"Easy Meat" - Multiculturalism, Islam and Child Sex Slavery



I'm in the mental health field. America Blacks score at the 16th percentile of whites in I.Q. Put another way....84% of white have higher I.Q. that the average black person in America. Not racist. Just the facts. The data has been out there over 100 years. It has not varied.

Black in Africa score around I.Q. 70. This is borderline mental retardation. Northeastern Asians (Korean, Chinese, Japanese) tend to score slightly higher than whites. Generally about 3 I.Q. points. Jews score the highest. Average I.Q. 113. Just so you know. Here's a link to the data. Enjoy.

Race, Genes, Intelligence - Facts Are Facts

You need to compare average to average or 84% to 84% or else your data is corrupt, that is statistically speaking.
"Easy Meat" - Multiculturalism, Islam and Child Sex Slavery

Political correctness is the underlying reason why Muslim rapist gangs could operate undisturbed and violate British girls in Great Britain between 1995 and 2009, without any response on part of the authorities. This chocking circumstance emerges from this new report from think tank Law and Freedom Found.
Jimmy Savile OBE the biggest child abuser in UK history, Savile was a Catholic who met the Pope on a number of occasions and was a regular guest of Thatcher.The Muslims have a long way to go to get the title.

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