Doubts About Donald Trump's Own Medical Records Emerge

Why can't Trump be honest with the American public?

He hides his tax records, lies about his health, lies about how wealthy he is
Why can't Trump be honest with the American public?

He hides his tax records, lies about his health, lies about how wealthy he is

....lied to his ex wives who he paid off & that's the reason why he 'gets along' with them now.....
It's a tough job to defend Trump's statements...he's just as likely to walk them back them back tomorrow.
And then you just look silly...

Deport the illegals, bring back manufacturing jobs and STOP fucking with Russia.

Actually you really look silly.
1. You con man will not deport 12 millions illegals.
2. Bring back manufacturing jobs. I already told you this is a joke. Well known independent economists and republican blasted your con man economic plan as disastrous.

Make America Have a Recession Again

Clinton far better for economy than Trump, say business economists

3. Tell Putin thug to stop murdering civilians in Syria and stop supplying arms to Iran. And tell your lover boy to stop messing with US.

1. Your unsupported opinion is noted and dismissed. Deport the illegals.

2. THe Free Traders have been making their arguments for decades. The results have NOT been as predicted. Time to change policy.

3. Your raving is noted. Stop fucking with Russia.

4. Fuck you.

Are you mad?
1. Your CON MAN will not deport illegals. Dude he is messed up. Even one his major supporter Palin blasted him from flip flopping.

2. You mentioned to me on different thread........ Punish business owners like by increasing the tariff 50%........ Why not 75%? Either way I still make money by charging you ( patients ) the differences. I told you several times you better pray you or others don't get sick.
3. Since you're are promoting Russian propaganda. Why don't today move to Russia?

4. I will not lower myself to your low life category.

1. As I said, your unsupported opinion is noted and dismissed. Deport the Foreign Job Stealers.

2. Can you support your panic mongering of ruinous price increases? Rhetorical question. I know you will not, cause that is not who you are.

3. What russian propaganda are you referring to? Stop fucking with Russia.

4. You started it you homophobic a-hole.

1. You are in denial.

Palin has remained loyal to Trump, and she sometimes still acts as his surrogate. However, she’s not impressed about his flip-flopping on immigration. Trump still can’t make up his mind, but he’s significantly toned down the rhetoric. No longer is he calling immigrants drug dealers and rapists, but now he’s talking about “bad” and “good” ones.

2. Are you ready for a challenge? As long as you sign letter of confidentiality i don't have a problem problem dicking with you. Let me know.
You don't have fucking clue that most of the products that are made in US are expensive
3. Since you love Putin so much. Why don't you move to Russia?
4. Nope.... You are mad because people are kicking your ass.
All the brouhaha over Hillary Clinton's health has overflowed to a December 2015 letter that Donald Trump used to validate his good health. On closer inspection, Newsweek Magazine has noted quite a few discrepancies and because of that new calls for Donald to present evidence of his health are being called. The letter in question seems at best contrived and at worst fake. More to come on this subject for sure, I can't but wonder why Donald Trump would fake something like this unless there is something in his own record he would fear.

"A fake in the sense that Trump wrote it and his sycophant doc signed it:

On December 4, 2015, the Trump campaign released…something.

It purports to be a medical letter, but it is one of the most ridiculous documents ever to emerge in any political campaign. First, the letterhead is in the same font as the letter, which appears to have been created using Microsoft Word. The signature from the doctor is several inches past the signature line—the result you might get if the document had been signed as a blank and filled in later. The letterhead includes a Gmail address—something doctors tell me is extremely unusual, since doctors do not want patients contacting them directly by email as a substitute for scheduling an appointment.

There is also a website listed, but if you follow the URL (, it takes you to, a blank page that asks if you want to upload an update to a Flash program onto your computer (the domain name,, is still for sale. No, I can’t explain that.) If you decline, it does so anyway and, based on the response of the security system on my computer, the “program” on the doctor’s supposed website is a virus.

Then, there is the doctor who allegedly signed this document. His name is Harold N. Bornstein, and he is a gastroenterologist. This kind of physician is a specialist who treats the digestive tract. This is not an internist, who is trained specifically in providing full histories and physicals of patients. The letter signed by Dr. Bornstein, who did not return an email from Newsweek seeking comment, says that he has treated Trump since 1980. However, it mentions no history of the gastrointestinal problem that led the Republican candidate for president to seek out his help. In fact, the letter says Trump has had no significant medical problems. So why has he been seeing a gastroenterologist for over 35 years?"

read:Donald Trump tests positive for everything, according to his own doctor

What a massive pile of male bovine excrement! Trolling anyone?

The man has been his personal physician for 35 years and should know him well enough to write such a letter. He's said he thought about it for some time as he was riding in the limo and only typed it up on his laptop when a Trump aide asked for it.

You Leftists are really scraping the bottom with this.
All the brouhaha over Hillary Clinton's health has overflowed to a December 2015 letter that Donald Trump used to validate his good health. On closer inspection, Newsweek Magazine has noted quite a few discrepancies and because of that new calls for Donald to present evidence of his health are being called. The letter in question seems at best contrived and at worst fake. More to come on this subject for sure, I can't but wonder why Donald Trump would fake something like this unless there is something in his own record he would fear.

"A fake in the sense that Trump wrote it and his sycophant doc signed it:

On December 4, 2015, the Trump campaign released…something.

It purports to be a medical letter, but it is one of the most ridiculous documents ever to emerge in any political campaign. First, the letterhead is in the same font as the letter, which appears to have been created using Microsoft Word. The signature from the doctor is several inches past the signature line—the result you might get if the document had been signed as a blank and filled in later. The letterhead includes a Gmail address—something doctors tell me is extremely unusual, since doctors do not want patients contacting them directly by email as a substitute for scheduling an appointment.

There is also a website listed, but if you follow the URL (, it takes you to, a blank page that asks if you want to upload an update to a Flash program onto your computer (the domain name,, is still for sale. No, I can’t explain that.) If you decline, it does so anyway and, based on the response of the security system on my computer, the “program” on the doctor’s supposed website is a virus.

Then, there is the doctor who allegedly signed this document. His name is Harold N. Bornstein, and he is a gastroenterologist. This kind of physician is a specialist who treats the digestive tract. This is not an internist, who is trained specifically in providing full histories and physicals of patients. The letter signed by Dr. Bornstein, who did not return an email from Newsweek seeking comment, says that he has treated Trump since 1980. However, it mentions no history of the gastrointestinal problem that led the Republican candidate for president to seek out his help. In fact, the letter says Trump has had no significant medical problems. So why has he been seeing a gastroenterologist for over 35 years?"

read:Donald Trump tests positive for everything, according to his own doctor

What a massive pile of male bovine excrement! Trolling anyone?

The man has been his personal physician for 35 years and should know him well enough to write such a letter. He's said he thought about it for some time as he was riding in the limo and only typed it up on his laptop when a Trump aide asked for it.

You Leftists are really scraping the bottom with this.

Trolling? The man's doctor wrote the note in 5 minutes and if Hillary Clinton's doctor did the same, congressional Republicans would have announced the next investigation already. Here's a question for you, why has Donald Trump been seeing a gastroenterologist for 35 years? Read the thread before you make dumb comments there are plenty of question for Donald Trump to answer to.
All the brouhaha over Hillary Clinton's health has overflowed to a December 2015 letter that Donald Trump used to validate his good health. On closer inspection, Newsweek Magazine has noted quite a few discrepancies and because of that new calls for Donald to present evidence of his health are being called. The letter in question seems at best contrived and at worst fake. More to come on this subject for sure, I can't but wonder why Donald Trump would fake something like this unless there is something in his own record he would fear.

"A fake in the sense that Trump wrote it and his sycophant doc signed it:

On December 4, 2015, the Trump campaign released…something.

It purports to be a medical letter, but it is one of the most ridiculous documents ever to emerge in any political campaign. First, the letterhead is in the same font as the letter, which appears to have been created using Microsoft Word. The signature from the doctor is several inches past the signature line—the result you might get if the document had been signed as a blank and filled in later. The letterhead includes a Gmail address—something doctors tell me is extremely unusual, since doctors do not want patients contacting them directly by email as a substitute for scheduling an appointment.

There is also a website listed, but if you follow the URL (, it takes you to, a blank page that asks if you want to upload an update to a Flash program onto your computer (the domain name,, is still for sale. No, I can’t explain that.) If you decline, it does so anyway and, based on the response of the security system on my computer, the “program” on the doctor’s supposed website is a virus.

Then, there is the doctor who allegedly signed this document. His name is Harold N. Bornstein, and he is a gastroenterologist. This kind of physician is a specialist who treats the digestive tract. This is not an internist, who is trained specifically in providing full histories and physicals of patients. The letter signed by Dr. Bornstein, who did not return an email from Newsweek seeking comment, says that he has treated Trump since 1980. However, it mentions no history of the gastrointestinal problem that led the Republican candidate for president to seek out his help. In fact, the letter says Trump has had no significant medical problems. So why has he been seeing a gastroenterologist for over 35 years?"

read:Donald Trump tests positive for everything, according to his own doctor

What a massive pile of male bovine excrement! Trolling anyone?

The man has been his personal physician for 35 years and should know him well enough to write such a letter. He's said he thought about it for some time as he was riding in the limo and only typed it up on his laptop when a Trump aide asked for it.

You Leftists are really scraping the bottom with this.

Trolling? The man's doctor wrote the note in 5 minutes and if Hillary Clinton's doctor did the same, congressional Republicans would have announced the next investigation already. Here's a question for you, why has Donald Trump been seeing a gastroenterologist for 35 years? Read the thread before you make dumb comments there are plenty of question for Donald Trump to answer to.

The doctor may have spent five minutes writing it but Trump spent days rewriting it as the most healthiest person in history
You Leftist trolls are really have fun, aren't you?
We have only just begun. Lets see what the psychiatrist have to say. But it's not about the left vs. the right so much this time. It's about the rational vs. irrational. It's about stability and reason vs. chaos and confusion. It's about what this country stands for. Trump stands for bigotry, xenophobia and hate and that is not us. You maybe but not us.
You don't believe that you can judge a person's true future intentions by their past actions or statements?


If the situation is completely different, and the motivation is completely different, and the expectations of those whom the person is answerable to is completely different,

than assuming that they will behave in exactly the same fashion is insane.
I'll translate if I may...

"It depends on so many factors such as;
  • Is he/she Republican?
  • Is he/she Donald Trump?"

You take a man, put him in a different job, with different bosses and different expectations and different motivations and different level of observation, when he is different,

and you expect the exact same behavior as in his last job?

Your above dismissal of my point was because you could not substantially challenge my point in any meaningful way.

Your position is absurd.
So, if that's your position then you'll agree that it's wrong to label Hillary as crooked, a liar and untrustworthy because she's never been President before so she'll probably act differently when in office.
Her past actions have no bearing on how she'll act as President.

Personality traits are very different from job functions.

An asshole in one job will still likely be an asshole in another job,

but he will be doing a DIFFERENT JOB.
I thought so...
Trump's rumored (admitted?) multiple bouts of syphilis have affected his present health.

If the situation is completely different, and the motivation is completely different, and the expectations of those whom the person is answerable to is completely different,

than assuming that they will behave in exactly the same fashion is insane.
I'll translate if I may...

"It depends on so many factors such as;
  • Is he/she Republican?
  • Is he/she Donald Trump?"

You take a man, put him in a different job, with different bosses and different expectations and different motivations and different level of observation, when he is different,

and you expect the exact same behavior as in his last job?

Your above dismissal of my point was because you could not substantially challenge my point in any meaningful way.

Your position is absurd.
So, if that's your position then you'll agree that it's wrong to label Hillary as crooked, a liar and untrustworthy because she's never been President before so she'll probably act differently when in office.
Her past actions have no bearing on how she'll act as President.

Personality traits are very different from job functions.

An asshole in one job will still likely be an asshole in another job,

but he will be doing a DIFFERENT JOB.
I thought so...

People don't often change and especially when they are old.

People do change jobs all the time.

I have a buddy who worked his way though college delivering pizza.

Once he got a job in his field, he never wandered off from his job and spent the day driving around, like he did in his old job.

YOur position on this is absurd.
I'll translate if I may...

"It depends on so many factors such as;
  • Is he/she Republican?
  • Is he/she Donald Trump?"

You take a man, put him in a different job, with different bosses and different expectations and different motivations and different level of observation, when he is different,

and you expect the exact same behavior as in his last job?

Your above dismissal of my point was because you could not substantially challenge my point in any meaningful way.

Your position is absurd.
So, if that's your position then you'll agree that it's wrong to label Hillary as crooked, a liar and untrustworthy because she's never been President before so she'll probably act differently when in office.
Her past actions have no bearing on how she'll act as President.

Personality traits are very different from job functions.

An asshole in one job will still likely be an asshole in another job,

but he will be doing a DIFFERENT JOB.
I thought so...

People don't often change and especially when they are old.

People do change jobs all the time.

I have a buddy who worked his way though college delivering pizza.

Once he got a job in his field, he never wandered off from his job and spent the day driving around, like he did in his old job.

YOur position on this is absurd.

'People don't often change and especially when they are old.'

somebody better tell those delusional congress critters in the Republican Party that Drumpf is incapable of 'pivoting'. how many times has that idea been thrown out to the poorly educated right wingers , only to see him revert right back to his insane rants?

  • Thanks
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If the situation is completely different, and the motivation is completely different, and the expectations of those whom the person is answerable to is completely different,

than assuming that they will behave in exactly the same fashion is insane.
I'll translate if I may...

"It depends on so many factors such as;
  • Is he/she Republican?
  • Is he/she Donald Trump?"

You take a man, put him in a different job, with different bosses and different expectations and different motivations and different level of observation, when he is different,

and you expect the exact same behavior as in his last job?

Your above dismissal of my point was because you could not substantially challenge my point in any meaningful way.

Your position is absurd.
So, if that's your position then you'll agree that it's wrong to label Hillary as crooked, a liar and untrustworthy because she's never been President before so she'll probably act differently when in office.
Her past actions have no bearing on how she'll act as President.

Personality traits are very different from job functions.

An asshole in one job will still likely be an asshole in another job,

but he will be doing a DIFFERENT JOB.
I thought so...
Nice try.
You take a man, put him in a different job, with different bosses and different expectations and different motivations and different level of observation, when he is different,

and you expect the exact same behavior as in his last job?

Your above dismissal of my point was because you could not substantially challenge my point in any meaningful way.

Your position is absurd.
So, if that's your position then you'll agree that it's wrong to label Hillary as crooked, a liar and untrustworthy because she's never been President before so she'll probably act differently when in office.
Her past actions have no bearing on how she'll act as President.

Personality traits are very different from job functions.

An asshole in one job will still likely be an asshole in another job,

but he will be doing a DIFFERENT JOB.
I thought so...

People don't often change and especially when they are old.

People do change jobs all the time.

I have a buddy who worked his way though college delivering pizza.

Once he got a job in his field, he never wandered off from his job and spent the day driving around, like he did in his old job.

YOur position on this is absurd.

'People don't often change and especially when they are old.'

somebody better tell those delusional congress critters in the Republican Party that Drumpf is incapable of 'pivoting'. how many times has that idea been thrown out to the poorly educated right wingers , only to see him revert right back to his insane rants?

That's nice.
The left's "perceived" Trump health issues are nothing compared to Hillary's obvious health issues.
Oh yeah? just look at my signature and tell me there isn't something wrong with the guy when he has the same behavioral patterns as a convicted serial killer.

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