FBI LAWYER: Rosenstein was SERIOUS about wanting to Record President Trump


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
'Two senior FBI officials told the bureau’s top lawyer they believed Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein was “serious” when he discussed secretly recording President Trump and invoking the 25th Amendment to remove him from office last year, according to sources close to a congressional investigation – an account that conflicts with claims from Rosenstein and others that the comments either were inaccurately reported or made in jest.

Former FBI General Counsel James A. Baker told congressional investigators during a closed-door deposition last week that then-FBI Acting Director Andrew McCabe and FBI lawyer Lisa Page came to Baker "contemporaneously" after Trump fired FBI Director James Comey in May 2017. Baker said Page and McCabe relayed details of the meeting where Rosenstein made the comments.

A spokesperson for McCabe declined to comment. McCabe’s memos documenting the Rosenstein meeting were turned over to Mueller. The House Judiciary Committee issued a subpoena for the records, but they were not provided by last Thursday’s deadline. A lawyer for Lisa Page did not respond.

As the former FBI general counsel, Baker was a senior figure with a pivotal position who had the ear of the FBI director.

Baker also is at the heart of surveillance abuse accusations, many from congressional Republicans. His deposition lays the groundwork for a planned closed-door House GOP interview with Rosenstein later this week. '

A spokesperson for McCabe declined to comment. McCabe’s memos documenting the Rosenstein meeting were turned over to Mueller. The House Judiciary Committee issued a subpoena for the records, but they were not provided by last Thursday’s deadline. A lawyer for Lisa Page did not respond.

As the former FBI general counsel, Baker was a senior figure with a pivotal position who had the ear of the FBI director.

Baker also is at the heart of surveillance abuse accusations, many from congressional Republicans. His deposition lays the groundwork for a planned closed-door House GOP interview with Rosenstein later this week.

SUMMARY: At this point we have 2nd-Hand testimony of FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe and GBI Agent Page met with FBI General Counsel James A. Baker, who told Baker of the meeting in which Rod Rosenstein stated his desire to wear a wire to record the President and then use that recording to remove him from office using the 25th Amendment. According to BAKER, McCabe and Page told Baker Rosenstein was 'serious'.

Former Deputy Director McCabe refused to comment. He and the FBI are now technically GUILTY of Obstruction by refusing / failing to comply with a Congressional Subpoena after missing a deadline of last Thursday to turn over documents and McCabe's notes related to the meeting. Former FBI Agent Page has also refused to comment.

FBI lawyer's testimony at odds with Rosenstein denial on 'wire' report
Now, if Repubs were smart, they would dump his info on Nov. 1, just to have it fresh on the minds of the voter....it I doubt anyone in power to do this will!
'Two senior FBI officials told the bureau’s top lawyer they believed Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein was “serious” when he discussed secretly recording President Trump and invoking the 25th Amendment to remove him from office last year, according to sources close to a congressional investigation – an account that conflicts with claims from Rosenstein and others that the comments either were inaccurately reported or made in jest.

Former FBI General Counsel James A. Baker told congressional investigators during a closed-door deposition last week that then-FBI Acting Director Andrew McCabe and FBI lawyer Lisa Page came to Baker "contemporaneously" after Trump fired FBI Director James Comey in May 2017. Baker said Page and McCabe relayed details of the meeting where Rosenstein made the comments.

A spokesperson for McCabe declined to comment. McCabe’s memos documenting the Rosenstein meeting were turned over to Mueller. The House Judiciary Committee issued a subpoena for the records, but they were not provided by last Thursday’s deadline. A lawyer for Lisa Page did not respond.

As the former FBI general counsel, Baker was a senior figure with a pivotal position who had the ear of the FBI director.

Baker also is at the heart of surveillance abuse accusations, many from congressional Republicans. His deposition lays the groundwork for a planned closed-door House GOP interview with Rosenstein later this week. '

A spokesperson for McCabe declined to comment. McCabe’s memos documenting the Rosenstein meeting were turned over to Mueller. The House Judiciary Committee issued a subpoena for the records, but they were not provided by last Thursday’s deadline. A lawyer for Lisa Page did not respond.

As the former FBI general counsel, Baker was a senior figure with a pivotal position who had the ear of the FBI director.

Baker also is at the heart of surveillance abuse accusations, many from congressional Republicans. His deposition lays the groundwork for a planned closed-door House GOP interview with Rosenstein later this week.

SUMMARY: At this point we have 2nd-Hand testimony of FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe and GBI Agent Page met with FBI General Counsel James A. Baker, who told Baker of the meeting in which Rod Rosenstein stated his desire to wear a wire to record the President and then use that recording to remove him from office using the 25th Amendment. According to BAKER, McCabe and Page told Baker Rosenstein was 'serious'.

Former Deputy Director McCabe refused to comment. He and the FBI are now technically GUILTY of Obstruction by refusing / failing to comply with a Congressional Subpoena after missing a deadline of last Thursday to turn over documents and McCabe's notes related to the meeting. Former FBI Agent Page has also refused to comment.

FBI lawyer's testimony at odds with Rosenstein denial on 'wire' report
Source: Faux news.
'Two senior FBI officials told the bureau’s top lawyer they believed Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein was “serious” when he discussed secretly recording President Trump and invoking the 25th Amendment to remove him from office last year, according to sources close to a congressional investigation – an account that conflicts with claims from Rosenstein and others that the comments either were inaccurately reported or made in jest.

Former FBI General Counsel James A. Baker told congressional investigators during a closed-door deposition last week that then-FBI Acting Director Andrew McCabe and FBI lawyer Lisa Page came to Baker "contemporaneously" after Trump fired FBI Director James Comey in May 2017. Baker said Page and McCabe relayed details of the meeting where Rosenstein made the comments.

A spokesperson for McCabe declined to comment. McCabe’s memos documenting the Rosenstein meeting were turned over to Mueller. The House Judiciary Committee issued a subpoena for the records, but they were not provided by last Thursday’s deadline. A lawyer for Lisa Page did not respond.

As the former FBI general counsel, Baker was a senior figure with a pivotal position who had the ear of the FBI director.

Baker also is at the heart of surveillance abuse accusations, many from congressional Republicans. His deposition lays the groundwork for a planned closed-door House GOP interview with Rosenstein later this week. '

A spokesperson for McCabe declined to comment. McCabe’s memos documenting the Rosenstein meeting were turned over to Mueller. The House Judiciary Committee issued a subpoena for the records, but they were not provided by last Thursday’s deadline. A lawyer for Lisa Page did not respond.

As the former FBI general counsel, Baker was a senior figure with a pivotal position who had the ear of the FBI director.

Baker also is at the heart of surveillance abuse accusations, many from congressional Republicans. His deposition lays the groundwork for a planned closed-door House GOP interview with Rosenstein later this week.

SUMMARY: At this point we have 2nd-Hand testimony of FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe and GBI Agent Page met with FBI General Counsel James A. Baker, who told Baker of the meeting in which Rod Rosenstein stated his desire to wear a wire to record the President and then use that recording to remove him from office using the 25th Amendment. According to BAKER, McCabe and Page told Baker Rosenstein was 'serious'.

Former Deputy Director McCabe refused to comment. He and the FBI are now technically GUILTY of Obstruction by refusing / failing to comply with a Congressional Subpoena after missing a deadline of last Thursday to turn over documents and McCabe's notes related to the meeting. Former FBI Agent Page has also refused to comment.

FBI lawyer's testimony at odds with Rosenstein denial on 'wire' report
Source: Faux news.
Apparently Fox News is proving to be more honest than CNN and MSNBC.
I tend to believe half of what they say.
I don't believe a word CNN or MSNBC says.
Last week the FBI was the Trump sheep’s best friend and now we are back to you cannot trust the FBI

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'Two senior FBI officials told the bureau’s top lawyer they believed Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein was “serious” when he discussed secretly recording President Trump and invoking the 25th Amendment to remove him from office last year, according to sources close to a congressional investigation – an account that conflicts with claims from Rosenstein and others that the comments either were inaccurately reported or made in jest.

Former FBI General Counsel James A. Baker told congressional investigators during a closed-door deposition last week that then-FBI Acting Director Andrew McCabe and FBI lawyer Lisa Page came to Baker "contemporaneously" after Trump fired FBI Director James Comey in May 2017. Baker said Page and McCabe relayed details of the meeting where Rosenstein made the comments.

A spokesperson for McCabe declined to comment. McCabe’s memos documenting the Rosenstein meeting were turned over to Mueller. The House Judiciary Committee issued a subpoena for the records, but they were not provided by last Thursday’s deadline. A lawyer for Lisa Page did not respond.

As the former FBI general counsel, Baker was a senior figure with a pivotal position who had the ear of the FBI director.

Baker also is at the heart of surveillance abuse accusations, many from congressional Republicans. His deposition lays the groundwork for a planned closed-door House GOP interview with Rosenstein later this week. '

A spokesperson for McCabe declined to comment. McCabe’s memos documenting the Rosenstein meeting were turned over to Mueller. The House Judiciary Committee issued a subpoena for the records, but they were not provided by last Thursday’s deadline. A lawyer for Lisa Page did not respond.

As the former FBI general counsel, Baker was a senior figure with a pivotal position who had the ear of the FBI director.

Baker also is at the heart of surveillance abuse accusations, many from congressional Republicans. His deposition lays the groundwork for a planned closed-door House GOP interview with Rosenstein later this week.

SUMMARY: At this point we have 2nd-Hand testimony of FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe and GBI Agent Page met with FBI General Counsel James A. Baker, who told Baker of the meeting in which Rod Rosenstein stated his desire to wear a wire to record the President and then use that recording to remove him from office using the 25th Amendment. According to BAKER, McCabe and Page told Baker Rosenstein was 'serious'.

Former Deputy Director McCabe refused to comment. He and the FBI are now technically GUILTY of Obstruction by refusing / failing to comply with a Congressional Subpoena after missing a deadline of last Thursday to turn over documents and McCabe's notes related to the meeting. Former FBI Agent Page has also refused to comment.

FBI lawyer's testimony at odds with Rosenstein denial on 'wire' report
Source: Faux news.
Apparently Fox News is proving to be more honest than CNN and MSNBC.
I tend to believe half of what they say.
I don't believe a word CNN or MSNBC says.

It's all the same AP news (lies), the networks just put a little spin on the bullshit. It's still bullshit. CBS actually rated better than FOX.
I just wire-tapped Deputy Attorney Rod Rosenstein's office. I just wanted to record what he would do if the Boston Red Sox won another World Series Championship!

He has yet to get back to me after Boston wins Game 7 against the Los Angeles Dodgers.

(Ok, I didn't really wire-tap his office, but it was funny, right? Lol) I thought it was...
"according to Baker's recent testimony to House investigators."

How is that "Fox News"?
Last week the FBI was the Trump sheep’s best friend and now we are back to you cannot trust the FBI
Why must you LIE every time you post?

As predicted, as the Republicans tried to warn the Democrats, as the FBI attempted to warn Democrats prior to their 7th investigation of Kavanaugh that the Democrats insisted the FBI conduct, the FBI came back with a report starting 'NO CORROBORATION' OF Ford's story was found.

That does not / did not make the FBI anyone's 'best friend'. Hell, ya loser, most Americans / Conservatives believed the FBI and its 7th investigation was not even needed.


Snowflakes HATED the FBI when it was declared Hillary was under multiple investigations for her proven crimes during the 2016 election campaign.

Snowflakes loved the FBI when they announced they had decided not to recommend Hillary be indicted.

Snowflakes then hated the FBI when they found Abedin had illegally downloaded every classified file and e-mail from Hillary's illegal server onto her personal laptop she shared with her criminal pedophile husband.

Snowflakes then loved the FBI again when the FBI quickly said 'Nothing to see here, move along'.

Snowflakes loved the idea of the FBI conducting Investigation #7, praising the FBI for its great investigative skills.....

NOW you snowflakes are bashing the FBI again because they did not do exactly what you wanted....

...and try to claim that its everyone else doing exactly what you are doing.

STFU already.
Comey came to a CONCLUSION about Hillary, 100% VIOLATING HIS ROLE.

Uncle Joe even told us so...

'Two senior FBI officials told the bureau’s top lawyer they believed Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein was “serious” when he discussed secretly recording President Trump and invoking the 25th Amendment to remove him from office last year, according to sources close to a congressional investigation – an account that conflicts with claims from Rosenstein and others that the comments either were inaccurately reported or made in jest.

Former FBI General Counsel James A. Baker told congressional investigators during a closed-door deposition last week that then-FBI Acting Director Andrew McCabe and FBI lawyer Lisa Page came to Baker "contemporaneously" after Trump fired FBI Director James Comey in May 2017. Baker said Page and McCabe relayed details of the meeting where Rosenstein made the comments.

A spokesperson for McCabe declined to comment. McCabe’s memos documenting the Rosenstein meeting were turned over to Mueller. The House Judiciary Committee issued a subpoena for the records, but they were not provided by last Thursday’s deadline. A lawyer for Lisa Page did not respond.

As the former FBI general counsel, Baker was a senior figure with a pivotal position who had the ear of the FBI director.

Baker also is at the heart of surveillance abuse accusations, many from congressional Republicans. His deposition lays the groundwork for a planned closed-door House GOP interview with Rosenstein later this week. '

A spokesperson for McCabe declined to comment. McCabe’s memos documenting the Rosenstein meeting were turned over to Mueller. The House Judiciary Committee issued a subpoena for the records, but they were not provided by last Thursday’s deadline. A lawyer for Lisa Page did not respond.

As the former FBI general counsel, Baker was a senior figure with a pivotal position who had the ear of the FBI director.

Baker also is at the heart of surveillance abuse accusations, many from congressional Republicans. His deposition lays the groundwork for a planned closed-door House GOP interview with Rosenstein later this week.

SUMMARY: At this point we have 2nd-Hand testimony of FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe and GBI Agent Page met with FBI General Counsel James A. Baker, who told Baker of the meeting in which Rod Rosenstein stated his desire to wear a wire to record the President and then use that recording to remove him from office using the 25th Amendment. According to BAKER, McCabe and Page told Baker Rosenstein was 'serious'.

Former Deputy Director McCabe refused to comment. He and the FBI are now technically GUILTY of Obstruction by refusing / failing to comply with a Congressional Subpoena after missing a deadline of last Thursday to turn over documents and McCabe's notes related to the meeting. Former FBI Agent Page has also refused to comment.

FBI lawyer's testimony at odds with Rosenstein denial on 'wire' report
Source: Faux news.
Apparently Fox News is proving to be more honest than CNN and MSNBC.
I tend to believe half of what they say.
I don't believe a word CNN or MSNBC says.

It's all the same AP news (lies), the networks just put a little spin on the bullshit. It's still bullshit. CBS actually rated better than FOX.
Much of CNN and MSNBC coverage is opinion based.
CBS is no different than ABC or NBC, which is just a less radical version of MSNBC.
'Two senior FBI officials told the bureau’s top lawyer they believed Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein was “serious” when he discussed secretly recording President Trump and invoking the 25th Amendment to remove him from office last year, according to sources close to a congressional investigation – an account that conflicts with claims from Rosenstein and others that the comments either were inaccurately reported or made in jest.

Former FBI General Counsel James A. Baker told congressional investigators during a closed-door deposition last week that then-FBI Acting Director Andrew McCabe and FBI lawyer Lisa Page came to Baker "contemporaneously" after Trump fired FBI Director James Comey in May 2017. Baker said Page and McCabe relayed details of the meeting where Rosenstein made the comments.

A spokesperson for McCabe declined to comment. McCabe’s memos documenting the Rosenstein meeting were turned over to Mueller. The House Judiciary Committee issued a subpoena for the records, but they were not provided by last Thursday’s deadline. A lawyer for Lisa Page did not respond.

As the former FBI general counsel, Baker was a senior figure with a pivotal position who had the ear of the FBI director.

Baker also is at the heart of surveillance abuse accusations, many from congressional Republicans. His deposition lays the groundwork for a planned closed-door House GOP interview with Rosenstein later this week. '

A spokesperson for McCabe declined to comment. McCabe’s memos documenting the Rosenstein meeting were turned over to Mueller. The House Judiciary Committee issued a subpoena for the records, but they were not provided by last Thursday’s deadline. A lawyer for Lisa Page did not respond.

As the former FBI general counsel, Baker was a senior figure with a pivotal position who had the ear of the FBI director.

Baker also is at the heart of surveillance abuse accusations, many from congressional Republicans. His deposition lays the groundwork for a planned closed-door House GOP interview with Rosenstein later this week.

SUMMARY: At this point we have 2nd-Hand testimony of FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe and GBI Agent Page met with FBI General Counsel James A. Baker, who told Baker of the meeting in which Rod Rosenstein stated his desire to wear a wire to record the President and then use that recording to remove him from office using the 25th Amendment. According to BAKER, McCabe and Page told Baker Rosenstein was 'serious'.

Former Deputy Director McCabe refused to comment. He and the FBI are now technically GUILTY of Obstruction by refusing / failing to comply with a Congressional Subpoena after missing a deadline of last Thursday to turn over documents and McCabe's notes related to the meeting. Former FBI Agent Page has also refused to comment.

FBI lawyer's testimony at odds with Rosenstein denial on 'wire' report
Source: Faux news.
Apparently Fox News is proving to be more honest than CNN and MSNBC.
I tend to believe half of what they say.
I don't believe a word CNN or MSNBC says.

It's all the same AP news (lies), the networks just put a little spin on the bullshit. It's still bullshit. CBS actually rated better than FOX.
Much of CNN and MSNBC coverage is opinion based.
CBS is no different than ABC or NBC, which is just a less radical version of MSNBC.

It's all the same globalist AP news regurgitation bro.

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