expect Rams to be back in LA next year.

Yeah, if those polls are accurate at all, both of these measures will fail and the Chargers one will fail big. The Rangers will as well, seeing as they have eighteen percent undecided - undecideds usually break no on matters like this.
Yeah, if those polls are accurate at all, both of these measures will fail and the Chargers one will fail big. The Rangers will as well, seeing as they have eighteen percent undecided - undecideds usually break no on matters like this.

Its actually not as gloom and doom in SD as the media portrays it,for one thing,they never say that the chargers want to stay there. check out this video.

you saw this EVERYWHERE at the Chargers game in SD and they were not fans from stank louis either.LOL a rams fan from st louis that did make the trip out there cause he had relatives there,said it was the first time he could ever going to game where it felt like a HOME games.LOL


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