Are there any conservative atheists out there?


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
Are there any conservative atheists out there? I'd like to hear from you.
I've only known one conservative atheist. He was a level-headed and intelligent coworker of mine who simply couldn't accept that God existed (or was, at least, skeptical of His existence). I'm a Christian but he didn't hold that against me and I didn't condemn him for his atheism. We agreed almost completely on most political matters and he had nothing at all against Christians; nativity scenes; crosses; Bibles; prayer; churches; or a person's right to believe what he/she wanted.
I've only known one conservative atheist. He was a level-headed and intelligent coworker of mine who simply couldn't accept that God existed (or was, at least, skeptical of His existence). I'm a Christian but he didn't hold that against me and I didn't condemn him for his atheism. We agreed almost completely on most political matters and he had nothing at all against Christians; nativity scenes; crosses; Bibles; prayer; churches; or a person's right to believe what he/she wanted.
I think that most people are indifferent to your bibles, Korans, Mafioso Books of the Dead, whatever.

It's only a problem when you people insist that everyone else has to be accommodating to your demands for those religious icons, practices and items of idol worship be placed within the realm of government and your religious dogma be required in public schools.
Liberal atheists say that if we don't accept same-sex marriage and abortion we are trying to shove Christianity down their throats.
Do conservative atheists feel this way?
There are people who agree with Ayn Rand, so one must assume...

I am not an atheist I am an agnostic

  1. a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God or of anything beyond material phenomena; a person who claims neither faith nor disbelief in God.
Most conservatives are sensible, ergo it is unlikely that a conservative would be so obtuse as to demand that there is no god and no possibility of a god or gods.

I have seen no evidence to support the notion of a god, nor have I seen evidence that precludes such a possibility.
I once knew a conservative atheist, who was also a Jew. I would like to think that conservative atheists understand that in a free country, all religious faith (including lack of faith) is protected by the First Amendment, and therefore, should be respected as part of the compact that we Americans share.

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