Education For A Republican

Moynihan warned LBJ of the hazards of single parent black families, so naturally LBJ and the Dems made that their goal and mission
Irritus Update - Internal Document Not For Public Distribution

Because our benefactors make more money on rifles and long guns it is critical we keep our message of gun safety consistent and constant. Our students and professors realize an AR15 in the home is overkill and if used by the frightened handler may kill the entire family as well as the intruder. Face it folks, many AR15 owners aren't the brightest bulb in the box as shown by all the accidental deaths. Bullet poof walls are being examined but may be too costly and difficult to install in trailers. So while none of our benefactors want to live next to some trigger happy weekend drunk armed with an AR15, we still need big sales, doesn't matter if sold based on dubious facts and confusing data. Irritus will publish the following info on right wing sites, gun hugger sites, and media such as FOX.

Why you need an AR15:

Burglars today often wear bullet proof clothing, your AR15 will penetrate most
Red scope attached to your AR15 guarantees clean kill with minimal home damage
Families must be instructed on first burst of firepower to hit the floor and stay there till all clear
Irreplaceable family pictures must be protected with bullet proof glass
Children's beds should be surrounded by bullet proof material if you can afford it
Wives, girlfriends, or adulterous relationships must know location of second or third bullet clip for quick delivery
Grandparents should sleep in basement or attic and floors must be reinforced
Apartments pose a particular problem as thin walls could cause you to shoot the old lady who lives next store
Family schedules should be reviewed daily so any late entry doesn't result in wasted bullets
Keep propane gas tank location clearly noted and protected as much as possible
Know where the water shutoff is in case of bursting pipes
Dogs cats fish birds and other household pets should be insured because they can't be moved or may even run into the line of fire

We need stories of AR15 saving the lives of people and hamsters because Americans love animals more than their neighbor. Play down all the accidental deaths and mass shootings. Stories like, 'while our walls are full of holes our cat lived through surgery for its missing leg.' The dog and fish may have died in the battle, but the intruder ran away. Grandma died happy in our bullet barrage, shouting 'shoot em' 'shoot em', she died for our freedom is on her tombstone. Stuff like that. Always remember stress freedom even if many causalities.
We have to educate our unfortunate Redneck brothers and sisters. There are good jobs out there, they just aren't qualified to do those jobs.

America has near record 5.8 million job openings

Republicans want easy jobs that pay lots of money. They don't exist. These days, you need "skills". Something Republicans just don't have. That's why GOP CEO's want to bring in immigrants.
Irritus U is happy that our standard bearer and presidential candidate Donald Trump has selected Mike Pence as his VP. Mike's values and votes in congress represent the values our college gives to its students. If America were ever able to have a stable fair society our benefactors and supporters would have to pay their fair share, and we cannot allow that to happen. We preach 'freedom' but that freedom must be controlled. Add to that a contented just society would be much harder to manipulate and thus elect representatives that stir up the pot of resentment over immigrants and minorities while supporting our people. Good luck Mike, Irritus supports you.

Voted NO on $15B bailout for GM and Chrysler. (Dec 2008)
Voted NO on $60B stimulus package for jobs, infrastructure, & energy. (Sep 2008)
Voted NO on revitalizing severely distressed public housing. (Jan 2008)
Voted NO on regulating the subprime mortgage industry. (Nov 2007)"
Future of conservatism demands traditional marriage. (Feb 2008)
Voted NO on prohibiting job discrimination based on sexual orientation. (Nov 2007)
Voted YES on Constitutionally defining marriage as one-man-one-woman. (Jul 2006)
Voted YES on making the PATRIOT Act permanent. (Dec 2005)
Voted YES on Constitutional Amendment banning same-sex marriage. (Sep 2004)
Mike Pence's file | PolitiFact
How long can this hyper-partisan, bullshit lefty masterbation thread go on? There seems to be a bottomless well of self-congratulatory pretense.
At this point, this thread belongs anywhere but the education forum.
Internal Memo: Irritus is in a bit of educational confusion, we managed to get Betsy DeVos but Trump and his advisors are off the wall when it comes to our fundamental goal of privileged free market economics for our people. Stephen Bannon's call to destroy the administrative state could topple our Speaker's goals on republican free market privilege. We are watching closely the executive orders and policy changes and will keep or loyal graduates up to date. More to follow.
Hopefully DeVos dismantles the Federal Department of Progressive Failure and Indoctrination she currently heads
Hello all my faithful readers. I have to update this thread but the current administration makes my satirical education OP seem normal if not quaint. I have to put on my thinking cap and see where it leads me. I also have to acknowledge as I finish reading 'Dark Money' by Jane Mayer there is so much control of education today by big money, it is hard to know where to start. I want to quote a bit of the book in the future.
As our students and benefactors know Irritus often posts books and Internet sites that provide information Irritus finds offensive and contrary to our teachings. The Corporate Conservative Complex has requested we keep these books and sites away from our students. We post this information to keep our still impressible students and graduates free of subversive thoughts. If you should encounter these books in any location please keep young impressible Irritus conservatives away from them. The young mind is often open to thoughts of empathy and benevolence and we need make sure those emotions are only directed to money making and free market ideology. We thank you all for your continuing effort to keep our students free from complex thoughts and analysis.


"Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right" Jane Mayer
'Invisible Hands: The Businessmen's Crusade Against the New Deal' Kim Phillips-Fein
'One Nation Under God: How Corporate America Invented Christian America' by Kevin M. Kruse
'The Rhetoric of Reaction: Perversity, Futility, Jeopardy' Albert O. Hirschman
'Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming' Naomi Oreskes, Erik M. M. Conway


Democracy Now! | Democracy Now!
Common Dreams
Aeon | a world of ideas

"The essence of propaganda consists in winning people over to an idea so sincerely, so vitally, that in the end they succumb to it utterly and can never escape from it." Joseph Goebbels
Our Progressive "educational system" has been a complete success!

We're approaching a minority dropout rate of 50%, and 80% of our high school "graduates" have no employable skills, can neither read nor write at grade level and cannot name 3 Founding Fathers even if you spot then Hamilton and Adams.

Every year, without fail, our students progressively lag the rest of the world and our rate of decline is both steady and increasing.

The Democrat Party will never lack their lifeblood of the poorly educated, government dependent voters, who along with Illegal and the non-living, account for 95% of Democrat votes.

A real success story!
It's great! We need a world dumber than Republicans.

Half-a-century since the Moon landing and millions of college graduates can't figure out Planned Obsolescence in automobiles. I have asked a PhD economist to explain an automobile engine. He could not do it.

I have not been to an auto show to look at that junk for 30 years. Never owned a new car. Try getting an economist to explain what Americans have lost on the depreciation of automobiles every year since the Moon landing.

DUH, what is NET Domestic Product?

Economic Wargames

Greetings, Trump has made this thread seem even more normal, it is difficult to grasp the 'banana republic' he has made in just a year. Swamp doesn't quite cover the shenanigans and perks these clowns are doing on your dime.

Education mentioned just above is rather funny given Betsey DeVos, a complete airhead is America's education secretary. You can't make this stuff up.

But there is hope as while public education is a great fear of 'dark money' and political nonsense, it was great to see teachers striking for more support and education tools.

America's illiteracy rates are staggering but ironically you never hear about that fact on MSM. Reading levels are sad too, is it any wonder Fox and Limbaugh have listeners? People don't realize yet they are being played.

I am busy with life but may one day add to this educational thread. LOL

"Education is dangerous - every educated person is a future enemy." Hermann Goering
The literacy rate in the US is 99%.

Spoken like a true Irritus graduate, bet you graduated at the top of your class.

"Literacy study: 1 in 7 U.S. adults are unable to read this story"

Literacy study: 1 in 7 U.S. adults are unable to read this story -

"Tests reveal approximately 14% of American adults would have tremendous trouble with comprehension of reading and writing... The NAAL 5-year study provided data to clearly show how only 18 to 21% of the population qualifies as being highly literate. Level 1, the lowest on the scale was 21 to 23%. Among the lower literacy levels are the youth of America, particularly those who did not graduate high school or get their GEDs."

Read more at Literacy Rates In The United States"
The literacy rate in the US is 99%.

Spoken like a true Irritus graduate, bet you graduated at the top of your class.

"Literacy study: 1 in 7 U.S. adults are unable to read this story"

Literacy study: 1 in 7 U.S. adults are unable to read this story -

"Tests reveal approximately 14% of American adults would have tremendous trouble with comprehension of reading and writing... The NAAL 5-year study provided data to clearly show how only 18 to 21% of the population qualifies as being highly literate. Level 1, the lowest on the scale was 21 to 23%. Among the lower literacy levels are the youth of America, particularly those who did not graduate high school or get their GEDs."

Read more at Literacy Rates In The United States"

Thanks, Obama!

That's how our Public "education" is designed to work! It's self-sustaining and keeps manufacturing uneducated, government dependent democrat Party voters. You should be proud

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