Dogs refuse to eat vegan "meat"...

Disagree all you like. The Bible is an accurate, for the most part, telling of history before the Jews, and of the early Jewish history.

It is also a compendium of laws mainly taken from the Epic of Gilgamesh.

Those are irrefutable facts.

The modern Bible only comes into its current form around the year 850. I can't remember the exact year of the meetings that chose which Gospels to use.

Once again, this is a irrefutable fact.

So, feel free to disagree, just realize you are breaking a Commandment when you do it.
Then why is everybody making a HUGE fucking deal about what we believe and what we don't!? Jeeze!!! :rolleyes:
Because you mock people who have a problem with not being cruel to animals

You are a willfully ignorant and foolish woman.

Your behavior towards people who are kind to animals is exactly the same as a pro-aborts would treat you. Maybe you should think about that if you're even capable of thinking that deeply (which I doubt).

The thread was created by as an idiot who mocks the choice of veganism. So when a vegan responds, you get upset.

What other animals do you torture?
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Because you mock people who have a problem with not being cruel to animals

You are a willfully ignorant and foolish woman.

The thread was created by as an idiot who mocks the choice of veganism. So when a vegan responds, you get upset.

What other animals do you torture?

I have said repeatedly I don't care what you do.

You DO care what I eat.

Just mind your own business.
No, but eating animals isn't abuse because God said we can and I pointed it out where He said it.
Animals are abused in factory farms where 98 to 99% of meat, dairy, and eggs come from. So to go to the store and buy these products or anything with these products in them, is supporting animal abuse. So eating these animals or their products is implicitly sinning.

Eating animals is part of God's permissive will. Just as he allows divorce for certain reasons, he permits eating the flesh of animals. It is not his perfect will for us. It is not what he designed in the beginning in Genesis 1. And it is not the world that is to come, in the next age, when Jesus comes back and fully redeems this world. We will again all be eating a plant-based diet including the animals.

God also expects everything we do if we eat animals to be merciful. We are not to abuse them, torture them, cause pain and suffering. But virtually ALL animals used to become flesh food are abused, tortured, suffering immensely, living in terror and fear continuously, in filth and unnatural conditions, being pumped full of chemicals to make them grow big fast, and antibiotics in hopes they'll survive long enough to get to slaughter. And many cows, chickens, pigs, or any other creature in a factory farm setting, is still alive while it's being mutilated and cut up into pieces, having its hide ripped off or it's feathers ripped out. They are alive, feeling every moment of it, and in complete terror. Imagine if this were your dog or cat, that you love, that you know suffers pain, that you know suffers psychological pain and suffering as well as physical. All farmed animals suffer psychological pain and suffering as well.

This most certainly is abuse.
Animals are abused in factory farms where 98 to 99% of meat, dairy, and eggs come from. So to go to the store and buy these products or anything with these products in them, is supporting animal abuse. So eating these animals or their products is implicitly sinning.

Eating animals is part of God's permissive will. Just as he allows divorce for certain reasons, he permits eating the flesh of animals. It is not his perfect will for us. It is not what he designed in the beginning in Genesis 1. And it is not the world that is to come, in the next age, when Jesus comes back and fully redeems this world. We will again all be eating a plant-based diet including the animals.

God also expects everything we do if we eat animals to be merciful. We are not to abuse them, torture them, cause pain and suffering. But virtually ALL animals used to become flesh food are abused, tortured, suffering immensely, living in terror and fear continuously, in filth and unnatural conditions, being pumped full of chemicals to make them grow big fast, and antibiotics in hopes they'll survive long enough to get to slaughter. And many cows, chickens, pigs, or any other creature in a factory farm setting, is still alive while it's being mutilated and cut up into pieces, having its hide ripped off or it's feathers ripped out. They are alive, feeling every moment of it, and in complete terror. Imagine if this were your dog or cat, that you love, that you know suffers pain, that you know suffers psychological pain and suffering as well as physical. All farmed animals suffer psychological pain and suffering as well.

This most certainly is abuse.

So you don't have to eat animals then if it bothers you. I don't care. Problem solved. The diet that I have has absolutely nothing to do with you, it doesn't impact you and you don't even know me so quit worrying about me and just continue doing what you're doing and leave us all the hell alone if we do choose to eat meat. Clearly we're not interested in changing our diets. Not in this lifetime at least.
True, but now one of them is spreading lies about me.

No I don't. I never said anything of the sort in this thread.

Preach it brother!!! :yes_text12:

Extremists lie, and whine and snivel.
Animals are abused in factory farms where 98 to 99% of meat, dairy, and eggs come from. So to go to the store and buy these products or anything with these products in them, is supporting animal abuse. So eating these animals or their products is implicitly sinning.

Eating animals is part of God's permissive will. Just as he allows divorce for certain reasons, he permits eating the flesh of animals. It is not his perfect will for us. It is not what he designed in the beginning in Genesis 1. And it is not the world that is to come, in the next age, when Jesus comes back and fully redeems this world. We will again all be eating a plant-based diet including the animals.

God also expects everything we do if we eat animals to be merciful. We are not to abuse them, torture them, cause pain and suffering. But virtually ALL animals used to become flesh food are abused, tortured, suffering immensely, living in terror and fear continuously, in filth and unnatural conditions, being pumped full of chemicals to make them grow big fast, and antibiotics in hopes they'll survive long enough to get to slaughter. And many cows, chickens, pigs, or any other creature in a factory farm setting, is still alive while it's being mutilated and cut up into pieces, having its hide ripped off or it's feathers ripped out. They are alive, feeling every moment of it, and in complete terror. Imagine if this were your dog or cat, that you love, that you know suffers pain, that you know suffers psychological pain and suffering as well as physical. All farmed animals suffer psychological pain and suffering as well.

This most certainly is abuse.
God has "allowed" humans to do brutal and savage things to one another and even to the animals. That's free will in this present evil world. It doesn't mean He condones your behavior.

The abortionist turns babies into hamburger, but a Day of Judgement is coming for that man. He won't always be free to as he pleases.

A smart person tries to live in harmony with God's will, not see how much he/she can get away with.
God has "allowed" humans to do brutal and savage things to one another and even to the animals. That's free will in this present evil world. It doesn't mean He condones your behavior.

The abortionist turns babies into hamburger, but a Day of Judgement is coming for that man. He won't always be free to as he pleases.

A smart person tries to live in harmony with God's will, not see how much he/she can get away with.

I live my life like lions do.

When they go vegan, I will too.
Another one of those loons that think that milking hurts a cow. YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What do you think about when you think of milking a cow? Some guy sitting on a bench with a bucket underneath the cow and milking her? Maybe milking her like this isn't painful. Like on the family farm the way it was before 1950.

But since factory farming came into play cows are not milked this way anymore. They are indeed in a factory setting where everything is mechanized. And the milking process is also mechanized. They're udders also are grossly larger than they should be to the point where some cows cannot even walk naturally anymore. It's very very painful for them. And the way they are milked is with a machine. Often, the cow is not hooked up to these machines properly and it causes them extreme pain. Pain they cannot stop because they are like a caged animal, they cannot move to get away from the pain, they are forced to endure it. They have no choice in a factory farm set. There is more pus in your milk then you can imagine because these so called farmers don't care if the cow has sore nipples while they're milking they milk them anyway. They bleed and they get infected and all this goes into your milk. These animals suffer terribly.

When after just a few years of this abuse and pain, oh like five or six, when a cow is used to living to 20 years when living naturally before 1950 on a family farm, after these few short years of milking her incessantly like this, she becomes a spent cow. This is the word they use for a cow that is no longer useful for milking. These cows go to slaughter and lots of times become hamburger or dog food because they are so sick they are not good for any other kind of flesh food. Often they cannot walk. So these so-called farmers will hook her up by a foot to a heavy metal chain and drag her while she screams, or they will pick her up in a front loader like they use to dig dirt with, the big front loaders metal scoop will pick up the cow and they will dump her in the trucks that take them to slaughter where she can often time break limbs or even have her back broken. They don't care how she makes it to slaughter or how she suffers along the way. Imagine this animal is your cat or dog that you love dearly who is your family member. This cow feels the very same things that your cat or dog would in the same circumstance.

FJB said they are perfectly fine with factory farm settings in today's world because she knows they are treated humanely. Better look again, there is NOTHING Humane about factory farm settings. FJB also agreed that treating animals cruelly is a sin. So there's a clear contradiction in behavior here.

Look, vegans are simply wanting kindness to all animals not just some. Christian vegans the same, only we want to help people understand that God did not create animals for us to eat or abuse the way we are doing so today. It's just that simple. God wants us to be merciful, kind, loving, just in all the things we do toward one another, toward his animals, and toward the earth. If something we participate in people causes abuse to animals whether it's our cats or our dogs, or any other living creature that we all profess feel pain and suffer the same as you or I or our cat or dog would in the same circumstances, then we should stop doing it. I truly have come to believe in the short time I've been in this thread reading the comments that most people simply want to justify the fact that they love the taste of meat and they don't want to change, even when they find out that they are participating in extreme abuse to animals and somewhere deep down inside they know it's wrong, that's why y'all get so defensive. That my friends is God's Spirit convicting you that you need to look a little closer. For those who say you can't tell me what to do, sounds a little bit like the original sin where you just want to do it your own way and you don't want to obey God or look at God's reasons for asking us to be kind and merciful towards animals.
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