Elizabeth Warren Fights Back Against the "Magical Accounting" of Trickle-Down Economics

Since around Clinton I would have to state that Business Visas and Off-Shoring have been a Bi-Partisan screwing of the American people.
Did it get worse under GW? Yes.
Did Obama use the Bully Pulpit in his 2nd Term to bring jobs back and reduce H1-Bs? No.

Statistically false.

The greatest upswing in offshoring was under Clinton, though the trend started under Bush 41. Offshoring dramatically decreased under Dubya and had reversed by 2006, with what is termed "reshoring."

The problem is, as Forbes points out is that the manufacturing is returning, but not the jobs. Simply stated, automation is the driving force. Robotics allow the more effective production of goods.

I will never cast a vote for any person who will not swear to work to end H1-B Visas entirely. Obama is a major supporter, due to his handlers at Apple, Amazon, Disney, and Microsoft seeking to replace American workers with cheap Indian labor.

H1-B's have been granted in greater number under Obama than all other presidents combined.
No wonder Rubio and Cruz promised their contributors they would triple or quadruple Business Visas!
Wake up.
Here, show me when Reaganists started fighting for the middle class (WTF planet are you on?) LOL

The Demise of the American Middle Class In Numbers.

Over the past 30 years the American dream has gradually disappeared. The process was slow, so most people didn’t notice. They just worked a few more hours, borrowed a little more and cut back on non-essentials. But looking at the numbers and comparing them over long time periods, it is obvious that things have changed drastically. Here are the details:


Over the past 63 years worker productivity has grown by 2.0% per year.

But after 1980, workers received a smaller share every year. Labor’s share of income (1992 = 100%):

1950 = 101%
1960 = 105%
1970 = 105%
1980 = 105% – Reagan
1990 = 100%
2000 = 96%
2007 = 92%

A 13% drop since 1980


Share of National Income going to Top 10%:

1950 = 35%
1960 = 34%
1970 = 34%
1980 = 34% – Reagan
1990 = 40%
2000 = 47%
2007 = 50%

An increase of 16% since Reagan.


The savings Rose up to Reagan and fell during and after.

1950 = 6.0%
1960 = 7.0%
1970 = 8.5%
1980 = 10.0% – Reagan
1982 = 11.2% – Peak
1990 = 7.0%
2000 = 2.0%
2006 = -1.1% (Negative = withdrawing from savings)

A 12.3% drop after Reagan.


Household Debt as percentage of GDP:

1965 = 46%
1970 = 45%
1980 = 50% – Reagan
1990 = 61%
2000 = 69%
2007 = 95%

A 45% increase after 1980.


Gap Between the Share of Capital Income earned by the top 1%
and the bottom 80%:

1980 = 10%
2003 = 56%

A 5.6 times increase.


The Probably of Moving Up from the Bottom 40% to the Top 40%:

1945 = 12%
1958 = 6%
1990 = 3%
2000 = 2%

A 10% Decrease.


1 = ftp://ftp.bls.gov/pub/special.requests/pf/totalf1.txt
1 = https://www.clevelandfed.org/Research/PolicyDis/No7Nov04.pdf
1 = Clipboard01.jpg (image)
2 – Congratulations to Emmanuel Saez
3 = http://www.demos.org/inequality/images/charts/uspersonalsaving_thumb.gif
3 = U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)
4 = Federated Prudent Bear Fund (A): Overview
4 = FRB: Z.1 Release--Financial Accounts of the United States--December 10, 2015
5/6 = 15 Mind-Blowing Facts About Wealth And Inequality In America

Overview = http://www.ourfuture.org/blog-entry/2010062415/reagan-revolution-home-roost-charts

So Franco hater dupe, you have an IQ lower than the average squirrel, but let's take a look at the little bullshit piece you cut and pasted from the Soros hate site,

1st. Note that the record stops a decade back, in 2007. Why would that be? Well simply because the decline of the middle class is greater under Obama than all prior presidents combined.

Ronald Reagan destroyed your beloved USSR and you hate him for it, so naturally you moronically attack, even though your own numbers don't support your claim.

We can start with the basics (you are a bot Franco hater dupe, you cannot think.) What is a "share?" When the Sorosites claims that the "share" of labor has decreased from a fictional 105% (greater than the total) to some other fabricated number, what is the actual claim?

Let's start with the "share" mentioned. Is this a return on the investment of capital by the unions? Well no, what the Soros drones are alluding to, but will not actually say, is that they view the COST of labor as a positive. What the stat listed - assuming it is accurate (links don't work, the hate drone fabricating this doesn't grasp how queries work) is that the cost of labor in manufacturing has declined. To any sane and educated person, this is a good thing. The reality of course is simply automation has made processes more efficient.

Franco hater dupe, as a good Communist with the intellect of a doorknob, here is an opportunity for you; offer your services to businesses promising to sharply increase labor costs and drastically reduce quality. Vow to dramatically reduce the owners equity. No doubt businesses will line up to hire you....

Then let's move on to the next bit of fucktardation, the top 10% get a larger share, again begging the obvious, larger share of what? In the diseased mind of the communist, if a man takes his children to buy a pizza, the man and his children should receive no larger piece of the pizza than a drunk outside in the ally gets. Here is a clue fucktard, the top 10% get a larger share because they took a larger risk and provided a larger investment.

That's enough, because your idiocy is unworthy of detailed analysis and is not intended to survive such. it is designed to excite the stupid, like you, with absurd claims which promote your prejudices but steer clear of fact or rational thought.
You two are nuts. lol. Thanks for the corrupt world depression. Might have something to do with it, since regular people paid for it, and Obama has been stopped from reform by your greedy idiot and bought off lying heroes, nutjobs. Change the gd channel lol...
Considering we've lost our manufacturing and menial labor lately, I doubt stats mean much.

You are an ignorant simian, a shit flinging feral baboon.

We lost our manufacturing in the 1970's, due mostly to the greed and laziness of the United Auto Workers Union. While Toyota developed TPS and TQM, GM and the UAW developed a 6 figure salary for spot welder level 3. While a new Hyundai comes with a 100,000 mile warranty, a 1976 Chevelle was expected to require a top end rebuild at 40,000 miles.

Low quality and high wages. that's the union way. We didn't "lose" our manufacturing monkey boi, we discarded it.

When Ronald Reagan took office in 1981, he immediately put a task force together to address the lack of quality and workmanship in American goods. Promoting the ISO systems out of Europe in hopes of salvaging domestic manufacturing. Part of the Chrysler bail out (which I opposed) stipulated that they must adopt ISO standards.

Of course you're right, deregulating industry and wrecking unions would help the workers be safe lol.
TRY ANY OTHER damage done by Reaganism's war on the nonrich, dupe.
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole?:cuckoo:

Again Franco hater dupe, cut the lies and show the stats?

Let's see this increase in work related death and injury?

Nah, you're just lying - which is what you do.
Since the dangerous jobs have been outsourced, the stats are meaningless, dupe. Wrecking unions and deregulating safe guards just might make things more unsafe lol...Flipping burgers and pushing paper aren't dangerous.

Obviously to anyone with a working brain, those stats from the gov't bureaucracy prove taxing the nonrich to hell (news to you of course) and pandering to the rich Reaganism has wrecked the nonroch and the country, while thr rich laugh all the way to the bank. Get out of the idiotic GOP propaganda bubble and look around, stupid.
You two are nuts. lol.

Franco hater dupe, you are a hack, but not really smart enough to be one. You post what you or the hate sites think promote your party. You have no concern for facts or reality, only for your party.

This is why you keep making such foolish and demonstrably false claims.

Thanks for the corrupt world depression. Might have something to do with it, since regular people paid for it, and Obama has been stopped from reform by your greedy idiot and bought off lying heroes, nutjobs. Change the gd channel lol...

Your god has been stopped from what reforms? The revocation of the United States Constitution? Other than that the little turd has run wild, with none of the constitutional constraints that contained presidents prior to him.

Consider this, at this juncture there is a near certainty that Donald Trump will be the next President. Fucktard Obama has pissed all over the constitution and shit on the concept of law, declaring himself a dictator unconstrained by the separation of powers. Trump enters an office that the moronic fool you worship as a god, has destroyed all of the checks and balances on.

Again, you are a drone who exists to promote your filthy party, you do not and cannot think, but the above gives sentient beings pause.
Since the dangerous jobs have been outsourced, the stats are meaningless, dupe.

So you admit that you're a fucking liar.

That's a starty.

Wrecking unions and deregulating safe guards just might make things more unsafe lol...Flipping burgers and pushing paper aren't dangerous.

Obviously to anyone with a working brain, those stats from the gov't bureaucracy prove taxing the nonrich to hell (news to you of course) and pandering to the rich Reaganism has wrecked the nonroch and the country, while thr rich laugh all the way to the bank. Get out of the idiotic GOP propaganda bubble and look around, stupid.

Since that number and severity of workplace injuries has dramatically declined, you are clearly lying.

Look, you have no concept of integrity, you have only party. But Franco hater dupe, you're a fucking liar. Most of what you post is false. You justify your lies because party is the only thing that matters to you, but that is not justification to sane people.
You two are nuts. lol.

Franco hater dupe, you are a hack, but not really smart enough to be one. You post what you or the hate sites think promote your party. You have no concern for facts or reality, only for your party.

This is why you keep making such foolish and demonstrably false claims.

Thanks for the corrupt world depression. Might have something to do with it, since regular people paid for it, and Obama has been stopped from reform by your greedy idiot and bought off lying heroes, nutjobs. Change the gd channel lol...

Your god has been stopped from what reforms? The revocation of the United States Constitution? Other than that the little turd has run wild, with none of the constitutional constraints that contained presidents prior to him.

Consider this, at this juncture there is a near certainty that Donald Trump will be the next President. Fucktard Obama has pissed all over the constitution and shit on the concept of law, declaring himself a dictator unconstrained by the separation of powers. Trump enters an office that the moronic fool you worship as a god, has destroyed all of the checks and balances on.

Again, you are a drone who exists to promote your filthy party, you do not and cannot think, but the above gives sentient beings pause.
Read something, brainwashed functional moron. Obama and the Dems have been blocked from ALL KINDS of reform and aid to the economy. Infrastructure bank, cheap college loans, training for tech jobs, taxes on the bloated rich and giant corps for investment etc etc etc etc. The GOP gave us a corrupt world depression and the longest stupidest wars ever, and block all the fixes, Great job, a-holes and dupes
No wonder Rubio and Cruz promised their contributors they would triple or quadruple Business Visas!
Wake up.

Ohh, I see what you did there. Despite open opposition H1-B Visa's by Cruz, you dishonestly threw him in with Rubio, while failing to grasp the distinction between manufacturing labor and high tech workers...
Since the dangerous jobs have been outsourced, the stats are meaningless, dupe.

So you admit that you're a fucking liar.

That's a starty.

Wrecking unions and deregulating safe guards just might make things more unsafe lol...Flipping burgers and pushing paper aren't dangerous.

Obviously to anyone with a working brain, those stats from the gov't bureaucracy prove taxing the nonrich to hell (news to you of course) and pandering to the rich Reaganism has wrecked the nonroch and the country, while thr rich laugh all the way to the bank. Get out of the idiotic GOP propaganda bubble and look around, stupid.

Since that number and severity of workplace injuries has dramatically declined, you are clearly lying.

Look, you have no concept of integrity, you have only party. But Franco hater dupe, you're a fucking liar. Most of what you post is false. You justify your lies because party is the only thing that matters to you, but that is not justification to sane people.
LOL, all the manufacturing left too, stupid. Now what about all the other thieveries of the nonrich by Reaganism, dupe?
worst min. wage, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:

Yup, all by 2007, and only continues to get worse- A corrupt GOP financial meltdown, paid for by taxpayers, and 7 more years of Raygun thievery, defended to the death by mindlessly obstructionist Pubs and silly dupes like you...
Last edited:
LOL, all the manufacturing left too, stupid. Now what about all the other thieveries of the nonrich by Reaganism, dupe?

Yes Franco liar dupe, you can spew mindless hate slogans.

That doesn't change that you were busted, red pawed, lying about workplace safety.

Workers are FAR safer today than they were in 1950, 1960, 1970, or 1980.

You flat out lied because you are a Communist promoting your filthy party, and you lack even a hint of integrity.

You're a liar and a scumbag, IOW a typical democrat.
LOL, all the manufacturing left too, stupid. Now what about all the other thieveries of the nonrich by Reaganism, dupe? LOL, all the manufacturing left too, stupid. Now what about all the other thieveries of the nonrich by Reaganism, dupe?
worst min. wage, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole?:cuckoo:

Yup, all by 2007, and only continues to get worse- A corrupt GOP financial meltdown, paid for by taxpayers, and 7 more years of Raygun thievery, defended to the death by mindlessly obstructionist Pubs and silly dupes like you...

Yes Franco liar dupe, you can spew mindless hate slogans.

That doesn't change that you were busted, red pawed, lying about workplace safety.

Workers are FAR safer today than they were in 1950, 1960, 1970, or 1980.

You flat out lied because you are a Communist promoting your filthy party, and you lack even a hint of integrity.

You're a liar and a scumbag, IOW a typical democrat.
LOL hater dupe....AND many dangerous jobs LEFT! Duh. Think!
Now what about the other ruin of the nonrich and the country, obsessive functional moron? And stop cutting my comments...

After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole?:cuckoo:
Here, show me when Reaganists started fighting for the middle class (WTF planet are you on?) LOL

The Demise of the American Middle Class In Numbers.

Over the past 30 years the American dream has gradually disappeared. The process was slow, so most people didn’t notice. They just worked a few more hours, borrowed a little more and cut back on non-essentials. But looking at the numbers and comparing them over long time periods, it is obvious that things have changed drastically. Here are the details:


Over the past 63 years worker productivity has grown by 2.0% per year.

But after 1980, workers received a smaller share every year. Labor’s share of income (1992 = 100%):

1950 = 101%
1960 = 105%
1970 = 105%
1980 = 105% – Reagan
1990 = 100%
2000 = 96%
2007 = 92%

A 13% drop since 1980


Share of National Income going to Top 10%:

1950 = 35%
1960 = 34%
1970 = 34%
1980 = 34% – Reagan
1990 = 40%
2000 = 47%
2007 = 50%

An increase of 16% since Reagan.


The savings Rose up to Reagan and fell during and after.

1950 = 6.0%
1960 = 7.0%
1970 = 8.5%
1980 = 10.0% – Reagan
1982 = 11.2% – Peak
1990 = 7.0%
2000 = 2.0%
2006 = -1.1% (Negative = withdrawing from savings)

A 12.3% drop after Reagan.


Household Debt as percentage of GDP:

1965 = 46%
1970 = 45%
1980 = 50% – Reagan
1990 = 61%
2000 = 69%
2007 = 95%

A 45% increase after 1980.


Gap Between the Share of Capital Income earned by the top 1%
and the bottom 80%:

1980 = 10%
2003 = 56%

A 5.6 times increase.


The Probably of Moving Up from the Bottom 40% to the Top 40%:

1945 = 12%
1958 = 6%
1990 = 3%
2000 = 2%

A 10% Decrease.


1 = ftp://ftp.bls.gov/pub/special.requests/pf/totalf1.txt
1 = https://www.clevelandfed.org/Research/PolicyDis/No7Nov04.pdf
1 = Clipboard01.jpg (image)
2 – Congratulations to Emmanuel Saez
3 = http://www.demos.org/inequality/images/charts/uspersonalsaving_thumb.gif
3 = U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)
4 = Federated Prudent Bear Fund (A): Overview
4 = FRB: Z.1 Release--Financial Accounts of the United States--December 10, 2015
5/6 = 15 Mind-Blowing Facts About Wealth And Inequality In America

Overview = http://www.ourfuture.org/blog-entry/2010062415/reagan-revolution-home-roost-charts

So Franco hater dupe, you have an IQ lower than the average squirrel, but let's take a look at the little bullshit piece you cut and pasted from the Soros hate site,

1st. Note that the record stops a decade back, in 2007. Why would that be? Well simply because the decline of the middle class is greater under Obama than all prior presidents combined.

Ronald Reagan destroyed your beloved USSR and you hate him for it, so naturally you moronically attack, even though your own numbers don't support your claim.

We can start with the basics (you are a bot Franco hater dupe, you cannot think.) What is a "share?" When the Sorosites claims that the "share" of labor has decreased from a fictional 105% (greater than the total) to some other fabricated number, what is the actual claim?

Let's start with the "share" mentioned. Is this a return on the investment of capital by the unions? Well no, what the Soros drones are alluding to, but will not actually say, is that they view the COST of labor as a positive. What the stat listed - assuming it is accurate (links don't work, the hate drone fabricating this doesn't grasp how queries work) is that the cost of labor in manufacturing has declined. To any sane and educated person, this is a good thing. The reality of course is simply automation has made processes more efficient.

Franco hater dupe, as a good Communist with the intellect of a doorknob, here is an opportunity for you; offer your services to businesses promising to sharply increase labor costs and drastically reduce quality. Vow to dramatically reduce the owners equity. No doubt businesses will line up to hire you....

Then let's move on to the next bit of fucktardation, the top 10% get a larger share, again begging the obvious, larger share of what? In the diseased mind of the communist, if a man takes his children to buy a pizza, the man and his children should receive no larger piece of the pizza than a drunk outside in the ally gets. Here is a clue fucktard, the top 10% get a larger share because they took a larger risk and provided a larger investment.

That's enough, because your idiocy is unworthy of detailed analysis and is not intended to survive such. it is designed to excite the stupid, like you, with absurd claims which promote your prejudices but steer clear of fact or rational thought.

Liberals don't have a problem with business owner/managers making more than labour, what they have a problem with is business owners and managers taking a larger and larger chunk of the income, while their workers get less and less while being more productive. If a business owner is now making double what he did 10 years ago, then his workers should be too. He doesn't get to keep ALL of the increased revenue. Some of it needs to go to the people who made it possible for him.

Nobody here is a communist, or anything close to it. If the top 10% have all of the wealth, and the bottom 47% are living paycheck to paycheck, they're not going to be buying houses, cars, furniture, or other durable goods as frequently as they did when they had savings, home equity, and other financial resources to fall back on in hard times.

In the Reagan years, food stamp usage doubled, and conservatives didn't blame Reagan for it. They blamed the "welfare queens", the lazy, inner city welfare recipients, the poor. The spending spree that the US went on when Reagan was in power, was fueled by debt. Deficits were a good thing. Everybody was flashing VISA, AMEX, and Mastercard, and credit cards were lavish in raising limits. It sucked all of the savings and equity that the bottom 25% had accumulated. With wages flatlining, and the buying power of those wages declining year by year, those just starting to climb the economic ladder were stuck where they were.

After the lower 25% were sucked dry, the Middle Class were next to feel that sucking feeling on their piggy banks. This would have happened before Obama came into power if not for the Clinton Administration. Clinton did get the minimum wage increased, and he increased taxes, and low and behold, unemployment went DOWN, and wages started to rise, but then Bush came into power and we were back to cut and spend, again, and the economy went into the toilet in the exact same way that it did when Reagan was in power.

Conservatives still refuse to accept that unemployment is way down under Obama, that the job losses they assured us would happen because of Obamacare, didn't happen. What is down is the number of government workers. Obama has actually shrunk government. Conservatives, who keep talking about not growing government should be impressed but they're not. Just like they're not impressed the employment rate is down. They're also not impressed that the Dow Jones average has gone from 10,000 when Bush left office, to 16,000 under Obama. Conservatives predicted gas would cost over $10 a gallon under Obama, but it's nearly 33% lower now than it was when Bush left office.

Despite all creditable evidence to the contrary, conservatives continue to believe that:

1. Tax cuts create jobs. What created jobs under Ronald Reagan was his military spending, all of which was financed by deficit spending. When the unemployment rate went up, Reagan hired 1 million government workers. When criticized for this, Reagan said that government workers buy goods and services too, and that this would spur employment. He was right in that, but this move too was funded by deficit spending.

2. Immigrants/the poor/social programs are bleeding the country white. Ignoring the spending of the military, the amount spent on maintaining US military bases around the world, is to be wilfully blind to the extent that US corporate interests abroad are financed by US miliary treaties and servicemen and women protecting those interest, all of which is paid for by the American taxpayer.

3. Illegal immigrants are the problem. The problem is not illegal immigration, its that Americans are more than happy to employ migrants because they work for less money than Americans. The cheap food that Americans enjoy is brought to you by the low wages paid to migrant field workers. Americans don't care as long as they get cheap stuff.
Just deal with the fact that a strong work ethic is not going to get one ahead. But we are surely fed that if one is willing to sacrifice and work hard one will be successful. That is an outright lie and if any of you subscribe to this you are a LIAR. I am calling you out. The truth is a worker must learn a skill to use against his employer. Then thee worker calls the shots. Anything less isalosin proposition. That is threat the system is designed. But there are ways to stick city to ones employed.
What hate sites lol.

ThinkProgress, Media Matters. KOS.

The really filthy leftist hate sites.

Only you dupes have that...Start with Fox and Rush- BOUGHT OFF LIARS- a LOT of them. BS gossip like that Warren bs.

Professors don't run universities, dingbat, and Pubs LOVE expensive bank loans.

Yes, truth is that which serves the party, all else is lies, Comrade hater dupe.

Just in case anyone were to take you seriously...
BTW, most of the college cost rise lately was scam GOP online U's set up (laws changed by Pubs) to for W pals to scam returning GIs. All feqed. Great job!! Oh right, 60 Minutes is communist too LOL

BTW, most of the college cost rise lately was scam GOP online

I know. Like Kaplan University, buncha scammers.....oh, wait, that's owned the Washington Post.
Let's have one of their lies then- they spend all their time fighting RW lies. All you dupes listen to RW BS all day, those are tiny operations, not TV channels or radio empires, and NOT FOS. duh.

The lie you recited a few posts back, Franco hater dupe.

You moronically posted a lie from your hate sites claiming that working conditions are more dangerous and worse today than ever.

Do you admit that you and the hate site that programs you were lying, or will you provide evidence in the way of statistics on work related illness, injury, and death to support your complete bullshit?

Dude, you need to understand that I take nothing you say seriously. You have zero credibility, you are a caricature of a mindless, hate filled leftist.

You're a joke, you DO get that, right?
Let's have one of their lies then- they spend all their time fighting RW lies. All you dupes listen to RW BS all day, those are tiny operations, not TV channels or radio empires, and NOT FOS. duh.

The lie you recited a few posts back, Franco hater dupe.

You moronically posted a lie from your hate sites claiming that working conditions are more dangerous and worse today than ever.

Do you admit that you and the hate site that programs you were lying, or will you provide evidence in the way of statistics on work related illness, injury, and death to support your complete bullshit?

Dude, you need to understand that I take nothing you say seriously. You have zero credibility, you are a caricature of a mindless, hate filled leftist.

You're a joke, you DO get that, right?
Let's have one of their lies then- they spend all their time fighting RW lies. All you dupes listen to RW BS all day, those are tiny operations, not TV channels or radio empires, and NOT FOS. duh.

The lie you recited a few posts back, Franco hater dupe.

You moronically posted a lie from your hate sites claiming that working conditions are more dangerous and worse today than ever.

Do you admit that you and the hate site that programs you were lying, or will you provide evidence in the way of statistics on work related illness, injury, and death to support your complete bullshit?

Dude, you need to understand that I take nothing you say seriously. You have zero credibility, you are a caricature of a mindless, hate filled leftist.

You're a joke, you DO get that, right?
Sure. Destroying unions and cutting regs on industry made work conditions much better...I figured that out myself duh. The rest are easily proved. You're like Rush- 2 jerks at an unheard of U PROVE GW is a hoax. lol.

cutting regs on industry made work conditions much better...

Who did that? When? Link?
How much worse did it make things? Link?
Here, show me when Reaganists started fighting for the middle class (WTF planet are you on?) LOL

The Demise of the American Middle Class In Numbers.

Over the past 30 years the American dream has gradually disappeared. The process was slow, so most people didn’t notice. They just worked a few more hours, borrowed a little more and cut back on non-essentials. But looking at the numbers and comparing them over long time periods, it is obvious that things have changed drastically. Here are the details:


Over the past 63 years worker productivity has grown by 2.0% per year.

But after 1980, workers received a smaller share every year. Labor’s share of income (1992 = 100%):

1950 = 101%
1960 = 105%
1970 = 105%
1980 = 105% – Reagan
1990 = 100%
2000 = 96%
2007 = 92%

A 13% drop since 1980


Share of National Income going to Top 10%:

1950 = 35%
1960 = 34%
1970 = 34%
1980 = 34% – Reagan
1990 = 40%
2000 = 47%
2007 = 50%

An increase of 16% since Reagan.


The savings Rose up to Reagan and fell during and after.

1950 = 6.0%
1960 = 7.0%
1970 = 8.5%
1980 = 10.0% – Reagan
1982 = 11.2% – Peak
1990 = 7.0%
2000 = 2.0%
2006 = -1.1% (Negative = withdrawing from savings)

A 12.3% drop after Reagan.


Household Debt as percentage of GDP:

1965 = 46%
1970 = 45%
1980 = 50% – Reagan
1990 = 61%
2000 = 69%
2007 = 95%

A 45% increase after 1980.


Gap Between the Share of Capital Income earned by the top 1%
and the bottom 80%:

1980 = 10%
2003 = 56%

A 5.6 times increase.


The Probably of Moving Up from the Bottom 40% to the Top 40%:

1945 = 12%
1958 = 6%
1990 = 3%
2000 = 2%

A 10% Decrease.


1 = ftp://ftp.bls.gov/pub/special.requests/pf/totalf1.txt
1 = https://www.clevelandfed.org/Research/PolicyDis/No7Nov04.pdf
1 = Clipboard01.jpg (image)
2 – Congratulations to Emmanuel Saez
3 = http://www.demos.org/inequality/images/charts/uspersonalsaving_thumb.gif
3 = U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)
4 = Federated Prudent Bear Fund (A): Overview
4 = FRB: Z.1 Release--Financial Accounts of the United States--December 10, 2015
5/6 = 15 Mind-Blowing Facts About Wealth And Inequality In America

Overview = http://www.ourfuture.org/blog-entry/2010062415/reagan-revolution-home-roost-charts

But after 1980, workers received a smaller share every year.

Expensive equipment is expensive.

Over the past 63 years worker productivity has grown by 2.0% per year.

Why did it grow? Was it that expensive equipment I mentioned?
What hate sites lol.

ThinkProgress, Media Matters. KOS.

The really filthy leftist hate sites.

Only you dupes have that...Start with Fox and Rush- BOUGHT OFF LIARS- a LOT of them. BS gossip like that Warren bs.

Professors don't run universities, dingbat, and Pubs LOVE expensive bank loans.

Yes, truth is that which serves the party, all else is lies, Comrade hater dupe.

Just in case anyone were to take you seriously...
BTW, most of the college cost rise lately was scam GOP online U's set up (laws changed by Pubs) to for W pals to scam returning GIs. All feqed. Great job!! Oh right, 60 Minutes is communist too LOL

BTW, most of the college cost rise lately was scam GOP online

I know. Like Kaplan University, buncha scammers.....oh, wait, that's owned the Washington Post.
Exception that proves the rule...
Considering we've lost our manufacturing and menial labor lately, I doubt stats mean much.

You are an ignorant simian, a shit flinging feral baboon.

We lost our manufacturing in the 1970's, due mostly to the greed and laziness of the United Auto Workers Union. While Toyota developed TPS and TQM, GM and the UAW developed a 6 figure salary for spot welder level 3. While a new Hyundai comes with a 100,000 mile warranty, a 1976 Chevelle was expected to require a top end rebuild at 40,000 miles.

Low quality and high wages. that's the union way. We didn't "lose" our manufacturing monkey boi, we discarded it.

When Ronald Reagan took office in 1981, he immediately put a task force together to address the lack of quality and workmanship in American goods. Promoting the ISO systems out of Europe in hopes of salvaging domestic manufacturing. Part of the Chrysler bail out (which I opposed) stipulated that they must adopt ISO standards.

Of course you're right, deregulating industry and wrecking unions would help the workers be safe lol.
TRY ANY OTHER damage done by Reaganism's war on the nonrich, dupe.
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole?:cuckoo:

Again Franco hater dupe, cut the lies and show the stats?

Let's see this increase in work related death and injury?

Nah, you're just lying - which is what you do.
Since the dangerous jobs have been outsourced, the stats are meaningless, dupe. Wrecking unions and deregulating safe guards just might make things more unsafe lol...Flipping burgers and pushing paper aren't dangerous.

Obviously to anyone with a working brain, those stats from the gov't bureaucracy prove taxing the nonrich to hell (news to you of course) and pandering to the rich Reaganism has wrecked the nonroch and the country, while thr rich laugh all the way to the bank. Get out of the idiotic GOP propaganda bubble and look around, stupid.

those stats from the gov't bureaucracy prove taxing the nonrich to hell

Still whining about that massive hike in payroll taxes? LOL!
Since the dangerous jobs have been outsourced, the stats are meaningless, dupe.

So you admit that you're a fucking liar.

That's a starty.

Wrecking unions and deregulating safe guards just might make things more unsafe lol...Flipping burgers and pushing paper aren't dangerous.

Obviously to anyone with a working brain, those stats from the gov't bureaucracy prove taxing the nonrich to hell (news to you of course) and pandering to the rich Reaganism has wrecked the nonroch and the country, while thr rich laugh all the way to the bank. Get out of the idiotic GOP propaganda bubble and look around, stupid.

Since that number and severity of workplace injuries has dramatically declined, you are clearly lying.

Look, you have no concept of integrity, you have only party. But Franco hater dupe, you're a fucking liar. Most of what you post is false. You justify your lies because party is the only thing that matters to you, but that is not justification to sane people.
LOL, all the manufacturing left too, stupid. Now what about all the other thieveries of the nonrich by Reaganism, dupe?
worst min. wage, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:

Yup, all by 2007, and only continues to get worse- A corrupt GOP financial meltdown, paid for by taxpayers, and 7 more years of Raygun thievery, defended to the death by mindlessly obstructionist Pubs and silly dupes like you...

LOL, all the manufacturing left too, stupid.

We lost all our manufacturing? All of it? LOL!
Here, show me when Reaganists started fighting for the middle class (WTF planet are you on?) LOL

The Demise of the American Middle Class In Numbers.

Over the past 30 years the American dream has gradually disappeared. The process was slow, so most people didn’t notice. They just worked a few more hours, borrowed a little more and cut back on non-essentials. But looking at the numbers and comparing them over long time periods, it is obvious that things have changed drastically. Here are the details:


Over the past 63 years worker productivity has grown by 2.0% per year.

But after 1980, workers received a smaller share every year. Labor’s share of income (1992 = 100%):

1950 = 101%
1960 = 105%
1970 = 105%
1980 = 105% – Reagan
1990 = 100%
2000 = 96%
2007 = 92%

A 13% drop since 1980


Share of National Income going to Top 10%:

1950 = 35%
1960 = 34%
1970 = 34%
1980 = 34% – Reagan
1990 = 40%
2000 = 47%
2007 = 50%

An increase of 16% since Reagan.


The savings Rose up to Reagan and fell during and after.

1950 = 6.0%
1960 = 7.0%
1970 = 8.5%
1980 = 10.0% – Reagan
1982 = 11.2% – Peak
1990 = 7.0%
2000 = 2.0%
2006 = -1.1% (Negative = withdrawing from savings)

A 12.3% drop after Reagan.


Household Debt as percentage of GDP:

1965 = 46%
1970 = 45%
1980 = 50% – Reagan
1990 = 61%
2000 = 69%
2007 = 95%

A 45% increase after 1980.


Gap Between the Share of Capital Income earned by the top 1%
and the bottom 80%:

1980 = 10%
2003 = 56%

A 5.6 times increase.


The Probably of Moving Up from the Bottom 40% to the Top 40%:

1945 = 12%
1958 = 6%
1990 = 3%
2000 = 2%

A 10% Decrease.


1 = ftp://ftp.bls.gov/pub/special.requests/pf/totalf1.txt
1 = https://www.clevelandfed.org/Research/PolicyDis/No7Nov04.pdf
1 = Clipboard01.jpg (image)
2 – Congratulations to Emmanuel Saez
3 = http://www.demos.org/inequality/images/charts/uspersonalsaving_thumb.gif
3 = U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)
4 = Federated Prudent Bear Fund (A): Overview
4 = FRB: Z.1 Release--Financial Accounts of the United States--December 10, 2015
5/6 = 15 Mind-Blowing Facts About Wealth And Inequality In America

Overview = http://www.ourfuture.org/blog-entry/2010062415/reagan-revolution-home-roost-charts

So Franco hater dupe, you have an IQ lower than the average squirrel, but let's take a look at the little bullshit piece you cut and pasted from the Soros hate site,

1st. Note that the record stops a decade back, in 2007. Why would that be? Well simply because the decline of the middle class is greater under Obama than all prior presidents combined.

Ronald Reagan destroyed your beloved USSR and you hate him for it, so naturally you moronically attack, even though your own numbers don't support your claim.

We can start with the basics (you are a bot Franco hater dupe, you cannot think.) What is a "share?" When the Sorosites claims that the "share" of labor has decreased from a fictional 105% (greater than the total) to some other fabricated number, what is the actual claim?

Let's start with the "share" mentioned. Is this a return on the investment of capital by the unions? Well no, what the Soros drones are alluding to, but will not actually say, is that they view the COST of labor as a positive. What the stat listed - assuming it is accurate (links don't work, the hate drone fabricating this doesn't grasp how queries work) is that the cost of labor in manufacturing has declined. To any sane and educated person, this is a good thing. The reality of course is simply automation has made processes more efficient.

Franco hater dupe, as a good Communist with the intellect of a doorknob, here is an opportunity for you; offer your services to businesses promising to sharply increase labor costs and drastically reduce quality. Vow to dramatically reduce the owners equity. No doubt businesses will line up to hire you....

Then let's move on to the next bit of fucktardation, the top 10% get a larger share, again begging the obvious, larger share of what? In the diseased mind of the communist, if a man takes his children to buy a pizza, the man and his children should receive no larger piece of the pizza than a drunk outside in the ally gets. Here is a clue fucktard, the top 10% get a larger share because they took a larger risk and provided a larger investment.

That's enough, because your idiocy is unworthy of detailed analysis and is not intended to survive such. it is designed to excite the stupid, like you, with absurd claims which promote your prejudices but steer clear of fact or rational thought.

Liberals don't have a problem with business owner/managers making more than labour, what they have a problem with is business owners and managers taking a larger and larger chunk of the income, while their workers get less and less while being more productive. If a business owner is now making double what he did 10 years ago, then his workers should be too. He doesn't get to keep ALL of the increased revenue. Some of it needs to go to the people who made it possible for him.

Nobody here is a communist, or anything close to it. If the top 10% have all of the wealth, and the bottom 47% are living paycheck to paycheck, they're not going to be buying houses, cars, furniture, or other durable goods as frequently as they did when they had savings, home equity, and other financial resources to fall back on in hard times.

In the Reagan years, food stamp usage doubled, and conservatives didn't blame Reagan for it. They blamed the "welfare queens", the lazy, inner city welfare recipients, the poor. The spending spree that the US went on when Reagan was in power, was fueled by debt. Deficits were a good thing. Everybody was flashing VISA, AMEX, and Mastercard, and credit cards were lavish in raising limits. It sucked all of the savings and equity that the bottom 25% had accumulated. With wages flatlining, and the buying power of those wages declining year by year, those just starting to climb the economic ladder were stuck where they were.

After the lower 25% were sucked dry, the Middle Class were next to feel that sucking feeling on their piggy banks. This would have happened before Obama came into power if not for the Clinton Administration. Clinton did get the minimum wage increased, and he increased taxes, and low and behold, unemployment went DOWN, and wages started to rise, but then Bush came into power and we were back to cut and spend, again, and the economy went into the toilet in the exact same way that it did when Reagan was in power.

Conservatives still refuse to accept that unemployment is way down under Obama, that the job losses they assured us would happen because of Obamacare, didn't happen. What is down is the number of government workers. Obama has actually shrunk government. Conservatives, who keep talking about not growing government should be impressed but they're not. Just like they're not impressed the employment rate is down. They're also not impressed that the Dow Jones average has gone from 10,000 when Bush left office, to 16,000 under Obama. Conservatives predicted gas would cost over $10 a gallon under Obama, but it's nearly 33% lower now than it was when Bush left office.

Despite all creditable evidence to the contrary, conservatives continue to believe that:

1. Tax cuts create jobs. What created jobs under Ronald Reagan was his military spending, all of which was financed by deficit spending. When the unemployment rate went up, Reagan hired 1 million government workers. When criticized for this, Reagan said that government workers buy goods and services too, and that this would spur employment. He was right in that, but this move too was funded by deficit spending.

2. Immigrants/the poor/social programs are bleeding the country white. Ignoring the spending of the military, the amount spent on maintaining US military bases around the world, is to be wilfully blind to the extent that US corporate interests abroad are financed by US miliary treaties and servicemen and women protecting those interest, all of which is paid for by the American taxpayer.

3. Illegal immigrants are the problem. The problem is not illegal immigration, its that Americans are more than happy to employ migrants because they work for less money than Americans. The cheap food that Americans enjoy is brought to you by the low wages paid to migrant field workers. Americans don't care as long as they get cheap stuff.

If a business owner is now making double what he did 10 years ago, then his workers should be too.


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