This is a valid point. Feedback would nornally consist of that related to moderation, general or otherwse.


Oh c'mon now, Gracie, you know full well that the rules here and this forum is for FB on the forum mechanics, structure, etc., ---anything pertaining to dissatisfaction with some specific moderation action or event is to be taken up directly with THEM.

If you can't get satisfaction dealing directly with them, what makes you think you'll get any farther bitching the issue publicly?

I mean, I'd rather our limited and taxed mods be spending their time actually moderating threads here rather than spent arguing a moot point back and forth on this thread.

Oh c'mon now, Gracie, you know full well that the rules here and this forum is for FB on the forum mechanics, structure, etc., ---anything pertaining to dissatisfaction with some specific moderation action or event is to be taken up directly with THEM.

If you can't get satisfaction dealing directly with them, what makes you think you'll get any farther bitching the issue publicly?

I mean, I'd rather our limited and taxed mods be spending their time actually moderating threads here rather than spent arguing a moot point back and forth on this thread.

Still, "Feedback" is in the subject heading. I've only.commented on the modding once ot twice in 10+ years, but there should be a public square for this. Free Speech is what makes this forum so popular.
They have their rules, but in this situation, it's hypocrisy. Rules for thee but not for me syndrome.

Just sayin'.

And yes, I am aware of those rules just like this apt complex has rules..which is very much against the law and Housing Authority. I don't complain about it here though. I just keep notes. And they KNOW I keep notes, so they don't fuck with me. I'm not fucked with here either, because I try to abide by their rules. All I am saying is...change the wording. Remove the word FEEDBACK. Or not.

Again, just sayin'.
Seems a bit too radical OP . What about a feasibility study first and an Acceptability Poll to guage support . Far too complex imho and could be life changing for some .Consider the effect of big Change on the mental health of the elderly and sensitive souls like BlockedGhanaian .Very worrying .

  • "No discussing infractions, bans, banned members, or specific moderator actions or duties on the open boards. Issues with moderation should be taken up privately with moderators in PM."
Yes, as stated in the rules, feedback, on everything but personal moderator actions. It is their forum, why can't you just accept and try to follow the rules? I mean, its not like they don't let you give feedback, they just want it DIRECTLY thru PM.
Some of them use the "rules" to silence opinions they disagree with. Hens complaining to the fox about the foxes behavior will get you nowhere.
I'm not complaining. Their beach, their waves. Just stating my opinion that asking for feedback, but putting red line on certain feedback is ...well....stupid. In my opinion.

Only speaking for myself, but I don't mind answering questions people have about mod actions. Most of the time, the questions I've seen in this area are for clarification. The rules do state that specific questions should be sent by PM to the mods. With that said, when someone starts a thread on the open forum asking why something happened, keep in mind that you've brought the action up in public, thereby giving permission for mods to tell you point blank why you got a warning, thread moved, thread locked, etc. For some of you with a history of breaking certain rules repeatedly, it won't go well in your favor. Of course, that really depends on how the inquiry is brought up: attacking the mods for doing our job vs a polite question.
Love ya Aye. Sometimes I pretend to be eating one of those twister vine thingies and like the commercial, I wonder about stuff. Then I post it. lol

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