expect NFL broadcasters to talk about future Los Angeles Rams in thursday nights game.


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2008
For the people here that are obviously in the dark and clueless about the Rams situation and still are that ignorant to seriously believe the Rams are actually going to be in Saint Louis next year,better get your heads out of your asses.:lmao:

They are scared to death in saint Louis they are going to lose them next year.Dont believe me? Look at this photo in this link here below of all these fans at the game in saint louis a week and a half ago against the Oakland Raiders.

Curtis Chow - Photos of Bring Back the Los Angeles Rams Facebook

what do you see there? I see fans holding up signs TRYING to spell KEEP THE RAMS IN SAINT LOUIS.:lmao: they cant even spell down there.That looks like alphabet soup.:biggrin:

If the threat isnt real down there,then please all you saint louis apologists,how come they are scared to death of losing them then?:lmao:

At least they know how to spell in LA.lol

If saint louis wasnt on the verge of losing the Rams there would not have been 20,000 tickets sold to LA RAM fans at the chargers/Rams game in san diego a few weeks ago which shoots down the lie and myth that LA is not an NFL football town and that they dont support winners.if it wasnt an NFL football town,they wouldnt have survived there for 49 years.:lmao::lmao::rolleyes-41::cuckoo:

those 20,000 LA RAM fans that turned out for that game in san diego also shoots down the lies spread by the LAMESTREAM MEDIA,that LA has fair weather football fans that wont support a winner.Last time i checked the Rams had a losing record.:rolleyes-41:

To have 20,000 fans at the game on the ROAD in san diego,for a team thats a loser no less,you going to tell me thats not great fan support there for a losing franchise,that they are not eager to have them back?:rolleyes-41::rofl:

oh and you dont believe me that those numbers are correct of 20,000 tickets sold to Ram fans at that game,that 1/3 of the fans there were Ram fans?

take a look at this pic here in this link.

Francis Paul Ganon s Photos - Francis Paul Ganon Facebook

I see lots of Rams fans there. oh and if thats not enough to convince you that place was packed with Ram fans,then I suggest you call up NFL films and ask them for that game because "I" did watch that game and when the first score of the game came when one of the Rams defenders intercepted Philip Rivers and ran it in for a touchdown,the cameras focused in on the crowd there and you could see THOUSANDS of Ram fans in the stadium jumping up and down cheering.It looked like half the stadium was full of Ram fans. you dont seriously think those were Ram fans from saint louis now do you?:rofl::lmao:

they had more fan support there from the fans in LA in san diego than they EVER do for games down there in saint louis.:biggrin:

this being a prime time game,i guantee the announcers are going to talk a lot about it.

they are going to talk about the chargers and raiders as well because they also have stadium issues but both of them are dead despite what the media says because both mark davis and dean spanos have both said they want to stay in san diego and in oakland.

Davis has met with his fans and has said many times in recent months he wants to stay in oakland and the san diego media has reported that Spanos has said the same thing and to scatch him off the list where with stan kroenke,he isnt known as silent stan for no reason.lol He hasnt said ONE WORD about wanting to keep the rams in saint louis and sources in the NFL have said he WANTS to move to LA.

also spanos and davis are neither locked into a lease like Kroneke is so they could have left a long time ago had they wanted to so there is no reason at all to doubt them that they are sincere and really want to stay in oakland and in san diego.

where Kroenke,he is locked into a lease agreement with the city of saint louis and has to wait till AFTER this football season is over with to be able to move for the 2015 season and its well known in NFL circles that he has said he WANTS to move out there in LA.No reason to doubt that either because he has a home in malibu.
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Like I said,at least in LA,they know how to spell.the school system sure is failing down there in saint louis.:biggrin:

Francis Paul Ganon s Photos - Francis Paul Ganon Facebook

Here is a very interesting article from a Rams fan in saint louis who made the trip out there that i think you will find very interesting as well about all the LA RAM fans he saw out there.

Cheering with your frenemies or what it was like as a St. Louis Rams fan in San Diego St. Louis Rams

a year ago i would not have given this game the time of the day but since they will be talking about the 2015 LA RAMS,I have to watch it tomorrow.its a must see for me.

this comment below is coming from a saint louis fan,HIS words,not mine.

On the one hand, after years of shamefully enduring Rams home games that felt more like road games.

I figured there would be a decent amount of LA Rams fans to make the trip down to San Diego, but I never would’ve expected the number of Rams fans who made the trip to San Diego. The announced attendance for the game was 66,040. I would conservatively estimate that one-third of that number were dressed in Rams gear.
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by the way folks,this is what happens below when you go to their keep the rams in saint louis site.they cant stand hearing facts there like the articles i post on my rams page and they ban you in a heartbeat just for talking about how bad their stadium situation is.Looks like the truth hurts.:biggrin: this guy nailed it below and said it so well.:thup:

  • love how people with different opinions are allowed here without being censored unlike The Keep The Rams In St Louis group. That being said, I want to see the trolls faces when a decision is made.
i posted this on my rams thread but will post it here as well since its such a recent post of mine there and it pretty much spells out how the writing is on the wall for them in saint louis and how they already have one foot out the door there.

what makes the story interesting is kroenke has yet to sign a deal to stay in saint louis,in fact with the wording of the current contract,he could move his team in 2015.why not back to a place that has a strong fan base already in place and would welcome the team back with open arms?

No doubt it will be the Rams returning to LA. Anyone who has followed the CVC vs the Rams the last two years sees all the sgins pointing to a Rams return to LA. Bad economy in STL. Corporations leaving STL. Tax payers not about to pay more taxes to afford a new stadium for the Rams. Governor Nixon stating several times that the state will not fund a new stadium for the Rams. Millions of dollars still left to be paid on the loan for the Edward Jones Dome. Appathy amongst the fans in St Louis as they stay away from games and do not even watch the road games on TV. Plus, even if Kroenke was to build his own Stadium at 1.5 billion conservatively, in LA, his franchise value is going to skyrocketed in LA. He will make back his investment easily. The writing is pretty much on the wall
57 views and not one reply from the saint louis apologists? No surprise there,you all cant think up anymore lies to post since you cant counter these facts the fans in saint louis are worried and scared to death they will be gone for LA next year.:biggrin:

as sargent hulka from gomer pyle always said-I CANT HEAR YOU!!!!!:biggrin::lmao:
After Ferguson, I would look for any excuse to get out of the St Louis area too
After Ferguson, I would look for any excuse to get out of the St Louis area too

Whats REALLY funny is just because of the actions of 5 Rams players speaking their feelings about the verdict,practically what few Ram fans they had left that went to those games,the stadium will REALLY be empty for this game and their last home game of the year.

many fans have said to true Ram fans in LA-you can have them.:biggrin: They were already saying that before the season began because they have been so bad the last 10 years but that has tripled since then.:lmao: expect to see couple dozen fans at the game tonight and the last home game.:lmao:

this is a comment from one of them who had gone to all their games the past 20 years,one who has lived there his whole life the last 63 years what he posted on my Rams thread.
Please go to L.A. Kroenke...don't let the door hit you in the ass, you sorry piece of shit.

this seems to be the MAJORITY of the sentiment of football fans in saint louis.:biggrin::lmao:

thank god LA fans are getting their team back especially since that city doesnt deserve them and more importantly,thats where they belong.:happy-1:

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