E-Cigarettes anyone?


Diamond Member
Dec 15, 2010
Fuck Y'all I'm From Texas!
As a longtime smoker I have to say these things are a God send.
After trying everything from Chantix to hypnosis with no success I decided to try the E-Cig.
It's almost been two weeks and I've gone from two packs a day to less then a pack in eleven days. And with the ability to purchase E-liquids with your choice of nicotine levels,it makes it much easier to ween yourself from your dependency on nicotine.
I no longer cough every morning. My sense of smell is coming back(and God does my truck stink) So far it's been a win,win.
The cost is another benefit. I went from over $260 a month to around $30 a month. Obviously this is an estimate since I haven't hit the one month mark,but it seems to be a pretty standard average and it fits with my current use of E-liquids.

Not to mention they have some pretty tasty flavors available :eusa_drool:

So any other success stories out there using E-cigs?
What's the point? Take in poison through water vapor instead of smoke? I guess it's cheaper and that's a good thing anyway.
I must say that I started with E cigarettes....I never thought I could see the day of me stopping smoking but yes...I did it thanks to E cigarettes!

I guess that the price of normal cigarettes was getting too high, totally ridiculous...so yes, I started with E cigs and so far so good! I am very happy!


the health thing.... all and all I recommend it to everybody who wants to quit smoking.:2up:
As a longtime smoker I have to say these things are a God send.
After trying everything from Chantix to hypnosis with no success I decided to try the E-Cig.
It's almost been two weeks and I've gone from two packs a day to less then a pack in eleven days. And with the ability to purchase E-liquids with your choice of nicotine levels,it makes it much easier to ween yourself from your dependency on nicotine.
I no longer cough every morning. My sense of smell is coming back(and God does my truck stink) So far it's been a win,win.
The cost is another benefit. I went from over $260 a month to around $30 a month. Obviously this is an estimate since I haven't hit the one month mark,but it seems to be a pretty standard average and it fits with my current use of E-liquids.

Not to mention they have some pretty tasty flavors available :eusa_drool:

So any other success stories out there using E-cigs?

I am going to start buying the e-cigs the first of the year. Ty for the info, I have perused and window shopped for several months but was a little confused as to what to get. Some are expensive.
I must say that I started with E cigarettes....I never thought I could see the day of me stopping smoking but yes...I did it thanks to E cigarettes!

I guess that the price of normal cigarettes was getting too high, totally ridiculous...so yes, I started with E cigs and so far so good! I am very happy!


the health thing.... all and all I recommend it to everybody who wants to quit smoking.:2up:

What is your cost per month of the e-cigs?
The VA put me on biprophen and Nicoderm patches. The biprophen gave me really dry eyes and dizziness so I quite taking it. The patches were okay.
i've been a smoker since I was 13. I did smoke in front of my family since they all smoked also. I also smokes pipes, chewed Redman and Bull of the Woods plugs, dipped Skoal and cigars.
I am so glad my kids don't smoke.
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I must say that I started with E cigarettes....I never thought I could see the day of me stopping smoking but yes...I did it thanks to E cigarettes!

I guess that the price of normal cigarettes was getting too high, totally ridiculous...so yes, I started with E cigs and so far so good! I am very happy!


the health thing.... all and all I recommend it to everybody who wants to quit smoking.:2up:

What is your cost per month of the e-cigs?

It depends on how heavily you are vaping or smoking them.
If you buy ready made "juice" the cost would be quite high, say $100 or $200 a month, but if you make your own then the price would reduce to about $40 a month, that's juice only, but then there is the hardware cost.

So, so so much cheaper than normal cigarettes!
I must say that I started with E cigarettes....I never thought I could see the day of me stopping smoking but yes...I did it thanks to E cigarettes!

I guess that the price of normal cigarettes was getting too high, totally ridiculous...so yes, I started with E cigs and so far so good! I am very happy!


the health thing.... all and all I recommend it to everybody who wants to quit smoking.:2up:

What is your cost per month of the e-cigs?

It depends on how heavily you are vaping or smoking them.
If you buy ready made "juice" the cost would be quite high, say $100 or $200 a month, but if you make your own then the price would reduce to about $40 a month, that's juice only, but then there is the hardware cost.

So, so so much cheaper than normal cigarettes!

I smoke one pack a day at around 3.50 a pack times 30 equals, so I spend around 100 dollars. I could smoke the cheaper ones that are 2.35 a pack, but I don't like them. I smoke Marlboro black menthol. I also get coupons from Marlboro.com that is a dollar off. I get 2-4 coupons a month.
How do you make your own flavors?
What is your cost per month of the e-cigs?

It depends on how heavily you are vaping or smoking them.
If you buy ready made "juice" the cost would be quite high, say $100 or $200 a month, but if you make your own then the price would reduce to about $40 a month, that's juice only, but then there is the hardware cost.

So, so so much cheaper than normal cigarettes!

I smoke one pack a day at around 3.50 a pack times 30 equals, so I spend around 100 dollars. I could smoke the cheaper ones that are 2.35 a pack, but I don't like them. I smoke Marlboro black menthol. I also get coupons from Marlboro.com that is a dollar off. I get 2-4 coupons a month.
How do you make your own flavors?

It's a complicated subject and you will have to study it on line, but basically you buy the concentrated and mix it yourself. :)
What's the point? Take in poison through water vapor instead of smoke? I guess it's cheaper and that's a good thing anyway.

No one said they are completely harmless. But they are far better then cigarettes which contain over four thousand harmful chemicals.
And with the end game being quitting all together it makes sense.
But hey dont let that stop you from making uninformed comments.
I was a very heavy smoker. Over 2 packs a day. My bather's sister gave him a e-cigarette for his birthday. He let me try it and that was the end of smoking tobacco. My doctor recommends e-cigarettes to all his patirents who smoke.

There is no poison. It's just water vapor. Fog is more unhealthy than e-cig vapor. Since the juice comes in different strengths you could get juice with no nicotine at all. Just flavoring.

I have a permanent tank with replaceable coils. A coil lasts a week. There are five in a pack. A pack is $12.00. A months supply of juice is $20.00. Batteries are $18.00. They last about a year. Averaging it out the cost is less than $50.00 a month.

What I get a kick out of are all the people who complain about second hand smoke. They can smell all that cigarette smoke. I tell them it's a marijuana vaporizer. That makes them happy and they leave me alone.
To spend $100 to $200 a month on juice you'd have to drink it. I know some cigarette stores that sell very expensive juice. I'd never buy it there.

Vape shops are opening up that are reasonable but the best prices are still on-line.
The amount of money saved in one year vaping instead of smoking it's almost $5000!!!!!!

As a longtime smoker I have to say these things are a God send.
After trying everything from Chantix to hypnosis with no success I decided to try the E-Cig.
It's almost been two weeks and I've gone from two packs a day to less then a pack in eleven days. And with the ability to purchase E-liquids with your choice of nicotine levels,it makes it much easier to ween yourself from your dependency on nicotine.
I no longer cough every morning. My sense of smell is coming back(and God does my truck stink) So far it's been a win,win.
The cost is another benefit. I went from over $260 a month to around $30 a month. Obviously this is an estimate since I haven't hit the one month mark,but it seems to be a pretty standard average and it fits with my current use of E-liquids.

Not to mention they have some pretty tasty flavors available :eusa_drool:

So any other success stories out there using E-cigs?

I am going to start buying the e-cigs the first of the year. Ty for the info, I have perused and window shopped for several months but was a little confused as to what to get. Some are expensive.

I started out with two(gotta have that back up)Vission spinners(these are basicly varible volt batteries to control the temp on the coil) and two VapeOnly CE5-S clearomizers. These hold the e-liquid and contain the heating element.
And I picked up five bottles of e-liquid plus five extra coils.
That ran me about $180 bucks. But when you consider I was smoking $260 bucks worth of cigs a month it's a bargain.
While I still like this set up I decided to go for some top end stuff to see what all the fuss was about.
I received my ProVari in the mail today and I have to say I wish I would have gone this route in the first place.
They even have a starter kit for around $200 which is still far cheaper then what I spent monthly on cigs.
To spend $100 to $200 a month on juice you'd have to drink it. I know some cigarette stores that sell very expensive juice. I'd never buy it there.

Vape shops are opening up that are reasonable but the best prices are still on-line.

Thats what I was thinking:lol:
From what I can tell at this early stage I'll probably go through three or four 15 ml bottles a month. And they go for around ten to fifteen bucks a bottle.
I will admit to buying some Castle Long reserve from Five Pawns for $37 bucks, while it was pretty good it wasn't worth the price.
I never never thought in a million years I could give up smoking I have been smoking since I was 13 years old................and all of a sudden...the moment i switched to E cigarettes I never missed the nicotine again!

I wholeheartedly recommend this to everybody!!!! I can't say it enough! :D
My understanding of E-Cigarettes is they enable the ingestion of nicotine via vapor rather than via tobacco smoke, which is contaminated with a variety of harmful chemicals. So if nicotine is the addictive drug that hooks cigarette smokers can I assume the E-Cigarette user is getting the same level of nicotine fix via vapor delivery as from smoking tobacco? If so, I don't understand how using E-Cigarettes can help to wean away from nicotine craving.

But if getting the nicotine fix via vapor reduces or eliminates lung cancer potential, and if the cost of the E-Cigarette method is substantially less then the cost of smoking tobacco cigarettes, then E-Cigarettes are a good thing even if they don't facilitate quitting altogether.

I should mention I smoked cigarettes for thirty-five years and managed to quit (in 1985) with the aid of Nicorette gum (which delivered nicotine via stomach) and Tootsie-Roll lollipops.
My understanding of E-Cigarettes is they enable the ingestion of nicotine via vapor rather than via tobacco smoke, which is contaminated with a variety of harmful chemicals. So if nicotine is the addictive drug that hooks cigarette smokers can I assume the E-Cigarette user is getting the same level of nicotine fix via vapor delivery as from smoking tobacco? If so, I don't understand how using E-Cigarettes can help to wean away from nicotine craving.

But if getting the nicotine fix via vapor reduces or eliminates lung cancer potential, and if the cost of the E-Cigarette method is substantially less then the cost of smoking tobacco cigarettes, then E-Cigarettes are a good thing even if they don't facilitate quitting altogether.

I should mention I smoked cigarettes for thirty-five years and managed to quit (in 1985) with the aid of Nicorette gum (which delivered nicotine via stomach) and Tootsie-Roll lollipops.

Good for you! :thup:

One thing... when I quit normal cigarettes and started with E cig I had the option to use nicote or NOT use nicote...and I decided not to use nicotine. In the beginning I missed it a little but not any more ...not at all :)
My understanding of E-Cigarettes is they enable the ingestion of nicotine via vapor rather than via tobacco smoke, which is contaminated with a variety of harmful chemicals. So if nicotine is the addictive drug that hooks cigarette smokers can I assume the E-Cigarette user is getting the same level of nicotine fix via vapor delivery as from smoking tobacco? If so, I don't understand how using E-Cigarettes can help to wean away from nicotine craving.

But if getting the nicotine fix via vapor reduces or eliminates lung cancer potential, and if the cost of the E-Cigarette method is substantially less then the cost of smoking tobacco cigarettes, then E-Cigarettes are a good thing even if they don't facilitate quitting altogether.

I should mention I smoked cigarettes for thirty-five years and managed to quit (in 1985) with the aid of Nicorette gum (which delivered nicotine via stomach) and Tootsie-Roll lollipops.

Go back and read my first post.
You can buy E-liquid anywhere from 3.6% to 0% nicotine. The idea being to gradually lower the nicotine content over time while still getting that throat hit that makes a cig enjoyable.
I wish I would have done this a long time ago. Not only is it downright easy to put down the analog smokes it's a dang nice experience.

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