Does the Lack of Enthusiasm for the Democrat Convention Translate to a Lack of Enthusiasm at the Voting Booth?

i wonder if chachi will be the key note speaker for the RNC? or the my pillow guy - that is unless he poisons himself.

/—-/That’s the best you got? Now this is funny stuff.View attachment 376787

no it's not. it's kinda pathetic.
/——/ OK, how about this one?
No wonder they're pushing effortless voting. There is ZERO Enthusiasm for for these two. If Democrats cant make voting effortless, NOBODY would stand in line to vote for the Vegetable and the Mattress

Ratings for the Democratic National Convention were down considerably from four years ago on the broadcast networks and three main cable news channels — not a surprising result given that much of the convention isn't taking place live and the general decline of linear TV viewing in the past four years.
The Democrats certainly seem to think so. That's their other reason for wanting mail in voting for everyone.
i wonder if chachi will be the key note speaker for the RNC? or the my pillow guy - that is unless he poisons himself.

/—-/That’s the best you got? Now this is funny stuff.View attachment 376787

no it's not. it's kinda pathetic.
/——/ OK, how about this one?
View attachment 376943View attachment 376944

View attachment 376953

i like ^^^ that one ^^^ more.
/—-/ He didn’t forget, he tried and failed miserably. Thank God sending weapons to Mexican drug cartels didn’t work out the way he planned to turn Americans against the 2nd Amendment.
The american dream...a good life in exchange for hard slowly dying under Trump

Biden will Build Back Better, my friends
How? By raising taxes? By implementing the Green New Deal? Joe Biden is a disaster in waiting. He was second in command during the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression and offers nothing that's going to work at this crucial juncture.

The "American Dream" has never been achieved by government intervention. It's achieved by giving people with ambition the opportunity to make something of themselves! That's like Kryptonite to a progressive! They want a citizenry that's dependent on government with as little self sufficiency was possible!

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