Europe Is Burning!


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003

Europe is Burning

November 4, 2005: The riots by Moslems in France continues, with young Moslems in the suburbs of Paris intent on driving the police out and establishing control of their own neighborhoods. At the same time, similar riots have been taking place in Denmark. In British Moslem migrants have been fighting police, and other (non-Moslem) migrants in the streets.

While France is seven percent Moslem, only two percent of Denmark’s population is. But Denmark, like the rest of Europe (which has about twenty million Moslems), suffers from the same problems as France. Many of the Moslem migrants, who began to appear in large numbers four decades ago, have not assimilated. Europe has long tolerated this, partly because of a belief in “Multiculturalism” and partly because Europe does not have a tradition of assimilation. This is in stark contrast to the United States, where the “melting pot,” while often operating more like a salad bowl, still results in far less ghettoization than is found in Europe. Another advantage America has is that, in many parts of the country, there are so many migrants that “everyone is a minority.” In Europe, homogeneity is preferred, and those who do not conform, are simply tolerated (and sometimes not) as “outsiders in residence.” That’s where the concept of “ghetto” came from in the first place. The ghetto is quite common the world over, but much less so in America.

Normally, the outsiders are tolerated and everyone goes about their business. But today it is different. In the past, the outsiders were often foreign merchants, sailors or other visitors. They were not seen as a long term threat. But many of the current Moslem outsiders in Europe are poor, uneducated and into their religion. And they are in Europe permanently. Many of the Moslem migrants came from poor rural regions in the old country. They migrated for jobs, not to trade their cultural identity for a new one. The children, and grandchildren, of these migrants did not take full advantage of the educational opportunities in their new homelands. The locals were not very accepting either, and the migrants did not have a web of family and community contacts to help the kids get jobs. Unemployment is high. The European governments tried to paper this over with generous welfare and jobless benefits. But this just turned the government into the payroll department for the local branch of al Qaeda.

After September 11, 2001, when European intelligence agencies took a real close look at their Moslem populations, they were shocked at the percentage that approved of, or supported, Islamic terrorism. It was as high as ten percent in some countries. It was higher among the young, and often unemployed, Moslem males. The riots currently underway in France, Denmark and Britain are all an extension of that. No one has a solution to the problem, except to arrest the hard cases and try to make nice to everyone else. If that doesn’t work, the fires will spread.;_ylu=X3oDMTBiMW04NW9mBHNlYwMlJVRPUCUl

Chirac Calls Security Meeting Over Riots

By ELAINE GANLEY, Associated Press Writer 3 minutes ago

PARIS - French
President Jacques Chirac called a security meeting of his top ministers Sunday after urban rioting spread — with arsonists striking from the Mediterranean to the German border and into central Paris for the first time.

The meeting, planned for Sunday evening, came as Chirac faced mounting criticism from opposition politicians for not speaking publicly about the violence that has fanned out from Paris' tough northeastern suburbs.,1280,-5396304,00.html

Sunday November 6, 2005 2:31 PM

AP Photo DLM126


Associated Press Writer

PARIS (AP) - Worsening urban unrest reached central Paris for the first time early Sunday and youths set ablaze shops, businesses, schools and nearly 1,300 cars from France's Mediterranean resort towns to the German border.

Some 2,300 police poured into the Paris region to bolster security overnight while firefighters moved out around the city to douse blazing vehicles. Police reported nearly 200 arrests nationwide.

Police also found a gasoline bomb-making factory in a rundown building in Evry, a southern Paris suburb that contained 150 explosives, more than 100 bottles, gallons of fuel and hoods for hiding rioters' faces, Jean-Marie Huet, a senior Justice Ministry official, said Sunday.

For the second night in a row, a helicopter equipped with spotlights and video cameras to track bands of marauding youths combed the Paris suburbs from the air and small teams of police were deployed to chase down rioters speeding from one attack to another in cars and on motorbikes.

The violence took a potentially alarming turn with attacks in the well-guarded French capital. Police said 32 cars were set afire there, mostly on the northern and southern edges of the city.

Inside the city, three cars were damaged by fire from gasoline bombs near the Place de la Republique neighborhood, where residents said they heard a loud explosion and saw flames shooting into the sky.

``We were very afraid,'' said Annie Partouche, 55, who had watched the cars burning from her apartment window. ``We were afraid to leave the building.''

The violence - originally concentrated in northeastern suburbs of Paris with large immigrant populations - is forcing France to confront anger long-simmering in the neighborhoods, where many Arab and African Muslim immigrants live on society's margins, struggling with unemployment, poor housing, racial discrimination, crime and a lack of opportunity.

Unrest spread Saturday night across France, extending west to the rolling fields of Normandy and south to Nice and Cannes on the Mediterranean coast.

The Normandy town of Evreux, 60 miles west of Paris, appeared to suffer the worst damage. Arsonists burned at least 50 vehicles, part of a shopping center, a post office and two schools, said Patrick Hamon, spokesman for the national police.

Five police officers and three firefighters were injured in clashes with youths in the town, Hamon said.

``Rioters attacked us with baseball bats,'' Philippe Jofres, a deputy fire chief from the area told France-2 television. ``We were attacked with pickaxes. It was war.''

Fires also were reported in Nantes in the southwest, the Lille region in the north, and Saint-Dizier in the Ardennes region east of Paris. In the eastern city of Strasbourg near the German border, 18 cars were set ablaze, police said.

Seven classrooms went up in flames in the Essonne region south of Paris.

The number of cars torched overnight - 1,295 across France - was the highest since the violence began Oct. 27, France-Info radio and other French media reported. Police, who earlier put the number at 918, did not immediately confirm the figure.

The night before, 900 vehicles were burned throughout the country.

The rioting began 10 days ago after two teenagers of north African descent were accidentally electrocuted as they hid in a power substation, apparently believing police were chasing them. Anger was then fanned anew days ago when a tear gas bomb exploded in a mosque in Clichy-sous-Bois - the northern suburb where the youths died.

Government officials have held a series of meetings with Muslim religious leaders, local officials and youths from poor suburbs to try to calm the violence.

The director of the Great Mosque of Paris, Dalil Boubakeur, one of the country's leading Muslim figures, met Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin on Saturday and urged the government to choose its words carefully and send a message of peace.

``In such difficult circumstances, every word counts,'' Boubakeur said.

The anger over the deaths of the teenagers spread to the Internet, with sites mourning the youths.

Along with messages of condolence and appeals for calm were insults targeting police, threats of more violence and warnings that the unrest will feed support for France's anti-immigration extreme right.

Arsonists have also burned grocery stores, video stores and other businesses in what Hamon called ``copycat'' crimes. ``All these hoodlums see others setting fires and say they can do it, too.''

France has the largest Muslim population in Western Europe with 5 million people.

November 6, 2005
The Fire in France
By David Warren

Readers of my previous columns, especially those written since 9/11/01, have sometimes assumed that I don't like France. This would be an over-simplification. Like many Frenchmen, I should think, I am aware of more than one France, and tend to prefer one to another. To my Western, Christian, Catholic mind, a Europe without France is like a bicycle without a chain -- France has contributed so much to the velocity of our civilization. (Now, a Europe without Italy, on this analogy, would be like a chain without the bicycle.)

There have been, for lo these last dozen or so generations, however, at least two Frances. One is the France of the Enlightenment and the Revolution, which seems to have triumphed to every outward effect, in its rebellion against God and his clerics. The other is the France of Charles Martel, and the greatest Gothic cathedrals, still pulsing in some leonine rural hearts, or even in the remembered wheeze of the odd sick, symbolist poet. I despise Revolutionary France, which reinvents itself in every generation, most recently as the final paradise of sophisticated consumerism. I despised the cheap romanticism that subverted the poet's symbols. But the old Catholic France is the apple of my eye.

As readers of the North American papers are beginning to learn, at least 20 urban districts in France (mostly around Paris) have gone up in flames. In Ottawa, we noticed that the French prime minister, Dominique de Villepin, cancelled his visit to deal with the crisis. And it is so large a crisis, that our media have, after just one week of it, begun to break the bonds of political correctness that prevented them from reporting what was going on.

As well as we can now reconstruct, it began in Clichy-sous-Bois, a suburban, North African ghetto, which has been a police no-go area for several years (like many other Muslim ghettoes in Europe), and where young, declaredly Islamist, thugs rule the streets by day and night. (Their war cry, while hurling missiles and setting fires, is "Allahou Akbar!" -- "God is great!" There is no possible doubt about their orientation.)

The police were nevertheless called to deal with some youths who were stripping parked cars with more than the usual ostentation. Two kids who were probably not participating in this crime, and were anyway not being chased by the police, decided to hide behind the fence around an electrical pylon.

That was the Bastille event. They were electrocuted. They died. As this news spread, the entire district erupted in violence. Over the last nine nights, the violence has spread from one Muslim ghetto to another. (There are similar fires now smouldering in Belgium, Denmark, and Sweden, but these began independently.)

The French authorities are beginning to realize that this French Intifada is not entirely spontaneous, that e.g. weapons had been laid in for just such an uprising. Radical Islamists have been preaching strict separation between Muslim and French society; the French have themselves defeated their own project of assimilation by allowing large-scale immigration to congregate in nasty, Stalinesque public housing estates.

The rule of these districts is now effectively in the hands of radical Islamists, whose central demand is that French authorities stay out of the little emirates they have declared. The very secular French government, under Jacques Chirac, offers two contradictory responses. One is that of the prime minister, de Villepin, who keeps muttering about "tolerance" and "understanding". The other is that of the interior minister, Nicolas Sarkozy, whose approach is to call the youth "scum" and "rabble" and send the gendarmes in waves. Neither of these gentleman has a clew.

Both give at least lip-service to the ludicrous idea that increased spending on social programmes for these "underprivileged" districts will finally win the day. Even while the kids on the streets are purposefully destroying every physical manifestation of French state generosity (such as it is). Both speak as if they were dealing with some Marxist revolt of the proletariat against their capitalist oppressors. Instead, what they have is an Islamist revolt against French society.

The solution of the old Catholic France was, over the centuries, that of Charles Martel: victor at Tours in 732 A.D., where the advance of Islam on Western Europe was stopped. It consisted in a frank realization that two civilizations were clashing, where only one could prevail. The choice was relatively simple: victory over the invaders, or death and servitude.

The modern, enlightened alternative is "negotiation". Good luck with it.
Too bad Frank Rizzo isnt still alive. The french could have hired him and he would have quelled these rioters in a matter of hours.

During the Civil Rights riots of the 60's, Philadelphia was the only town that didnt have a major race riot. Why? Because of Frank Rizzo. He had 6 riot buses on call around the clock with 40 Police officers on each, ready to roll at a moments notice. The solution, any attempt to riot in Phila was put down within minutes thanks to Rizzo's work. Many people called him racist because of the tactics. The man kept philly from burning though. (Grandpa told me about it)

I dont get how riots can go on for 10 days straight. If this was America, not only would the national guard have taken care of these terrorists by now, regular citizens would have taken it upon themselves to end these nonsense. Those muslims know that they can't try that here. Thats why the immigrated to Europe. The land of the liberal pussies. Where's your peacenik attitude now France, Denmark, Europe? Just start killing people. Watch how quick the riots end.
insein said:
Too bad Frank Rizzo isnt still alive. The french could have hired him and he would have quelled these rioters in a matter of hours.

During the Civil Rights riots of the 60's, Philadelphia was the only town that didnt have a major race riot. Why? Because of Frank Rizzo. He had 6 riot buses on call around the clock with 40 Police officers on each, ready to roll at a moments notice. The solution, any attempt to riot in Phila was put down within minutes thanks to Rizzo's work. Many people called him racist because of the tactics. The man kept philly from burning though. (Grandpa told me about it)

I dont get how riots can go on for 10 days straight. If this was America, not only would the national guard have taken care of these terrorists by now, regular citizens would have taken it upon themselves to end these nonsense. Those muslims know that they can't try that here. Thats why the immigrated to Europe. The land of the liberal pussies. Where's your peacenik attitude now France, Denmark, Europe? Just start killing people. Watch how quick the riots end.

I keep waiting for PE to come and tell us his thoughts today. Riots in France, Belgium, Swedan. :smoke:
these "muslims" burned 2 mosques till now.

so make your own thinking of objectivity.
canavar said:
these "muslims" burned 2 mosques till now.

so make your own thinking of objectivity.

That wasnt very coherent but i would say muslims dont give a fuck about who gets in there way as long as jihad is achieved. Europe is done for. they dont believe in fighting back anymore so they will slowly be taken over by muslim gangs till the reinforcments come in from the Middle East and finish the job.
nosarcasm said:
Europe is done for? I for one am ready for the next genocide.

It might come to that. Either Europeans will be the ones having it done to them or they will finally wake up and drive the muslims back to the middle east. Tolerance is ok as long as both parties are practicing it. When one side uses someones ignorance as a weapon against them, then you have a problem.

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