Exposing Democrats lies about infrastructure

Robert W

Platinum Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 9, 2022
I read a Democrats claim that no Republicans voted for the Infrastructure bill that is described below.

But they lied. Republicans did in fact approve it.

From Idaho Senator Mike Crapo

Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act​

H.R. 3684, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act​
I voted in favor of the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, which passed the Senate by a 69-30 vote. It makes investments in traditional, hard infrastructure projects to help keep pace with Idaho’s rapid growth. It does not pave the way for the Democrats’ partisan $3.5 trillion tax-and-spending spree, which I voted against.
The Democrats didn’t have the votes in their own party to pass the reckless $3.5 trillion spree, which is why some of them worked with Republicans to pass a separate bill focused on true, traditional infrastructure. President Joe Biden originally proposed a much larger infrastructure bill, planning to pay for it with job-killing tax hikes that would inevitably fall on all Americans. I fought to make sure no tax hikes were included in this bill, and I will continue to fight against any bills attempting to undo the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi naturally would like to link the $3.5 trillion ‘human infrastructure’ bill to the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act to coerce moderate Democrats to vote for the reckless spending, but they are very different.
If you are looking for information about my vote against this reckless piece of legislation, click HERE.
Some key facts about this legislation:
  • Does not raise taxes.
  • It is counter-inflationary. It will not add to current inflation.
  • Creates jobs.
  • Redirects unused COVID-relief funds and for much-needed projects in Idaho and across the country.
  • No added funding for the Internal Revenue Service.
  • It includes $1.9 billion for Idaho roads and highways.
  • It includes $213 million for drinking water and wastewater infrastructure in Idaho.
  • It includes $25 billion nationwide for airport improvement.
  • It includes $225 million for bridge construction and maintenance in Idaho.
  • It includes $3.3 billion for wildland firefighting.
  • It includes $5.75 billion nationwide for natural resources infrastructure, including fire management and reduction.
  • It includes $100 million for broadband extension in Idaho.
  • It will extend the Secure Rural Schools (SRS) program through Fiscal Year 2023. The SRS program is critical for Idaho and helps fund essential services in rural communities home to federal, tax-exempt land.
dimocraps lie!!???

What's next; fat dogs fart? Bears shit in the woods? Babies cry?

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