Explosions in Kiev?

The American people elected a puppet of Iranian mullahs. Should we also take to the streets over it?
The whole of the wingnuts stance on the Ukraine is that the President supports the Ukranian people, so our goose stepping wingnuts feel the need to support a corrupt dicatorship. Idiots acting and speaking truly idiotically.

Usually they just make me aggravated but today I am truly ashamed of them. How can my own countrymen be so politically bent that they just side with a corrupt autocrat using force to put down legitimate protests against his coldly self-serving actions? It makes all their words about freedom and liberty seem hollow when they see a government's police force being directed at citizens and they say "serves them right for standing up rather than knuckling under as they should". They have no understanding of what real courage means when they would apparently just put up with horrible corruption because it's easier than fighting it.

Our English colonial government was pretty sure of it's power and legitimacy when our founders stood up and built the nation that should have been rather than one that respected authority for authority's sake.
The American people elected a puppet of Iranian mullahs. Should we also take to the streets over it?

If you feel that strongly about it then go for it, it is the right of every human to rebel against tyranny, history will judge if your sacrifice was worth it. Not willing to put your life or freedom on the line? Then it must not be that bad then. Those people in Ukraine feel it is worth their lives to fight, how can you judge them when you would not do the same in their place?
John McCain Went To Ukraine And Stood On Stage With A Man Accused Of Being An Anti-Semitic Neo-Nazi

Read more: John McCain Meets Oleh Tyahnybok In Ukraine - Business Insider


Nowadays Svoboda (which means freedom in Ukrainian) is one of those reconstructed modern European far right parties — it is aligned with the British National Party and the French National Front, for example — and it has gained some kind of electoral legitimacy, winning 10 percent of the seats in Ukraine's parliament in 2010.

However, the party's past is seriously murky. When it was founded in 1995, the party called itself the Social-National Party of Ukraine (SNPU), and it had a swastika-like logo. While it eventually split from its more right wing members, the party remained focused on celebrating Ukrainian ethnic identity in opposition to Russia and Communism.

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Ukranians are sick of the corruption and protesting for something better. The government wants to hold on to power and are willing to go to any length to do so:

""Associated Press journalist Yuras Karmanau describes the carnage in Kiev: "When I walked out into the Maidan, clad in a helmet and a flak jacket, I saw bodies lying on the pavement. Ten in one place, another six a short walk away, five more farther away. The demonstrators were killed with precise shots to their heads or necks, the hallmarks of snipers.""

BBC News - LIVE: Ukraine unrest: Clashes in central Kiev

You could also check out this live feed from the Ukraine. Every 30 minutes or so they show the days' events - one segment is protestors hiding bend homemade shields being picked off by police snipers. Very clear and very graphic so don't watch if this may be upsetting to you.


KyivPost / Independence. Community. Trust is a Ukranian newspaper in English whose editor is American.

The conservatives on this board need to take a good look at what tyranny actually looks like and consider that they seem like spoiled infants when they talk of horrible tyranny like taxes and social programs here.

We know what tyranny looks like. We rebelled against Great Britain for less.
Ukranians are sick of the corruption and protesting for something better. The government wants to hold on to power and are willing to go to any length to do so:

""Associated Press journalist Yuras Karmanau describes the carnage in Kiev: "When I walked out into the Maidan, clad in a helmet and a flak jacket, I saw bodies lying on the pavement. Ten in one place, another six a short walk away, five more farther away. The demonstrators were killed with precise shots to their heads or necks, the hallmarks of snipers.""

BBC News - LIVE: Ukraine unrest: Clashes in central Kiev

You could also check out this live feed from the Ukraine. Every 30 minutes or so they show the days' events - one segment is protestors hiding bend homemade shields being picked off by police snipers. Very clear and very graphic so don't watch if this may be upsetting to you.


KyivPost / Independence. Community. Trust is a Ukranian newspaper in English whose editor is American.

The conservatives on this board need to take a good look at what tyranny actually looks like and consider that they seem like spoiled infants when they talk of horrible tyranny like taxes and social programs here.

The liberals on this board should do the same thing when they tell us what a outrage it is having to showing a photo I.D. to vote.
Ukranians are sick of the corruption and protesting for something better. The government wants to hold on to power and are willing to go to any length to do so:

""Associated Press journalist Yuras Karmanau describes the carnage in Kiev: "When I walked out into the Maidan, clad in a helmet and a flak jacket, I saw bodies lying on the pavement. Ten in one place, another six a short walk away, five more farther away. The demonstrators were killed with precise shots to their heads or necks, the hallmarks of snipers.""

BBC News - LIVE: Ukraine unrest: Clashes in central Kiev

You could also check out this live feed from the Ukraine. Every 30 minutes or so they show the days' events - one segment is protestors hiding bend homemade shields being picked off by police snipers. Very clear and very graphic so don't watch if this may be upsetting to you.


KyivPost / Independence. Community. Trust is a Ukranian newspaper in English whose editor is American.

The conservatives on this board need to take a good look at what tyranny actually looks like and consider that they seem like spoiled infants when they talk of horrible tyranny like taxes and social programs here.

tyranny comes in baby steps

recently the FCC is proposed to sit in news stations

to "monitor" what news they find relevant to publish

the government without a warrant decides it is okay

to search and seize your communications in all forms

the government mandates what you have to buy

from private industry or face penalties
I don't see the Ukraine wanting to align with the US so much as the majority from the last natl election preferred to pledge their economic troth with the EU and open markets.
There is a bar very close to the Maiden on Khresghatic Str., an Irish Pub believe it or not. They have great rock bands and you can smoke Cuban cigars as you slam down shots of absinthe. It is close enough to the center of the protest that I am concerned about it. Hope it will still be there when I return for a visit to Kiev.

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