We’re Paying The Price For The Death Of Journalism


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

15 Mar 2020 ~~ By Derek Hunter
That journalism is dead has been a punchline for so long that we’ve forgotten how that fact has real world consequences. We’re now paying the price for the failure of that profession to hold itself to any semblance of standards. As worry and straight-up panic sweep large swaths of the country, causing irrational toilet paper hoarding and runs on canned goods, there is no outlet and no journalist worthy of trust when it comes to conveying truthful information to the public or to hold anyone in power accountable.
Eight years of sycophantic, throne sniffing coverage under President Barack Obama gave way to four years of nitpicking, hostility, and conspiracy theories. There are no standards anymore; if someone on TV hates President Trump, there is no outrageous, medically dubious statement they can make on CNN or MSNBC that will be challenged and if they love him, there is nothing that will be challenged on Fox. The opposite is true on those networks if you replace “President Trump” with any Democrat.
This cheer leading is fine if the story is about politics, but this isn’t about politics, this is about life and death. Corona-virus is a serious threat, but only to a very small segment of the population. Hyping or downplaying it is profoundly unhelpful when honesty is needed. But there isn’t anyone trusted across the board in media to convey truthful information.
So you get manufactured panic and runs on toilet paper; supermarkets have empty shelves and fights break out over a lack of basics.
Media Democrats hype death totals without providing important perspective, perpetuating panic because it’s good for ratings and their party. More people are in danger from the panic being incited by pundits, politicians, and journalists than they are from coronavirus. You’d never know that if you turned on your TV.
But ask yourself an important question: if coronavirus is the threat they portray it as, why are liberals engaging in an argument over semantics?
~~ Snip ~~
Unfortunately, you can’t find news anymore because journalism is dead. It didn’t die of coronavirus, it didn’t even die of Trump Derangement Syndrome (though that helped push it over the edge), it was a slow suicide. And now we’re paying the price.

Unfortunately our educational system has been deeply infiltrated by Socialists that prefer to revise history to their preferences and inculcate their fallacies into the minds of children from kindergarten to College.
There is pro and con on the subject, yet what average citizen seeks when reading, listening or viewing the "News" is simply the facts and 'Truth' above all, not the fear mongering, dissemination of political propaganda and disinformation. The old adage of "if it bleeds it reads" still holds.
Disagreeing with the MSM or their political preferences often leads to be labeled as a racist, xenophobe, or worse while the end results are catastrophic in many cases where children are now gender confused, and murder in cities are virtually ignored.
While media tries to tear down Trump and his administration, have you ever heard or read talking heads at ABC, CNN CNBC, MSNBC, NYT, WaPo, or Huff-Po criticize Obama, Clinton, Brennan, Clapper, Holder or their associates?

15 Mar 2020 ~~ By Derek Hunter
That journalism is dead has been a punchline for so long that we’ve forgotten how that fact has real world consequences. We’re now paying the price for the failure of that profession to hold itself to any semblance of standards. As worry and straight-up panic sweep large swaths of the country, causing irrational toilet paper hoarding and runs on canned goods, there is no outlet and no journalist worthy of trust when it comes to conveying truthful information to the public or to hold anyone in power accountable.
Eight years of sycophantic, throne sniffing coverage under President Barack Obama gave way to four years of nitpicking, hostility, and conspiracy theories. There are no standards anymore; if someone on TV hates President Trump, there is no outrageous, medically dubious statement they can make on CNN or MSNBC that will be challenged and if they love him, there is nothing that will be challenged on Fox. The opposite is true on those networks if you replace “President Trump” with any Democrat.
This cheer leading is fine if the story is about politics, but this isn’t about politics, this is about life and death. Corona-virus is a serious threat, but only to a very small segment of the population. Hyping or downplaying it is profoundly unhelpful when honesty is needed. But there isn’t anyone trusted across the board in media to convey truthful information.
So you get manufactured panic and runs on toilet paper; supermarkets have empty shelves and fights break out over a lack of basics.
Media Democrats hype death totals without providing important perspective, perpetuating panic because it’s good for ratings and their party. More people are in danger from the panic being incited by pundits, politicians, and journalists than they are from coronavirus. You’d never know that if you turned on your TV.
But ask yourself an important question: if coronavirus is the threat they portray it as, why are liberals engaging in an argument over semantics?
~~ Snip ~~
Unfortunately, you can’t find news anymore because journalism is dead. It didn’t die of coronavirus, it didn’t even die of Trump Derangement Syndrome (though that helped push it over the edge), it was a slow suicide. And now we’re paying the price.

Unfortunately our educational system has been deeply infiltrated by Socialists that prefer to revise history to their preferences and inculcate their fallacies into the minds of children from kindergarten to College.
There is pro and con on the subject, yet what average citizen seeks when reading, listening or viewing the "News" is simply the facts and 'Truth' above all, not the fear mongering, dissemination of political propaganda and disinformation. The old adage of "if it bleeds it reads" still holds.
Disagreeing with the MSM or their political preferences often leads to be labeled as a racist, xenophobe, or worse while the end results are catastrophic in many cases where children are now gender confused, and murder in cities are virtually ignored.
While media tries to tear down Trump and his administration, have you ever heard or read talking heads at ABC, CNN CNBC, MSNBC, NYT, WaPo, or Huff-Po criticize Obama, Clinton, Brennan, Clapper, Holder or their associates?

Well said.

15 Mar 2020 ~~ By Derek Hunter
That journalism is dead has been a punchline for so long that we’ve forgotten how that fact has real world consequences. We’re now paying the price for the failure of that profession to hold itself to any semblance of standards. As worry and straight-up panic sweep large swaths of the country, causing irrational toilet paper hoarding and runs on canned goods, there is no outlet and no journalist worthy of trust when it comes to conveying truthful information to the public or to hold anyone in power accountable.
Eight years of sycophantic, throne sniffing coverage under President Barack Obama gave way to four years of nitpicking, hostility, and conspiracy theories. There are no standards anymore; if someone on TV hates President Trump, there is no outrageous, medically dubious statement they can make on CNN or MSNBC that will be challenged and if they love him, there is nothing that will be challenged on Fox. The opposite is true on those networks if you replace “President Trump” with any Democrat.
This cheer leading is fine if the story is about politics, but this isn’t about politics, this is about life and death. Corona-virus is a serious threat, but only to a very small segment of the population. Hyping or downplaying it is profoundly unhelpful when honesty is needed. But there isn’t anyone trusted across the board in media to convey truthful information.
So you get manufactured panic and runs on toilet paper; supermarkets have empty shelves and fights break out over a lack of basics.
Media Democrats hype death totals without providing important perspective, perpetuating panic because it’s good for ratings and their party. More people are in danger from the panic being incited by pundits, politicians, and journalists than they are from coronavirus. You’d never know that if you turned on your TV.
But ask yourself an important question: if coronavirus is the threat they portray it as, why are liberals engaging in an argument over semantics?
~~ Snip ~~
Unfortunately, you can’t find news anymore because journalism is dead. It didn’t die of coronavirus, it didn’t even die of Trump Derangement Syndrome (though that helped push it over the edge), it was a slow suicide. And now we’re paying the price.

Unfortunately our educational system has been deeply infiltrated by Socialists that prefer to revise history to their preferences and inculcate their fallacies into the minds of children from kindergarten to College.
There is pro and con on the subject, yet what average citizen seeks when reading, listening or viewing the "News" is simply the facts and 'Truth' above all, not the fear mongering, dissemination of political propaganda and disinformation. The old adage of "if it bleeds it reads" still holds.
Disagreeing with the MSM or their political preferences often leads to be labeled as a racist, xenophobe, or worse while the end results are catastrophic in many cases where children are now gender confused, and murder in cities are virtually ignored.
While media tries to tear down Trump and his administration, have you ever heard or read talking heads at ABC, CNN CNBC, MSNBC, NYT, WaPo, or Huff-Po criticize Obama, Clinton, Brennan, Clapper, Holder or their associates?

Journalism isn't dead. It's been alive and very well indeed throughout the Obama and Trump Presidencies. Obama's shortcomings and the complaints of the Republican Party over the Obama Administration flooded the airwaves during the Obama Presidency. Neither MSNBC nor CNN gave a pass to Obama on anything. 70% of the guests on these shows during Obama's tenure were Republicans. Mitch McConnell put out the word to all Republicans to get themselves on the Sunday political shows and get their story out.

What the right calls the "failures" of MSNBC and CNN, is their refusal to take a bite on any of the FOX News made up scandals - IRS, Fast and Furious, or Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi, or Clinton's emails. Given that no wrong doing on the part of the Obama Administration or the Clintons has ever been found in any these phony FOX News Scandals, and no charges have ever been laid by any of the Republicans who investigated these events, maybe it's time to consider that the left wing media DID do it's job under Obama, and that it's the right wing Billionaire Media which has no journalistic standards and is making shit up to serve their political bosses.

The continued gaslighting of the American public by the Billionaire Media whose owners have a financial interest in a Republican government, and will lie to keep it that way.

15 Mar 2020 ~~ By Derek Hunter
That journalism is dead has been a punchline for so long that we’ve forgotten how that fact has real world consequences. We’re now paying the price for the failure of that profession to hold itself to any semblance of standards. As worry and straight-up panic sweep large swaths of the country, causing irrational toilet paper hoarding and runs on canned goods, there is no outlet and no journalist worthy of trust when it comes to conveying truthful information to the public or to hold anyone in power accountable.
Eight years of sycophantic, throne sniffing coverage under President Barack Obama gave way to four years of nitpicking, hostility, and conspiracy theories. There are no standards anymore; if someone on TV hates President Trump, there is no outrageous, medically dubious statement they can make on CNN or MSNBC that will be challenged and if they love him, there is nothing that will be challenged on Fox. The opposite is true on those networks if you replace “President Trump” with any Democrat.
This cheer leading is fine if the story is about politics, but this isn’t about politics, this is about life and death. Corona-virus is a serious threat, but only to a very small segment of the population. Hyping or downplaying it is profoundly unhelpful when honesty is needed. But there isn’t anyone trusted across the board in media to convey truthful information.
So you get manufactured panic and runs on toilet paper; supermarkets have empty shelves and fights break out over a lack of basics.
Media Democrats hype death totals without providing important perspective, perpetuating panic because it’s good for ratings and their party. More people are in danger from the panic being incited by pundits, politicians, and journalists than they are from coronavirus. You’d never know that if you turned on your TV.
But ask yourself an important question: if coronavirus is the threat they portray it as, why are liberals engaging in an argument over semantics?
~~ Snip ~~
Unfortunately, you can’t find news anymore because journalism is dead. It didn’t die of coronavirus, it didn’t even die of Trump Derangement Syndrome (though that helped push it over the edge), it was a slow suicide. And now we’re paying the price.

Unfortunately our educational system has been deeply infiltrated by Socialists that prefer to revise history to their preferences and inculcate their fallacies into the minds of children from kindergarten to College.
There is pro and con on the subject, yet what average citizen seeks when reading, listening or viewing the "News" is simply the facts and 'Truth' above all, not the fear mongering, dissemination of political propaganda and disinformation. The old adage of "if it bleeds it reads" still holds.
Disagreeing with the MSM or their political preferences often leads to be labeled as a racist, xenophobe, or worse while the end results are catastrophic in many cases where children are now gender confused, and murder in cities are virtually ignored.
While media tries to tear down Trump and his administration, have you ever heard or read talking heads at ABC, CNN CNBC, MSNBC, NYT, WaPo, or Huff-Po criticize Obama, Clinton, Brennan, Clapper, Holder or their associates?
Very funny! :777:

15 Mar 2020 ~~ By Derek Hunter
That journalism is dead has been a punchline for so long that we’ve forgotten how that fact has real world consequences. We’re now paying the price for the failure of that profession to hold itself to any semblance of standards. As worry and straight-up panic sweep large swaths of the country, causing irrational toilet paper hoarding and runs on canned goods, there is no outlet and no journalist worthy of trust when it comes to conveying truthful information to the public or to hold anyone in power accountable.
Eight years of sycophantic, throne sniffing coverage under President Barack Obama gave way to four years of nitpicking, hostility, and conspiracy theories. There are no standards anymore; if someone on TV hates President Trump, there is no outrageous, medically dubious statement they can make on CNN or MSNBC that will be challenged and if they love him, there is nothing that will be challenged on Fox. The opposite is true on those networks if you replace “President Trump” with any Democrat.
This cheer leading is fine if the story is about politics, but this isn’t about politics, this is about life and death. Corona-virus is a serious threat, but only to a very small segment of the population. Hyping or downplaying it is profoundly unhelpful when honesty is needed. But there isn’t anyone trusted across the board in media to convey truthful information.
So you get manufactured panic and runs on toilet paper; supermarkets have empty shelves and fights break out over a lack of basics.
Media Democrats hype death totals without providing important perspective, perpetuating panic because it’s good for ratings and their party. More people are in danger from the panic being incited by pundits, politicians, and journalists than they are from coronavirus. You’d never know that if you turned on your TV.
But ask yourself an important question: if coronavirus is the threat they portray it as, why are liberals engaging in an argument over semantics?
~~ Snip ~~
Unfortunately, you can’t find news anymore because journalism is dead. It didn’t die of coronavirus, it didn’t even die of Trump Derangement Syndrome (though that helped push it over the edge), it was a slow suicide. And now we’re paying the price.

Unfortunately our educational system has been deeply infiltrated by Socialists that prefer to revise history to their preferences and inculcate their fallacies into the minds of children from kindergarten to College.
There is pro and con on the subject, yet what average citizen seeks when reading, listening or viewing the "News" is simply the facts and 'Truth' above all, not the fear mongering, dissemination of political propaganda and disinformation. The old adage of "if it bleeds it reads" still holds.
Disagreeing with the MSM or their political preferences often leads to be labeled as a racist, xenophobe, or worse while the end results are catastrophic in many cases where children are now gender confused, and murder in cities are virtually ignored.
While media tries to tear down Trump and his administration, have you ever heard or read talking heads at ABC, CNN CNBC, MSNBC, NYT, WaPo, or Huff-Po criticize Obama, Clinton, Brennan, Clapper, Holder or their associates?
Damn right we are. It's the death of real journalism that's allowing crap like Town Hall to prosper.

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