'Ex-sceptic says climate change is down to humans'


liberal / progressive
Jun 4, 2007
"The results confirm the warming trend seen by other groups using different methods."

'Earth is warming, study concludes - Climate unit releases more data - Warming since 1995 'significant''

"A formerly sceptical climate scientist says human activity is causing the Earth to warm, as a new study confirms earlier results on rising temperatures." BBC News - Ex-sceptic says climate change is down to humans

"Quite possibly, this belief in our own opinion, regardless of the facts, may be what separates us from the nations of the world, what makes us unique in God’s eyes. The average German or Czech, though possibly no less ignorant than his American counterpart, will probably consider the possibility that someone who has spent his life studying something may have an opinion worth considering. Not the American. Although perfectly willing to recognize expertise in basketball, for example, or refrigerator repair, when it comes to the realm of ideas, all folks (and their opinions) are suddenly equal. Thus evolution is a damned lie, global warming a liberal hoax, and Republicans care about people like you." Mark Slouka
Muller is absolutely dishonest. He was never a skeptic,


"I was never a skeptic" - Richard Muller, 2011

"If Al Gore reaches more people and convinces the world that global warming is real, even if he does it through exaggeration and distortion - which he does, but he’s very effective at it - then let him fly any plane he wants."
- Richard Muller, 2008

"There is a consensus that global warming is real. ...it’s going to get much, much worse." - Richard Muller, 2006

"Let me be clear. My own reading of the literature and study of paleoclimate suggests strongly that carbon dioxide from burning of fossil fuels will prove to be the greatest pollutant of human history. It is likely to have severe and detrimental effects on global climate." - Richard Muller, 2003
An opinion worth considering is not scientific evidence. It's opinion. Until there is hard scientific evidence free of 74% likely or some other variety of expressed opinion pushed as evidence, thsi debate is based on belief, not science.
AGW is EnviroMarxism, the one and only purpose of which is the destruction of the US Economy.

What Jon Corzine (the financial architect of Obama's failed stimulus) is to finance, AGW is to science
Like most of the "scientists" involved with the extortion scam designed to ruin the US economy, Muller is just another hired gun. You can count on his opinion to reflect the agenda of the people who pay his salary. In this case it's something called BEST.
The earth is flat, the earth is flat.

I am always amazed that the global warming deniers know as much about climate or weather as they know about particle physics, but since corporations manage their minds and have made the topic political, they not only know it is false but also attach a motive to warm weather. As a bicyclist this summer has been murder, between crazy weather and drought, climate is changing and if responsible people do things that help, why not. Also strikes me as odd that after humans polluted the rivers, lakes, and forests, all of sudden humans are just innocent bystanders. Thankfully the corporate puppets had less influence back when the rivers, lakes and forest pollution was cleaned up.

Jill Sobule sings to Al Gore | Video on TED.com
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Government's made this debate political by politicizing the "science" for desired outcome. Unless the ICPP is a private organisation.

You're the one who has been brain washed into believing scientific evidence is equal to opinion. Furthermore, the argument regarding climate change of the man made variety is crux on the CO2 debate. Not river pollutants.

Now you're just grasping for straws. Show us again how many PPM it take to acidify the oceans.
The earth is flat, the earth is flat.

I am always amazed that the global warming deniers know as much about climate or weather as they know about particle physics, but since corporations manage their minds and have made the topic political, they not only know it is false but also attach a motive to warm weather. As a bicyclist this summer has been murder, between crazy weather and drought, climate is changing and if responsible people do things that help, why not. Also strikes me as odd that after humans polluted the rivers, lakes, and forests, all of sudden humans are just innocent bystanders. Thankfully the corporate puppets had less influence back when the rivers, lakes and forest pollution was cleaned up.

Jill Sobule sings to Al Gore | Video on TED.com

This forum would suck without the hopelessly duped....................:D:D:D

Disney is gay s0n................

Dirty but essential -- that's coal
We may not like coal, but given the insatiable demand for electricity, it will be powering the global economy for decades to come.

By Robert Bryce

July 27, 2012

Standing in the dispatch office of the North Antelope Rochelle Mine near Gillette, Wyo., Scott Durgin pointed at a flat-panel display. The regional vice president for Peabody Energy smiled. The most productive coal mine in the world was on target. Since midnight, about one train an hour had been loaded, each carrying about 16,000 tons of coal.

I asked Durgin how long Peabody could continue mining in the region. Easily for five more decades, he replied. "There's no end to the coal here."

The Peabody mine, along with the about 1,300 other coal mines in the U.S., is being threatened. The Environmental Protection Agency has proposed a rule that, if enacted, would in effect outlaw the construction of new coal-fired power plants in the United States. The EPA's motives are clear: It wants to shut down coal plants, which emit lots of carbon dioxide.

But the EPA and the Obama administration know their attack on coal is little more than a token gesture. The rest of the world will continue to burn coal, and lots of it. Reducing the use of coal in the U.S. may force Americans to pay higher prices for electricity, but it will have nearly no effect on climate change.

Coal's future is undimmed - latimes.com

Hundreds of these are moving across the country EVERY DAY as the k00ks throw up their gay posts about the "consensus science"........................


Good for them.............but in 2035, these sIcK ass big bomb freight trains will still be moving hundreds of housands of tons of coal across this country. Why? Because tis cheap assholes and people like cheap electricity...........not expensive electricity!!!

But keep on posting up the science stuff............go...........go...........go!!!!!
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Muller is about as accurate as Old Rocks, he's a complete scam.

you guys have Muller's motives totally wrong. he is an isolated bigwig at Berekeley who is used to being the smartest guy in the room. he taught a class on climate science that conforms almost totally with the IPCC version. when Mann's bullshit methodology in the Hockey Stick Graph was brought to his attention he flipped out at the betrayal of the scientific method. as with many physicists he considered other fields to be on a lower level so he 'dropped in' to fix temperature records. since he has been in climate science he has tried to show how smart he is by 'proving' that the Urban Heat Island effect actually lowers the trend, showing that his way of chopping and adjusting temp readings actually shows warmer temps and higher trends, and now he claims to have 'proven' that all the temp rise is due to mankind by making the graphs of temp and CO2 rise look similar.

unfortunately commonsense disproves UHI as a cooling agent, kridging appears to have its flaws as a method of combining temp series, and 'mankind must be at fault because I cant think of anything else' has already been used. I hope he gets tired of being ridiculed by all sides (except the media, who love him) and leaves the climate science sandbox to those who have at least seem to have the backgound covered.

just how high does your IQ have to be to talk yourself into believing that the Urban Heat Island effect doesnt raise the temperature? that's as bad as Hansen's GISS deciding Rejavic's cooling in the 70's needed 'adjusting' even though lowered crop yields and stunted transportation from increased ice supported the actual thermometre readings.
The earth is flat, the earth is flat.

I am always amazed that the global warming deniers know as much about climate or weather as they know about particle physics, but since corporations manage their minds and have made the topic political, they not only know it is false but also attach a motive to warm weather. As a bicyclist this summer has been murder, between crazy weather and drought, climate is changing and if responsible people do things that help, why not. Also strikes me as odd that after humans polluted the rivers, lakes, and forests, all of sudden humans are just innocent bystanders. Thankfully the corporate puppets had less influence back when the rivers, lakes and forest pollution was cleaned up.

Jill Sobule sings to Al Gore | Video on TED.com

Nope Midcan -- I'm not a tool of anyone and I'm not stupid enough to even buy your OP...

Lemme help you here.. CLUE --- This is what he said about his work on the BEST study in the WSJournal...

Richard A. Muller: The Case Against Global-Warming Skepticism - WSJ.com

The temperature-station quality is largely awful. The most important stations in the U.S. are included in the Department of Energy's Historical Climatology Network. A careful survey of these stations by a team led by meteorologist Anthony Watts showed that 70% of these stations have such poor siting that, by the U.S. government's own measure, they result in temperature uncertainties of between two and five degrees Celsius or more. We do not know how much worse are the stations in the developing world.

Using data from all these poor stations, the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change estimates an average global 0.64ºC temperature rise in the past 50 years, "most" of which the IPCC says is due to humans. Yet the margin of error for the stations is at least three times larger than the estimated warming.

Anthony Watts -- the fellow denier who's website is BANNED by most of your fellow USMB duped warmists. He's now VINDICATED by Muller. WE (meaning the USMB "deniers") WERE CORRECT.. Wanna apologize for the derision you're still heaping here???? I'll be waiting for your positive PM..

Now -- interestingly --- Muller opinion on what the BEST Study means in terms of CO2 causation varies almost everytime he speaks. In that WSJ OpEd he finished up with this statement.

Global warming is real. Perhaps our results will help cool this portion of the climate debate. How much of the warming is due to humans and what will be the likely effects? We made no independent assessment of that.

Do ya get that Midcan??? BEST did NOT address CAUSATION. It's all his (consistent) opinion.. NOT like the actual vindications of how crappy the Surface temp is and was that I posted above that WERE part of the BEST study.. Just stupid opinion.

And us deniers aren't particularly impressed with OPINION over Facts, Numbers and Science..

Are YOU?
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Attention...The man made global warming people are really nuts... tjvh out.
"The results confirm the warming trend seen by other groups using different methods."

'Earth is warming, study concludes - Climate unit releases more data - Warming since 1995 'significant''

"A formerly sceptical climate scientist says human activity is causing the Earth to warm, as a new study confirms earlier results on rising temperatures." BBC News - Ex-sceptic says climate change is down to humans

"Quite possibly, this belief in our own opinion, regardless of the facts, may be what separates us from the nations of the world, what makes us unique in God’s eyes. The average German or Czech, though possibly no less ignorant than his American counterpart, will probably consider the possibility that someone who has spent his life studying something may have an opinion worth considering. Not the American. Although perfectly willing to recognize expertise in basketball, for example, or refrigerator repair, when it comes to the realm of ideas, all folks (and their opinions) are suddenly equal. Thus evolution is a damned lie, global warming a liberal hoax, and Republicans care about people like you." Mark Slouka

There is no way possible for humans to put what we do into the atmosphere and expect to have it not effect things. We will reap what we sow
"The results confirm the warming trend seen by other groups using different methods."

'Earth is warming, study concludes - Climate unit releases more data - Warming since 1995 'significant''

"A formerly sceptical climate scientist says human activity is causing the Earth to warm, as a new study confirms earlier results on rising temperatures." BBC News - Ex-sceptic says climate change is down to humans

"Quite possibly, this belief in our own opinion, regardless of the facts, may be what separates us from the nations of the world, what makes us unique in God’s eyes. The average German or Czech, though possibly no less ignorant than his American counterpart, will probably consider the possibility that someone who has spent his life studying something may have an opinion worth considering. Not the American. Although perfectly willing to recognize expertise in basketball, for example, or refrigerator repair, when it comes to the realm of ideas, all folks (and their opinions) are suddenly equal. Thus evolution is a damned lie, global warming a liberal hoax, and Republicans care about people like you." Mark Slouka

There is no way possible for humans to put what we do into the atmosphere and expect to have it not effect things. We will reap what we sow

Indeed s0n..........couldnt agree more. We're certianly not going back to wooden ships and candlelight.
Well, well, the same old fools posting their foolishness for all the world to see. And the Arctic Ice Cap just keeps on melting, the glaciers continue to recede worldwide, and the scientists continue to gather evidence daily that the climate is changing rapidly due to GHGs. And all the stupid flap yap by a bunch of knownothings will not change what is happening.
"The results confirm the warming trend seen by other groups using different methods."

'Earth is warming, study concludes - Climate unit releases more data - Warming since 1995 'significant''

"A formerly sceptical climate scientist says human activity is causing the Earth to warm, as a new study confirms earlier results on rising temperatures." BBC News - Ex-sceptic says climate change is down to humans

"Quite possibly, this belief in our own opinion, regardless of the facts, may be what separates us from the nations of the world, what makes us unique in God’s eyes. The average German or Czech, though possibly no less ignorant than his American counterpart, will probably consider the possibility that someone who has spent his life studying something may have an opinion worth considering. Not the American. Although perfectly willing to recognize expertise in basketball, for example, or refrigerator repair, when it comes to the realm of ideas, all folks (and their opinions) are suddenly equal. Thus evolution is a damned lie, global warming a liberal hoax, and Republicans care about people like you." Mark Slouka

There is no way possible for humans to put what we do into the atmosphere and expect to have it not effect things. We will reap what we sow

Indeed s0n..........couldnt agree more. We're certianly not going back to wooden ships and candlelight.
He`s just trying to get You to click on his stupid links, like he does and keeps posting here over and over again, 24/7 to improve their pitiful Google ratings.
The 2009 spike was the e-mail scandal and when the world took notice how "climate experts" were experts first & foremost in cheating.
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The earth is flat, the earth is flat.

I am always amazed that the global warming deniers know as much about climate or weather as they know about particle physics, but since corporations manage their minds and have made the topic political, they not only know it is false but also attach a motive to warm weather. As a bicyclist this summer has been murder, between crazy weather and drought, climate is changing and if responsible people do things that help, why not. Also strikes me as odd that after humans polluted the rivers, lakes, and forests, all of sudden humans are just innocent bystanders. Thankfully the corporate puppets had less influence back when the rivers, lakes and forest pollution was cleaned up.

Jill Sobule sings to Al Gore | Video on TED.com

Please do tell us what "climate scientists" or You for that matter know about particle physics.
Then to "after humans polluted the rivers"...are You saying You weren`t part if it? Did You flush a toilet or did you shit into a hole behind your house? And who did clean them up ? The EPA? You? No it was the industry that supplied the stuff that you wanted and have used.
There was a time when paper was made by chlorine bleaching which was the most worry-some pollution because as a byproduct the Cathode-Mercury from the electrolysis process to make the chlorine leached with the effluent into the rivers. It wasn`t the EPA or You that cleaned it up.
It was the "evil" industry when it developed a better way to bleach pulp for your asswipe..
Polluted the forests? Which forests...You did use the plural !
I`ll show You forests or what`s left of them that have been destroyed:


By "environment friendly" solar and wind mills. Almost every hilltop of the Black Forest is converted to $1Billion pump basins to make solar/wind usable for a power on demand grid...because You do want power on demand...don`t You?...Or do you just use it when it happens to be available. Maybe You can, but the supermarket where you want to buy meat & produce that`s not rotten can`t operate like a solar powered indoor dope grow-op, (..and after reading what you wrote...) I think is where you do your shopping.
By the way do You know where China is getting all that Chlorine (below cost) to make the CFC`s that our "evil" chemical industry long since replaced?
From the European solar & wind farms that cant` be phased into a POWER ON DEMAND power grid!
Worldwide demand for chlorine has increased by around 60 percent over the last 20 years and is set to continue increasing. The current annual production of chlorine worldwide amounts to about 50 million tons, 4.5 million tons in Germany. Chloralkali electrolysis requires about 2,500 kWh of electrical energy per ton of chlorine produced.
Uhde, AzkoNobel, Thyssen/Krupp, Bayer and all the rest of the European Chemical giants get the power subsidized by "green taxes" quasi for free when the grid can`t use it and make chlorine gas + poly vinylchloride then ship it to China and India. Before that windmill farms were paid to shut down when they produced too much. I`m pretty sure the Europeans aren`t the only ones that do that...If You worry about pollution, then You should worry about that before You worry about what car I drive:

here is a close up:

That bicycle you ride...where was it made? Is the saddle made out of leather or PVC ? How about the tires? Are they made out of natural rubber ?
Where is your old bike? Do you still have it or are you sure the guy you sold it to did`nt throw it in the dump?
How much PVC is in a "Chevy Volt" ? At least I know where the Ford van I have since 1988 is ! And I also know that the vast Canadian forests love the CO2 that comes out of my exhaust pipe !
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