Egyptian Muslim Protesters Demand End to Spanish Occupation of Spain


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
So you think muslims just want Israel?:doubt:

[ame=]Egyptians Protest the Fall of Islamic Andalusia, Vow to Liberate It - YouTube[/ame]

Hundreds of Egyptians demonstrated on Wednesday Jan. 2 in Safenex Square in Cairo to commemorate the 521st anniversary of the fall of Granada.

The demonstration was called by The Free Movement (Harakat Ahrar).

The protesters organized a human chain around the square and held signs that said: “Obligatory return”,”We have not forgotten Al Andalus” and “Of course we will return” …

And they really mean it.

Demonstrator: As we speak, in Islamic Andalusia, in Spain, they are marching to celebrate the fall of the Islamic state of Andalusia, or Spain. While they are celebrating, we here are upset, because the Muslims used to rule in those European countries.

Over there, they are celebrating the fact that they killed Muslims and drove out the Muslims rulers, who ruled them with justice.

By “justice”, they mean “oppression under the code of Islam.”

Demonstrator: We are trying to remind people of the history of Andalusia. It was toppled over 500 years ago by the Spaniards, who are occupying it to this day. We want to remind people that no matter how long the Spanish occupation of Andalusia continues, the day will come, Allah willing, when we liberate it and Islam will return.

The rhetoric is exactly the same as that of the Palestinian Arabs because it’s all the same Islamic imperative of foiled colonialists who are determined to reclaim their empire and their slaves

Egyptian Muslim Protesters Demand End to Spanish Occupation of Spain
So you think muslims just want Israel?:doubt:

Egyptians Protest the Fall of Islamic Andalusia, Vow to Liberate It - YouTube

Hundreds of Egyptians demonstrated on Wednesday Jan. 2 in Safenex Square in Cairo to commemorate the 521st anniversary of the fall of Granada.

The demonstration was called by The Free Movement (Harakat Ahrar).

The protesters organized a human chain around the square and held signs that said: “Obligatory return”,”We have not forgotten Al Andalus” and “Of course we will return” …

And they really mean it.

Demonstrator: As we speak, in Islamic Andalusia, in Spain, they are marching to celebrate the fall of the Islamic state of Andalusia, or Spain. While they are celebrating, we here are upset, because the Muslims used to rule in those European countries.

Over there, they are celebrating the fact that they killed Muslims and drove out the Muslims rulers, who ruled them with justice.

By “justice”, they mean “oppression under the code of Islam.”

Demonstrator: We are trying to remind people of the history of Andalusia. It was toppled over 500 years ago by the Spaniards, who are occupying it to this day. We want to remind people that no matter how long the Spanish occupation of Andalusia continues, the day will come, Allah willing, when we liberate it and Islam will return.

The rhetoric is exactly the same as that of the Palestinian Arabs because it’s all the same Islamic imperative of foiled colonialists who are determined to reclaim their empire and their slaves

Egyptian Muslim Protesters Demand End to Spanish Occupation of Spain
At least they're peaceful Muslims. :D
Some people say just let the muslims have Israel, Then they'll be happy..Bullshit the caliphate includes more than Israel any country formally conquered by the muslims they consider muslim land
HUH?????? spain is no longer part of the CALIPHATE-????--
Where is Sala'adin when we need him?
It's a marvelous precedent-----FOR LOVE AND FELLOW SHIP ---there
are so many possibilities Parades, Picnics etc ete by all sorts of
peoples whose land is OCCUPIED Next Jury 4 ---I DEMAND that
our British friends ---in London----stage a protest against the
we occupy----we even CELEBRATE the defeat of the British army--
which tore the colonies from the just rule of KING whatshisname--
-----harry? henry? putzface? and I think the yankees owe
back tea tax
[ame=]Muslim Scholars' statements about the Caliphate during the uprisings in 2011: Mini Documentary - YouTube[/ame]
Jroc, et al,

I can only listen to so much of this Caliphate promotional.

Muslim Scholars' statements about the Caliphate during the uprisings in 2011: Mini Documentary

What I don't quite get is how these scholars distinguish between the despotic leaders of the Middle East and the power hunger of the Islamic Cleric like the Supreme Leader.

Most Respectfully,
The muslim reconquest of Spain will eventually happen.

Be it tomorrow or a 100 years from now.

True story............ :cool:

Toast I am now going to BOAST of my credentials. I have been aware
of the shit of islamo-nazi Imperialism and the Caliphate delusion
for decades. I was not yet 20 when I came into contact with highly
educated young muslim professionals ---mostly from India/pakistan---but
also many other countries---there was even at least one from AFGHANISTAN
long before Afghanistan was put on the map by islamo nazi Osamaj... For an
understanding of the CALIPHATE delusion----Osama is an
excellent example... He was an unusual PERSON----but every idea
he expressed was PURE classic ISLAM... Egypt is doing something which
islamic societies do SIN WAVE STYLE_----it comes out periodically like those
damn ugly CICADA bugs... It is going thru a "BACK TO ISLAM"
fest -----lots of them in history and all damn bloody....

amazing but true the caliphate delusion is no less attractive
to millions than was ADOLF ABU ALI and even more perverse
Last edited:
jews still butt hurt, they got shown the door at the same time as the Moors

Not quite Jos----by the time of EL CID----lots and lots of jews had already fled the
filth of shariah shit in spain. The dilemma for jews was "NO PLACE TO GO"
shariah shit on one side------sherri's form of christianity on the other'
In fact MAIMONIDES personal physician to SALA'ADIN----fled his native
CORDOBA when the islamo nazi pigs there did one of their
typical ISLAM OR DIE campaigns He fled to FEZ morocco ---
where jews had a community that preceded that rapist pig----but there
he faced conversion to the filth with a scimitar at his throat ---
the good news was SALA'ADIN did not trust muslim doctors--
so he became HIS doctor. and protected the egyptian jewish
community from the filth using that position Sala'adin
was a kurd and noted for the fact that he -----had a brain

Even more interesting Maimonides issued various edicts
which legalize faking conversion to the filth. His edicts
are actually what created the MARRANO system for the
jews who remained in spain Is that not interesting?
the system started out as a response to shariah shit.

In spain----even some muslims used it. You can thank us
Jroc, et al,

I can only listen to so much of this Caliphate promotional.
Muslim Scholars' statements about the Caliphate during the uprisings in 2011: Mini Documentary

What I don't quite get is how these scholars distinguish between the despotic leaders of the Middle East and the power hunger of the Islamic Cleric like the Supreme Leader.

Most Respectfully,

Yeah I know evil
What does this have to do with Israel and Palestine? Are you trying to validate your allegations by tying this somehow to the Palestinian and Israeli conflict? Are you a loser man? It tells us about your character, rather than defend Israel you bring us random videos with Muslims protesting/whatever. Does that mean Israel's policy is inexcusable? Good boy, even you learned that by now.
What does this have to do with Israel and Palestine? Are you trying to validate your allegations by tying this somehow to the Palestinian and Israeli conflict? Are you a loser man? It tells us about your character, rather than defend Israel you bring us random videos with Muslims protesting/whatever. Does that mean Israel's policy is inexcusable? Good boy, even you learned that by now.

To show that the muslim nutjobs not only want Israel, but much more. Actually they only use their fellow Arabs "Palestinians" as pawns to promote their ambitions. There was no country called Palestine under muslim rule, nor would there be If the muslims still ruled the Jewish holy land.

[ame=]The horror of Palestinian Arab refugee camps - YouTube[/ame]
What does this have to do with Israel and Palestine? Are you trying to validate your allegations by tying this somehow to the Palestinian and Israeli conflict? Are you a loser man? It tells us about your character, rather than defend Israel you bring us random videos with Muslims protesting/whatever. Does that mean Israel's policy is inexcusable? Good boy, even you learned that by now.

"because" it is an important insight into the mindset of persons of
the islamic world. Do you want to deny that there exists within the "islamic'
world a notion of 'MUSLIM LAND" based on conquest? Do you want
to insist that within the concept of "MUSLIM LAND" there exists a
concept that once land is determined to be "muslim land" muslims
are encouraged to keep in "muslim forever"?

I first heard the phrase "MUSLIM LAND" long before
1967 ----when both the speaker and I were children.
The speaker was the son of a pakistani diplomat. He
was quite ADAMANT about "MUSLIM LAND" In fact
He was quite adamant about "MUSLIM LAND" in both
asia and the middle east. The "MUSLIM LAND" concept
is very very important to the middle east issue
Glob of shit ACHMADINEJAD could explain it to you.
Both Achmadinejad and Osama could agree on some
issues despite the problem with ----muhummad's son-in-law
ALI HUSSEIN. They could agree on the concept of
"MUSLIM LAND" the most ambitious imperialist ambition
on the planet-----even more ambitious than that of the
What does this have to do with Israel and Palestine? Are you trying to validate your allegations by tying this somehow to the Palestinian and Israeli conflict? Are you a loser man? It tells us about your character, rather than defend Israel you bring us random videos with Muslims protesting/whatever. Does that mean Israel's policy is inexcusable? Good boy, even you learned that by now.

To show that the muslim nutjobs not only want Israel, but much more. Actually they only use their fellow Arabs "Palestinians" as pawns to promote their ambitions. There was no country called Palestine under muslim rule, nor would there be If the muslims still ruled the Jewish holy land.

[ame=]The horror of Palestinian Arab refugee camps - YouTube[/ame]

You're not showing anything, no matter what you may think. The Palestinian cause is a legitimate cause. It's established, you can't twist it around or represent it.
What does this have to do with Israel and Palestine? Are you trying to validate your allegations by tying this somehow to the Palestinian and Israeli conflict? Are you a loser man? It tells us about your character, rather than defend Israel you bring us random videos with Muslims protesting/whatever. Does that mean Israel's policy is inexcusable? Good boy, even you learned that by now.

"because" it is an important insight into the mindset of persons of
the islamic world. Do you want to deny that there exists within the "islamic'
world a notion of 'MUSLIM LAND" based on conquest? Do you want
to insist that within the concept of "MUSLIM LAND" there exists a
concept that once land is determined to be "muslim land" muslims
are encouraged to keep in "muslim forever"?

I first heard the phrase "MUSLIM LAND" long before
1967 ----when both the speaker and I were children.
The speaker was the son of a pakistani diplomat. He
was quite ADAMANT about "MUSLIM LAND" In fact
He was quite adamant about "MUSLIM LAND" in both
asia and the middle east. The "MUSLIM LAND" concept
is very very important to the middle east issue
Glob of shit ACHMADINEJAD could explain it to you.
Both Achmadinejad and Osama could agree on some
issues despite the problem with ----muhummad's son-in-law
ALI HUSSEIN. They could agree on the concept of
"MUSLIM LAND" the most ambitious imperialist ambition
on the planet-----even more ambitious than that of the

No it isn't. What's an important insight is the mindset of Jews, who only went because they believe God gave them the land and that it belongs to them every inch of it. That's their defense to their occupation. They believe they can occupy more land for that reason. So if we take what you say seriously and believe it. Then there's a balance as both sides believe the same exact genre. If we take what you say in consideration.
Jews take in their Jewish brothers, Arabs put theirs in Refugee camps

[ame=]The Forgotten Refugees - 1,000,000 Jews Expelled (Part 1) - YouTube[/ame]

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