
As usual, PC is taking a legitimate issue and twisting it to fit her rightwing agenda

Nobody is advicating death camps or weeding out the weak from our society. What is proposed is not forcing terminal patients to suffer while they "wait to die" from natural causes

I appreciate you recognizing "a legitimate issue."

But you are incorrect here: "Nobody is advicating death camps or weeding out the weak from our society."

What I posted about the lack of concern for human beings being inseparable from Lefts doctrine....communist, Nazi, socialist, Progressive, etc. is fact.

Your confederates tried to slip the idea of euthanasia into the original ObamaCare bill....

1. "Section 1233 authors are major proponents of euthanasia, assisted suicide
I wrote August 10 about the now infamous Section 1233 in a House version of the nationalized healthcare plan, which has concerned even healthcare proponents as pushing euthanasia on the elderly."
Section 1233 authors are major proponents of euthanasia assisted suicide - Jill Stanek

2. "WASHINGTON - When a proposal to encourage end-of-life planning touched off a political storm over “death panels,” Democrats dropped it from legislation to overhaul the health care system. But the Obama administration will achieve the same goal by regulation, starting Jan. 1."
ObamaCare Section 1233 Is Still Alive and Kicking Babal Blog

3. "The excesses of the European versions of fascism were mitigated by the specific history and culture of America, Jeffersonian individualism, heterogeneity of the population, but the central theme is still an all-encompassing state that centralizes power to perfect human nature by controlling every aspect of life., albeit at the loss of what had hitherfore been accepted as ‘inalienable human rights.’"
Goldberg, "Liberal Fascism."
ObamaCare Death Panels a Myth
"Certainly the scariest rumor surrounding the health care reform law -- ObamaCare -- holds that it establishes government "death panels" assigned to encourage elderly Americans to opt-out of life extending treatment in order to reduce Medicare expenses. This rumor is false."

That wasn't the *rumor*.

Death panels are what we call the review committees that determine who receives rationed treatment..and who doesn't...with the understanding that people at the end of their lives and who have particular diagnoses aren't going to be at the top of the pile.

And they absolutely do exist, and people absolutely are denied treatment because of it.

Yes. They currently exist and they are run by doctors. They have existed for decades. So if there is only one heart available for a transplant and the choices are a 35 year old and an 85 year old, anyone who would not give it to the 35 year old is an idiot.
^^^^^^ Agreed. If you only have enough resources to treat a certain amount of people, others will die. But to call something related to that a Death Panel would be wrong.
Its a shame really that you take what could be an interesting discussion and turn it into another "liberals are Nazis" rant

You used to be an interesting poster before you started your "Watch me piss off the liberals" persona

You are a bright girl and could contribute a lot to the discussion. Too bad you have given it all up so that you can play internet games

Dear rightwinger
don't pour gas on her fire and give her that pleasure

Please help me focus on asking the Rightwing
to PROVE spiritual healing works medically.

This would do more good for more people,
and solve the euthanasia issues at the same time.

it would restore the true meaning of free choice,
without negating civil liberties or right to life,
and Spiritual healing would free up more resources
to help the world's populations treat and prevent
the causes of most mental and physical illness
on a more cost-effective and sustainable basis.

All sides would be happy.

And this would also prove the liberal progressives
are not about suppressing free choice as the
Democrat politicians have led the public to believe.

So we would solve the political problems also
that are blocking this country from moving forward.

Thanks rw
if PC is too bullheaded to look at the solutions
I am proposing, I hope you are openminded enough.
otherwise, this keeps reinforcing her theory that
the liberals are only pushing a nazi agenda and
not pushing free choice if we don't push to prove
that Spiritual healing should be promoted as a free choice.

I would like to see if more people like me coming from the left
are more open to natural spiritual healing, or if more people
on the right can open up. I'm still thinking the push will come
from the secular left to set up medical research and proof
while the hardheaded right is too busy shooting themselves
in the foot to prove their own arguments are right. They would
rather bash opponents and go down with a sinking ship, than
invest in proving their arguments are actually correct through scientific research
as the secular left has asked for, so why not push for this?

Emily...I don't give two shits about spiritual healing

Take it somewhere else
As usual, PC is taking a legitimate issue and twisting it to fit her rightwing agenda

Nobody is advicating death camps or weeding out the weak from our society. What is proposed is not forcing terminal patients to suffer while they "wait to die" from natural causes

I appreciate you recognizing "a legitimate issue."

But you are incorrect here: "Nobody is advicating death camps or weeding out the weak from our society."

What I posted about the lack of concern for human beings being inseparable from Lefts doctrine....communist, Nazi, socialist, Progressive, etc. is fact.

Your confederates tried to slip the idea of euthanasia into the original ObamaCare bill....

1. "Section 1233 authors are major proponents of euthanasia, assisted suicide
I wrote August 10 about the now infamous Section 1233 in a House version of the nationalized healthcare plan, which has concerned even healthcare proponents as pushing euthanasia on the elderly."
Section 1233 authors are major proponents of euthanasia assisted suicide - Jill Stanek

2. "WASHINGTON - When a proposal to encourage end-of-life planning touched off a political storm over “death panels,” Democrats dropped it from legislation to overhaul the health care system. But the Obama administration will achieve the same goal by regulation, starting Jan. 1."
ObamaCare Section 1233 Is Still Alive and Kicking Babal Blog

3. "The excesses of the European versions of fascism were mitigated by the specific history and culture of America, Jeffersonian individualism, heterogeneity of the population, but the central theme is still an all-encompassing state that centralizes power to perfect human nature by controlling every aspect of life., albeit at the loss of what had hitherfore been accepted as ‘inalienable human rights.’"
Goldberg, "Liberal Fascism."
ObamaCare Death Panels a Myth
"Certainly the scariest rumor surrounding the health care reform law -- ObamaCare -- holds that it establishes government "death panels" assigned to encourage elderly Americans to opt-out of life extending treatment in order to reduce Medicare expenses. This rumor is false."

That wasn't the *rumor*.

Death panels are what we call the review committees that determine who receives rationed treatment..and who doesn't...with the understanding that people at the end of their lives and who have particular diagnoses aren't going to be at the top of the pile.

And they absolutely do exist, and people absolutely are denied treatment because of it.

Yes. They currently exist and they are run by doctors. They have existed for decades. So if there is only one heart available for a transplant and the choices are a 35 year old and an 85 year old, anyone who would not give it to the 35 year old is an idiot.
^^^^^^ Agreed. If you only have enough resources to treat a certain amount of people, others will die. But to call something related to that a Death Panel would be wrong.

It might be wrong, but it is excellent PR. Which, of course, is the entire point of the phrase.

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