Zone1 Embryos and Personhood

I get that you are unhappy that the states will decide the legality of abortion but that is beyond your control.
I'm not. How else would laws get decided? A.I.? I'm not the one trying to pretend the State is some disembodied entity that you're not a part of. If you, through the State, have an interest in women's reproduction then just be honest about it. Why hide in shame?
But it's not. It's a statement of fact. Each state will decide the legality of abortion. Apparently this bothers you.
Why do you think it bothers me when that isn't the statement I disagree with. I disagree with your assertion that the State is perceiving the interests of the embryo. I argue that voters, through the State and their elected officials are pursuing their own interests.
If you, through the State have an interests in women's reproduction then just be honest about it. Why hide in shame?
Again... it's not for you or I to decide. It will be up to each state following their state constitution to decide. What part of this don't you understand?
Why do you think it bothers me when that isn't the statement I disagree with. I disagree with your assertion that the State is perceiving the interests of the embryo. I argue that voters, through the State and their elected officials are pursuing their own interests.
Because you are nitpicking one word and won't accept the reality that each state will decide the legality of abortion.
I disagree with your assertion that the State is perceiving the interests of the embryo. I argue that voters, through the State and their elected officials are pursuing their own interests.
I think it's more like you don't believe a human life in the womb has any rights. But that will be for each state to decide.
Because you are nitpicking one word and won't accept the reality that each state will decide the legality of abortion.
I'm not nitpicking. You first tried to pretend the State was perceiving the interests of embryos. If you're done with that then we can move on. What interest do you think the State should have in women's reproduction and why?
I think it's more like you don't believe a human life in the womb has any rights. But that will be for each state to decide.
No. I don't think it should but I'm honest enough to State these are my interests rather than pretending they belong to some autonomous acting State.
I'm not nitpicking. You first tried to pretend the State was perceiving the interests of embryos. If you're done with that then we can move on. What interest do you think the State should have in women's reproduction and why?
I said discern not perceive. You said perceive.
What part of the states will decide the legality of abortion, don't you understand?
I never really understood that argument.

What makes the States more qualified to decide for a person that they have to carry a fetus to term than the federal government?

The way I see it. The only intellectually honest argument. If it's about giving people a choice about abortion is allowing people to make the choice for themselves.

Otherwise call it what it is. A majority of the people in a State (using majority loosely since quite a few States are gerrymandered to such an extent that majority rule is a joke.) Forcing their religious views on other people.
I never really understood that argument.

What makes the States more qualified to decide for a person that they have to carry a fetus to term than the federal government?

The way I see it. The only intellectually honest argument. If it's about giving people a choice about abortion is allowing people to make the choice for themselves.

Otherwise call it what it is. A majority of the people in a State (using majority loosely since quite a few States are gerrymandered to such an extent that majority rule is a joke.) Forcing their religious views on other people.
Is it an argument or is it a statement of fact? Because the way I see it the SCOTUS ruling kicked the legality question back to the states. So whether you or I agree or disagree, that is what is happening, right?
I think it's more like you don't believe a human life in the womb has any rights. But that will be for each state to decide.
I believe the rights of the person bearing that life supersedes the rights of the life in the womb. Since that is a person. The life in the womb isn't until it gets born.

Any other viewpoint brings stuff like this verdict.

You talk about competing interests?

Let me ask you. Are you comfortable with the idea of compelling woman or even teens and children to go through the mental, physical and financial consequences of pregnancy and bringing a life in this world?
I said discern not perceive. You said perceive.
I said perceive after you argued they were synonyms.
discern means to perceive or recognize (something).
That's you again, isn't it? Funny how we keep running into each other like this what with you denying things I can easily quote you as saying. It's almost like you quickly become ashamed of your own arguments.
But the decision does reside with each state.
States aren't autonomous entities are they? Aren't they simply vehicles for the will of voters and politicians?
Is it an argument or is it a statement of fact? Because the way I see it the SCOTUS ruling kicked the legality question back to the states. So whether you or I agree or disagree, that is what is happening, right?
It's both. It's a fact, and an (in my view) intellectually dishonest argument.

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