Engel explained it to Trump in a way he could understand.


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017
Steven Engel was the former assistant attorney general for the office of legal counsel in the Trump admin. He was in the room with acting AG Rosen and acting Asst. AG Donoghue when the three men explained to Don there would be a mass resignation at the DoJ if he went through with the plan to fire Rosen, replacing him with the buffoon known as Jeffrey Clark.

When Trump turned to Engel, who had by far served in the admin the longest, and asked his opinion of firing Rosen, he said he couldn't be a part of it. But Engel said something else that got through to the Orange Fraud.

He said no one in the country was going to read Clark's letter. The one purporting to put the entire weight of the DoJ behind the idea GA should throw out its election results and let the legislature pick new electors supporting Trump. That nobody was going to find evidence of voter fraud. He said what the country will pay attention to is after having gone through 2 AG's Trump finally settled on an environmental lawyer, unqualified to be AG, because he was willing to do what no other high ranking DoJ official would agree to.

Bingo! Trump understood. He wasn't persuaded not to fire Rosen by virtue of it being an attempt to corruptly use the DoJ to suit his needs. He was persuaded by the optics, by how it would look. Causing a constitutional crisis was not the issue for Trump. How things would be seen by the public was the primary concern.

The House Jan. 6 committee hearing on Thursday afternoon focused on what it said was a "brazen attempt" by then-President Donald Trump to misuse the Department of Justice for his own political gain.

The panel heard from three former officials directly affected by Trump's pressure campaign: former attorney general Jeffrey Rosen, former deputy attorney general Richard Donoghue and former top DOJ lawyer Steve Engel, all of whom said they repeatedly told Trump allegations of widespread voter fraud were untrue.

All three men described in stunning detail the desperate attempts by Trump and his allies to recruit the department in his plot to overturn his 2020 election loss to Joe Biden -- which culminated in a plan to replace Rosen with Jeffrey Clark, a less-qualified but loyal official who was leading the department's environmental division.

Of note, a judge issued a subpoena to search Clark's home because of a probability evidence of a crime would be found there.

The details of Trump's corrupt, criminal behavior revealed by the committee, and the clarity with which they are being presented, is a reflection of the excellent work the members have done. It's a tremendous service to the nation. One they should be commended for.
Steven Engel was the former assistant attorney general for the office of legal counsel in the Trump admin. He was in the room with acting AG Rosen and acting Asst. AG Donoghue when the three men explained to Don there would be a mass resignation at the DoJ if he went through with the plan to fire Rosen, replacing him with the buffoon known as Jeffrey Clark.

When Trump turned to Engel, who had by far served in the admin the longest, and asked his opinion of firing Rosen, he said he couldn't be a part of it. But Engel said something else that got through to the Orange Fraud.

He said no one in the country was going to read Clark's letter. The one purporting to put the entire weight of the DoJ behind the idea GA should throw out its election results and let the legislature pick new electors supporting Trump. That nobody was going to find evidence of voter fraud. He said what the country will pay attention to is after having gone through 2 AG's Trump finally settled on an environmental lawyer, unqualified to be AG, because he was willing to do what no other high ranking DoJ official would agree to.

Bingo! Trump understood. He wasn't persuaded not to fire Rosen by virtue of it being an attempt to corruptly use the DoJ to suit his needs. He was persuaded by the optics, by how it would look. Causing a constitutional crisis was not the issue for Trump. How things would be seen by the public was the primary concern.

The House Jan. 6 committee hearing on Thursday afternoon focused on what it said was a "brazen attempt" by then-President Donald Trump to misuse the Department of Justice for his own political gain.

The panel heard from three former officials directly affected by Trump's pressure campaign: former attorney general Jeffrey Rosen, former deputy attorney general Richard Donoghue and former top DOJ lawyer Steve Engel, all of whom said they repeatedly told Trump allegations of widespread voter fraud were untrue.

All three men described in stunning detail the desperate attempts by Trump and his allies to recruit the department in his plot to overturn his 2020 election loss to Joe Biden -- which culminated in a plan to replace Rosen with Jeffrey Clark, a less-qualified but loyal official who was leading the department's environmental division.

Of note, a judge issued a subpoena to search Clark's home because of a probability evidence of a crime would be found there.

The details of Trump's corrupt, criminal behavior revealed by the committee, and the clarity with which they are being presented, is a reflection of the excellent work the members have done. It's a tremendous service to the nation. One they should be commended for.
Yea, Trump backed down on the scheme because the scheme wouldn't get ratings.....
The problem you leftards are going to have here in the election is that people are seeing that Trump is right.

Brandon was left peace and prosperity and turned it all into a shitstorm.

If you really believe that the American people want high crime and $5 gasoline and a collapsing economy and a world at war, you are going to find out differently unless you can rig the election again.

Why the White House counsel referred to Clark's draft letter as a 'murder-suicide pact'​

Lisa Rubin
16h ago / 2:23 PM MDT
The committee aired an audio clip from Donoghue’s prior testimony, in which he recalled that former White House counsel Pat Cipollone had told Trump days before Jan. 6 that Clark’s proposed letter to state legislatures was a terrible idea. Specifically, Cipollone called it a “murder-suicide pact” because it would “damage everyone that touches it.” It was so explosive, Cipollone suggested, that he didn’t “ever want to see that letter again.”
Steven Engel was the former assistant attorney general for the office of legal counsel in the Trump admin. He was in the room with acting AG Rosen and acting Asst. AG Donoghue when the three men explained to Don there would be a mass resignation at the DoJ if he went through with the plan to fire Rosen, replacing him with the buffoon known as Jeffrey Clark.

When Trump turned to Engel, who had by far served in the admin the longest, and asked his opinion of firing Rosen, he said he couldn't be a part of it. But Engel said something else that got through to the Orange Fraud.

He said no one in the country was going to read Clark's letter. The one purporting to put the entire weight of the DoJ behind the idea GA should throw out its election results and let the legislature pick new electors supporting Trump. That nobody was going to find evidence of voter fraud. He said what the country will pay attention to is after having gone through 2 AG's Trump finally settled on an environmental lawyer, unqualified to be AG, because he was willing to do what no other high ranking DoJ official would agree to.

Bingo! Trump understood. He wasn't persuaded not to fire Rosen by virtue of it being an attempt to corruptly use the DoJ to suit his needs. He was persuaded by the optics, by how it would look. Causing a constitutional crisis was not the issue for Trump. How things would be seen by the public was the primary concern.

The House Jan. 6 committee hearing on Thursday afternoon focused on what it said was a "brazen attempt" by then-President Donald Trump to misuse the Department of Justice for his own political gain.

The panel heard from three former officials directly affected by Trump's pressure campaign: former attorney general Jeffrey Rosen, former deputy attorney general Richard Donoghue and former top DOJ lawyer Steve Engel, all of whom said they repeatedly told Trump allegations of widespread voter fraud were untrue.

All three men described in stunning detail the desperate attempts by Trump and his allies to recruit the department in his plot to overturn his 2020 election loss to Joe Biden -- which culminated in a plan to replace Rosen with Jeffrey Clark, a less-qualified but loyal official who was leading the department's environmental division.

Of note, a judge issued a subpoena to search Clark's home because of a probability evidence of a crime would be found there.

The details of Trump's corrupt, criminal behavior revealed by the committee, and the clarity with which they are being presented, is a reflection of the excellent work the members have done. It's a tremendous service to the nation. One they should be commended for.
Funny, I don't see the name of the issuing Judge in the article, if it were a Trump appointed judge the writer would have made sure to put that in there....

This is where leftists just love acting like brown shirts...Notice how since it is a Trump ally they publicly humiliate him in the streets, were if the same warrant were issued for a democrat ally it would have been executed in quiet, during the day, with as little theatre as possible...

Stunts like this is why in the end leftists like you berg will lose, and not hold power for possibly the rest of your natural life....

Why the White House counsel referred to Clark's draft letter as a 'murder-suicide pact'​

Lisa Rubin
16h ago / 2:23 PM MDT
The committee aired an audio clip from Donoghue’s prior testimony, in which he recalled that former White House counsel Pat Cipollone had told Trump days before Jan. 6 that Clark’s proposed letter to state legislatures was a terrible idea. Specifically, Cipollone called it a “murder-suicide pact” because it would “damage everyone that touches it.” It was so explosive, Cipollone suggested, that he didn’t “ever want to see that letter again.”
Isn't it funny to see berg here franticly post all of the usual moonbat sources like MSNBC, when in reality no one knows, or cares who Clark is, was....What's on their minds? Where the family of four is going to come up with the $350 needed for this weeks groceries, and the $100 for the gas needed to get to work next week....Also, the mortgage is due....

Not looking good for you berg....
This suggests Trump may have made the decision to fire Rosen, replace him with Clark, but rescinded the decision.

Jeffrey Clark, whose home was raided this week by federal law enforcement, was referred to as the "acting attorney general" in call logs at the Trump White House, the congressional committee investigating the January 6 insurrection revealed Thursday.

Clark, an environmental lawyer, had attracted former President Donald Trump's attention by embracing his false conspiracy theories about the 2020 election — and apparent willingness to use the Department of Justice to lend those claims institutional credibility.

Clark, a former top DOJ official who served as head of its environmental division, never advanced to lead the department. But on January 3, his promotion was seen as a done deal, according to White House call logs obtained by congressional investigators.

Funny, I don't see the name of the issuing Judge in the article, if it were a Trump appointed judge the writer would have made sure to put that in there....

This is where leftists just love acting like brown shirts.
So.....abiding by the legal system to obtain a warrant to search Clark's home for evidence of a crime is acting like brown shirts? Geebers, what else you got?

The DoJ pressure hearing was scheduled for last week but delayed. I wonder if the delay had to do with the DoJ needing time to get the search warrant issued before the damning testimony about Clark. IOW, so he wouldn't have knowledge of the testimony before the search and therefore not destroy evidence.
So.....abiding by the legal system to obtain a warrant to search Clark's home for evidence of a crime is acting like brown shirts? Geebers, what else you got?

The DoJ pressure hearing was scheduled for last week but delayed. I wonder if the delay had to do with the DoJ needing time to get the search warrant issued before the damning testimony about Clark. IOW, so he wouldn't have knowledge of the testimony before the search and therefore not destroy evidence.
Much like the dolts that just knew in their heart of hearts that “Russia collusion” would bring Trump down, I see the same pattern of wishful thinking here.
Keep up with the TDS cartoons. They're funny now.

The odds on Trump getting charged in this whole mess just came down a ton over the last two weeks.
I would have said before these hearings that he wouldn't see any repercussions for what he did.

Now?...looking more and more likely that he will. :)
Thanks for sharing your opinion.

It matters this much.
Keep up with the TDS cartoons. They're funny now.

The odds on Trump getting charged in this whole mess just came down a ton over the last two weeks.
I would have said before these hearings that he wouldn't see any repercussions for what he did.

Now?...looking more and more likely that he will. :)
I would think that that is the last thing that the progressives against Trump would want at this point...They think they're doing quite well with their one sided narrative. Put it into open court and all will come out...
I would think that that is the last thing that the progressives against Trump would want at this point...They think they're doing quite well with their one sided narrative. Put it into open court and all will come out...
tick tock

I can't wait.
Isn't it funny to see berg here franticly post all of the usual moonbat sources like MSNBC
I've addressed this before. Disparaging the source of info in no way refutes the information it provides. But it's all you have.
This suggests Trump may have made the decision to fire Rosen, replace him with Clark, but rescinded the decision.

Jeffrey Clark, whose home was raided this week by federal law enforcement, was referred to as the "acting attorney general" in call logs at the Trump White House, the congressional committee investigating the January 6 insurrection revealed Thursday.

Clark, an environmental lawyer, had attracted former President Donald Trump's attention by embracing his false conspiracy theories about the 2020 election — and apparent willingness to use the Department of Justice to lend those claims institutional credibility.

Clark, a former top DOJ official who served as head of its environmental division, never advanced to lead the department. But on January 3, his promotion was seen as a done deal, according to White House call logs obtained by congressional investigators.

“May have”? All you have is more speculation?

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