Families crossing U.S. border illegally reached all-time high in August


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
And yet we have posters here still claiming that crossings are down. They dropped after Title 42 ended, but picked up again in July, and now this!

US Border Patrol officials arrested at least 91,000 migrants who crossed the border as part of family groups, according to preliminary data obtained by the Washington Post — beating the previous one-month record of 84,486 migrant families arrested in May 2019, under the Trump administration.

This situation is screaming for squabbles. The Venezuelans should know that Hondurans are getting preferential treatment. A rumor among Hondurans that Guatemalans stay in nicer hotels and get better food. American blacks get a daily catechism that blacks are being thrown out of their homes and fired from their jobs to make room for invaders.

It worked for Cortez. It shouldn't take long.
And yet we have posters here still claiming that crossings are down. They dropped after Title 42 ended, but picked up again in July, and now this!

More resources and money going to illegals and their anchor babies, because the Marxists/Demofascists must make US citizens lives miserable and poor. I have never seen such EVIL as those in the Rainbow House and Senate who dictate to US how we are supposed to live, while they live high on the hog. Fuck em, maybe it is time to do what Mad Maxine Waters told her constituents to do. Dress up as ANTIFA then "Get in their face, tell them we dont want them here anymore", while throwing frozen bottles of water or flaming bottles of death at the Democrat's head.

And yet we have posters here still claiming that crossings are down. They dropped after Title 42 ended, but picked up again in July, and now this!

I told them so a weeks back. But I was lambasted by the disgusting shills similar to a Gater-Mac.

"When the heat begins to drop" they will swarm the border again. This is common sense. Foreign to all Libstain loons.
More resources and money going to illegals and their anchor babies, because the Marxists/Demofascists must make US citizens lives miserable and poor. I have never seen such EVIL as those in the Rainbow House and Senate who dictate to US how we are supposed to live, while they live high on the hog. Fuck em, maybe it is time to do what Mad Maxine Waters told her constituents to do. Dress up as ANTIFA then "Get in their face, tell them we dont want them here anymore", while throwing frozen bottles of water or flaming bottles of death at the Democrat's head.

Theory: Maybe the Kabal in DC realize that collapse is imminent ($33T Obiden debt bomb) and they will raid the Treasury for all they can and open the Borders. This will ensure prior to implementation of full blown communism martial law the street wars will reduce the population prior to? along with launching virus on elderly? Got to be something like this.
This can't possibly be. Democrats are telling us that the border is more secure than it has ever been.

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