Doubts About Donald Trump's Own Medical Records Emerge

you have a real problem with people who disagree with you & hallucinate a lot don't you?

I have a problem with people who are very rude, such as you have been.

i have a problem with people who are so poorly educated they refuse to see their own lives getting screwed when it's right in front of them.

reminds me of the animal house quote:
'thank -you sir, may i have another?'.

YOur inability to respect someone that disagrees with your political opinion is in keeping with the standard lib closed mind.

And very different from me having a problem with very rude people, like you.

lol, that's not true. I just don't respect nutjobs.

You implicitly agreed that Trump can get along with other people.

But you are such a partisan whore that you cannot bring yourself to explicitly state it.

And you are a rude asshole with nothing relevant to add to the discussion.

Fuck you.

I may be an asshole, but I can be nice when I feel like it. Unlike you, you're an idiot; and from that, there is no recovery.

Case in point, you repeatedly claim I "pulled the race card," when in fact, I never called Crazy Donald racist.

And interestingly enough, I relied on the same study you pointed me to, which reads that approximately 0.2% to 0.4% of Mexicans in this country illegally have been convicted of rape.

You failed in your attempt to dismiss the study's numbers based on what you cite as me guessing. But you fail since my guesses were to include everyone possible in that study as being a rapist. My "guesses" were to count every unidentified alien as an illegal alien and every count of a sexual offense as rape. That resulted in a maximum rate of 0.4%.

And here's where your hypocrisy shines so bright ... while I reference that study to show at most, 0.4% of Mexicans here illegally have been convicted of rape, you criticize me judgement...

... at the same time, you laud Crazy Donald's judgement using that same study when he concluded that all but "some" Mexicans here illegally are rapists, even though the actual number is less than 4 for every 1000.


1. Your use of the word "bigoted" in conjunction with a complaint about Mexicans made your intent clear, Race Card.

2. It is one thing to look at a number like "recent U.S. Sentencing Commission data that showed that although illegal aliens only account for 3.5 percent of the U.S. population, they accounted for 36.7 percent of federal sentences in Fiscal Year 2014."

and conclude there is a problem.

It is another to start piling guesses on incomplete data. THe more variables the more the errors can be multiplied and increased so that incomplete data can lead to conclusions that are complete BS.

Not to mention a complete lack of context.

FOR example, your "calculations" lead to a claim of a sex related incarceration rate of 4/1,000 or, 400/100,000 for illegal Mexicans.

The overall incarceration rate for the US is only 500/100,000.

Deport the illegals, and seal the border.
Great. :eusa_doh: Now the brain-dead conservative thinks Mexican is a race. <smh>

Do you also think Mexican is the language they speak, like Bush thought?

1. Save your quibbling for some one who is on your side. your intent was clear, Race Card.

2. It is one thing to look at a number like "recent U.S. Sentencing Commission data that showed that although illegal aliens only account for 3.5 percent of the U.S. population, they accounted for 36.7 percent of federal sentences in Fiscal Year 2014."

and conclude there is a problem.

It is another to start piling guesses on incomplete data. THe more variables the more the errors can be multiplied and increased so that incomplete data can lead to conclusions that are complete BS.

Not to mention a complete lack of context.

FOR example, your "calculations" lead to a claim of a sex related incarceration rate of 4/1,000 or, 400/100,000 for illegal Mexicans.

The overall incarceration rate for the US is only 500/100,000.

Deport the illegals, and seal the border.
Sorry, brain-dead conservative... but Mexican is not a race. One is not playing the race card when one is not even injecting race into the conversation.

And your idiocy that Crazy Donald is accurate in his assessment of incomplete data but I'm not is laughable and doesn't prove me wrong as much as it proves you're just a Crazy Donald ball-licking sycophant.

We're both looking at the same numbers. Yet you think he's right for calling all but "some" Mexicans, "rapists," when in fact, the data shows no more than 0.4% have been convicted of rape.

1. Save your quibbling for some one who is on your side. your intent was clear, Race Card.
Who's quibbling? You proved yourself to be an idiot who thinks Mexican is a race.

2. your "calculations" lead to a claim of a sex related incarceration rate of 4/1,000 or, 400/100,000 for illegal Mexicans.

The overall incarceration rate for the US is only 500/100,000.
As usual, you have no fucking clue what you're talking about...

Total adult inmate population (2014): 2,224,400

Total U.S. population (2014): 320,282,544

7/1000 or 695/100000 or 39% higher than you claimed.

And the 0.4% figure was the absolute highest possible figure if you count every single unidentified alien as being here illegally (which they're not) and if you count every sex offense as rape (which they're not).

So the real number falls somewhere in between 0.2% and 0.4%.

But even at 0.4% ... it's ludicrous to paint all but "some" illegal Mexican immigrants as rapists.
And Crazy Donald nows says some of them can stay.

Sounds more like Obama's immigration policy.
Only the "nice" ones
Some conservatives are not taking Crazy Donald's flip-flopping lightly..

How Trump Betrayed Ann Coulter on Immigration

That article is a load of shit written by an asshole.

Stomping your feet and shaking your cane at the sky doesn't actually prove anything other than you're pissed.

You present the article as proof that some conservatives are not taking Trump's (your childish spin dropped, you moron) "flip flopping lightly.

Yet, that article is obviously written not by Ann, but by some one who has NOTHING but contempt for Trump, his supporters and Ann Coulter.

The majority of the piece is nothing but mindless partisan blather and the Race Card.

And at the end, it has ZERO quotes from Ann's response to this issue.

It ends up claiming that she is "minimizing" this "reversal" which is a direct contradiction of the article's main point.

The article is a load of shit written by an asshole.

That you found it impressive reflects poorly on you.
That you reject reality reveals much about you...

Ann Coulter Criticizes Trump's Immigration Plan, Blames Ailes
1. Your use of the word "bigoted" in conjunction with a complaint about Mexicans made your intent clear, Race Card.

2. It is one thing to look at a number like "recent U.S. Sentencing Commission data that showed that although illegal aliens only account for 3.5 percent of the U.S. population, they accounted for 36.7 percent of federal sentences in Fiscal Year 2014."

and conclude there is a problem.

It is another to start piling guesses on incomplete data. THe more variables the more the errors can be multiplied and increased so that incomplete data can lead to conclusions that are complete BS.

Not to mention a complete lack of context.

FOR example, your "calculations" lead to a claim of a sex related incarceration rate of 4/1,000 or, 400/100,000 for illegal Mexicans.

The overall incarceration rate for the US is only 500/100,000.

Deport the illegals, and seal the border.
Great. :eusa_doh: Now the brain-dead conservative thinks Mexican is a race. <smh>

Do you also think Mexican is the language they speak, like Bush thought?

1. Save your quibbling for some one who is on your side. your intent was clear, Race Card.

2. It is one thing to look at a number like "recent U.S. Sentencing Commission data that showed that although illegal aliens only account for 3.5 percent of the U.S. population, they accounted for 36.7 percent of federal sentences in Fiscal Year 2014."

and conclude there is a problem.

It is another to start piling guesses on incomplete data. THe more variables the more the errors can be multiplied and increased so that incomplete data can lead to conclusions that are complete BS.

Not to mention a complete lack of context.

FOR example, your "calculations" lead to a claim of a sex related incarceration rate of 4/1,000 or, 400/100,000 for illegal Mexicans.

The overall incarceration rate for the US is only 500/100,000.

Deport the illegals, and seal the border.
Sorry, brain-dead conservative... but Mexican is not a race. One is not playing the race card when one is not even injecting race into the conversation.

And your idiocy that Crazy Donald is accurate in his assessment of incomplete data but I'm not is laughable and doesn't prove me wrong as much as it proves you're just a Crazy Donald ball-licking sycophant.

We're both looking at the same numbers. Yet you think he's right for calling all but "some" Mexicans, "rapists," when in fact, the data shows no more than 0.4% have been convicted of rape.

1. Save your quibbling for some one who is on your side. your intent was clear, Race Card.
Who's quibbling? You proved yourself to be an idiot who thinks Mexican is a race.

2. your "calculations" lead to a claim of a sex related incarceration rate of 4/1,000 or, 400/100,000 for illegal Mexicans.

The overall incarceration rate for the US is only 500/100,000.
As usual, you have no fucking clue what you're talking about...

Total adult inmate population (2014): 2,224,400

Total U.S. population (2014): 320,282,544

7/1000 or 695/100000 or 39% higher than you claimed.

And the 0.4% figure was the absolute highest possible figure if you count every single unidentified alien as being here illegally (which they're not) and if you count every sex offense as rape (which they're not).

So the real number falls somewhere in between 0.2% and 0.4%.

But even at 0.4% ... it's ludicrous to paint all but "some" illegal Mexican immigrants as rapists.

"Rapist" was part of a list of complaints, not the only complaint.

"recent U.S. Sentencing Commission data that showed that although illegal aliens only account for 3.5 percent of the U.S. population, they accounted for 36.7 percent of federal sentences in Fiscal Year 2014."

there is a problem.
Only the "nice" ones
Some conservatives are not taking Crazy Donald's flip-flopping lightly..

How Trump Betrayed Ann Coulter on Immigration

That article is a load of shit written by an asshole.

Stomping your feet and shaking your cane at the sky doesn't actually prove anything other than you're pissed.

You present the article as proof that some conservatives are not taking Trump's (your childish spin dropped, you moron) "flip flopping lightly.

Yet, that article is obviously written not by Ann, but by some one who has NOTHING but contempt for Trump, his supporters and Ann Coulter.

The majority of the piece is nothing but mindless partisan blather and the Race Card.

And at the end, it has ZERO quotes from Ann's response to this issue.

It ends up claiming that she is "minimizing" this "reversal" which is a direct contradiction of the article's main point.

The article is a load of shit written by an asshole.

That you found it impressive reflects poorly on you.
That you reject reality reveals much about you...

Ann Coulter Criticizes Trump's Immigration Plan, Blames Ailes

Nothing in that article addresses any of my points above.

"Coulter remains a loyal Trump supporter. “I can criticize my guy and still support him,” Coulter said. “Since the convention, since his speech at the convention, he has not made any mistakes until now.

“The media just makes stuff up, reinterprets his words, doesn’t show people what he says, lies about him,” she added. “He’s been magnificent in every speech since the convention. And I think he should just keep doing that.”
First of all, your spin is just you being a jerk.

Second of all, Donald Trump's site, connects to this article, with multiple links to supporting studies and documents.

NBC Covers Up Evidence of Immigration Crime Wave

THe various stats are incomplete, as is discussed in the article, but the general shape and scale of the problem is discernible, if one is not a dishonest partisan.
Oh, noooo..... a brain-dead conservative calls me a jerk for hoisting him by his own petard. However shall I go on?

Brain-dead conservative ... aside from your joke of linking to, that article relies heavily on the government data you said is unreliable. According to you, "the government is not effectively tracking crime by illegals, or immigrants."

So why the fuck are you fluffing Crazy Donald by saying he's using said ineffective government studies as proof to back his bigoted statement?
It's a tough job to defend Trump's statements...he's just as likely to walk them back them back tomorrow.
And then you just look silly...

Deport the illegals, bring back manufacturing jobs and STOP fucking with Russia.

Actually you really look silly.
1. You con man will not deport 12 millions illegals.
2. Bring back manufacturing jobs. I already told you this is a joke. Well known independent economists and republican blasted your con man economic plan as disastrous.

Make America Have a Recession Again

Clinton far better for economy than Trump, say business economists

3. Tell Putin thug to stop murdering civilians in Syria and stop supplying arms to Iran. And tell your lover boy to stop messing with US.

1. Your unsupported opinion is noted and dismissed. Deport the illegals.

2. THe Free Traders have been making their arguments for decades. The results have NOT been as predicted. Time to change policy.

3. Your raving is noted. Stop fucking with Russia.

4. Fuck you.

Are you mad?
1. Your CON MAN will not deport illegals. Dude he is messed up. Even one his major supporter Palin blasted him from flip flopping.

2. You mentioned to me on different thread........ Punish business owners like by increasing the tariff 50%........ Why not 75%? Either way I still make money by charging you ( patients ) the differences. I told you several times you better pray you or others don't get sick.
3. Since you're are promoting Russian propaganda. Why don't today move to Russia?

4. I will not lower myself to your low life category.
He employs 'illegals', has his merchandise manufactured overseas and cosys up to Putin...even advocating Russian propaganda points.
Who's doing the spinning?

Your alleged complaints about his past behavior is not a challenge to his stated policy platform.

Deport the illegals, bring back the manufacturing jobs and

Your enmity with Putin is senseless. THe Cold War is over.

Stop fucking with Russia.
You don't believe that you can judge a person's true future intentions by their past actions or statements?


If the situation is completely different, and the motivation is completely different, and the expectations of those whom the person is answerable to is completely different,

than assuming that they will behave in exactly the same fashion is insane.
I'll translate if I may...

"It depends on so many factors such as;
  • Is he/she Republican?
  • Is he/she Donald Trump?"

You take a man, put him in a different job, with different bosses and different expectations and different motivations and different level of observation, when he is different,

and you expect the exact same behavior as in his last job?

Your above dismissal of my point was because you could not substantially challenge my point in any meaningful way.

Your position is absurd.
So, if that's your position then you'll agree that it's wrong to label Hillary as crooked, a liar and untrustworthy because she's never been President before so she'll probably act differently when in office.
Her past actions have no bearing on how she'll act as President.
I'll translate if I may...

"It depends on so many factors such as;
  • Is he/she Republican?
  • Is he/she Donald Trump?"

You take a man, put him in a different job, with different bosses and different expectations and different motivations and different level of observation, when he is different,

and you expect the exact same behavior as in his last job?

Your above dismissal of my point was because you could not substantially challenge my point in any meaningful way.

Your position is absurd.


Nothing in your post addressed the point I raised.

YOu simply repeated the original lib position/talking point.

That is the Logical Fallacy of Argument by Assertion and your point is invalid.

My point stands.

ONly a fool would assume the same behavior in a completely different situation.


Manufacturing shirts in China is hardly a "basic aspect".

My point stands.

ONly a fool would assume the same behavior in a completely different situation
So, we should assume that Hillary will do what she promises when elected?
That takes away a big chunk of the Republicans' attacks.

how come you can never explicitly admit Drumpf is a racist by his explicit history of showing himself to be an explicit one?

Doubts About Donald Trump's Own Medical Records Emerge

There is nothing racist about wanting to deport illegal aliens.

Try to be less of a dishonest lefty.

For you.


that's nice. i do believe it was explained to you that 'mexican' is not a race. now.... care to answer my question regarding Drumpf's explicit racism towards a real race? you know, them thar blacks?
Oh, noooo..... a brain-dead conservative calls me a jerk for hoisting him by his own petard. However shall I go on?

Brain-dead conservative ... aside from your joke of linking to, that article relies heavily on the government data you said is unreliable. According to you, "the government is not effectively tracking crime by illegals, or immigrants."

So why the fuck are you fluffing Crazy Donald by saying he's using said ineffective government studies as proof to back his bigoted statement?
It's a tough job to defend Trump's statements...he's just as likely to walk them back them back tomorrow.
And then you just look silly...

Deport the illegals, bring back manufacturing jobs and STOP fucking with Russia.

Actually you really look silly.
1. You con man will not deport 12 millions illegals.
2. Bring back manufacturing jobs. I already told you this is a joke. Well known independent economists and republican blasted your con man economic plan as disastrous.

Make America Have a Recession Again

Clinton far better for economy than Trump, say business economists

3. Tell Putin thug to stop murdering civilians in Syria and stop supplying arms to Iran. And tell your lover boy to stop messing with US.

1. Your unsupported opinion is noted and dismissed. Deport the illegals.

2. THe Free Traders have been making their arguments for decades. The results have NOT been as predicted. Time to change policy.

3. Your raving is noted. Stop fucking with Russia.

4. Fuck you.

Are you mad?
1. Your CON MAN will not deport illegals. Dude he is messed up. Even one his major supporter Palin blasted him from flip flopping.

2. You mentioned to me on different thread........ Punish business owners like by increasing the tariff 50%........ Why not 75%? Either way I still make money by charging you ( patients ) the differences. I told you several times you better pray you or others don't get sick.
3. Since you're are promoting Russian propaganda. Why don't today move to Russia?

4. I will not lower myself to your low life category.

1. As I said, your unsupported opinion is noted and dismissed. Deport the Foreign Job Stealers.

2. Can you support your panic mongering of ruinous price increases? Rhetorical question. I know you will not, cause that is not who you are.

3. What russian propaganda are you referring to? Stop fucking with Russia.

4. You started it you homophobic a-hole.
Your alleged complaints about his past behavior is not a challenge to his stated policy platform.

Deport the illegals, bring back the manufacturing jobs and

Your enmity with Putin is senseless. THe Cold War is over.

Stop fucking with Russia.
You don't believe that you can judge a person's true future intentions by their past actions or statements?


If the situation is completely different, and the motivation is completely different, and the expectations of those whom the person is answerable to is completely different,

than assuming that they will behave in exactly the same fashion is insane.
I'll translate if I may...

"It depends on so many factors such as;
  • Is he/she Republican?
  • Is he/she Donald Trump?"

You take a man, put him in a different job, with different bosses and different expectations and different motivations and different level of observation, when he is different,

and you expect the exact same behavior as in his last job?

Your above dismissal of my point was because you could not substantially challenge my point in any meaningful way.

Your position is absurd.
So, if that's your position then you'll agree that it's wrong to label Hillary as crooked, a liar and untrustworthy because she's never been President before so she'll probably act differently when in office.
Her past actions have no bearing on how she'll act as President.

Personality traits are very different from job functions.

An asshole in one job will still likely be an asshole in another job,

but he will be doing a DIFFERENT JOB.
You take a man, put him in a different job, with different bosses and different expectations and different motivations and different level of observation, when he is different,

and you expect the exact same behavior as in his last job?

Your above dismissal of my point was because you could not substantially challenge my point in any meaningful way.

Your position is absurd.


Nothing in your post addressed the point I raised.

YOu simply repeated the original lib position/talking point.

That is the Logical Fallacy of Argument by Assertion and your point is invalid.

My point stands.

ONly a fool would assume the same behavior in a completely different situation.


Manufacturing shirts in China is hardly a "basic aspect".

My point stands.

ONly a fool would assume the same behavior in a completely different situation
So, we should assume that Hillary will do what she promises when elected?
That takes away a big chunk of the Republicans' attacks.

I assume that she will import Muslims and hispanics without vetting, keep shipping jobs overseas, and keep fucking with Russia, AND appoint racist lefties to the Supreme Court.

Some of that I know she has promised to do. I believe she will keep those promises.

how come you can never explicitly admit Drumpf is a racist by his explicit history of showing himself to be an explicit one?

Doubts About Donald Trump's Own Medical Records Emerge

There is nothing racist about wanting to deport illegal aliens.

Try to be less of a dishonest lefty.

For you.


that's nice. i do believe it was explained to you that 'mexican' is not a race. now.... care to answer my question regarding Drumpf's explicit racism towards a real race? you know, them thar blacks?

As I have no idea what you are talking about, I cannot comment.

Trying to give working class blacks jobs is hardly racist.

how come you can never explicitly admit Drumpf is a racist by his explicit history of showing himself to be an explicit one?

Doubts About Donald Trump's Own Medical Records Emerge

There is nothing racist about wanting to deport illegal aliens.

Try to be less of a dishonest lefty.

For you.


that's nice. i do believe it was explained to you that 'mexican' is not a race. now.... care to answer my question regarding Drumpf's explicit racism towards a real race? you know, them thar blacks?

As I have no idea what you are talking about, I cannot comment.

Trying to give working class blacks jobs is hardly racist.

My post #469, from this very thread. When I originally posted it directly to you, it was ignored. I linked it again in just a few posts ago & again you didn't address it.

Drumpf has a record of racial discrimination dating back 40 years. He doesn't care about 'the blacks'.

How is giving speeches concerning 'the blacks' to white americans in white districts trying to give them jobs? Why won't he speak to the NAACP? why is he scared to?
Drumpf wrote that letter & the 'Doctor' merely signed it. He even laughed at the end when he mentioned Donnie's 'mental health'


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