Doomsday Pope warns man's greed will destroy world


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
20 November 2014 - 16H08
Doomsday pope warns man's greed will destroy world


© Pool/AFP | Pope Francis attends the International Conference on Nutrition (CIN2) at the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) headquarters in Rome, on November 20, 2014
Pope Francis warned Thursday that planet earth would not forgive the abuse of its resources for profit, urging the world's leaders to rein in their greed and help the hungry -- or risk a doomsday scenario in which nature would exact revenge.

"God always forgives, but the earth does not," the Argentine pope told the Second International Conference on Nutrition (CIN2) in Rome, a three-day meeting aimed at tackling malnutrition, a global scourge which afflicts poor and rich alike.

"Take care of the earth so it does not respond with destruction," he warned representatives from 190 countries gathered for the conference organised by the UN food agency (FAO) and World Health Organization (WHO) in the Italian capital.

The 77-year old, a staunch defender of the poor and downtrodden, said the world had "paid too little heed to those who are hungry."

While the number of undernourished people dropped by over half in the past two decades, some 805 million people were still affected in 2014.

"It is also painful to see the struggle against hunger and malnutrition hindered by 'market priorities', the 'primacy of profit', which reduce foodstuffs to a commodity like any other, subject to speculation and financial speculation in particular," Francis said.

"The hungry remain at the street corner... and ask for a healthy diet. We ask for dignity, not for charity," he said.

The pope has in the past launched several scathing attacks on those who get rich through market speculation, particularly the practice of betting on the price of food commodities which can inflate prices and see poor families go hungry.

He urged the world's population to have "mutual respect, instead of fighting between themselves, damaging and impoverishing the planet."

While he praised the work of the FAO and WHO in getting the delegates to adopt a "Rome Declaration on Nutrition" and "Framework for Action", he called on those drawing up "rules and technical measures" not to lose sight of the hungry man "fighting for survival".

"Feed the hungry, save life on the planet," Francis said at the end of his speech which was met with a standing ovation.

The declaration focuses on improving access to healthy food but also the growing problem of inactive over-eaters.

Two billion people suffer from deficiencies in nutrients such as vitamin A, iron and zinc -- a condition known as "hidden hunger" by experts -- while 42 million children and 500 million adults are overweight or obese.

Flash - Doomsday pope warns man x27 s greed will destroy world - France 24

The Pope has officially become a world-class menace, with his attack on the capitalist system, and his insistence that a Communist system be set up to distribute food.

The Pope obviously doesn't understand how the free market works, or the role of speculators, who undertake risks so farmers don't have to.

The most hunger, government-imposed, has occurred in Communist countries. Millions died during the famine in Ukraine, imposed by Stalin as a punishment for not going along with Communist theories.

And yet this Pope, completely ignorant about history, claims that capitalism is the problem.
20 November 2014 - 16H08
Doomsday pope warns man's greed will destroy world


© Pool/AFP | Pope Francis attends the International Conference on Nutrition (CIN2) at the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) headquarters in Rome, on November 20, 2014
Pope Francis warned Thursday that planet earth would not forgive the abuse of its resources for profit, urging the world's leaders to rein in their greed and help the hungry -- or risk a doomsday scenario in which nature would exact revenge.

"God always forgives, but the earth does not," the Argentine pope told the Second International Conference on Nutrition (CIN2) in Rome, a three-day meeting aimed at tackling malnutrition, a global scourge which afflicts poor and rich alike.

"Take care of the earth so it does not respond with destruction," he warned representatives from 190 countries gathered for the conference organised by the UN food agency (FAO) and World Health Organization (WHO) in the Italian capital.

The 77-year old, a staunch defender of the poor and downtrodden, said the world had "paid too little heed to those who are hungry."

While the number of undernourished people dropped by over half in the past two decades, some 805 million people were still affected in 2014.

"It is also painful to see the struggle against hunger and malnutrition hindered by 'market priorities', the 'primacy of profit', which reduce foodstuffs to a commodity like any other, subject to speculation and financial speculation in particular," Francis said.

"The hungry remain at the street corner... and ask for a healthy diet. We ask for dignity, not for charity," he said.

The pope has in the past launched several scathing attacks on those who get rich through market speculation, particularly the practice of betting on the price of food commodities which can inflate prices and see poor families go hungry.

He urged the world's population to have "mutual respect, instead of fighting between themselves, damaging and impoverishing the planet."

While he praised the work of the FAO and WHO in getting the delegates to adopt a "Rome Declaration on Nutrition" and "Framework for Action", he called on those drawing up "rules and technical measures" not to lose sight of the hungry man "fighting for survival".

"Feed the hungry, save life on the planet," Francis said at the end of his speech which was met with a standing ovation.

The declaration focuses on improving access to healthy food but also the growing problem of inactive over-eaters.

Two billion people suffer from deficiencies in nutrients such as vitamin A, iron and zinc -- a condition known as "hidden hunger" by experts -- while 42 million children and 500 million adults are overweight or obese.

Flash - Doomsday pope warns man x27 s greed will destroy world - France 24

The Pope has officially become a world-class menace, with his attack on the capitalist system, and his insistence that a Communist system be set up to distribute food.

The Pope obviously doesn't understand how the free market works, or the role of speculators, who undertake risks so farmers don't have to.

The most hunger, government-imposed, has occurred in Communist countries. Millions died during the famine in Ukraine, imposed by Stalin as a punishment for not going along with Communist theories.

And yet this Pope, completely ignorant about history, claims that capitalism is the problem.

Funny then that your own article says he's saying "greed" is the problem. So does the article's title. So does your thread's title.

So you're saying "capitalism" and "greed" are the same thing?
You pro-greed then?
The Pope is actually telling us that the Earth is a thinking being who will take revenge on us if we don't feed the poor. He's completely flipped his lid. How did this nutcase get elected?
If we keep giving food to poor people in Africa, what's their motivation to go to work in the morning and put in the 9-5 grind?
20 November 2014 - 16H08
Doomsday pope warns man's greed will destroy world


© Pool/AFP | Pope Francis attends the International Conference on Nutrition (CIN2) at the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) headquarters in Rome, on November 20, 2014
Pope Francis warned Thursday that planet earth would not forgive the abuse of its resources for profit, urging the world's leaders to rein in their greed and help the hungry -- or risk a doomsday scenario in which nature would exact revenge.

"God always forgives, but the earth does not," the Argentine pope told the Second International Conference on Nutrition (CIN2) in Rome, a three-day meeting aimed at tackling malnutrition, a global scourge which afflicts poor and rich alike.

"Take care of the earth so it does not respond with destruction," he warned representatives from 190 countries gathered for the conference organised by the UN food agency (FAO) and World Health Organization (WHO) in the Italian capital.

The 77-year old, a staunch defender of the poor and downtrodden, said the world had "paid too little heed to those who are hungry."

While the number of undernourished people dropped by over half in the past two decades, some 805 million people were still affected in 2014.

"It is also painful to see the struggle against hunger and malnutrition hindered by 'market priorities', the 'primacy of profit', which reduce foodstuffs to a commodity like any other, subject to speculation and financial speculation in particular," Francis said.

"The hungry remain at the street corner... and ask for a healthy diet. We ask for dignity, not for charity," he said.

The pope has in the past launched several scathing attacks on those who get rich through market speculation, particularly the practice of betting on the price of food commodities which can inflate prices and see poor families go hungry.

He urged the world's population to have "mutual respect, instead of fighting between themselves, damaging and impoverishing the planet."

While he praised the work of the FAO and WHO in getting the delegates to adopt a "Rome Declaration on Nutrition" and "Framework for Action", he called on those drawing up "rules and technical measures" not to lose sight of the hungry man "fighting for survival".

"Feed the hungry, save life on the planet," Francis said at the end of his speech which was met with a standing ovation.

The declaration focuses on improving access to healthy food but also the growing problem of inactive over-eaters.

Two billion people suffer from deficiencies in nutrients such as vitamin A, iron and zinc -- a condition known as "hidden hunger" by experts -- while 42 million children and 500 million adults are overweight or obese.

Flash - Doomsday pope warns man x27 s greed will destroy world - France 24

The Pope has officially become a world-class menace, with his attack on the capitalist system, and his insistence that a Communist system be set up to distribute food.

The Pope obviously doesn't understand how the free market works, or the role of speculators, who undertake risks so farmers don't have to.

The most hunger, government-imposed, has occurred in Communist countries. Millions died during the famine in Ukraine, imposed by Stalin as a punishment for not going along with Communist theories.

And yet this Pope, completely ignorant about history, claims that capitalism is the problem.

Funny then that your own article says he's saying "greed" is the problem. So does the article's title. So does your thread's title.

So you're saying "capitalism" and "greed" are the same thing?
You pro-greed then?

Oh, the Christian Right of today....they worship the almighty dollar and Ayn Rand, the atheist. :p
I do not worship the dollar, and I do not care for Ayn Rand. How do your ridiculous stereotypes fit me?
In Genes
20 November 2014 - 16H08
Doomsday pope warns man's greed will destroy world


© Pool/AFP | Pope Francis attends the International Conference on Nutrition (CIN2) at the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) headquarters in Rome, on November 20, 2014
Pope Francis warned Thursday that planet earth would not forgive the abuse of its resources for profit, urging the world's leaders to rein in their greed and help the hungry -- or risk a doomsday scenario in which nature would exact revenge.

"God always forgives, but the earth does not," the Argentine pope told the Second International Conference on Nutrition (CIN2) in Rome, a three-day meeting aimed at tackling malnutrition, a global scourge which afflicts poor and rich alike.

"Take care of the earth so it does not respond with destruction," he warned representatives from 190 countries gathered for the conference organised by the UN food agency (FAO) and World Health Organization (WHO) in the Italian capital.

The 77-year old, a staunch defender of the poor and downtrodden, said the world had "paid too little heed to those who are hungry."

While the number of undernourished people dropped by over half in the past two decades, some 805 million people were still affected in 2014.

"It is also painful to see the struggle against hunger and malnutrition hindered by 'market priorities', the 'primacy of profit', which reduce foodstuffs to a commodity like any other, subject to speculation and financial speculation in particular," Francis said.

"The hungry remain at the street corner... and ask for a healthy diet. We ask for dignity, not for charity," he said.

The pope has in the past launched several scathing attacks on those who get rich through market speculation, particularly the practice of betting on the price of food commodities which can inflate prices and see poor families go hungry.

He urged the world's population to have "mutual respect, instead of fighting between themselves, damaging and impoverishing the planet."

While he praised the work of the FAO and WHO in getting the delegates to adopt a "Rome Declaration on Nutrition" and "Framework for Action", he called on those drawing up "rules and technical measures" not to lose sight of the hungry man "fighting for survival".

"Feed the hungry, save life on the planet," Francis said at the end of his speech which was met with a standing ovation.

The declaration focuses on improving access to healthy food but also the growing problem of inactive over-eaters.

Two billion people suffer from deficiencies in nutrients such as vitamin A, iron and zinc -- a condition known as "hidden hunger" by experts -- while 42 million children and 500 million adults are overweight or obese.

Flash - Doomsday pope warns man x27 s greed will destroy world - France 24

The Pope has officially become a world-class menace, with his attack on the capitalist system, and his insistence that a Communist system be set up to distribute food.

The Pope obviously doesn't understand how the free market works, or the role of speculators, who undertake risks so farmers don't have to.

The most hunger, government-imposed, has occurred in Communist countries. Millions died during the famine in Ukraine, imposed by Stalin as a punishment for not going along with Communist theories.

And yet this Pope, completely ignorant about history, claims that capitalism is the problem.

So what feel-good hippie branch of Christianity do you subscribe to?
In Genes
20 November 2014 - 16H08
Doomsday pope warns man's greed will destroy world


© Pool/AFP | Pope Francis attends the International Conference on Nutrition (CIN2) at the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) headquarters in Rome, on November 20, 2014
Pope Francis warned Thursday that planet earth would not forgive the abuse of its resources for profit, urging the world's leaders to rein in their greed and help the hungry -- or risk a doomsday scenario in which nature would exact revenge.

"God always forgives, but the earth does not," the Argentine pope told the Second International Conference on Nutrition (CIN2) in Rome, a three-day meeting aimed at tackling malnutrition, a global scourge which afflicts poor and rich alike.

"Take care of the earth so it does not respond with destruction," he warned representatives from 190 countries gathered for the conference organised by the UN food agency (FAO) and World Health Organization (WHO) in the Italian capital.

The 77-year old, a staunch defender of the poor and downtrodden, said the world had "paid too little heed to those who are hungry."

While the number of undernourished people dropped by over half in the past two decades, some 805 million people were still affected in 2014.

"It is also painful to see the struggle against hunger and malnutrition hindered by 'market priorities', the 'primacy of profit', which reduce foodstuffs to a commodity like any other, subject to speculation and financial speculation in particular," Francis said.

"The hungry remain at the street corner... and ask for a healthy diet. We ask for dignity, not for charity," he said.

The pope has in the past launched several scathing attacks on those who get rich through market speculation, particularly the practice of betting on the price of food commodities which can inflate prices and see poor families go hungry.

He urged the world's population to have "mutual respect, instead of fighting between themselves, damaging and impoverishing the planet."

While he praised the work of the FAO and WHO in getting the delegates to adopt a "Rome Declaration on Nutrition" and "Framework for Action", he called on those drawing up "rules and technical measures" not to lose sight of the hungry man "fighting for survival".

"Feed the hungry, save life on the planet," Francis said at the end of his speech which was met with a standing ovation.

The declaration focuses on improving access to healthy food but also the growing problem of inactive over-eaters.

Two billion people suffer from deficiencies in nutrients such as vitamin A, iron and zinc -- a condition known as "hidden hunger" by experts -- while 42 million children and 500 million adults are overweight or obese.

Flash - Doomsday pope warns man x27 s greed will destroy world - France 24

The Pope has officially become a world-class menace, with his attack on the capitalist system, and his insistence that a Communist system be set up to distribute food.

The Pope obviously doesn't understand how the free market works, or the role of speculators, who undertake risks so farmers don't have to.

The most hunger, government-imposed, has occurred in Communist countries. Millions died during the famine in Ukraine, imposed by Stalin as a punishment for not going along with Communist theories.

And yet this Pope, completely ignorant about history, claims that capitalism is the problem.

So what feel-good hippie branch of Christianity do you subscribe to?
I am Catholic, though it seems this Pope is determined to beat me out the door with a broomstick.
In Genes
20 November 2014 - 16H08
Doomsday pope warns man's greed will destroy world


© Pool/AFP | Pope Francis attends the International Conference on Nutrition (CIN2) at the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) headquarters in Rome, on November 20, 2014
Pope Francis warned Thursday that planet earth would not forgive the abuse of its resources for profit, urging the world's leaders to rein in their greed and help the hungry -- or risk a doomsday scenario in which nature would exact revenge.

"God always forgives, but the earth does not," the Argentine pope told the Second International Conference on Nutrition (CIN2) in Rome, a three-day meeting aimed at tackling malnutrition, a global scourge which afflicts poor and rich alike.

"Take care of the earth so it does not respond with destruction," he warned representatives from 190 countries gathered for the conference organised by the UN food agency (FAO) and World Health Organization (WHO) in the Italian capital.

The 77-year old, a staunch defender of the poor and downtrodden, said the world had "paid too little heed to those who are hungry."

While the number of undernourished people dropped by over half in the past two decades, some 805 million people were still affected in 2014.

"It is also painful to see the struggle against hunger and malnutrition hindered by 'market priorities', the 'primacy of profit', which reduce foodstuffs to a commodity like any other, subject to speculation and financial speculation in particular," Francis said.

"The hungry remain at the street corner... and ask for a healthy diet. We ask for dignity, not for charity," he said.

The pope has in the past launched several scathing attacks on those who get rich through market speculation, particularly the practice of betting on the price of food commodities which can inflate prices and see poor families go hungry.

He urged the world's population to have "mutual respect, instead of fighting between themselves, damaging and impoverishing the planet."

While he praised the work of the FAO and WHO in getting the delegates to adopt a "Rome Declaration on Nutrition" and "Framework for Action", he called on those drawing up "rules and technical measures" not to lose sight of the hungry man "fighting for survival".

"Feed the hungry, save life on the planet," Francis said at the end of his speech which was met with a standing ovation.

The declaration focuses on improving access to healthy food but also the growing problem of inactive over-eaters.

Two billion people suffer from deficiencies in nutrients such as vitamin A, iron and zinc -- a condition known as "hidden hunger" by experts -- while 42 million children and 500 million adults are overweight or obese.

Flash - Doomsday pope warns man x27 s greed will destroy world - France 24

The Pope has officially become a world-class menace, with his attack on the capitalist system, and his insistence that a Communist system be set up to distribute food.

The Pope obviously doesn't understand how the free market works, or the role of speculators, who undertake risks so farmers don't have to.

The most hunger, government-imposed, has occurred in Communist countries. Millions died during the famine in Ukraine, imposed by Stalin as a punishment for not going along with Communist theories.

And yet this Pope, completely ignorant about history, claims that capitalism is the problem.

So what feel-good hippie branch of Christianity do you subscribe to?
I am Catholic, though it seems this Pope is determined to beat me out the door with a broomstick.

If the Pope beats you out with a broomstick then you're probably not a very good Catholic.
When the Pope teaches ex cathedra on faith and morals he is infallible, says the Catholic Church.

Otherwise, he is as prone to ignorance as any other man, especially when he talks about economics.

Leftists like the Pope are completely ignorant about economics.

They think they can just wish things to happen, and that will make them come true.

But guess what, you need money to grow food. Farmers aren't going to work for free.

This Pope seems to think we can just give free food to everyone, and somehow it will all work out.
In Genes
20 November 2014 - 16H08
Doomsday pope warns man's greed will destroy world


© Pool/AFP | Pope Francis attends the International Conference on Nutrition (CIN2) at the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) headquarters in Rome, on November 20, 2014
Pope Francis warned Thursday that planet earth would not forgive the abuse of its resources for profit, urging the world's leaders to rein in their greed and help the hungry -- or risk a doomsday scenario in which nature would exact revenge.

"God always forgives, but the earth does not," the Argentine pope told the Second International Conference on Nutrition (CIN2) in Rome, a three-day meeting aimed at tackling malnutrition, a global scourge which afflicts poor and rich alike.

"Take care of the earth so it does not respond with destruction," he warned representatives from 190 countries gathered for the conference organised by the UN food agency (FAO) and World Health Organization (WHO) in the Italian capital.

The 77-year old, a staunch defender of the poor and downtrodden, said the world had "paid too little heed to those who are hungry."

While the number of undernourished people dropped by over half in the past two decades, some 805 million people were still affected in 2014.

"It is also painful to see the struggle against hunger and malnutrition hindered by 'market priorities', the 'primacy of profit', which reduce foodstuffs to a commodity like any other, subject to speculation and financial speculation in particular," Francis said.

"The hungry remain at the street corner... and ask for a healthy diet. We ask for dignity, not for charity," he said.

The pope has in the past launched several scathing attacks on those who get rich through market speculation, particularly the practice of betting on the price of food commodities which can inflate prices and see poor families go hungry.

He urged the world's population to have "mutual respect, instead of fighting between themselves, damaging and impoverishing the planet."

While he praised the work of the FAO and WHO in getting the delegates to adopt a "Rome Declaration on Nutrition" and "Framework for Action", he called on those drawing up "rules and technical measures" not to lose sight of the hungry man "fighting for survival".

"Feed the hungry, save life on the planet," Francis said at the end of his speech which was met with a standing ovation.

The declaration focuses on improving access to healthy food but also the growing problem of inactive over-eaters.

Two billion people suffer from deficiencies in nutrients such as vitamin A, iron and zinc -- a condition known as "hidden hunger" by experts -- while 42 million children and 500 million adults are overweight or obese.

Flash - Doomsday pope warns man x27 s greed will destroy world - France 24

The Pope has officially become a world-class menace, with his attack on the capitalist system, and his insistence that a Communist system be set up to distribute food.

The Pope obviously doesn't understand how the free market works, or the role of speculators, who undertake risks so farmers don't have to.

The most hunger, government-imposed, has occurred in Communist countries. Millions died during the famine in Ukraine, imposed by Stalin as a punishment for not going along with Communist theories.

And yet this Pope, completely ignorant about history, claims that capitalism is the problem.

So what feel-good hippie branch of Christianity do you subscribe to?
I am Catholic, though it seems this Pope is determined to beat me out the door with a broomstick.

If the Pope beats you out with a broomstick then you're probably not a very good Catholic.
I never claimed to be a good Catholic. I am a mediocre Catholic. If I get into heaven, it is because God has forgiven my sins, not because I earned it.

This Pope is a raging lunatic. As a Catholic, it pains me to say this. He is undermining the Church every time he opens his mouth. I know the Church will survive this, but many Catholics will lose their faith because of this Pope.
When the Pope teaches ex cathedra on faith and morals he is infallible, says the Catholic Church.

Otherwise, he is as prone to ignorance as any other man, especially when he talks about economics.

Leftists like the Pope are completely ignorant about economics.

They think they can just wish things to happen, and that will make them come true.

But guess what, you need money to grow food. Farmers aren't going to work for free.

This Pope seems to think we can just give free food to everyone, and somehow it will all work out.

The Pope thinks it will "all work out?" I can give you 3 reasons why. You can guess them if you think hard enough.
The Pope is actually telling us that the Earth is a thinking being who will take revenge on us if we don't feed the poor. He's completely flipped his lid. How did this nutcase get elected?
Just what Jesus told you.
No, the Earth is an inanimate object, a creation of God. We are stewards of the Earth, and all it contains. We do not worship the Earth as a living entity. The Earth does not take "revenge" on us. The Pope is losing his mind, he is obviously too old and feeble-minded for his position. Maybe the stress is getting to him.
Nothing kills a man's soul faster than providing him with free food, shelter, and clothing, so that all his needs are completely met.

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