Does the Lack of Enthusiasm for the Democrat Convention Translate to a Lack of Enthusiasm at the Voting Booth?

No wonder they're pushing effortless voting. There is ZERO Enthusiasm for for these two. If Democrats cant make voting effortless, NOBODY would stand in line to vote for the Vegetable and the Mattress

Ratings for the Democratic National Convention were down considerably from four years ago on the broadcast networks and three main cable news channels — not a surprising result given that much of the convention isn't taking place live and the general decline of linear TV viewing in the past four years.

Why do you think they want electronic voting? PROGS love lazy people. I don;t know how anyone would be excited about the DNC anyway, look at their supporting cast and circus
Who could be enthusiastic right now? The best anyone can do is to have the grim determination to vote this motherfucker out and hope Biden can get a handle on this shit.
You "hope" that Biden can get a handle on this shit? Is that the best you've got, Occupied? Hope? Here's a novel should be voting for someone that you KNOW will get a handle on this shit! I think you know as well as I do that Biden ISN'T that guy! So at a crucial time in our country's on the left are going to give us a President who's mentally unfit for office! Are you kidding? How did it possibly come to this?
Who could be enthusiastic right now? The best anyone can do is to have the grim determination to vote this motherfucker out and hope Biden can get a handle on this shit.
You "hope" that Biden can get a handle on this shit? Is that the best you've got, Occupied? Hope? Here's a novel should be voting for someone that you KNOW will get a handle on this shit! I think you know as well as I do that Biden ISN'T that guy! So at a crucial time in our country's on the left are going to give us a President who's mentally unfit for office! Are you kidding? How did it possibly come to this?

It came to this because democrats were too busy with their "Orange Man Illegitimate" bullshit to pick a decent, American candidate. They robbed Americans of an alternative choice.

Now there is one American candidate, and one candidate who is well... he does not know where he is.
Hard to argue with math....

Biden is the weakest candidate in decades. And, that is saying something after Mitt Romney.

Weaker than Jeb Bush?

Is this supposed to be the opposite of the Super-man intro? Instead of "Faster than an airplane".... "Slower than Jeb Bush!".

I am not going to compare Biden to Jeb!, because he didn't win his parties nomination. Trump dismissed him in about 2 weeks time. So, he wasn't even able to compete. That is why the Bush family and their allies hate Trump so much. We were suppose to have either a Bush or Clinton in the admin forever ( We did from 1981- until Hillary left the Sec of State position). So, for those who have been nominated, Biden is the most feeble I have seen.
No wonder they're pushing effortless voting. There is ZERO Enthusiasm for for these two. If Democrats cant make voting effortless, NOBODY would stand in line to vote for the Vegetable and the Mattress

Ratings for the Democratic National Convention were down considerably from four years ago on the broadcast networks and three main cable news channels — not a surprising result given that much of the convention isn't taking place live and the general decline of linear TV viewing in the past four years.
Is that the new Trump strategy, hope everybody gets bored and doesn't show?!?!

You think that no enthusiasm for Bribing Biden and Ho-Harris is trumps fault?

Damn you trump haters blame Trump for everything.
This guy has pissed on practically everyone by now. He will be voted out with all the relish one has while cleaning the litter box.
Keep dreaming----------I still have seen no Biden signs/bumperstickers/flags while I keep seeing more and more of trumps FLAGS and sIGNS despite the dems being violent and attacking people who show support for him.
The american dream...a good life in exchange for hard slowly dying under Trump

Biden will Build Back Better, my friends
No wonder they're pushing effortless voting. There is ZERO Enthusiasm for for these two. If Democrats cant make voting effortless, NOBODY would stand in line to vote for the Vegetable and the Mattress

Ratings for the Democratic National Convention were down considerably from four years ago on the broadcast networks and three main cable news channels — not a surprising result given that much of the convention isn't taking place live and the general decline of linear TV viewing in the past four years.

Doesn't make a difference. The D's plan is mailing massive numbers of ballots in through the "mail in voting scamola".

Its going to be tough to beat Sleepy Joe if he get 1.3 billion votes.
The CCP is mailing in exactly that many Biden votes
No wonder they're pushing effortless voting. There is ZERO Enthusiasm for for these two. If Democrats cant make voting effortless, NOBODY would stand in line to vote for the Vegetable and the Mattress

Ratings for the Democratic National Convention were down considerably from four years ago on the broadcast networks and three main cable news channels — not a surprising result given that much of the convention isn't taking place live and the general decline of linear TV viewing in the past four years.
Is that the new Trump strategy, hope everybody gets bored and doesn't show?!?!

You think that no enthusiasm for Bribing Biden and Ho-Harris is trumps fault?

Damn you trump haters blame Trump for everything.
This guy has pissed on practically everyone by now. He will be voted out with all the relish one has while cleaning the litter box.
Keep dreaming----------I still have seen no Biden signs/bumperstickers/flags while I keep seeing more and more of trumps FLAGS and sIGNS despite the dems being violent and attacking people who show support for him.
Trump and his dismal record and his stupid mouth is his biggest adversary in this election. He has nothing that you would call an accomplishment that did not hurt an awful lot of voting Americans.
No wonder they're pushing effortless voting. There is ZERO Enthusiasm for for these two. If Democrats cant make voting effortless, NOBODY would stand in line to vote for the Vegetable and the Mattress

Ratings for the Democratic National Convention were down considerably from four years ago on the broadcast networks and three main cable news channels — not a surprising result given that much of the convention isn't taking place live and the general decline of linear TV viewing in the past four years.
Is that the new Trump strategy, hope everybody gets bored and doesn't show?!?!

You think that no enthusiasm for Bribing Biden and Ho-Harris is trumps fault?

Damn you trump haters blame Trump for everything.
This guy has pissed on practically everyone by now. He will be voted out with all the relish one has while cleaning the litter box.
Keep dreaming----------I still have seen no Biden signs/bumperstickers/flags while I keep seeing more and more of trumps FLAGS and sIGNS despite the dems being violent and attacking people who show support for him.
Saw Biden supporters carrying signs and waving to motorists this past weekend. MD, make of it what you will. The only really excited group seems to be these guys:

Republican Voters Against Trump- 115K subscribers & counting
No wonder they're pushing effortless voting. There is ZERO Enthusiasm for for these two. If Democrats cant make voting effortless, NOBODY would stand in line to vote for the Vegetable and the Mattress

Ratings for the Democratic National Convention were down considerably from four years ago on the broadcast networks and three main cable news channels — not a surprising result given that much of the convention isn't taking place live and the general decline of linear TV viewing in the past four years.
Is that the new Trump strategy, hope everybody gets bored and doesn't show?!?!
/——/ No need to hope, democRATs are the ones boring everyone.
“The common hour-plus of coverage starting at 10 p.m. ET averaged 18.68 million viewers on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, Fox News and MSNBC. That's down about 28 percent compared to the opening night of the 2016 Democratic convention.

The broadcast networks suffered the biggest drops: ABC, CBS and NBC combined for about 6.7 million viewers at 10 p.m., off by 42 percent from the 11.6 million who tuned in four years ago. ABC led the trio with 2.44 million viewers, followed by NBC (2.28 million) and CBS (1.99 million). TV Ratings: Democratic Convention Numbers Down for Night 1 | Hollywood Reporter
No wonder they're pushing effortless voting. There is ZERO Enthusiasm for for these two. If Democrats cant make voting effortless, NOBODY would stand in line to vote for the Vegetable and the Mattress

Ratings for the Democratic National Convention were down considerably from four years ago on the broadcast networks and three main cable news channels — not a surprising result given that much of the convention isn't taking place live and the general decline of linear TV viewing in the past four years.
Is that the new Trump strategy, hope everybody gets bored and doesn't show?!?!

You think that no enthusiasm for Bribing Biden and Ho-Harris is trumps fault?

Damn you trump haters blame Trump for everything.
This guy has pissed on practically everyone by now. He will be voted out with all the relish one has while cleaning the litter box.
Keep dreaming----------I still have seen no Biden signs/bumperstickers/flags while I keep seeing more and more of trumps FLAGS and sIGNS despite the dems being violent and attacking people who show support for him.
Trump and his dismal record and his stupid mouth is his biggest adversary in this election. He has nothing that you would call an accomplishment that did not hurt an awful lot of voting Americans.
/——/ Kindly point out the accomplishments that hurt America’s. TIA MAGAPILL
i wonder if chachi will be the key note speaker for the RNC? or the my pillow guy - that is unless he poisons himself.

No wonder they're pushing effortless voting. There is ZERO Enthusiasm for for these two. If Democrats cant make voting effortless, NOBODY would stand in line to vote for the Vegetable and the Mattress

Ratings for the Democratic National Convention were down considerably from four years ago on the broadcast networks and three main cable news channels — not a surprising result given that much of the convention isn't taking place live and the general decline of linear TV viewing in the past four years.
Is that the new Trump strategy, hope everybody gets bored and doesn't show?!?!

You think that no enthusiasm for Bribing Biden and Ho-Harris is trumps fault?

Damn you trump haters blame Trump for everything.
This guy has pissed on practically everyone by now. He will be voted out with all the relish one has while cleaning the litter box.
Keep dreaming----------I still have seen no Biden signs/bumperstickers/flags while I keep seeing more and more of trumps FLAGS and sIGNS despite the dems being violent and attacking people who show support for him.
Trump and his dismal record and his stupid mouth is his biggest adversary in this election. He has nothing that you would call an accomplishment that did not hurt an awful lot of voting Americans.

Nothing he did hurt me. No accomplishments? What about our border and illegal situation? What about the best economy in nearly 50 years? What about the lowest unemployment rates for all minority groups since records began?

I could write several paragraphs on what Trump accomplished in detail, but you leftists are so myopic that all you'd do is. :eusa_sick:
No wonder they're pushing effortless voting. There is ZERO Enthusiasm for for these two. If Democrats cant make voting effortless, NOBODY would stand in line to vote for the Vegetable and the Mattress

Ratings for the Democratic National Convention were down considerably from four years ago on the broadcast networks and three main cable news channels — not a surprising result given that much of the convention isn't taking place live and the general decline of linear TV viewing in the past four years.

I think that is only one indicator. Many voters now think that Joe has dementia, and I don't care how much you hate Trump, you can't hold that belief and put this guy in charge of the strongest position on planet earth. But it's more than that:

The stock market hit a new high. How does this happen when we are dealing with the worst pandemic in over 100 years with unemployment at 10%? Confidence, that's how. Businesses and individuals alike are putting their money in our future, and our future looks bright as long as Trump wins a second term. If Biden wins, look to lose all those gains we made before and are making now.

Hate Trump all you like, but if you're near retirement age and counting on all that money you put into your IRA to help you out, you better think twice about how much you hate Donald Trump. Voting for Biden at this point would be like cutting your nose off to spite your face.

Does the Lack of Enthusiasm for the Democrat Convention Translate to a Lack of Enthusiasm at the Voting Booth?
Enthusiasm for what exactly? The parade of butthurt goobers they have put on? All they have is I hate Trump.

only in the delusional minds of basket dwelling trump humping deplorables.
No wonder they're pushing effortless voting. There is ZERO Enthusiasm for for these two. If Democrats cant make voting effortless, NOBODY would stand in line to vote for the Vegetable and the Mattress

Ratings for the Democratic National Convention were down considerably from four years ago on the broadcast networks and three main cable news channels — not a surprising result given that much of the convention isn't taking place live and the general decline of linear TV viewing in the past four years.
Is that the new Trump strategy, hope everybody gets bored and doesn't show?!?!

You think that no enthusiasm for Bribing Biden and Ho-Harris is trumps fault?

Damn you trump haters blame Trump for everything.
This guy has pissed on practically everyone by now. He will be voted out with all the relish one has while cleaning the litter box.
Keep dreaming----------I still have seen no Biden signs/bumperstickers/flags while I keep seeing more and more of trumps FLAGS and sIGNS despite the dems being violent and attacking people who show support for him.
Saw Biden supporters carrying signs and waving to motorists this past weekend. MD, make of it what you will. The only really excited group seems to be these guys:

Republican Voters Against Trump- 115K subscribers & counting

& these dudes - including george conway - kellyannes' hubby...
oooooo-weeeeeeeeeeee........... there must be some bigley anger in that house. her daughter can't stand her for sure.

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